usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 50 Fool

Jingye Bodhisattva nodded gently and said solemnly, "Yes, I wonder why your majesty sat on the savage ruling the throne, otherwise it is difficult to explain the strange things."

Yun Yiyang's head was as big as a bucket. Knowing that she was talking about herself, she pretended to be a wry smile and said, "Jingye Bodhisattva, please say frankly that the virtuous father and son are located in me. Is this a good thing... or is it a messy and difficult account?"

The Jingye Bodhisattva frowned slightly and said in some embarrassment, "This... is naturally very bad!"

Yun Yiyang's heart sank and pretended to look gloomy: "What to say..."

The Purification Bodhisattva was stunned, with an incredible expression on her face. Of course, she did not believe that Yun Yiyang would trust her so easily, so she was surprised and said, "Your Majesty, do you have the courage to turn the tide on the top of the storm? Haven't you seen the current chaotic situation by yourself? Can't you understand it yet?

Yun Yiyang pretended to sigh, collapsed on the throne, rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers, and said weakly, "Yes, that's it! Why am I so confused and muddle-headed?

The little nun next to Miaolan suddenly giggled and trembled. After a long time, she turned to the front of the hall, looked up and stared at Yun Yiyang and said lightly, "Your Majesty, you have been deceived. My father and brother are deliberately exonerate yourself and let you bear the risk and insidious responsibility of the destruction of the world."

Yun Yiyang frowned and asked with a gloomy face, "Sister Miaolan, how did you know and how did you see it?"

Little Nun Miaolan smiled, so she said in an unpredictable soft voice, "Of course, we are originally father, daughter and brother and sister. Over the years, they have been in a peaceful ruling position here. To put it bluntly, they are cheating, bullying men and women, and living a very happy life. Why did you suddenly stop the pressure and easily pass the position to you? Naturally, there is an unspeakable purpose, and framing you is also part of the facts and truth, do you understand? What a poor little boy, are you starting to be afraid and tremble?

Yun Yiyang pretended to be stunned, looked at the graceful figure in front of him, and said in disbelief, "Sister Miaolan, don't scare me? My daily situation is difficult enough and cowardly enough. Now I can't feel comfortable for a moment. How can I live?"

The little nun Miaolan pondered for a long time, suddenly sighed, shook her head and joked, "Yes, you are so embarrassed, so don't sit in this high position. Coward, come down and let me sit on it. I don't like you, a heartless, shameless, muscleless and boneless waste.

Yun Yiyang pretended to be confused, but he still vaguely guessed that the mother and daughter could not be relieved by the position of the rule of the savages. They had the intention to take the opportunity to regain the imperial power. How could this careful thinking be hidden from Yun Yiyang, an understanding person? As early as the beginning of killing Yerod and Ye Nalan's father and son, Yun Yiyang expected that he would not escape the frontal entanglement with the mother and daughter. What should come could not be avoided. Isn't it just right now?

The Jingye Bodhisattva beside him smiled faintly and asked Yun Yiyang sadly, "Okay, let's get back to the point. Please say frankly, where is my husband's original great Pope Yerod's autobiography after you? So far, there has been no news, but I can only see my son Nalan here. And I can't calculate his trace anymore, and he can't do so, as if the world evaporates, that is, the true appearance of life and death. I'm also wondering what happened?"

Yun Yi raised her eyebrows and smiled, and whispered in distress, "I really don't know this, and I dare not assert it arbitrarily, but the great Pope said in private at that time that he would go to the mainland of the Buddhist world and reunite with the Jingye Bodhisattva, and then he will never see others again. After all, he will go. Where is it? Let's cross-examination Brother Nalan carefully. Their father and son should know more than an outsider.

Jingye Bodhisattva quickly denied it and sighed softly, "I have asked again and again that the old man was lost his mind at the beginning, and even this closest son left without saying goodbye and did not tell anything."

After a pause, she gently brushed her robe and sighed, "However, at that time, he suddenly fell from the peak of power and had nothing from then on. The uncomfortable mood can be imagined. I'm afraid that there is an impulse to die. He really hides in an unknown corner to do stupid things. From then on, it has become a real puzzle. I'm fascinated."

"If you can't bear the heavy, why do you have to spread your own position? If it's just like this, who can do it? It's really stupid that you can still practice yourself like this..." Finally, Jingye Bodhisattva did not forget to shake his head and sigh. This situation is intriguing and extremely unwilling.

Yun Yiyang took this scene in his eyes and couldn't stop sneering. On the surface, he nodded and said with a smile, "I have to explain this. I hope I won't do the last stupid thing. It's really my fault. I'm sorry for the Pope."

A trace of pain flashed in the eyes of the Jingye Bodhisattva. She held the shoulder of "Yenalan", closed her eyes, and meditated silently: "What a stupid father and son. Why do you have to pass on the throne? Everything has been completed by others and made herself with nothing. Now it has become this cowardly morality, and the other is even more ridiculous. Bu, how can I have such a stupid husband and son? No, I must unite with my son to kill this son and regain the imperial power. What can the whole savage do for me?

"Like a beautiful flower, like a flowing year, you can go back to the past, but you can't go back to the beginning." I don't know why, looking at the Jingye Bodhisattva with his eyes closed and determined look, such a sentence appeared in his mind. He expected the calculation in the woman's heart, but he didn't think so. After a long time, he smiled and whispered, "Jingye Bodhisattva, you don't need to worry and remember so much. Relax, everything will be fine, it will pass, and you will have a deeper understanding of life.

The Purification Bodhisattva smiled faintly and opened his eyes and looked as usual.

Yun Yiyang glanced at it, but saw that the Bodhisattva was dignified and had a light appearance on his face, which did not show any abnormality. However, Yun Yiyang's heart was clear that she must have seen some clues, and she also wondered where to start to make a breakthrough to usurp the power of the emperor again. The position of power.

At this time, the little nun Miaolan beside her squeezed her mouth and hummed and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, it's really a rare thing for you to sit on such a high savage throne. I'm curious and can't understand. I don't know why my father and brother are so willing to complete you. It's really puzzled. My stupid brother, stupid father, Your Majesty, you must be laughing and laughing in your dreams.