usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 45 The Buddha Nun Came

Ding Feifei smiled and said coquettishly, "Sister Ying, you are a good sister. You always accommodate that bad guy. There will never be any complaints. I can't do such a high level. If there is a day when that bad guy is out of favor, although I am the first to follow him, my spleen Anger will definitely make me the first one to go out of favor. Sister Ying will never, will she?"

So the women gathered together like this. The original intention was to enlighten Ding Feifei, and finally turned into words of mutual concern. They seemed to be really united, harmonious and happy, which was very different from the general legendary inner palace.

The key is that women are understood and treated differently. Generally, those emperors gather women with power to oppress them. They don't care about women's inner feelings at all. They don't take the women around them seriously at all. They spoil whichever they like in their hearts, and those who don't like them go into the cold palace, or even slaughter them at will. .

Women are all the playthings of the dead emperor. They are not respectful at all. They can do whatever they want. Women are all very oppressive and oppressive, and there are a large of dead eunuchs who harm the inner palace, and the empress dowager are rampant, which naturally makes the inner palace very nervous and even on the verge of collapse.

The harem is just relying on the oppression of killing power and forcibly gathering and maintaining together. Without the little human nature, the women do not fight with each other, and it is no wonder that they are crazy and vicious. Otherwise, the most poisonous woman's heart sentence is not a waste of time, and the angry rabbit will bite back.

Yun Yiyang is naturally different. He made the women around him live a comfortable and happy life. A bowl of water was flat, but the woman disdained to fight internally. In turn, he united to resist him.

In fact, everything in the whole universe seems to have one of the most prominent laws, that is, the continuous generation and creation of contradictions.

Only by contradictions and checks and balances can everything be safe. On the contrary, once the balance of contradiction is broken, the tilt of the balance indicates boundless danger, and even to break and stand up, and completely reform.

Take the harem as an example. In addition to one or two of the women in his harem, those emperors pushed all of them to the opposite and gave all the women pressure. It was not easy. Only by obtaining the final approval of the emperor can they reach the sky in one step. Naturally, women will have to hate each other and fight for each other to win favor. Live.

This was forced to be helpless. Originally, it was a conflict between the emperor and the woman, but it was inadvertently transferred by the emperor to impose on one or two lucky women, leading to a tragic dispute between women.

And Yunyi spoiled all the women, and the women felt that they really had nothing to dispute, so the conflict was returned to the original. The women were like sisters, but came together to resist him.

The struggle for power extends to the officialdom is the same. It is called the art of power checks and balances. Rulers who do not know the art of power checks and balances are definitely not good rulers. Are you tired to death if you are comprehensive and do everything yourself? That kind of rule is really too bitter. It is a metaphor for Zhu Yuanzhang and Yongzheng in history. Although these emperors have lost the reputation of diligence, I don't think so, but they still lack the way of checks and balances of power, which is too tiring to live.

Powerful politicians are all great artists who play the way of power checks and balances. They are also the so-called art of management, rather than holding power alone and killing them to death.

Let his direct subordinates be divided into several factions, and then delegate the power in their hands to them to contain and fight each other. At the same time, they should conscientiously manage all their responsibilities for themselves (because this is the biggest, most important and necessary thing for power under the wise leadership. If people don't do a good job, otherwise it will be a determined failure. The wise leaders are clearly aware of it, and everyone knows it).

The wise self is happy, high above, staring at his direct subordinates, controlling, distributing and controlling their balance of strength, and always letting them compete for each other. And once the balance is broken and the family is dominant, the wise you will be in danger. You will definitely be empty and become incompetent. It is the first priority to always grasp the balance.

This is also the redistribution and transfer of contradictions. Otherwise, it is a sharp contradiction between yourself and your subordinates. You will work together to fight against each other, and you will be anxious and thankless.

Playing with the checks and balances of power has turned into a conflict between subordinates. Just wait and see and constantly adjust the balance of this contradiction and struggle. Let them fight each other and seize power. You will die, and you should also pay attention not to be empty, which is also a big artistic problem.

If you are out of the bureau, you will always be the ultimate big family, instead of scratching your hair and beard, igniting your upper body, and putting yourself in deep trouble.

This must be understood and clear at a glance.

Therefore, you should sincerely treat your women well, and not play with the combination of power checks and balances. Only when we are together can we be happy, harmonious, and have no complaints. Even if a man is resisted by his group of women, he enjoys it.

And to lead power, you must dig out your mind to control your subordinates, try your best to play with this set of power checks and balances, and play well, and everything is under control. You are free and relaxed in a high position, instead of being overtaken and sold by your subordinates. This is necessary, otherwise the power is too much Tired or too cowardly, I'm afraid you won't fall far away.

Yun Yiyang is an extremely wise man, so his harem is absolutely stable and united, extremely safe, without any worries, and the harem is also very happy every day.

And the power of his savage emperor is also extremely stable, because he is deeply aware of the emperor's mind and the way of power checks and balances. His throne is also as stable as Mount Tai, and no one can shake it. I have to say that he is free every day and can be regarded as an extremely comfortable emperor.

However, the fun of life and unexpected surprises are not expected.

On this day, a group of Buddhist nuns came down from Mengyun Emperordu. Everyone must have expected that it was the wife of the great Pope Yerod of the Sun Temple of the Savage, a team of hundreds of female nuns led by a female Bodhisattva of the Buddhist continent, who directly came to the Mengyun capital of the Savage.

For many time, Yerod and Ye Nalan's father and son had no news and lost contact, so the female bodhisattva couldn't wait to visit her husband and son, Yerod and Ye Nalan.