usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 19 Vertical and Horizontal

Yun Yiyang's work was successful, and at the same time, he figured out the truth of some gods and masters. He woke up from the throne and opened his eyes in detail.



"Brother Six!"



There were bursts of shyness in my ears, and the calls of rapid surprise came ups and downs.

Yun Yiyang looked around and suddenly saw the women's haggard faces with joy and inexplicable excitement. At the same time, more than a dozen pairs of beautiful eyes were full of concern and gentle staring at themselves.

Such a situation makes Yun Yiyang moved and unforgettable, and his heart is also deeply moved. The scene is very warm and touching.

Yun Yiyang was originally not a cold and ruthless person. On the contrary, in the face of women, he was iron-blooded and tender, and he had an endless desire to pursue. He loves the women around him, and naturally hopes that the women around him will be centered on him and tie a wisp of love to himself.

The scene in front of him seemed to interpret his voice perfectly for him, and such joy did not help but make him suddenly stunned in the face of the women.

"Brother Six, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

"Ayi, don't scare me, you won't be demented, will you?"

"Brother, haven't you been traumatized yet?"

"Master, are you tired? How many days and nights have you fought with injuries?


The women felt that their expressions were abnormal, not as calm as in the past, smiling easily, humorous, and laughing at the banquet. They couldn't help but show their faces of concern, scrambling to ask each other with concern.

"Oh! Seven sisters, little girls, senior sisters, Xiaoqing, big girl, Tianxiang, Huo Luosha, Anna, I'm fine, I'm fine... Now I'm alive, dragons and tigers are fierce. Hey hey, this little scene is nothing. Don't be surprised. In the future, you still have to watch me gallop between heaven and earth and cross the heavens. As long as you will always follow me, I will be full of fighting spirit. I will always be a safe reliance and harbor. There are no difficulties that can't be overcome and overcome. Yun Yiyang was in a good mood for a while and was in a good mood.

In order to ease the urgent scene, everyone was relieved and unconsciously faced the dishonest jokes of the women, "For me, I really made you all frightened and tired, but I was really moved. It was all my wholehearted sustenance and the support behind me. My dear friends, my love, I finally know that I can't live without you. At this moment, I finally realized that you are all my motivation..."

As usual, dogs can't change eating shit.

"Brother Yun, you don't come here. You are heartless. Who will follow you in the future? This is to make everyone jump into the fire!" Ying Yangzi refuted angrily, his head drooped slightly, his jade hands covered his face, and his cheeks were red. For a moment, he was inexhaustible and ashamed.

"Well, it's okay. We're all tired. We have to take a good rest. We're not as good as your younger brother. You are energetic. You should take more care of yourself." Xie Xianxian also squeezed together, and his jade hands stroked his face, pretending to be sleepy and tired.

"Okay, sisters, let's go to the bedroom and have a good rest. I'll take care of you."


A few days later, Yun Yiyang once again gathered all the senior savages to discuss the big plan. His emperor sat high and said to the public, "At present, the Mengyun Empire is stable and prosperous, and the first step of reform has been put on the right track and fruitful. The second strategic goal should be implemented to recover the lost land. I decided to implement a vertical and horizontal foreign policy against the hostile races. First of all, the human race is strong. We can first show goodwill to the human race and form an alliance to prevent future worries. Then we can form a strategic alliance with the Hai clan, first expel the demons and blood clans, and recover our western territory, and then use the power of the demons and blood clans to the sea. This is my plan to recover the lost land and conquer. First, attack the weak, then erode the strong, exercise the opposite, three knives on both sides, drive away the tiger and swallow the wolf, and kill people with a knife.

After saying that, Yun Yiyang half-opened his eyes and shot at the senior officials of the savages, observed the reactions on their faces, and continued firmly: "At the same time, in the lost land in the enemy's war zone, we will send more cronies to mobilize and unite the enslaved people to resist, and arouse the support of all ethnic groups to lose the people. In order to rely on, the spark can start a prairie fire, slowly develop and establish all kinds of united armed bases, organize resistance to the army, promote guerrilla wars, avoid real attacks, avoid heavy things, and cause serious trouble by harassing multiple parties, attacking and eroding the rule of the enemy clans in the area.

Speaking of this, Yun Yiyang paused again, cleared his throat, and then continued to say, "This is like playing Go. At the beginning, you have to do a few eyes on the whole chessboard, do a good job at the beginning, lay the foundation, and then rely on these active foundation to slowly develop. And the people in our trapped area are like pieces of chess pieces. A single piece is powerless. No leader can make good use of it. It is a huge loss and waste to cheap the enemy in vain. Only by leading them and closely connecting them into a whole piece can they be strong, which is the absolute truth. And what we need to do is to send some chess masters to the trapped area, secretly pull out and unite these pieces, concentrate and exert their huge energy, show their magical power with the ability of the Eight Immortals to cross the sea, secretly attack the enemy and seize the battlefield.

Yun Yiyang seemed to be very satisfied with his own statement and theory, and said again: "This is the base and form of guerrilla warfare in the occupied area. These multi-party guerrilla operations are people's wars and for the liberation of the whole nation. We must closely mobilize, unite and lead the people in the occupied area, and be unwaveringly close. Relying on the whole clan in the enemy's occupied area, they share the same hatred against the enemy, and should be designated as a protracted battle, seesaw battle, and the battle that consumes the enemy. It will continue to develop and grow, flexibly transfer, harass and attack on all sides, and slowly eat the territory. With the backing of our people, it can always be invincible. The development of the army in the enemy's war zone will be named Imperial Revolutionary Army."

"Don't keep in mind that the base guerrilla forces in the occupied area should never try to fight with the enemy as the main force under the situation of weak and unfavorable form, because the occupied area is the enemy's ruling army, and it is easy to fall into the enemy's heavy army, and the guerrilla forces do not have the main force. With the cooperation and rescue, everything can only rely on your own independent combat, very passive, must closely grasp the enemy's movements, capture the fighters in advance, retreat in advance, and never fight with a strong enemy, otherwise they will be strangled in their infancy, which will cause great losses and fail to achieve the expected purpose and effect of guerrilla warfare. It's against our original intention.