usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 16 The Fierce Witch Curse

Yun Yiyang returned to the imperial palace as quickly as possible and drilled out of the body of "Yenalan". His face was pale and he looked extremely flustered. There was a blood hole in his forehead. Fortunately, there was a block from the dominant god, which did not penetrate his sea of knowledge, and the blood hole had already been scabed.

Yun Yiyang sat back on the throne and immediately released the women from her body. Before she could tell the reason in detail, she hurriedly told her, "Please protect the law for me. I want to sit down and heal my wounds immediately."

After that, he fell silent and began to struggle for the cursed power in his heart.

But the curse is like an invisible force, straight into his heart and disturbing his sea of knowledge. Strong, but invisible, irresistible curse power is entangled around his original god.

His original powerful yuan god is as pure and transparent as crystal glass. If it is released from his body, it is dazzling, shining, and the quality of the potential mansion is now beginning to fade.

His yuan god combines the virtual shadow of the gods and the master, and the condensation and blessing of the master's skills, as well as the integration of various cores of his previous cultivation, including the powerful and violent poison core, which is also protected by his own origin black hole boundary, and his body and blood turn soul, just like the meditation of Buddhism, solidifying his heart. The Yuanshen is powerful and strong, and there is nothing to move and collapse.

But now, it also seems to be irritable and make a roar in the womb. This roar is crazy. There is no longer Buddha's compassion, universality and stability, nor the mystery, temptation and insidiousness of demons, as well as the majesty, strength and eternity of God. It is purely a phenomenon of irritability and despair leading to madness.

In an instant, all kinds of illusions appeared in front of Yun Yiyang's eyes. This is a sign of the rise of the heart and the demon.

Originally, when Yun Yiyang fought and killed Situ invincible, he did not show his real body at all. He had always been the puppet identity of the fake hand "Yenalan". General attacks could only be aimed at the "Yenalan" puppet, and could not be directly imposed on his body at all, as long as "Yenalan" carried from beginning to end. , it is impossible to penetrate the power.

But now, the curse in the dark actually chases the master and body behind the scenes. It can't resist and block it directly penetrates into his sea of knowledge and soul, and even wraps around his own life. What a magical mysterious power is this?

The powerful curse technique evolved on the basis of ancient witches, killing people in the air and borrowing things. It's very secretive, uncontrollable and unpreventable.

And in addition to attacks on entities, the most influential and destructive thing is to directly restrain people's souls, and even their luck and fate, which makes people hit by magic nightmares.

Yun Yiyang is now hit by the curse of Situ's invincible counterattack, directly blessing his heart, which makes him extremely annoying now. He has a burst of chest tightness and shortness of breath, as if he is about to vomit something.

His original life spirit was covered with dust, and the crystal mana of his whole body also began to be contaminated with impurities and did not work. The mind is even more dizzy, not to mention countless gods, and at the same time, the systematic and clear rapid calculation operation is a little overwhelmed by the perception of the outside world.

The brain began to fall into chaos, the mind was dusted, and the perception of all kinds of hearts were hindered and blocked.

Yun Yiyang was originally a peerless genius, with tenacity and rapid growth in cultivation. He also relied on his own dominant skills and strength. Only from the perspective of his ability to kill Situ's invincible ability, he is enough to have the brilliant cultivation to fight against usurp the sky. There are few opponents in the world, and his heart is clear.

But now, a powerful curse broke through the air and hit his mind.


It seems that all the cultivation in front of them have turned into bubbles, and the Taoist heart of the whole person immediately collapsed, and the whole body is burning. Every pore emits amazing heat, and even the emperor's yellow robe on his body has a tendency to burn.

"The power of this curse is too fierce, but don't be afraid, don't be afraid, others have curses, and I also have the true law of "Original Domination Law" 'cursed sooner or later', which is the real taboo art, the art of cursing." Although Yun Yiyang's mind is dizzy, his mind is still firmly conservative and clear and undisturbed.

As soon as he thought of this, he began to give medicine, and his body immediately mobilized the master skill of "cursed sooner or later". This skill has long been fully understood, but it lacks a "witch" power to achieve perfection. Although the curse this time is a huge danger and disaster, it is not unintentional. An opportunity to take great risks.

The power and soul did not work well, and Yun Yiyang used the gods in his eyebrows and forehead to dominate the gods and the shadows to mobilize the master skills of "cursed sooner or later".

Yun Yiyang sat on the throne, stretched out a pair of crystal jade-like hands from under the sleeves of the golden emperor's robe, and rowed in the void in front of him.

A voice that seemed to come from the wilderness trembled from the mouth of the clouds. Every word was spit out, and the women who guarded outside felt an earthquake on this day. From the palm of his hand, a green tadpole rune escaped, turning into a streamer and disappeared into the void.

On both sides of Yun Yiyang's wrist, a small green tadpole rune quickly poured into the palm of its hand, and then escaped irregularly to all sides. The green tadpole runes gushed out faster and faster and faster.

Suddenly, the women felt the power of the vast universe that enveloped the whole hall. The power was so vast and old that it was difficult for people to have the idea of rivals.

I don't know when the sky suddenly became dark. The sky is dark and sometimes bright, but outside the scope of the imperial palace, the sky is still the same. The women in the hall raised their heads and looked at the apocalyptic scene above their heads, full of doubts and panic.

There was a very long strange trembling sound in Yun Yiyang's mouth, and then the sky and earth suddenly turned green and flashed away. Under the skin of the outstretched hands, small green tadpole runes quickly wandered like living creatures.

Wu Dao believes that whether it is the true spirit or strength of the practitioner, it is not the most original power between heaven and earth. The most original power between heaven and earth should be the soul of living things, which is also the place where living things are distinguished from dead things.

There seems to be something in common with Buddhism, but Buddhism's heart is pure cultivation and meditation, even bitter meditation, regardless of its own body, not borrowing foreign things, but only seeking the detachment and sublimation of the soul.

However, the soul method of witchcraft is dedicated to controlling foreign things, in order to control all kinds of grievances and ghosts, evil spirits... and even the souls and bodies of other creatures to transmit attacks through the air with the turning crops of spiritual power, not to pursue self-understanding, but a kind of soul means of external manipulation.

Even Wu Dao believes that when the soul is strong enough, it can completely dominate any energy between heaven and earth!

At this time, Yun Yiyang urged the master skill of "being cursed sooner or later" and was circulating in the genhen, and even affected many shocking visions on the surface and outside of the body.

At the same time, his own skills and the invincible curse from Situ are fighting with each other in the yuan god, fighting for the control of the spiritual yuan god.

Yun Yiyang is concentrating all his spiritual strength, doing his best to strengthen his master skills, and fighting against the curse power in his heart. He is unfocused and continues to be afraid.

Looking at him from the outside, he seemed to be deeply silent and unconscious. He was sweating in a daze, and his face was distorted with all kinds of strange and horrible expressions, including great sadness and joy, anger and joy, fear, ferociousness, fierceness, and violence...

Sometimes the whole body is green, and countless strange runes flow; sometimes there is another black cloud on the face, as if the whole body is cold and trembling, and the upper and lower jaws trembling, clenching teeth; sometimes the whole body is miserable, as if surrounded by countless ghosts of grievances, forcing and entangling him; sometimes the whole body is black and turbulent, Countless demon spirits hit him; sometimes his whole body was more like spraying fire, red, burning and smoking...