
Chapter 22 Mosquitoes on

"In this case, the new elder is A Shuo!" The leader of Gang Hong officially announced.

The elder nodded and held a cup of tea.

The original election conference was directly transformed into a president's takeover conference because of a sentence from the elder.

... "These two guys are good at kung fu, but unfortunately, they still have no way to survive in the face of hot weapons!" Li Shuo looked coldly at the two people who were shot. The two people were stunned by Zeng Honggang's two confidants - A Zhi and Gangzi.

At this time, the two have been shot into a sieve by the powerful new desert eagle.

Since then, the team sent by Zeng Hongang has been completely destroyed! Fortunately, Zeng Honggang is not a fool. He had long expected the result of the assassination if it failed, so A Zhi and Gangzi sent out were his confidants, and Li Shuo did not know him.

"Buzz~~~" The mobile phone vibrated, and Li Shuo immediately picked up the phone.

"Is it A Shuo?" A kind voice rang on the phone.

Li Shuo immediately showed a trace of reverence on his face: "It's me. I'm on my way here. I believe I'll be there in an hour. Thank you for your concern."

"Ashuo, the major elders have made a unified decision to elect you as the new elder, so this election conference has been cancelled, and the elders will be held soon."

The elder's voice is still so kind and peaceful.

Li Shuo was stunned, and dozens of thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant. He didn't know why he was elected all of a sudden.

He knew that the so-called 'the elders reached a unified decision' was the decision of the elders alone.

Although the elder is his master, he is also Zeng Hongang's master, and Zeng Hongang's achievements are not lower than his own, and his qualifications far exceed his own.

How could the master suddenly choose himself? What's the matter, Shuo? I'll tell you the good news in person. Why don't you say a happy word? The elder said with a smile.

Li Shuo quickly got rid of the chaotic idea in his heart and immediately said, "No, it's just that the disciple was too happy for a moment to say anything!" Well, all right, I'm tired, so I'll go back to rest first. Come early!" After saying that, the elder hung up the phone. Li Shuo slowly put away his mobile phone and showed a smile on his face: "Zeng Hong-Gang, Zeng Hong-g, my dear big brother, you lost this time."

... Zeng Hongang has entered the territory of Yangzhou by car.

In the car, Zeng Hongqi sneered: "Li Shuo, didn't you send someone to assassinate me? Are you not allowed to kill your gang brothers because of the rules? It's a pity that you don't know how to be so tcompassive, and you should fail.

"Buzz~~~" Zeng Hongzan looked at the caller ID and couldn't help smiling: "Hey, three elders, do you have any happy events to tell me? Now I feel that the spring outside of the car is bright! Haha..." "Hong Kong, the elder suddenly made a decision!" Zeng Hongang was stunned and immediately smiled and said, "Isn't it a decision that the representative doesn't have to hold an election conference? My achievements are no lower than that of that boy, and my seniority is higher than his. I believe that the master knows who to choose!" The elder chose Li Shuo!" The smile on Zeng Hongang's face condensed in an instant, and his red face became gloomy and dripping water in an instant: "Li Shuo? Do you think the elder chose Li Shuo? Every word seems to squeeze out of the teeth.

"Yes, the elder chose Li Shuo. Don't think the elder is biased.

Li Shuo has a big background behind him, and even our Hong Gang should be careful about the background! Therefore, all our elders are convinced of this decision!" Zeng Hongang is a smart man. He immediately heard a lot of things from the words of the three elders.

The world's five major gangsters, every gangster force is strong and horrible, and there are many super masters! The top masters of the Italian mafia and the American mafia are all blood clans, and the top masters of the Japanese Yamaguchi group are some unworldly ninjas.

As for the top masters of the Youth Gang and Hong Gang, they are all practitioners! Most of the practitioners of the Qing Gang and the Hong Gang are from some families, such as the elder and the second elder, who are all family practitioners.

The Hong Gang, one of the world's five major gangs, can make them careful, only the Holy See, the Dark Council, and the legendary sects in Kunlun Wonderland.

Among them, the strongest and most frightening is the sect in Kunlun Wonderland.

The strongest of the blood clan and the werewolves is also the peak of the seven-level master, and the legend of the strongest of the Holy See is also the peak of the seven-level master! Perhaps only the Pope of the Holy See and the Speaker of the Dark Parliament can break through the seventh level and reach the eighth level with the Holy Reacon at the same time! But... any sect in Kunlun Wonderland has eight-level masters and nine-level masters. Let's not mention the nine-level masters, they are the practitioners who have successfully crossed the disaster, which is equivalent to quasi-immortals. Any one sweeps the major forces, and it is easy to kill anyone.

Just a single eight-level master, the eight-level master of the practitioner is extraordinary, because they have magic weapons. With the help of magic weapons, the attack power is even more terrible! Flying sword kills thousands of miles away! Who dares to provoke the sect in Kunlun Wonderland? As long as the master of the disaster has a flying sword, you can kill your senior management, and you can't find others. Even if you find them, you can't hurt them! Moreover, the genius earth treasure that can refine magic weapons can't be found on the earth at all. It can only be found in Kunlun Wonderland. What's more, there are many amazing kinds of spiritual herbs that refine elixirs in Kunlun Wonderland.

To a certain extent, Kunlun Wonderland should be regarded as the world of cultivation.

Comparison by force: the five major gangs are one level, and the Holy See and the dark parliament are one level higher than the five major gangs.

But Kunlun Wonderland is far stronger than the Holy See and the Dark Parliament, several levels higher than them! The reason why the elder of the youth gang can be called 'Taishang' is that in addition to his great contribution to the youth gang, there is also because he comes from Kunlun fairyland! No matter how prestigious the great elder of the Hong Gang is, he is not known as the elder. You know, the 'elder of the elder' is a clear indication that his power is above the master! In those years, the elders of the youth gang easily killed the two blood dukes of the American mafia alone. The American mafia suddenly dared not provoke the youth gang again, and the power of the youth gang in the United States also overwhelmed the American mafia in one fell swoop! The elder of the Qing Gang is in the underground world, and no one dares to say that he can defeat him! But how do they know that Wang Tong's own strength is equivalent to that of a master of the Yuanying period, and through "Qi Yao Xing Ji", the attack power is even more terrible. He can even kill a master of the same level in seconds! This is the horror of the flying knife entering the road.

"I know what to do!" Zeng Hongang hung up the phone. He finally lowered his noble head and had no idea of fighting with Li Shuo. He dialed Li Shuo's phone at the same time.

"Li Shuo, congratulations on becoming the new elder..."nk"