usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 20 An Unexpected Gain on

"Who are you, a small human race? Your behavior is so sinister and your methods are so despicable. A little garbage made me surrender to you? How to gain a foothold in the future and what face does it have in the world? The ancestor of the corpse clan was extremely tough, not only not moved by Yun Yiyang's persuasion, but also the vicious threat. It's your luck to fall into your hands today. You let me go as soon as possible. Otherwise, the day when I escape will be your eternal peace. You will suffer endless revenge from my corpse clan. Your parents, family, your friends, wives and daughters are waiting for the day to become zombies. No one can save you. At that time, you will be miserable and regret it too late. "

"You old zombie have lived too long. You don't know whether to live or die. If you fall into my hands, you dare to threaten me," Yun Yiyang was gloomy and whipped him with a whip.

Then there was a storm, which made the ancestor of the corpse clan cry and rob the world, "I submit, I submit, don't fight, don't fight, I'm willing to be your slave forever..."

The other five people who watched coldly also had a burst of numbness in their scalp, and when they thought of the next situation, they really wanted to die.

"That's right, open your heart to receive my crossing, and from then on, believe in me devoutly. Don't try to resist, or you will be sad thousands of times, and there will be no more chances. While warning, Yun Yiyang projected a holy light on the body of the ancestors of the corpse clan.

When the holy light penetrated, thick smoke came from the body of the ancestor of the corpse clan, and began to show an extremely painful look. However, in an instant, the face of the zombie became detailed and quiet, which was quite incredible without the fierceness, resentment, bad luck and death of the corpse clan.

It seems that this master skill has the supreme ability to wash and save the sins of hell, and even an ancient evil corpse clan can completely transform him.

Yun Yiyang loosened the prohibition that bound him. He immediately knelt down in front of Yun Yiyang and kowtowed repeatedly. "Master, but there is an order. Please do your best. From then on, I have sincerely converted to my Lord, truly been relieved and worked wholeheartedly for my master."

The huge faith gathered again and came to Yunyi. Yunyi nodded silently and handed over the whip to the ancestor of the corpse clan and said, "Surrender the other five people for me. If you don't accept it, you will whip it fiercely until you are willing to believe in me as my master."

In fact, there are all the powerful people here. Everyone knows that once you believe in others wholeheartedly, it is equivalent to completely losing yourself and becoming a loyal slave of the master, including your own luck, your own ideas, etc., all of which will be lost, and all belong to the master and your future cultivation. All of them are huge obstacles. If there is no possibility of becoming a god, it is almost equivalent to completely betraying yourself, so believing in others is a thing that almost every strong man can tolerate.

In turn, the owner who accepts faith concentrates his luck and accepts the power of faith. He will make rapid progress in his own practice, thousands of miles a day, but there are also drawbacks, because he seizes the luck of other creatures and makes them lose himself, which is stained with infinite cause and effect.

Faith is not only a force, but also a fortune. This is not the luck of the rule of the imperial dynasty and the people's hearts, but a thorough and pure luck. When the whole person dedicates everything to someone, that person is a god-like existence.

Faith is a wholehearted dedication, without any impurities. No brothers or sisters, fathers and mothers, are as good as people of faith. For the will of God, everything can be destroyed, and the six relatives do not recognize it. This is the mystery of faith. Crazy, pure, with irreversible and irrestoppable great power.

Moreover, faith is related to becoming a god and an immortal throne.

In many years, countless masters have studied beliefs, but this power cannot be studied thoroughly and is not easy to control. Once you control more, you will accept the beliefs of countless creatures, and at the same time, you will also wrap the cause and effect of these people around your body. The cause and effect of these people are added to the body, and it is inevitable that they will leave impurities in the depths of the sea of knowledge, which are not pure. When they reach the end, they will go crazy and die.

Once, countless old antiques also established various sects and collected beliefs, but they did not come to a good end. Later, faith was once silent, and the frenzy of using faith cultivation gradually disappeared. Only in the secular world did some monks who did not know the power continue to use it. The masters basically absorbed chaos and refined the pure original energy.

This is actually the reason why the human race has no faith and has never been born. But now, Yun Yiyang doesn't care about these and directly establishes his faith, which is a little strange and horrible.

In fact, this is because of the domination of the skill, the master never touches the cause and effect, and dominates the "coloriness of good and evil cause and effect". It controls the cause and effect of the whole universe. The more causalty, converges and devouring it can make it stronger and transform, and eventually become great.

For anyone else, including the gods, cause and effect is the biggest cover of faith, but for the mastery skill, cause and effect catches it to grow, which is both fish and bear paws.

"Building faith, so many people are entangled with cause and effect and accept their faith, which is equivalent to accepting cause and effect. You will definitely die in the future!" The head of the imprisoned human dragon family suddenly said with hatred towards Yun Yiyang.

Is that right? This won't bother you. You'd better think more about yourself and submit to me quickly, otherwise you will suffer boundless torture and pain. And after finally suffering, you still have to believe in me, all of which is up to your own choice. Yun Yiyang said with a careless face and a gloomy smile.

"You are a clan, we are also a human race, and we are all people. Why do you force us so fiercely? And we have no complaints in the past and no hatred recently. When you see us falling into disputes with aliens, you look on us coldly and don't want to intervene to help. Why do you secretly deal with us and prisoners? Ban us, and even force us to lose ourselves and completely believe in you. Why are you so vicious? Why on earth is that? I would like to ask you to open up and let us go for the sake of your family. At the same time, we owe you a favor, but we will be driven by others in the future. The owner of the Mu family also begged for help.

"Yes, in this crisis and troubled times inspired by the contradictions of all ethnic groups and the invasion and annexation of the whole mainland of China by extraterritorial aliens, for the sake of our same people, please let us live. We accept your great favor and will always be grateful and vow to repay the death." When the owner of the Xing family echoed, they all tried to impress Yun Yiyang and let them go. Once they got out of their hatred for today, they would slowly settle accounts and argue with Yun Yiyang in the future.