usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 26 Trick

This is self-destructive cultivation and forced to do it. Yun Yiyang's cultivation and promotion, so many years of hard work and hope have all been lost, and the regression of his own cultivation is irreparable.

How can I know? At the moment when Yun Yiyang's idea came together, Ye Nalan was shocked: "You... You actually want to use the gods to brand, blow up my five-finger mountain to suppress it, and then use the mechanical fire god crossbow to plot me while I am unprepared. It's really crazy, really crazy! If you succeed, I will take off my skin even if I don't die, and my strength will be greatly damaged! And it also destroyed all your deeds as a rebel. Fortunately, I am gifted and proficient in Buddhism. My own spiritual insight is subtle. There is a kind of magic power of Buddhist spiritual storm. This is the famous Buddha Hao Hao, which makes people smell the tiger's color. It can detect what you think in your heart and feel dangerous. Now it is sealed and suppressed. When you enter your body, you can also feel some of your thoughts. Otherwise, you must be assassinated by you.

Between talking, Ye Nalan did not stop at all, "Mindstorm! It's heart-to-heart! Control your spirit!"


He also demonstrated a Dharma. This Dharma has no magic fluctuation, not to attack with power, but an obscure spiritual fluctuations. The spiritual thinking is vast, like a long river of heaven and earth, runs through the cloudy body and directly into the sea of knowledge.

"What kind of Dharma is this? It's heart-to-heart! Mind storm? Is that the unique Buddhist skill of the Buddha clan? Yun Yiyang's heart was shocked. In the sea, a spiritual storm began to rage, and all his thoughts began to be chaotic. His whole body seemed to be a small boat in the center of the ocean and suffering the storm.

Its mind storm is the unique magic power of the Buddha clan. Once it emits its magic power, the spirit will cause a huge storm, invade the enemy's sea of knowledge, making the enemy's mind confused and completely lose the ability to control himself and body.

This wild Nalan can even know the mind of the Buddha clan, isn't it? It is the natural wisdom of the Buddha clan, with long fate and great wisdom.

Wild Nalan's whole body was shocked! On his head, an boundless great Buddha power rushed out, and then condensed into a field that was nothing. This seemingly unreal field atmosphere, among which is like a Buddha's country, like the legendary so-called Western bliss world, full of Buddha's light, Sanskrit singing leisurely, and countless Buddha's shadows. The whole virtual field is grand, solemn, vast, righteous, full of the artistic conception of universality. This is exactly him. The prototype field of Buddha France, the breath is horrible, deep, pure and flawless.

"Buddha!" This wild Nalan realm is at the peak of immortality and has stepped into the realm of the field of creation. It turned out to be a mixed race of the combination of the savage and the Buddha! In his body, there is the wisdom and life characteristics of the Buddha clan, but he has the strong physique of the savage clan. No wonder he is so spiritual and profiant. The Buddha's Dharma shines in all directions, covering the universe, which can also be regarded as dominating the heavens and world.

And the prototype of the field cultivated by Ye Nalan is called "Buddha"!

This field can also be said to be superior to many fields and is very powerful. Although it is only a prototype, it has the potential for terrible development! Because neither the demon clan nor the human race is as horrible as the Buddha!

At once, "Buddha France" was displayed, and this horrible manifold field really covered Yun Yiyang.

The breath of

field penetrated into every inch of Yun Yiyang's body and internal organs. It also completely flooded his sea of knowledge.

"The old man's method of pressing the bottom of the box is this Buddha's French degree, the real prototype field! Above all things in heaven and earth, I want to carry forward the Dharma, spread the world, and help the world. All things in heaven and earth should be under Lao Tzu's Dharma. Those who are against me will be transformed by Buddha, and there is no suspense.

Yenalan showed the Buddha's French degree, covering the clouds, and immediately found out everything about the clouds. Although Yun Yiyang's realm is relatively low, his strength is excellent, and he has repeatedly crossed the level of realm challenges and is invincible. Ye Nalan is analyzing the reasons for Yun Yiyang's super abnormal gene energy characteristics.

At this moment, Yun Yiyang is completely shrouded in "Buddha France". In the face of a strong man who has cultivated half a field, he seems to have lost all opportunities to turn over. What is a field? It is the world you have created. You have absolute advantages and strengths in your own field, and you are the master of it.

