usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 39 begins double practice 6

So, she slowly cooperated with the divine power of Yun Yiyang to stimulate the power of the wise man in her body. In a moment, a thin silky light was swimming.

On this silk-like light, countless glazed colors are shining. In the depths of the light, an immortal divinity and the endless power of reincarnation are constantly squirming.

These powers of wisdom were absorbed by the marks of the gods and the dominant gods, and then summoned the holy power of the ancient gods and kept pouring down, making Yun Yiyang's own cultivation improve again.

"The gods are invincible, and the master is invincible..." A force came down, and Yun Yiyang suddenly shook. He immediately let go of his wings and left far away. Suddenly, the disaster came. Countless disasters broke through time and space and directly bombarded down. He was hitting the realm again. This is the last "creation field" of the Taoist realm.

Suddenly, a huge origin field rose outside his body, which was simply a miniature concentration of the cosmic world. Suddenly, the water gushed out, flooding the whole pure land and becoming a vast ocean. This big water was dark, ecstasy, washed away the world, destroyed all sentient beings, and submerged the heaven of the gods and the plane of immortals.


Yun Yiyang himself was suddenly impacted by the Yan Futi robbed water, and immediately screamed. The skin and flesh on his body melted in an instant, revealing the white bone, and then the white bone also integrated into the Yan Futi robbed water.

But he did not disappear and became a victim of Yan Fu's water disaster. Then the whole body scattered 200 million origin boundary and rose like a meteor firestorm in the water.



The flooded, vast and permeated the field of origin. Under the catalysis of this water robbery, the 200 million origin boundary began to have a combination of the two.

"This is Yan Fu's robbery! How can it appear in the field, and the ancient immortals will be melted! Back quickly, retreat quickly, and exit the field, otherwise it will be a disaster!" Yihui suddenly woke up from the combination of the two and practice. He was warily seeing that the clouds in front of him were washed away by the water, and a sacred weapon on his body was immediately destroyed. At the same time, his whole body was corroded. His whole body was full of holes. In the screams, his whole body dissipated and finally turned into an infinite origin and rose up, like a dark sky. The stars are shining brightly, and the breath of life is strong.

In addition to Yan Fu's robbery of water, endless flames also flew out of the wormholes.

This kind of flame is as red as blood, like a flower in the pan, floating in the water, water and fire. The life of a short-lived flower is short and disappears in an instant, but it is eternal.

"Fire in an instant!" Yihui's beautiful body suddenly contracted, her eyes were alert, and she tried her best to retreat from the farther distance to avoid being entangled with this blood-red short-blooded flame.

This is a great disaster. The flashing blood-ephemeral flame, like Yan Fu, is a rare supreme disaster between heaven and earth. Once it appears, it represents all kinds of unknown things.

"Is this kind of disaster? I've seen it once on the winged young master before, and it turns out that it's all like this. Finally, the origin boundary gathered Yun Yiyang's body again, stepping on the water, and around the body, the blood-red episophridians flashed and disappeared, and entered the meridians and acupuncture points around the body. In this condensation, many figures appeared in the depths of the huge field of origin, which seemed to be the birth of ghosts and gods in heaven and earth.

In the disaster, he was not weak at all. Instead, he became more and more fierce. The breath in his body was also condensed. The quality of true qi was further improved. The crystal wall system in the origin field squirmed. On each crystal wall system, a ghost and a white feather was condensed behind it. Wings shrank into an embryo.

"The number is shattered!" Yun Yiyang roared again, magnificent mountains and rivers, thunder in the sky, rolling and exploding, tearing through the ages, and attacking continuously. Each punch was with the divine power of heaven and earth. Yihui, who was not far away, saw that every time he punched, there were countless cracks in the field of origin, lifting Yan Fu to the water, and absorbed all the epilear fire in an instant. Enter it.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and sucked. All the water and fire entered his body and merged with the holy light. The original field expanded again, and many divine trees and flowers grew out of the original field.

On his body, the holy light seems to be materializing. It makes his body taller and more burly!

But this disaster is not over, and it is still continuing. With itself as the center, a more violent doom breath has emerged. A yellow cloud appeared. The cloud is heavy, and every trace has the power of mountains. Between the surge, such as tens of millions of ancient mountains crushing down, I'm afraid that if any existence encounters this yellow cloud, it will be flesh and blood. For mud.

Xuanhuang Robbery of the earth! This is a great disaster, which is more fierce than Yan Fu's water robbery and the instant fire. Wherever the robbery reaches, it will be submerged.

However, Yun Yiyang did not feel the power of this mysterious land robbery at all. He arbitrarily absorbed the land and went deep into his body. The huge original field was more vivid. In the field, there seemed to be something coming out of the cocoon and completely sprouting. It seems that outside the whole universe, another cosmic world is being born, but this essence is micro-concentrated.

Xuanhuang's killing ability is extremely strong. Wherever it rolls, it will be destroyed, and there is no vitality left.

Then, with himself as the center, countless winds began to produce. The wind condensed into a giant spirit, and even many placentaes were in it, and the peerless fierce fetus brewed in the wind.

Seeing the wind appear, Yihui, who was far away and watching, was almost shocked. He turned around and was about to run away. "It's actually the eternal wind. What's going on? Even if it is broken and soaring, it is impossible to have this kind of doom, and there will only be a nihilism and fire in the sky."

The strong wind is getting stronger and stronger. The airflow between heaven and earth changes into the wind. In this wind, no existence can escape, because space and time are all melted in the wind.

Eternal kamikaze, called eternity, is to turn everything into an eternal wind, leaving no trace of existence.

After the combination of Yun Yiyang and Yihui, the realm of creation began to impact, but every time he rose to a level, the number of disasters was always endless, which was particularly difficult.

He has gone through three major disasters: "Yanfu's water robbery", "a flash of epile" and "Xuanhuang earth", and the last "eternal divine wind" finally appeared, and the four elements that make up the world are also in the huge origin field created.