usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 107 Dive

The human body was unusually tall, and his whole body was shrouded in a fiery red robe, and even his head was covered tightly, and he could not see any appearance. There were only two eye holes on the fiery red hood, and two blood-red eyes were slightly hidden, flashing ferocious and bloodthirsty light.

This guy's cultivation is not high. Although he is in the realm of creation, he has not yet broken through the void. He is likely to be a priest in the Temple of the Sun. Yun Yiyang knows that his realm is such garbage, so he doesn't care.

The frightened Yun Yiyang quickly cleaned up his mood and waited for the man to get close. The origin boundary jumped, hid into the collar of his red and wide robe, allowing him to lead and bravely to the depths of the temple.

As soon as he entered the temple, he was shocked by the architectural style of the temple, because in the vast hall, there were statues standing one after another. These statues either opened their eyes, looked down at the sentient beings, or shouted silently to all the void. Some gods have a compassionate face and give fire to the world, all of which are full of flames steaming, either driving a fire or a big fire, a sea of fire in the world.

The style of these statues is strange, unlike the gods created by any sect of Xiandao and Modao, as if they were aliens.

Yun Yiyang looked at these statues and did not shoot them with divine thoughts, because he felt that there were a lot of strange things in the temple, and it would be bad if he caused any trouble. I don't know what kind of stone the material of this temple is. It is much stronger than any " basalt" and "granite", showing a golden color and a faint aroma.

"The stone used in this temple is a kind of spiritual stone outside the sky, called 'tanbonstone', which is not available in the mainland of China. 100,000 years after the construction, and the fragrance produced can exterminate snake insects, rat ants, spiders, etc. Xing Wushuang, who lurked in the origin boundary with Yun Yiyang, remembered some legends and secretly reminded: "Many masters want to get this strange stone and build their own cave, but rarely one is successful. There were some masters of creation who wanted to find this kind of divine stone, and later suffered bad luck, so they fell. Later, many people had no idea about these things. In a word, it's better not to disturb some things in the temple, but to hide them completely.

On the deepest floor of the hall, there is a flame-like red pillar. At the top of the two-height red column, there is a big fireball like jade and crystal, including naturally formed red silk, Wangwang beating flame, clearly layered, like a small sun, which can be chaotic.

Yun Yiyang suddenly saw it, and as soon as the priest wearing the fire robe came to the big fireball, he bent down and bowed, put his hands together to salute, and prayed silently. However, he saw a stream of invisible and quality, but full of prayers for auspicious blessings. The magical beliefs and the power of the wishes of all sentient beings converged towards the big fireball. All the time, all the life accumulates in the big fireball.

"This is the belief of all sentient beings. Only gods will collect the beliefs of all sentient beings in the world and exercise their divine power. This is the power of faith of all savages worshipped by the sun god. The faith of sentient beings can best practice and purify their own power. Good thing. What is that big fireball? It must be an artifact to collect faith." At this time, Han Ninger couldn't help exclaiming.

Although this thing seems to be a big fireball, you know that it must not belong to the world. Even if you just look up and touch it, you can also feel a lot of benefits to yourself. It's not in vain to be born and die in the Temple of the Sun. It's really an artifact. If you don't see it yourself I can't imagine that there are such treasures in the world.

However, the jade crystal fireball has such a big head that it is natural, and there is no trace of artificial creation at all. However, Yun Yiyang felt it a little. It seems that all of them are attracted and involved by this big fireball. Originally silent, now it has changed. He was very active and happy, as if he had got the swimming fish of water, as if the brand of the gods and this big fireball were of the same origin, and were stimulated and happy.

The civilization of the savage Sun Temple is too mysterious, and the current human race has long lost faith, let alone faithlessness. Besides, the shabbyness of the human race and the savage race has not grasped how much information about their temple civilization, but has a preliminary understanding of them, speculating that this is a totem with the sun and the sun god as the into The race of spiritual worship is still a judgment made after the Temple of the Sun. At this moment, even Yun Yiyang is only puzzled, and naturally it is impossible to explain what this mysterious jade crystal fireball is. At present, it can be recognized that this is only a taboo temple hall, and not all non-clerical and idle people can enter and exit. It is also natural to worship a totem fireball in the temple.