This is like a fantasy in people's thinking. In everyone's own fantasy world, they can travel freely without any boundary. Therefore, their own field is also like their own spiritual world. They are the supreme master and control everything.

At this moment, Yun Yiyang even has even died out of the origin black hole. There is only a trace of clarity in his mind, which is struggling to support it.

Wild Nalan grabbed the clouds with one hand, and the Buddha France was shrouded again, turning the earth upside down, and the ghost cried and howled.

"It's not good!" Yun Yiyang felt that all his magical powers, all mana, all spirits, and even life, and even a little light in the depths of his heart would be wiped out.

At this critical moment, he concentrated all his spirit and worked hard to support him! However, it is of no use at all.

Yenalan's "Buddha" field is too strong, beyond everything under this realm, and Yun Yiyang is almost impossible to compete.


At this time of crisis, in the depths of the cloudy Dantian, a little green light flashed softly, and actually absorbed the breath of the prototype field of "Buddha France" a little bit into it.

"The world's parasitic rattan! It's the parasitic rattan of the world!" Yun Yiyang immediately woke up. The parasitic rattan of the newly living world hidden in the depths of Dantian actually began to absorb the power of the field of "Buddha France".

Yes, the greatest ability of the world's parasitic rattan is to usurp and steal the source of the world's vitality potential. Although it is still very weak and far from reaching such a level, the realm of the prototype field is obviously not enough. Even if it is weak, it is relative to the big world of the whole universe of heaven and earth, the anamorphic field is It's just that its fertilizer is obviously the medicine for the disease in the field of fattening it and restraining the prototype with the world's parasitic rattan.

Yun Yiyang can clearly see that the greenness of the parasitic vines in the world is deepening, slowly changing from new green to dark green. The young plants have also begun to slowly grow a small circle, and even a tender bud has grown on the tip. Three tender leaves hanging on the original vines, but now the fourth one at the bottom, raw The machine is the most powerful and completely turns dark green. The color of the vine is roughly the same as the color of the leaves, from the root to the top, from dark to light. The roots are white and stronger. In addition to the powerful parasitic roots at the bottom, the whole vines and leaves are also raw roots, expanding vigorously in all directions, and seem to be full of the crazy idea of aggression and plunder at any time.

Yun Yiyang's heart is as bright as a mirror. If he is so worn out and robbed, sooner or later, this analan's quity field will be wiped out, which will make his realm regress and his vitality be greatly damaged.

Yes, the world is parasitic vine, specializing in restraining the world. The field is originally the prototype of the world, and the prototype field is the prototype of the field. Compared with the current world's parasitic rattan seedlings, it is really a dark combination of the two, which is just dead restraint.

When Ye Nalan suppressed the clouds and refined the clouds in the primorescence field of "Buddha France", the parasitic rattan of the world finally began to forcibly absorb the power of the primordinary field of Buddhism and continued to grow. And the parasitic vines of this world are connected with Yunyiyang's flesh and blood, which is almost an inseparable part of his body. Now the power of the field absorbed is integrated into Yunyiyang's body, and the chute characteristics of the Buddha's field have also entered Yunyiyang's body spirit.

This is of great benefit to Yun Yiyang's understanding of the realm, increasing experience, improving strength, and improving his cultivation for future promotion. The world's parasitic vine is still constantly absorbing the breath and power of Buddha's France, transforming it into its own strength, and constantly growing.

The world's parasitic vines are constantly growing and improving their strength!

And the manifold field of Ye Nalan's French degree's suppression of Yun Yiyang is getting smaller and smaller, and Yun Yiyang's physical strength has been gradually liberated. He has been secretly recuperating his vitality, and the vitality in his body has been completely revived. His thinking, extremely lively, seems to be producing a transformation.

Dantian's world parasitic vine suddenly rushed out and suspended above his head. Each root system, the long whale absorbed the power of Buddha's French. This zygory field of Buddhism is constantly infused into the stem and leaf roots of the world's parasitic vines, growing and enhancing its strength again. At this time, the fourth bud has grown into a bud and is about to form a leaf.