usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 74 Rule the Savage

"This... We don't want to be the master. If we can really save us, we will accept our fate even if we are horses and cows. It's just that we are still skeptical. I don't know if this mighty man can say that he is ugly and let us all be convinced first?" Another white-haired old savage leader grabbed his head and shouted.

"How can we be convinced that the old leader Yefuluo's words are reasonable? It's useless to say more, and there is no basis for empty words, but you have to show your real skills.

"What kind of crisis situation have we in, and we don't have time to talk nonsense. To fool me here, it's better to put on a posture, be energetic, and be much more effective in resisting the enemy in front of us.

"This Wild Rod and Wild Nalan father and son are not credible, and the human race is even more untrustworthy. They are both wolf ambitions, which has plunged us all into the deepest disaster."

"I suspect that the father and son of the dog have made a way out and left at the end of the moment. Isn't it well known that the wife and daughter of this wild Rod old man are in the mainland of Buddha? It's really not a thing to think about how to reunite with them.

"What kind of world is this? It's enough for us to suffer from Wild Rod and Ye Nalan and his son. In the end, we have to deal with our anger. Who are you? Everyone is against it. Now we have any pope, and we are all fucking talking nonsense!"


For a moment, the crowd was indignant, and the voices of rebellion were heard, almost to an uncontrollable chaotic situation.

"Everyone temporarily calms down and calms down. Can you allow me, a foreigner, to say a few words to solve the doubts in your hearts?" At the last moment, Yun Yiyang finally cleared the scene and opened his mouth. He was still calm, not impatient, and had a great atmosphere that the world would give up to me.

"So good, what should this capable man take to resist the enemy and rescue the danger of our clan? I will listen to the teachings and listen to them. Ye Mohuang is indeed a highly valued elder. As soon as he first came up, he was most willing to ask the topic and stopped the whole chaotic scene and said, "Everyone be quiet. Don't you want to hear from high opinions?"

There was a wild mohuang suppression scene. Sure enough, things went smoothly, and the scene immediately calmed down. In a blink of an eye, there was almost a quiet atmosphere that could be heard. No one dared to breathe again.

"Cough! Cough!" Yunyi cleared her voice, stretched out her right hand and made an eight-character gesture, and then slowly opened her mouth, "I advise you to 'pick out the separation and kill people with a knife', then you will solve the dangerous situation of the clan without fighting, sit down and accept 'fighting, the interests of fishermen', can you understand?"


There was an uproar and exploded at once. Sure enough, many high-level savages realized in an instant. They rubbed their fists and rubbed their palms and were overjoyed their eyebrows. However, they immediately sighed endlessly. They were happy and worried for a moment, and even shook their heads. They were quite disapproving and thought it wouldn't work.

"A plan is a good plan, and a plan is a good plan. I don't know how to arrange it so that it can work?" Ye Mohuang Yanyan is still the leader of the 108 tribal leaders, and he comes out from the crowd and asks modestly and patiently. In his tone, he has been a little more respectful to Yun Yiyang, a small human race, and even his name has been changed to the title of Mr.

Naturally, he is old and heavy. He keenly smelled the mystery contained in the eight words Yun Yiyang, and also saw the turning point and light of his whole tribe's hope. At this urgent moment, he really can't wait to talk to Yunyi immediately and be taught with an open mind.

When all the other savage senior officials heard this question, they immediately calmed down and did not dare to talk nonsense again and again. They only wished to hear the article in Yun Yiyang's words so that they could completely relieve their doubts immediately.

But Yun Yiyang wanted to disappoint them and raise their full appetite. "No one needs to worry and doubt. I have made proper arrangements for everything. At present, everything is ready, only the east wind. Everyone is quiet and waiting for my good news. Only tonight, let the danger of your clan be completely overturned, and there is no need to use your hands.

"Everyone abides by today's secret policy and must not reveal a trace of the wind. It is related to the overall situation of my clan. We have to be cautious. Have you kept it in mind?" Wild Rod finally made a summary appearance.

"Let's all break up and immediately go back to organize the most powerful resistance. After tonight, everything is a turning point. Everyone cheers up morale. Our hope is still there, our vitality is still there, and the Lord God is with us. It's just that everyone should fulfill their promise to relieve the ethnic crisis, and my papacy will be passed on to this human friend. Do you understand?

For a moment, no one dared to disagree. They left, left one after another, and returned to their respective tribal armies, and finally resisted and resisted the invasion of the foreign army.

However, this time is different. Everyone knows that the situation has taken a turn. For example, before the darkest dawn, there is still hope for the survival of the tribe. It is no different from everyone who has taken a reassurance. For a moment, the resistance of the whole army of the savages also raised morale and encouraged a little.

Seeing that many high-level savages have left, but Ye Mohuang, wild slaughtering wasteland, and savage Wang father and son did not leave immediately, but resolutely stayed. Obviously, there was a thorough negotiation and showdown with Ye Luode, Ye Nalan and Yun Yiyang to ask about the whole planning arrangement.

This wild man was originally a calm person. When he heard the cloud's plan, he understood that he didn't understand. It's like a person eating and eating half full under hunger. How can people endure this aggriety?

So I want to find Yun Yiyang, ask for advice, plan to come out, and how to carry out the specific implementation process. Otherwise, it's really irreassuring.

Because he also knows that "provoking discord and killing people with a knife" is indeed a practical and feasible unique plan. He is afraid that if one is not implemented well, the whole game will be ruined, and the whole game will be lost, and the success will be lost. Otherwise, the strategy has not been used well, and the crisis has not been resolved. On the contrary, isn't it a great failure to destroy the whole clan? How can he put up with it? This is also the place he can't rest assured.

In the hall, Yun Yiyang saw the situation of the three of them, and his heart was as bright as a mirror.

The "Wild Rod" pretended to ignore the arrogant posture of the three people and kept turning to the palace for a moment. With a "Wild Nalan", Yun Yiyang took the initiative to come down to the hall and directly came to meet the three people, the wild slaughter and the savage king.

"Mr. Yun, come on, let me introduce you. This is Ye Mohuang, the original old leader of our most virtuous Wujin battle between the two clans, and these two are the father and son of the Mengyun tribe, the only leader of our clan, the wild slaughter and the savage king, both of which are respectable. Pei's family is an invincible strong man!" "Ye Nalan" brought Yun Yiyang to the three of Ye Mohuang and introduced it loudly for Yun Yiyang with a happy face.