Yun Yiyang waited patiently for this man to pray silently for nearly an hour before seeing him withdraw from the temple, turn back into the corridor, and lead to another larger, more magnificent and extraordinary temple.

From afar, this temple is full of bright holy light, and there is a huge and majestic hazy light and shadow above the hidden temple, even if it is an unruly criminal. When approaching the hazy and majestic light in the holy light, they will repent and cry bitterly because of the sins in their hearts.

In rumors, the unsightly light and shadow is the projection of Zeus, the sun god among the gods of heaven, on earth. This large temple is called the Temple of the Sun. It is the most important core hall among the large number of temples of the Sun, because the supreme Pope Yerod, the church of the Temple of the Sun, lives in this temple built before the First Battle of Demons.

"The curse left by the Lord God should also disappear soon!" In the magnificent and ancient Temple of the Sun, the terrling supreme Pope Wildrod lay down on the papal throne made of agate and blood diamonds.

He wears the sunflower crown inherited by the Sun Temple Church for tens of thousands of years and wears a bright red papal robe. Two powerful palms gently rested on the streamlined black glazed ruby armrests on both sides and lay lazily on the throne. A pair of blood-red and powerful eyes, slightly squinting, like ferocious and bloody horrible wolf eyes shining in the night, looking over the top of the hall, a circle of arched white fine gold relief, falling on the depths above the hall, on the shadow of the main god like a sea, the main god's majesty is not deblasphemed!

This is the first sentence recorded on the title page of the Sun Canon shared by 108 Sun Temples. Derived from this sentence, the projection of the Lord God on earth is also sacred and inviolable.

However, when the Supreme Pope of the Temple of the Sun stared at the shadow of the Lord God over the Temple of the Sun, he could not feel the power of the legendary soul tremble, let alone the anger of the Lord God, which could burn the soul.

On the mainland, there has long been a legend that Zeus, the sun god, had fallen in the first battle of gods and demons, but the Holy Pope has been strongly suppressing this heretical rumor. As a result, a large number of civilians were nailed to wooden stakes. However, whether it is admitted or not, there have been no miracles in all the temples of the sun and the whole territory of the god of the sun.

And this time, coerced by angels sent by heaven in heaven and led by them, they were forced to reach an agreement and contracts with the birds and people on the heavenly continent to jointly conquer human territory. The wisdom of the human race is the best among all races. They have never believed in the main god, has no faith, and has always been regarded by all other races. Rebels, however, this does not mean that the human race is cowardly. On the contrary, the human race has unpredictable and unfathomable stability, and is the most unmanageable and invincible.

In this meaningless battle, the army of the savages were forced to pour out. In fact, the subconsciously felt the fiasco of the battle. From then on, the whole savages will go to decline, but they are forced to be helpless than being directly wiped out by heaven. The race without the protection of the Lord God is doomed to lead to a sad fate.

"The Sun Temple Church is actually a church organized by the 108 tribal alliances of our people, and this general temple is the most powerful core-dominated temple among the major temples!" Supreme Pope Wildrod sat on the throne, gently turning the flame-colored Pope's finger on his left hand with his right hand, slowly closing his eyes, and recalling the glory of the peak era of the Sun God Church in his mind, which he had never experienced. These memories are passed on to the next generation of supreme popes through the soul imprint of each generation.

In the ocean of light in heaven, which is high above hundreds of millions of planes, there are many gods of light. Among them, the abilities of the bright gods are basically the same for a long time, but at some times, due to the changes in the influence of the creatures in the lower world in different periods, the power of a certain main god will rise greatly.

In short, it is because of the change in the belief power of living beings in the lower world, which leads to the rise and fall of the strength of the gods in the sea of light in the heavenly world. It is a metaphor for the ancient sun god spreading fire and teaching the underworld creatures to civilize civilization, that is, savages got rid of Ru Mao drinking blood and established a huge primitive tribal civilization, and their survival dependence on fire makes them believe in the sun god and become the highest god of their own clan.