usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 97 Grinding

All this seems to come unhappily, but it can only be described as strong. The terrible destructive power, even several low-level enemy generals have not been spared.

The purple-black bubble is also accompanied by strong suction, and it is impossible to jump and dodge by controlling the Wolf Warriors. Whether it is flesh or bone, it is all corroded in the black and purple bubble. The strong resentment made the giant spirit around Ying Yanghao's body at least double the protection. In fact, even he did not expect that the power of this magical skill was so horrible.

This is also a skill that Ying Yanghao has inadvertently learned in his overseas magic field experience. It is a six-winged hell angel. Ying Yanghao died nine times and was almost forced to a dead end before he was lucky to kill him. Then he extracted its consciousness, refined its essence, and got this skill.

But even if the skill performed by Ying Yanghao is not the real Taoist realm, this skill is not divine, and its power is equally horrible. At the beginning, Ying Yanghao selectively learned this set of skills because he took a fancy to its group attack effect.

The name of the skill is: Purgatory Angel. This is the first time that Ying Yanghao has used it. Unexpectedly, the power is so horrible that no one can resist it. Every bubble breaking will definitely take away a piece of life. The purple-black luster is really like hell.

However, the virtual shadow color of the purgatory angel above Ying Yanghao's head is more intense, and he can clearly feel that his vitality is being consumed at an extremely amazing speed.

The Purgatory Angel can continue to be used, and its coverage will change with the movement of Ying Yanghao. That is to say, if Ying Yanghao takes a step forward, this skill will also move with the previous one, provided that it will continue to consume his original vitality.

After a brief shock, Ying Yanghao launched another storm raid without hesitation, and suddenly, a large number of wolf cavalry were shrouded in it. However, the bubble was just released again, and Ying Yanghao immediately withdrew his skills. In such a short period of time, his whole body vitality, which had reached the peak of the realm of creation, had consumed more than 60% or 70%. From skill formation to recovery, it is just three or four breaths.

Unfortunately, Ying Yanghao shouted in his heart that it was not as powerful and covered by the wind and cranes, grass and trees or scattered beans. Moreover, if he starts to move at the moment the effect of the purgatory angel is exerted, it will certainly cause more damage. After all, this skill is used too little. Ah.

Purgatory angels are also one of the few skills that have not been particularly accurately tempered. The range of skills do not need too much control, and this skill is so powerful that Ying Yanghao can't corrode around his body every time.

Since Ying Yanghao began to practice, this is another unique attack in his dark attributes. After the wind, the grass and trees are all soldiers and the beans become soldiers, the power is so horrible. Even if he made a mistake, he had reservations because he was on the battlefield. With such a release and an impact, at least tens of thousands of wolf cavalry disappeared from the world with their mounts, the Wolf Warriors, without leaving a trace.

After all, savages are also human beings, and they will also have fear. When they saw the horrible scene that was completely beyond their understanding, their hearts were also full of fear and scattered around in panic, and they didn't even care about bumping into their partners.

In their eyes, Yingyanghao is no longer a person, but a devil! The elite soldiers of the beast riding camp pulled their horses or taming beasts one after another, turned over and jumped down one by one. They pulled the horses beside them to block the arrows of the savage army, and kept fighting back with strong bows and hard crossbows. Although they were very reluctant to give up these war horses and taming beasts, this was not a training ground. Sacrificing was inevitable. Living your own life is the most important thing.

Seeing that the other party actually got off the horse to fight back, regardless of his life, the savage generals couldn't help but be overjoyed, but there were only 30,000 or 40,000 people. Only by relying on the benefits of bows and arrows and the power of masters can they bring such great casualties to their army. Now once they fall into their own encirclement, let's see where they still run.

The shaman unicorn and wolf riding army are also a long battle, but they have never had such a big damage in the past few days. They do not need the orders of the savage generals. While constantly shooting, the unicorn and wolf riding army quickly formed a heavy encirclement circle, surrounding 30,000 or 40,000 elite people in the beast riding camp and launched a strong Powerful charge.

The strong impact of the unicorn, coupled with the three-meter spear in the hands of the unicorn cavalry, is really hit by the front. Even the masters who have just cultivated above the realm are a little difficult to resist. This is why Zhongyi ordered horses and trainers as obstacles, and at the same time give the enemy some sweetness, maybe Thirty-four thousand soldiers are more or less auspicious than auspicious. It is simply a backwater battle. If they are put to death and fight with the enemy, they may not have become cannon fodder.

