usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 60 Countermeasure

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Yun Yi frowned, calculated, and slowly asked, "The old leader of the two clans fought wildly. What is his identity?" Compared with Wild Rod, this person doesn't know which is stronger or weaker. He wants to form an ally with him to preserve the Mengyun tribe of your father and son, which is also an irrefuswerving responsibility. It is a necessary key to pull the whole ethnic group out of Wild Rod's rule. If he can raise his arms and shout, he will respond..."

The wild slaughter and the savage king and his son frowned when they heard it. At this moment when the whole savage tribe was in danger, it was time to put down all internal preconceives and contradictions. Everyone worked together to unite to overthrow the distrusted rule of Wild Rod. Perhaps the whole ethnic group can still have a glimmer of life.

The deep-water Hulk Cook, Lion Ganah, the lion elder and Wilston, the blood prince present, are not savages. Of course, they have nothing to do with the safety of the whole savage situation. It may even suddenly turn against the water in the attack of their own army. It is really unreliable to want them to do their best for Mengyun. The crisis of the savage still needs to be borne and solved by the savages themselves.

Wild slaughter is also a little embarrassing, because he himself has never had an intersection with Ye Mohuang, but for the survival of his own clan, in order to form an alliance, he had to lower his posture and risk it. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth again and said, "Yamohuang should sit in the headquarters of the Wukai Chamber of Commerce in my Mengyun main city. I Why don't we go to visit together? Let's know the righteousness and say it's powerful. Everything is man-made.

"Okay, it's so good. Why don't we go to the Wu Kuang General Chamber of Commerce together now?" Yun Yiyang immediately made a clam, led the people out of the leader and went straight to the Wukai General Chamber of Commerce.

However, the three human figures of aquariums, demons and blood clans are really eye-catching. In this period of racial contradictions and the process of attacking and annexing each other, it is also human **, which is doubtful that they have to change the shape of ordinary savages together.

In the main city of Mengyun, the Wukuang General Chamber of Commerce is located at the East Gate, a high-rise and wide building, hundreds of miles. In addition to the leader and the Mengyun General Chamber of Commerce, it is indeed a leading force.

However, under the guidance of the wild slaughter and the savage Wang father and son, Yun Yiyang walked into the hall of the Wuwang General Chamber of Commerce and found that the space was very vast, like another world, which was actually a person with great powers and expanded the space a lot.

There are a variety of elixirs and magic weapons hanging everywhere. Hundreds of wild monks are wandering and watching. The situation here is actually similar to the situation of "Jiuding Real Estate" and "Tiange Logistics" in human society.

Suddenly, Yun Yiyang found that in the depths of the hall of this Wukai General Chamber of Commerce, there were also some savage monks exuding a strong atmosphere.

This look surprised him. Unexpectedly, there were some nobles in the savage tribes, all of whom were surrounded by a large group of followers, all looking indifferent and leisurely! They don't take the crisis of the whole savage community seriously at all, and they still squander their own lives.

Yun Yiyang never thought that he could meet these savages and nobles here! Moreover, they were all surrounded by a group of slaves and stars. Although they are now a true foreigner, they can't bear to exterminate the whole savage and are still actively running for it, but they don't expect that most savages themselves don't have this awareness.

"This is the most prosperous city in our family. Infinite magic weapons and even ancient secrets can be bought here, as long as the owner has enough elixir. It is not surprising to meet these nobles who are raised and do not know the glory of the country. You know, they are born with a group of big insects, relying on the shadow of their fathers and ancestors. The sound of wild slaughter suddenly came, and the two were communicating with each other with spirit.

"Of course I know that no ethnic group is the same and universally. Even the barbarians who respect force and respect your strength! Nobles, nobles, are naturally superior. However, isn't your clan divided into three groups? It is divided into Huyi, barbarians and fiercers by our human race. I'm curious about how to distinguish them. I haven't figured it out yet. Yun Yiyang sneered. He turned around, restrained all his spirits, and turned to the other side.

"I know that the tribes that are easy to distinguish, economically developed and developed on the basis of commercial society are called Huyi, and the tribes with grassland nomadic as the main economic development system are called barbarians. In many dangerous mountains and rivers, remote areas, primitive and backward tribes, and several beasts are called barbarians. Our clan The region is vast, covering billions of miles. The economic development of various places is extremely uneven, and naturally forms a variety of different regions and tribes. Savage Wang quickly answered.

The hall of the Wukai General Chamber of Commerce is equivalent to another space, which is extremely vast, no less than a small city. Many wild monks come and go, which is the best place to cover their eyes and ears. Even Yun Yiyang himself was overwhelmed. If those nobles hadn't been too eye-catching and the breath was too strong, it would have been absolutely difficult for him to notice.

This Wukai General Chamber of Commerce is the largest commercial organization in charge of the economic lifeline of the two tribes. It has branches in the big cities of many savage tribes, and is the object of cooperation with the former Sun Temple. Every year, the Sun Temple can receive a large number of dividends.

This Wukai Chamber of Commerce is not only a restaurant, but also buys and sells news, magic weapons, elixirs, and various huge auction venues. Living in this restaurant can ensure absolute safety. Even if the master of usurging the heavenly realm wants to kill you, he has to wait for you to come out, and he can also buy and sell countless unsperate magic weapons.

As long as it is valuable, the Wukai General Chamber of Commerce can eat everything. As long as you can afford the price, the Wukai General Chamber of Commerce dares to do anything for you.

It even includes "Assassination!"

However, living in the Wukai General Chamber of Commerce is also very expensive. It costs tens of thousands of Rongyang elixirs a day. Even ordinary creation, even masters of the Taoism can't afford to consume it. Among them is the VIP room, with 100,000 Rongyang Dan every day.

After all, the identity of "Wild Nalan" is unusual. I saw a big man in the Wukai General Chamber of Commerce, and a vice president-level figure has come to receive her. This is a wild woman, three or four meters tall, dressed enchantingly and gorgeous.

There are many beautiful women in the savage tribe, which are never lacking. They are not much different from the women of the human race, but they are particularly tall, and hot, and their appearance is sharper, with tall noses and sky-blue charming eyes, most of which are golden heads. There are also people with fiery red and green hair, but they rarely have black hair, and they are all white skin, unlike the yellow skin of the human race.

Entering the savages can also make people feel like they are in the giant country. The shortest ones are three or four meters tall, and the tallest ones can reach five or six meters, which is not like the human race. A person's height is 1.6, seven or eight meters, and those who are more than two meters are rare. Compared with the savages and the human race, what is not a giant?

"Precious guests, distinguished guests! Your Excellency is the son of His Majesty the Pope. It is really rare for you to be in our Wukai General Chamber of Commerce today. I don't know what services you need. We are all dedicated to serving you. Ni Hong, vice president of the Little Women's Chamber of Commerce, is not very honored to guide and serve you all the way. The savage vice president woman named Ni Hong introduced "Ye Nalan" with a smile.

"Other services are exempted. I want to see the old leader of your president. If there is an urgent matter, please make a quick notice and lead us to meet." Ye Nalan turned a blind eye to Ni Hong's hospitality, and naturally did not pay attention to and care about all kinds of things of the Wukai Chamber of Commerce. Instead, he went straight to the point and said bluntly.