usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 66 begins to cross

Yun Yi raised her body and shot into the air with this power. Under her, the chaotic demon king roared wildly and rushed up: "Ant, all the ants against my demon clan have to pay the price. The savages are like this, and so are the human race. You are no exception!"

"This seat is stronger than you, submit to me!" Yun Yiyang stood on the top of the cloud, staring at the chaotic demon king who rushed up below and roared.

"You look at me too much!" The chaotic demon king shouted violently, his arms shook, and the sky above his head suddenly exploded a thunder, and the rolling magic gas gathered from all directions...

Yun Yiyang looked at the chaotic demon king gathering the magic spirit of heaven and earth crazily, and there was an evil smile at the corners of his mouth, quietly staring at the chaotic demon king demon evil wrapped in a cloud of magic.

"Drink! Go to hell!" The chaotic demon king roared crazily again, smashed out, and the magnificent magic air surged out. The rolling magic gas turned into a ferocious magic wolf, and his teeth shot at the clouds.

Yun Yiyang's face was cold, and his right hand was loosened. The cloud pillar of Jiulong plate floated in the air, and his clothes were blowing in the wind. Suddenly, he opened a melting pot of ice and fire in front of him. His left hand had grabbed the huge 'magic wolf' mouth and fell in front of him. The image of the magic wolf fell into the ice and fire. In the furnace, as soon as the flames rushed up, it was completely submerged. Suddenly, the virtual shadow blurred, turned into a magnificent airflow, and sank into Yunyiyang's body, and quickly transformed into the magic element needed in the body.

The pure magic gas of these demons can't withstand the melting pot of ice and fire at all. For creatures outside the demons, it is no different from violent poison, but for Yun Yiyang, it is no different from delivering vegetables.

It looks like the magnificent magic of heaven and earth, but it is only a little magic after transformation. The magic between heaven and earth is too complicated. With the purity of the energy level required by Yun Yiyang now, I don't bother to absorb this magic gas at all. It must be the vitality of hell or heaven.

In fact, most demons attach these magic gas pulled by the brain to the pure magic gas bombarded out of the body to enhance the attack power, and it is this truly pure magic element that Yun Yiyang absorbs, as for the miscellaneous magic element. Finally, it was bombarded out of the body and turned into a scattered airflow, drifting away...

"Magic Lion Fight!" The chaotic demon king suddenly roared and spread his hands. The dark King Kong giant stick floated in front of him, and a stream of pure energy gathered on the dark stick!


A lion-like roar came, and the King Kong giant stick in front of the chaotic demon king suddenly turned into a lifelike male master. The chaotic demon king raised his face to the clouds, suddenly showed a sinister smile, and then fell into the body of the male lion in front of him...

The stick of the chaotic demon king is similar to the cloud pillar of Kowloon Panyunzhu, but the former is turned into a lion, and the latter is turned into nine dark dragons. They are all peerless magic soldiers in the realm of the Holy Spirit, but the Kowloon Panyun pillar is a dark hell attribute, and I'm afraid it will be more powerful.


A huge lion's head appeared in the void. Compared with this lion's head, the clouds are as small as an ant. The turbulent magic energy converges behind the lion's head and hides into a huge body.


The giant lion stood in the void and roared at the clouds, and a strong wind rushed towards him. Yunyi raised his hand holding the cloud pillar of Jiulong, motionless as a mountain. Let the violent wind blow and swept away the air within a few feet beside him. Leave thin air.

The clouds below blew by, and the clouds stood above the clouds, silently facing the giant lion, beckoning with their right hand, and holding the cloud pillar of Jiulong disk with both hands.

"Maybe this treasure of the demon realm needs to be further refined and perfected to promote the magic fetus inside. What kind of murder is it!" At the moment when he held the Jiulong Panyunzhu in both hands, an idea crossed Yunyi's mind.

At this time, a strong breath rolled up in front of him. Without thinking about it, Yun Yiyang knew that the chaotic demon king had attacked.

Boths suddenly lifted out the cloud pillar of the Kowloon disk, listened to the wind and hit a physical object with a bang. A shocking explosion came, and the whole body was shocked. A strong impact passed along the arms to the soles of the feet, and the whole body fluctuated...

