usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 37 begins double practice 4

"What kind of power is this?" Almost instantly, Yun Yiyang's spirit saw a strange picture in the depths of Yihui's heart.

In the endless chaos, there are infinite and powerful creatures, which are generated by the will of the universe. At that time, the heaven and earth had not been opened, the universe had not yet taken shape, and the fairy world had not been formed. The whole void was all filled with a chaotic atmosphere. These chaotic atmospheres were vast and boundless, and I don't know how deep and ancient it was.

In the chaos, many creatures have also grown, all of which are as strong as gods, representing the active will of the universe itself. They are born and natural. Nature is different from the creatures born in the later world. This can only be regarded as acquired, and the acquired is relatively weak. Small, it can't be the same at all. It's the difference between ants and dragons.

Of course, the gods are also in chaos.

Some gods are very powerful, creating immortal countries in chaos, while some gods are more powerful, opening up fairyland and star domains one by one.

In addition, there are some gods that have not yet been conceived. They are a divine egg wrapped in chaos. At this time, the gods are very fragile and are often swallowed up by some ancient creatures, causing their fall.

Yun Yiyang's eyes widened and "looked" in Yihui's body. A wave of breath was violently hitting his sea of knowledge, making his own sea of knowledge almost burst.

This is the ancient atmosphere in chaos. The scene before heaven and earth was opened is congenital.

All creatures in the chaos are extremely powerful, which is not comparable to the current Yun Yiyang. These ancient creatures, with a slight movement, will turn trillions of mainland China into nothingness and be completely swallowed up and controlled.

"Is wisdom the fall of ancient creatures in chaos, and then a wisp of consciousness or blood reincarnation? The existence of the gods actually contains ancient scenes in her own power? Information about the gods in chaos? Yun Yiyang was secretly shocked, but he knew that the wise man himself had vast magical powers and boundless magic power, and had understood the supreme mystery of the operation of the universe's wisdom.

Wisdom is the root of all acquired development. Without wisdom, it is a walking corpse who always lives in boundless darkness, which is meaningless and is no different from dead things. It can be seen that the significance of wisdom for the survival and development of acquired creatures is the key for all creatures to explore the cosmic world, the origin of practice, and dominate all the daily behaviors of all creatures.

"I will use my magic power again and take a closer look. What kind of existence is Hui? Looking at the pictures of congenital chaos in the depths of her power, I can know everything, increase my spiritual knowledge, and gain supreme cultivation. At this time, I have benefited a lot!" Yun Yiyang felt that those chaotic scenes kept spinning in his mind, shaking, and very comfortable. A breath of innate mystery rose and rolled in the depths of his sea of knowledge, making his origin of the gods more clear about the kingdom of gods.


A bright light appeared in the depths of his eyebrows, reflecting the dominant god. The dominant god was shaking, and he seemed to be very happy with the enlightenment of the clouds.

The infinite holy light, the great shadow of the domination once again appeared on the head of Yun Yiyang, making him completely become an ancient god of light. This ancient god of light is invincible and masters the true meaning of all kinds of light.

"It's so comfortable!" At this time, Yihui's face had an intoxicated look and was completely immersed in the improvement of her strength. Her cultivation rose steadily, and every inch of her body's skin had an essential change. It was sacred, shiny, and completely reborn. A stream of impurities emanated from her body and was evaporated from her On the top of her head, a nectar appeared and washed down, making her body clearer, like glass and flawless.

The clothes on her body completely disappeared and became naked**, but she didn't feel it at all.

Unfortunately, Yun Yiyang did not see that he was completely immersed in the chaotic scene in the depths of wisdom and wisdom.

Chaos never counts years, and countless years are flowing. There is no concept of time. Anyway, in chaos, there is always a chaos and endless struggle. Many gods and ancient creatures are fighting with each other. The gods are fighting with each other. Powerful existence is conceived in chaos, or strangled, or It is being born.


Suddenly, as soon as the scene changed, Yun Yiyang saw that with the continuous recruitment in chaos, various forces and orders were gradually established, and countless kingdoms of gods were divided and created, just like the separation and division of countries in the secular world, or the national model in the secular world is modeled on the chaos. The power distribution mode of the gods, including the Heaven God System, the Olympus God Mountain God System, the Light Lord God System, the Dark Lord God God System, the Buddha God System, the Baqi * Evil God System, the chaotic ancient creature god system...

The intricate interweaving of various forces in the divine world was born, just like the current pattern of racial state division in the mainland of China. Only the divine residence of the human race was born in chaos. It can be seen that the human race does not belong to the race of the gentleman. It is not the birth of the innate will of the cosmic world itself, but the later creation of the cosmic world. It is not difficult to understand that there are no gods in the human race.

Then I saw that the Olympic Mountain divine system began to expand into chaos, constantly conquering on all sides, which eventually led to a conflict with the ancient biological god system.

In the battle of the huge army, a beautiful goddess of wisdom in brilliant armor appeared in the Olympus God Mountain God System. As soon as she appeared on the battlefield, she kept absorbing the chaotic vitality, sweeping away the chaotic vitality around her almost instantly, and then constantly swallowing it up. After devouring a large amount of chaotic vitality, it is constantly rising, expanding, being unpredictable, and the sun and moon are invincible.

At the end, the huge extent of the goddess made Yun Yiyang also feel shocked. He saw the great body of the goddess of wisdom, which was the size of hundreds of billions of mainland China, and the speed of devouring chaotic vitality became more fierce.


At this time, it suddenly shocked some strange creatures in the chaos of the fighting party. A chaotic ancient snake found the goddess of wisdom in the battle of the army, and suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed it.

But it is useless. The goddess of wisdom has solved the attack without danger, and a goddess and a chaotic ancient snake fought with each other.