usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 41 No Door

Originally, Lian Chengbi's identity and status were not comparable to Xie Xianxian. At this time, when he saw Xie Xianxian saying this, he had to submit to his sister and respect her as his sister. According to his actual age, Xie Xianxian was one or two years younger than Lian Chengbi. "Please be more compassionate and take care of her in the future. Everyone is a sister. It should be united and harmonious. ."

"Okay, let's go back to the house. We will go back to Wuxiangmen tomorrow. In a few days, we will secretly rush to the Zhongdu Imperial City," Yunyi turned around and led the women back to the new house...


Finally, I went to the Wuxiang Mountains and returned to the Wuxiang Gate. The most excited person was Xie Xianxian. After more than two years of parting, I went back and forth in my dream, and I dreamed of returning to my mountain gate.

As soon as he came back, he led Yun Yiyang, Lian Chengbi, Ying Yangzi, Ying Yinyin, as well as Han Ning'er and Xing Wushuang to the Holy Women's Hall on the Holy Women's Peak, and all of them were hidden in Yun Yiyang's body.

Everything is still the same. The Holy Women's Hall is still the grand occasion of the daughter's Palace in the moon. As soon as it arrived, it was picked up by the elders in the Holy Women's Hall. Everyone had a little rest and was idle. Except for Han Ning'er and Xing Wushuang, they rushed to the Wuxiangmen Hall of the main peak of the central Wuxiang Gate.

This time, Xie Xianxian came back and sent a message to her parents first. She did not enter the forbidden place in the small heaven of the school like in the heroic gate. Her parents waited to receive Yun Yiyang and his party in the main hall. Everything was simple and saved a lot of trouble, which was very in line with Yun Yiyang's own character.

This is almost the legendary fairyland.

There is a huge square on the main peak. The ground is all paved with white jade, shining brightly. At a glance, it makes people feel small. The white clouds in the distance, like a veil, are floating under their feet.

In the center of the square, a copper tripod is placed every dozens of feet, divided into three rows, three in each row, a total of nine, which are placed according to the rules. From time to time, there is light smoke in the tripod, and its taste is clear and does not dissipate.

"Go here." As if he understood the thoughts of Yun Yiyang, Ying Yangzi and others, Xie Xianxian showed a smile on his face and let them look at it for a long time before waking up several people and continuing to walk forward.

"This is the 'cloud sea and sky wind' in our phaseless main peak, and there is a better one ahead!" Xie Xianxian walked along the side street.

Ying Yangzi couldn't help asking, "What is it?"

Xie Xianxian's delicate jade hand pointed and said, "Listen to Tao Hongqiao."

Several people looked far ahead and saw something shining behind the misty clouds at the end of the square. They accelerated their pace and walked forward.

Gradually, the sound of water came, and there were one or two thunderous strange sounds, and I don't know where they came from.

They got closer and closer, and the clouds were like gentle fairies, gently surrounding them, gradually pulling off the faint veil and revealing their clear faces.

At the end of the square, there is a rainbow bridge, with no seats and no piers. It rises in the air, one end is built in the square, and stretches straight up into the depths of the white clouds, like a dragon leaping into the sky, which is arrogant.

There is a fine sound of water. Under the sun, the whole rainbow bridge emits colorful colors, such as a rainbow in the sky, falling into the world, which is gorgeous and beautiful.

It's a pity that after two years as a disciple of Wuxiangmen, Yun Yiyang saw these famous scenes of Wuxiangmen for the first time. The three women Ying Yangzi, Yingyin and Lian Chengbi were also stunned.

Xie Xianxian smiled and said, "Let me go."

With that, he first walked on the seemingly illusory rainbow overpass.

When you step on the rainbow overpass, you will find that there is continuous water flowing down on both sides of the bridge, which is extremely clear, but the middle part is dripping.

The sun shines on the bridge through the clouds and refracts the water, thus becoming a gorgeous rainbow.

Xie Xianxian looked at their intoxicated appearance and said, "Be careful. There is a bottomless abyss under this bridge. If you accidentally fall down, there will be no place to die."

Of course, this is a joke. When it comes to the current state of women, how can they be easily killed, not to mention Yun Yiyang.

However, after hearing the words, everyone was unfamiliar with the environment here and was afraid of other strange things. They were also slightly shocked and quickly calmed down and walked carefully.

This rainbow bridge looks dreamy and mysterious, and extremely high and long. When a group of five people walked on it, they only felt that the left and right white clouds gradually sank to their feet and wanted to rise higher and higher. And the strange voice in front of him is still coming.

After walking for a while, the white clouds gradually thinned and walked out of the sea of clouds. In front of them, the sky was like washing, and the blue was as transparent.

The sky is wide and boundless; there is a vast sea of clouds below, gently floating and sinking, and at a glance, the heart is suddenly wide.

And in front of it is the "Tongtian Hall" at the top of the Wuxiang Main Peak.

The green mountains are green, and the palace is majestic. The "Tongtian Hall" sits at the top of the peak, surrounded by clouds, and sometimes there are a few auspicious cranes, flying over and hovering in the air, like the fairyland, which is admirable.

At this time, the rainbow bridge no longer rises, but makes an arch in the air and falls on a green pool in front of the hall. At the same time, there is a hidden legend in Tongtian Hall, which is a fairy spirit. And the strange sound is also getting louder and louder.

Five people walked down the rainbow bridge and came to the pool. A spacious stone step went up from the edge of the pool to the gate of the Tongtian Hall.

The pool is green, as clear as a mirror, and the shadows of the mountains are clearly visible.

They walked up the stone steps and were about to walk to the upper gate when they heard a roar in the depths of the pool, like thunder, which was the strange sound before.

Looking around, I saw a huge vortex suddenly in the center of the pool. A moment later, I saw a huge wave roll up, a huge figure jumped out, and the water splashed all over my face.

Xie Xianxian seemed to have been on guard for a long time. With her left hand, her body floated up in the air and floated back a few feet away and stopped in mid-air. And Yun Yiyang's reaction was not slow. How could it be so empty? He took Ying Yangzi, Ying Yinyin and Lian Chengbi to hide quickly and avoided it early to avoid the pain of being drenched.

However, everyone did not notice their own situation at all. They only stared at a huge object in front of them, more than five feet tall, dragon head and sphinx, scales all over the body, huge eyes and big mouth, two sharp fangs shining in the sun, and their faces were ferocious and frightening.

The monster shook its body, and another splash came. Then it seemed to have found something and stretched out its huge head to the steps.

Ying Yangzi, Ying Yinyin and even Cheng Bi couldn't see the details of the monster, but they saw that the monster's head was much bigger than the two of them. Under the sun, their sharp teeth were clearly visible. Looking at it getting closer and closer, they were really scared. They couldn't help cling to each other and their hearts pounding.