With the obstruction of war horses and trainers, the speed of these unicorns is naturally subject to certain constraints. The most important thing is that with this bunker, it will be much easier for the beast cavalry soldiers to move around again. If they can fight with the enemy, they can block ten blocks and fight all, so that the enemy will also pay the price of bleeding.

"Save energy as much as possible." Zhongyi shouted loudly.

There is no need to say that the soldiers of the beast cavalry battalion understand the meaning of his words. The reason why they dare to fight with each other is that they still have the ability to fly and can leave the battlefield here at any time. If the vitality is consumed too much in the battle and can't fly, isn't it a tragedy?

The weapons of the elite soldiers of the beast cavalry camp are all *, which is a little funny to say. The * in their hands are still imitating the equipment of the savages. This * is really useful on the battlefield. It is four feet long, and the handle is more than one foot long, which can be held with both hands. The back of the knife is wide and the blade is not particularly sharp, but because It's extremely heavy. This knife is cut out. If you find a good position, even the horse's head can be cut off. What's more, these * are still in the hands of a group of people at the peak of the fusion energy realm.

A group of 30,000 and 40,000 elites are all masters of fusion energy, and their strength is far beyond ordinary people. Without vitality assistance, in terms of strength and combat effectiveness, they will never be cowardly with these unicorn cavalry.

The 30,000 and 40,000 elites of the beast cavalry camp form a round array, just like a big hedgehog. All the knives are outward, in pairs, and cooperate with each other. In an instant, he fought with the unicorn cavalry.

This time, the generals led by Zhongyibo burst into a strong combat effectiveness at this time. These people are scattered in the team, just like the fulcrum of this circle array. With their cultivation above the general realm of creation, but the infusion of strength and battle will not affect their subsequent flight at all. There are about hundreds of people in this group, and in addition, they continue to release cold arrows in the archery Bureau, although they are alone The horned beast and the wolf horse were surrounded, but they did not fall behind for a while.

The savage unicorn wolf cavalry only attacked for a while, and all the unicorn cavalry and wolf cavalry fell into a state of rage. It's so shameless. These human beings are really shameless. This is the only idea in the hearts of savage unicorn cavalry and wolf cavalry.

After the two sides launched a close war, the unicorn cavalry habitually charged and attacked the enemy. In their view, it would not take long for them to annihilate these small group of 30,000 or 40,000 human beings.

But after the real fight, they realized how difficult these human beings are to deal with. The shameless part of the 30,000 or 40,000 elites of the beast cavalry camp is that they are not defensive at all.

With the horse blocking the pace of the unicorn's advance, the unicorn cavalry stabbed them with spears. They did not hide at all. At most, they turned sideways and made way to the front. The spear can leave a string of Mars on the titanium alloy armor. It can't cause any damage at all. It can leave some traces. It is already a strong knight in the unicorn cavalry army.

There is no need for defense and dodge, and this attack will naturally become unscrupulous. If you stab me, I will use * to cut the horse's leg of your unicorn. Although the unicorn is also a low-class barbarian, its defense is comparable to other beasts. What if the horse's hoof is cut off? The cavalry fell to the ground and their heads were cut off before they could get up.

The huge * is completely a life-threatening posture, and it doesn't need to be cut out with a knife that doesn't need defense, just like cutting cabbage. Moreover, what makes the unicorn cavalry most angry is that this meat grinder-like round array composed of 30,000 to 40,000 elites is still spinning. The previous moment may still be an ordinary beast cavalry warrior, and the next moment is likely to be replaced by a strong and horizontal master of the general.

The situation of the melee is not much better than the previous long-range attack. For a while, the unicorn army was killed by the round array, and the number of casualties continued to rise.

It doesn't mean that the melee strength of 30,000 or 40,000 elites in the beast riding camp is stronger than that of the savage unicorn riding and wolf riding army. Although they are all masters of fusion energy, their physical ability can't be compared with the savage race after all. However, under the desperate arm of the king of Zhenbei, the soldiers of this beast riding camp can be said to be armed to their teeth, like iron jars that can't be eaten. The absolute advantage of equipment, coupled with the physical quality of the fusion energy realm, made the unicorn army suffer a great loss.