usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 8 shows the bottom card

! Oh! Oh! chi......

A dozen crack-like crisp sounds in a row, and there was no time to continue to beg for mercy and resist and struggle in vain. More than a dozen big heads fell to the ground like a melon, and a cavity of red blood sprayed Lao Gao like arrows, and more than a dozen lively lives were in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, all dragged out to feed the dogs," Yun Jiangxue didn't look at the executed one. He lost his head and fell to the ground like more than a dozen mud. He continued to assign tasks without a break. "The three elders, Yun Lie, Yun Zhong and Yun Xiao led the five guard commanders to guard the Houfu. At the same time, they just suddenly After the great changes in the house, there are also matters to prevent outsiders from coming to the house to spy and make trouble. Be sure that the house is safe. Be careful and don't mess up.

glanced at the more than ten warm corpses that dozens of guards were silently carrying out of the hall. Yun Jiangxue turned his head to face Yun Yiyang, and a touch of worry flashed on his face, and he said with determination: "Yun'er, let's go and go straight to the enemy's nest. Tonight's success or failure, Longtanhu The acupuncture point also had to break through and break with the man.

After saying that, Yun Jiangxue's face was quite hesitant, so he did not immediately take the lead in getting up and flying away. He was resolute and tough, with clear edges and corners. His mature and heroic white face was hesitating, and there was a trace of unbearable questioning on the clouds in front of him.

This thought did not hide the meaning of Yun Yiyang, but clearly and Lang Lang's last concern and consultation. The strong love for his son is all in silence, and silence is better than sound.

Yun Jiangxue is not afraid of himself, but worried about Yun Yiyang. He clearly knows that he is afraid that the protection in Yun Jiangyu's barracks is like an iron bucket. After such a long period of careful planning and preparation, coupled with the strong support and help of Prince Yuan, the details are not very clear now. I don't know what the dangers are, but I can be sure that it is a hard stubble that is hard to touch. It is very dangerous. On the contrary, I am afraid that a careless Yun Yiyang will fall into it and lose his life. If it is so young, it is too regrettable. Which father who loves his son can bear it?

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get the tiger. Dad, you don't have to worry about me. At that time, you should be careful to protect yourself. Your son's power now is beyond ordinary people's imagination. Yun Yiyang knew that his father Yun Jiangxue was worried about his mentality, and immediately looked at his father confidently and relaxedly.

"Marquis, young master, still Rong Laonu boldly said, "The boss Guan Yunlie once escorted Yun Yiyang north to the heroic gate all the way, and died together many times. After the common suffering of the enemy, the master and servant are considered to be a deadly friendship, and now one is out of the sincerity of the elders's love for the younger generation, and the other is also seen that his master Zi's obvious worry, and out of his loyalty to share his worries, he did not hesitate at all. He seized this opportunity and quickly interrupted and beg himself, "Marquis, this is alone and dangerous. It's very scheming. For the sake of safety, let the old slave replace the young master and follow the marquis to this time. The young master town It's best to guard the house. It's impossible for the marquis and his son to be in danger at the same time. Otherwise, if you are not careful, everything will be done. Please think about yourself.

"Haha, Uncle, you are too worried. Your little nephew is no longer Wu Xia Amon in the past. It's really difficult for me to live in this lower world. It's not my boasting. This time, the adventure is beyond ordinary people can imagine." Yun Yiyang smiled, calm from the air, and the wind is light. The self-confidence in this determination is absolutely believed and has to be admired. This is no more arrogant than the arrogant. It can be seen at a glance that I don't know the depth of heaven and earth. I think I am the most pitiful and ridiculous in the world, and the master makes people distinguish it.

However, Yun Yiyang only paused slightly, nodded slightly to Yunlie, and then said, "My vicious uncle is extraordinary. He is a vicious role. Liebo, you take it lightly. With your current strength, you can't stand it at all. Please forgive your little nephew and tell the truth, only small My nephew can only be eradicated once he goes there. Even if my father is not strong enough, it is better to sit in the house. Dad, Uncle Lie, Uncle Zhongbo and Uncle Xiaobo, please look at my cards and helpers, so that all the elders can rest assured to stay at home.

Before Yun Yiyang finished his words, the rosefinch Huanghuang, Yihui, the little dragon girl and the phoenix girl hidden in his body circled around his body and flew out. These were all the invincible strong men who usurped the heavenly realm. For a moment, the momentum was overwhelming on the spot, and everyone felt powerful and horrible.

Including Yun Jiangxue, they were all stupid on the spot. Originally, these characters were extremely powerful. They could only be seen from the look up, and they could not be seen at the beginning. Now Yun Yiyang casually waved four out, especially the rosefinch female Huanghuang, whose strength is even more difficult to know, but I'm afraid it has exceeded the realm of the strength of the broken Nie Feisheng.

"I want to see my master!" Zhuque Huanghuang, Yihui, the little dragon girl and the four phoenix women squatted down respectfully to the clouds at the same time.

"Dad, three uncles, have you all seen it? These are the four maids I surrendered. They are almost at this level. Do you still have to worry about me? Dad and three old uncles are guarding the mansion. It's good for me to deal with that guy alone, so as not to bother the masses. Yun Yiyang's face does not change color, and his heart does not beat, as if he is talking about a very ordinary thing, which gives outsiders an infinite depth of unfathoming.

Yun Yiyang's behavior shocked everyone around him and was almost stunned for a long time. When Yun Yiyang took the four women back into his body and the whole audience's oppression was exhausted, he woke up incredibly suddenly. Yun Jiangxue was even more panicked and dizzy. He was almost short of breath, trembling his tongue and suspicious. He said uncertainly to Yun Yiyang, "Yun'er, what's going on? It's the first time I've seen my father in such a big scene. As usual, these characters are unattainable in my father's mind. I didn't think they were just your maids. Yun'er, is this an illusion? Tell Dad it's all true! Dad is really sitting in the well and watching the sky. Yuner, how did you do it? What has your strength reached? It's really appalling.

"Marquis, have you just seen the four maids of the young master? It seems that there are winged people, dragons, rosefinches and phoenixes, and such powerful races. It's really unbelievable. When the old slave escorted the young master north to the heroic gate, what level and strength did the young master have? The old slave can see it the most clearly. This is only been long? In less than three years, the young master has been unfathomable. I'm afraid of the world. Invincible, it's really amazing and sighing!" The boss Guan Yunlie was so sad that his face turned red with excitement.