usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 2 Surrender one by one

That holy light fell into the depths of the eyebrows of the young commander Yiyi. The young commander Yiyi originally wanted to resist. He did have a conspiracy and tricks to follow Yun Yiyang, so that he could take the opportunity to approach Yihui, but when he heard this, he knew that things had really desperate, so he completely let go of his body and mind and let that the spiritual light penetrate. Entering the depths of my heart, I soon felt that my thoughts and everything in my heart were completely disintegrated from the jealousy and hatred for Yun Yiyang from Yihui to Yun Yiyang, and became a loyal believer of Yun Yiyang.

"My Lord!" The pious light rippled all over his body, like a pious person in a special constitution, bowed down completely and threw himself to the ground: "My Lord is a great emperor. I begin to believe in my Lord wholeheartedly now. My Lord's blessing is the glory of my life. My Lord's will, even if I sacrifice my life, will be carried out. I I want to completely safeguard the dignity of the Lord.

"Okay, back aside." Yun Yiyang waved his hand. At the moment when the young commander Yiyi, a strong man in the realm of nirvana, completely became his loyal believer, he felt a huge energy and poured it down to moisten his dominant deity and soul. At this moment, the young commander Yiyi's thoughts at every moment were mastered by himself and went down with his own idea. If you let him do whatever he does, there will be no resistance at all.

Even if he commits suicide, he will explode without hesitation.

"Very well, the power of this faith can be transmitted into the dominant god. It is better to be careful and be careful to hold on the ship for ten thousand years. In the future, it will be used to suppress the great soul that may remain in the dominant god. As long as you have a trace of soul will, you will wake up sooner or later. If you don't suppress it, It's possible to take it away from me." Yun Yiyang knew very well that the dominance of the gods was not as good as the marks of the gods. Sooner or later, it would be a huge scourge.

"Young commander Yiyi, now you have completely become a loyal believer of my husband. Hurry up and order your four followers to submit to the faith. This is your best opportunity to show your meritorious service. What are you still hesitating about?" Yun Yiyang's Yihui beside him did not miss the opportunity, glanced at the young commander and quickly ordered.

Yes! Yes! What Concubine Hui taught me a lesson!" Young commander Yiyi nodded repeatedly and bowed his waist to answer. He now completely believes in Yun Yiyang. Everything is centered on Yun Yiyang, that is, his obsession with Yihui seems to have completely disappeared from this moment. He has nothing more than thoughts in his heart, and he is very regular and pertinent.

Young commander Yiyi was very loyal. He was eager to trot all the way and walked to his four subordinates. He scolded and ordered with intimidation: "Yizhong, Yiqing, Yiming and Yizhu, the four of you quickly submit to the master and be loyal believers of the master. If you say no word, I will chop you. This consequences are very serious. Ming Is it white?"

"Young commander, we are all the clan of our clan, and the marshals. We are all close friends. We are all invincible and strong people. How can we easily believe in others? And we dare not betray our great courage. Think about the consequences..." A winged man was about to talk nonsense.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Young Marshal Yiyi immediately quit. He was furious and was rude to the wingman. He slapped him in the face and kept saying fiercely, "I can't beat you, I can't beat you... You still dare to resist, and you can resist. Question mark If you want to believe in the master, it is to tolerate you and look up to you... You really take it seriously and say, are you convinced or not?

The wing man glanced at Yi Yi with a resentful face, and insisted on his silence, allowing him to beat and scold.

The young commander Yi was furious and began to punch and kick him. Then he kicked him to the ground and trampled on his chest. He slapped him in the face and said tit-for-tat again: "I don't believe in evil. I can't convince you. Can't compare with a garbage like you? Today, you have to agree. If you don't agree, you have to agree. Do you dare to pretend in front of me and see that I can't kill you? I'm not afraid to believe in my master. Can you be tougher than me? What are you more worried about than me?"

The wingman finally began to give in. He couldn't get along with his own boss and young commander. He begged for mercy with a sad face and said, "Young commander, I'm convinced. Don't fight anymore. Follow you to submit. What else can I be discouraged?"

Then he turned his head to the three companions and advised them, "Three, you all submit together. The practical man is Junjie. We really have no choice. The more we resist, the more we will be bullied and tortured. You have also seen the situation of the young commander. You have also seen my situation, and then it will be your turn. Let's all surrender as soon as possible.

"We have no objection and obey the arrangement of the young commander," the three wingmen hesitated, replied reluctantly with one voice, and then faced the young commander Yiyi, "Young commander, we are all willing to submit. You plead for us in front of our master, and we have completely understood it."

"That's all right. You all open your hearts completely, never try to resist, and let this emperor accept the faith of the four of you immediately." Yun Yiyang always has a gloomy expression, walking slowly in front of the four wingers, and the four holy lights of faiths shot out of their bodies and bet on them overhead.

All of a sudden, the four wingers all believed again. Yun Yiyang felt the power of the gathered faith and was greatly satisfied for a moment.

The prohibition on the four wingers was lifted, and they knelt down in front of Yun Yiyang. "Master, we are now waking up and become new. We believe in you devoutly. From then on, we have been blessed with the glory of our master."

"Well, well, you all get up, and then there will be important tasks assigned to the young commander and you. From then on, your loyal men and right-hand men will not treat you badly." Yunyi was proud and waved his big hands.

Only the last pure bodhisattva left. Yunyi raised his head with his back and walked in all directions. He walked slowly with fierceness. It seemed to be light, but in fact it made people sneer with a chill: "Bodhisattva, my mother, let me recognize you as a mother. We want to get along happily and harmoniously. Now it seems that we are afraid It's unrealistic. Do you understand what I mean?"

Jingye Bodhisattva, who has been "interfering" and said angrily, "You are awesome. My husband and son are all in your hands, and now it's my turn. With this failure, there is no need to be changed and no chance. Things can't be done. I don't accept it."