usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 45 Rare War

Finally, the picture on the huge crystal ball is fixed, and countless armies of the winged people are dense. When the air comes, they quickly gather on the ground.

The ten huge and boundless transmission arrays hanging on the high void are like ten big rivers rushing into the sea, roaring and spitting without stopping. The winged people spitting out like locusts covering the sky and the sun, constantly landing on the ground one after another. The discipline is like iron and the order is like a mountain. A huge army is moving towards The surrounding area makes the army of winged people gathered on the ground gather densely, like a converged ocean. The more it converges, the larger it converges, and spreads like an ant army on all sides.

In just a moment, the army of millions of winged people landed, and the demon emperor Mozhe could no longer tolerate it anymore. He decisively issued an order to attack with all his strength and led the army to fly across the Broken Soul Gorge. Intentionally, the winged human army, which had not yet stood at its foot, came to attack.

This time, the two sides tore up, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were lightless, the blood flowed into rivers, and the battle was cruel and fierce.

The demon and winged army are constantly swarming to the Broken Soul Gorge to fight blood and fight. The bodies and blood of the fallen soldiers on both sides will soon be filled with the Broken Soul Canyon tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of miles wide and dozens of miles deep in a few days.

The Broken Soul Gorge has become the most brutal battlefield opened up by both the demons and the winged people. An unparalleled fierce war unfolded in the mainland of China and in the Broken Soul Gorge.

However, under the pre-preparation and full preparation of the news very early, the Yiren army gathered. Before they could stand on their feet, the demon army crossed the Broken Soul Gorge and attacked directly. First, they were caught off guard by the Yiren.

In the early war contact, the Yiren passively suffered a great loss, but it could not resist the huge numerical advantage of the Yiren. It was not surprising that its tens of billions of troops had come over. How many armies the demon clan could have, at most 40 to 50 million.

It can be seen that in this continuous attrition war between the two sides, the longer they fight, the more they will eventually suffer.

The war is fighting fiercely without beginning and ending. The demon clan is the commander-in army of the demon emperor. The Yiren clan is the main part of the war heaven department to supervise the battle, with the Broken Soul Gorge as the main field. With the continuous arrival and increasing momentum of the winged army, it began to spread, spread and burning on all sides of the wild area occupied by the demon clan...

This is full of Yunyi, achieving his expected purpose, and it is also what the whole savage is happy to see. Even the senior officials of wild animals and wild slaughtering have to admire Yun Yiyang, the far-reaching and resourceful emperor, so that the whole savages have escaped from the situation of this war and across the mountain. Tiger fight, save your own strength.

has dissipated all the initial concerns and doubts of the senior management of the whole savage. Adhering to it is the current general trend of the savage. No matter how others try to consume, it is conducive to their own favorable situation, and always preserving strong strength is the first point.

Because only by quickly intensifying the contradiction between the demons and the winged people and maximizing the hostile hatred of the two sides, can the winged people passively and completely divert their attention and not directly betray the savages.

Let it fight hard with the demon clan, fight to kill and live, and take care of themselves. Only then can the savages safely adopt the favorable posture of watching the fire across the shore. The two tigers must have a injury, or both of them will lose, and take the opportunity to make profits.

This anti-measure is also a strategy that Yun Yiyang has always been good at. He hides from the side and is as stable as a mountain, enticing his two strong enemies to tear up fiercely, and killing with a knife has cleverly reached the top.


The whole mainland of China, even the races of the extraterritorial starry sky, were shocked and attracted by the shocking war between the demons and the winged people on the mainland of China. They cast their eyes one after another. Even the major ethnic groups have countless masters who come to explore this war in person every day, and some of them take advantage of the chaos to fish in troubled waters. Get the benefits.


Yun Yiyang was a little tired of playing in the harem all day long, and decided to go to this huge battlefield to make a bargain, improve the realm, and absorb the killing spirit of the battlefield.

In fact, the whole mainland of China is in a series of wars. The most indispensable thing is the spirit of war killing, and Yun Yiyang is about to complete the dominance of several huge killing and attack forces, so he finally lurked out with his women.

Now, only one-third of the strong territory of the savages is a vast central grassland. In the northeast corner on the edge of the central grassland, it is now the winged people and the demons. The two races are involved in the battlefield of the crazy war.

Originally, this area was fought repeatedly by demons, blood clans and sea clans, and countless battles, fighting for land, population and plundering resources. It has been destroyed and destroyed, and the creatures are extinct, and they are not in hell on earth. Now the winged people and demons have once again opened up the main battlefield of the war between the two sides, not to mention that they have been blood-stained, blood and bones, killing, grieve, resentment, bad luck... all gathered here.

The Mengyun Empire, a wild man who crossed the central grassland, was interspersed with clouds and soon quietly approached the Broken Soul Gorge of today's battlefield.

Yun Yiyang disappeared in nothingness and was about to fly over when he suddenly saw the broken soul gorge in front of him. The wolf smoke rose to the sky. Countless blood light, resentment, and fierce spirit, and the spirit of killing were all over the sky.

"What a fierce war. This is an unprecedented large-scale war. How could you see it today?" Yun Yiyang immediately looked down and saw that the mountains below were everywhere. In the sky and underground, countless winged people and demon armies, like ants and locusts, were fighting fiercely. Sure enough, there were corpses everywhere.

is the big broken soul valley across the land like a huge crack. Now it has disappeared. This place was originally famous for its huge canyon. Now it is filled with countless soldiers and soldiers killed by the army of the Yiren. If you can't see the Broken Soul Gorge again, you can see a piece of connection and be stained with blood. A horse of flat land.

This kind of war is not small. Looking down from the clouds, he saw the Broken Soul Gorge, which is millions of miles long and hundreds of thousands of miles wide and a vast area around it. A team of soldiers, dense like ants, black pressure like two docking ocean tides, fiercely collided with each other, grinding and devouring... Countless people fell down. Countless soldiers went forward to supplement.

Wave after wave, continuous replenishment, continuous consumption, never stop. In this battle, at least tens of millions of troops were fighting on both sides. Every moment, there are immeasurable demons and winged people dying.

Among them, there are also some masters of the Taoist realm. As the leading generals, they rush back and forth. It is rare to usurp the realm of heaven. Most of them are the soldiers who integrate the energy realm and some middle and lower generals of the realm of creation, and the fierce essence rises to the sky.

Yun Yiyang felt the war in the clouds, and the desperate spirit of hundreds of millions of troops felt a little shaken. At the last moment, people's desperate life is equivalent to burning their own soul, but their spirit is extremely powerful. On the battlefield, because tens of millions of people's spirits are connected, ghosts and gods have to avoid it.