The magic spirit in the body is bulging, and Yun Yiyang almost mobilized the limited half of the vitality stored in the body to fight against this 'magic lion'. The lion is powerful, and the power of this move is really very strong.

"Serve to me! Or die!" Yunyi raised her left palm and sank into the forehead of the giant lion, and her right hand raised the cloud pillar obliquely and plunged into the lion's body...

Yun Yiyang originally did not want to kill this black-faced monster with a height of more than ten feet. The stronger this guy's performance, the higher his love. He wanted to lure the chaotic demon king to come in order to transform him in the same way and work for him wholeheartedly, so that his plans could be implemented in the future. Carry out a good foundation.

"As long as you have the strength, you deserve to be my subordinates! And it is better to take advantage of the army of the demon clan. Yun Yiyang secretly thought that he would pay. Of course, he really didn't want to kill him in his heart. With the blood-sucking characteristics of the cloud pillar of Jiulong disk, once he took action, no matter how powerful the chaotic demon king was, there was only one end. He died and turned to ashes, and there was no trace between heaven and earth...


The cloud pillar of Kowloon in his hands made an excited trembling sound, which was completely instinctive. The chaotic demon king in the magic lion felt a strong threat. This huge pillar gave him a very strange and dangerous feeling, but he did not understand where the weapon of this pillar was strange.

Among the lion demon, the chaotic demon king is in an embarrassing situation. No matter how the magic spirit in his body bursts, he can't rush forward... With his confrontational power, he is still much inferior to the previous mixed demon king. This is not that his strength is not good. On the contrary, his strength is higher than that of the mixed demon king.

It's just that Yun Yiyang's realm and strength are improving all the time, and the mixed world demon king is the first demon king he encountered against the enemy. For the first time, he doesn't know much about the characteristics and skills of the demon clan. There is a thought to spy and explore. Together with such many reasons, naturally, the mixed demon king seems to be more You have to fight with him, but it's not.

With a sigh, Yun Yiyang said fiercely and threatened, "The chaotic demon king, I originally hoped that you would be my slave, but your performance disappointed me very much. It seems that I have to kill you!"

The cloud pillar of Kowloon waved in the air, rotating like a windmill wheel, and then mercilessly turned to the demon body of the chaotic demon king.

"No! No! ..." In Kowloon Panyunzhu, only a few inches away from the body of the chaotic demon king, the chaotic demon king struggled to be shocked, and finally opened his mouth and shouted, his voice was full of panic.

I haven't had this feeling of panic for a long time. A feeling of death is approaching. Although the chaotic demon king has the noble blood of the aristocracy, he is a leading general and likes to float alone, but under the power, he has to bow his head. At this opening, as soon as the magic yuan converges, the vitality in Yunyi Yang's body will shock the chaotic demon. Wang Yifei. Fortunately, when the chaotic demon king said this, Yun Yiyang collected Zhenyuan freely in time and took back a lot. After all, there is still some gap between the two. Under the premise of such a huge gap in strength, Yun Yiyang still has the strength to recover the true spirit.

"It's really difficult to stop a man. You don't have to do your best. I'm afraid that he will be killed at once," Yun Yiyang took back Jiulong Pan Yunzhu and sighed in his heart, "It's so troublesome. Forget it. Next time you subdue the alien slaves, you will directly use their demon's star-absorbing @ method. If you are disobedient, you will absorb them all! Don't waste my mind!"

made up his mind not to do such a tiring thing in the future. Yun Yiyang stepped into the void and walked towards the chaotic demon king who knelt in the air and gasped.

Black blood slid down the clouds along the forehead, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and the legs of stepping on cloud boots appeared in the sight of the chaotic demon king. The owner of those legs was the human race that looked weak and delicate like an ant compared with the huge body of their demon clan. Even if the chaotic demon king knelt down, he was tall. It's the height of this race.

"You are very knowledgeable about current affairs, and I am very happy! As long as it's a little worse, I'm afraid you've turned into ashes now!" An indifferent voice came from the front. The chaotic demon king raised his head and looked straight ahead. He was dressed in rich brocade clothes. His whole body looked plain, casual, free, free and fairy... Such an ordinary human race was imprinted into his eyes. At this moment, the cloudy image was reflected in the chaotic demon king purple. In the colored pupil, the figure is infinitely elongated...