usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 28 Return to the Heroic Gate

The infinite holy light of faith penetrated the whole body of the rosefinch girl, and was surrendered for a moment and completely believed in Yun Yiyang. The sadness of losing her spouse in the eyes of the rosefinch girl also faded in an instant, and her mood was surprisingly calm. Everything only revolved around the clouds as the core, and there was nothing else in her eyes.

"The maidservant Huanghuang saw the master. From then on, the maidservant completely relied on the master and had no two hearts. Please rest assured..." "The rosefinch girl" knelt down to the clouds and bowed her head, full of satisfaction.

"Okay, it's your blessing," Yun Yiyang's face was ambitious, and then ordered, "Huanghuang, gather all the firebirds of the whole Flame Mountain and send them into my original holy land, which can complete and strengthen the law of my holy land, and have a few more chances of winning against the enemy in the future."

Yes! I'll handle it now." Huang Huang suddenly gave the first order and immediately turned around and flew to the whole Flame Mountain...

In a short time, thousands of firebirds, covering the sky and the sun, like locusts, all came into the holy land of the origin of the clouds.

For a while, the origin holy land of Yunyiyang was full of vitality and a prosperous atmosphere. All these countless firebirds believed in Yunyi and prayed for blessings. Countless beliefs and fortunes were blessed to reach his original holy land, making his strength again and his heart was infinitely happy.

Yun Yiyang looked at Huanghuang's physique in a blink of an eye, which was very strange. His bloodline was inhuman, and his acupuncture points were complete, but he had the bloodline of mythical beasts such as "Jinwu", 'Phoenix', 'Firefly', 'Fire Beast' and 'Red Xiao', which condensed into blood.

This kind of blood is thousands of times stronger than human blood. Although it is not comparable to the 100 billion times of genes, it is also extremely powerful to melt. This kind of blood is not born. It seems to be a kind of human cultivation, refined, the reproduction of generations, a strong and noble bloodline.

Just like the bloodline of Yun Yiyang, it was cultivated by man. It seems that these two rosefinches sit as kings in the Flame Mountain and devoured the blood of other fire mythical beasts, so that they can have such a skill of creation.

"This is called fiery true blood, which is indeed a noble bloodline and a special powerful bloodline in ancient times." Just then, Huang Huang spoke and looked at Yun Yiyang. His eyes flashed and said cautiously.

"Okay, let's go!" Yun Yiyang looked at the rosefinch girl Huanghuang, the little dragon girl, the phoenix girl and Yihui all entered their original sanctuary together, turned around and left the Flame Mountain, but it seemed that she suddenly remembered something and couldn't help asking Huanghuanghuang, "Huanghuang, let me ask you, the demon realm crazy demon mountain demon cultivation alliance is the real core of the whole demon clan, right? Ruling the Flame Mountain is also a major force of the Demon Cultivation Alliance. Then you are very familiar with the Crazy Devil Ridge. If we turn to the Crazy Devil Ridge on this trip, I don't know what do you think?

"Master, our flame god and bird family is really one of the major forces of the demon clan in the Crazy Demon Mountain Demon Cultivation Alliance. Every time there is a big event of the demon clan, we must gather the ancestors of the demon clan to discuss together." Huang Huang Huang has questions to answer Yun Yiyang. At present, he does not dare to neglect it. He answered truthfully, "Actually, we belong to the mythical beast clan and has long been proud of himself. Without the demon clan, we really associate with the demon clan, but we are disdainful. Therefore, we are not mainstream in the demon clan. Among the demon clans, the mainstream of the demon cultivation alliance are the ape clan, the lion clan, the tiger clan, the elephant clan, the fox clan, the Dapeng clan, the Yalong clan, the cow clan... Speaking of speaking, there is nothing to pay attention to. We only maintain peace with the mainstream of these demon clans. Get along with each other, have nothing to do with each other, just take care of each other.

"That's it!" Yun Yiyang originally planned to go to the Crazy Demon Ridge Demon Cultivation Alliance, but at this time, when he heard Huang Huang's words, he gave up his mind and seemed to mutter to himself, "Forget it, save time. We will turn back to the human race now, but there is also a big bend in the middle, if we go directly south from the wild territory. Entering the human territory is to take a straight line, and now the plan is to go all the way west from the wild territory to the demon realm, and then from the demon realm to the human territory along the Qingtian Mountains to the east, and return to the heroic gate first.

Yun Yiyang made up his mind not to delay in the demon realm. With his current strength, even in this dangerous foreign world, as long as he does not want to provoke others, others will ask for more blessings and refuse to offend him easily, so he rampage in the demon realm, like a flat ground, and no one comes here without a long-sighted life.

This world is a world of forced-eating and weak meat. Everything speaks according to his strength. At his level, it can be said that he is rampant in the world and keeps jumping in space. In a few blinks, he broke away from the vast demon realm and stepped into the civilized territory of the human race.

In the mainland of China, the territory of the human race is the smallest. For example, the demon domain, the demon domain and the corpse domain are much larger than the territory of the human race. Among them, the geographical scope of the Hai nationality is the widest, which is larger than the territory of all other ethnic groups, because in the whole divine continent, the area of the ocean is larger than that of land.

However, the sea clan is a very general division and title. In fact, there are many races in the ocean than the races on land, and the resources are extremely rich, but no one subdivides it any more. A sea and a land is determined and draws a clear line.

Even the original savage territory is much larger than the human territory, but now it has greatly declined and shrunk, and even almost disappeared at the beginning.

When Yun Yiyang returned to the territory of the human race, he felt a sense of familiarity and intimacy in his heart. He came along the line of the Qingtian Mountains towering into the clouds and felt more comfortable. The human border garrison guarded along the Qingtian Mountains along the way disappeared, and all of them were moved to the south bank of Mengyun, a new border line farther to the east. The human race seized almost one-third of the territory of the savage in a very prosperous period. Along the way, this is the feeling brought to Yun Yiyang in human society.

Finally, half an hour later, he entered the entrance wall as the holy son, and now he still maintains his original appearance in the mountains of the Twelve Familiar Heroes. The Qingtian Mountains are Yunshi mountains, stretching hundreds of thousands of miles, spanning the east-west direction of the whole mainland of China. Countless dragon veins are hidden in it, and thousands of rivers have originated. There are countless mineral veins in the mountains, countless rare treasures, extraterrestial aura, and rare plants and animals.

There are more rumors that practicing in this mountain can absorb more power of stars and integrate with the stars in the sky. However, the "Qingtian Mountains" have a desolate and mysterious atmosphere from the extraterritorial sky, while the heroic gate is hidden in large and small, tens of millions of mountains, which seems to be hidden and unpredictable.