
Chapter 20 Potential

Lily nodded and immediately dialed Steven's phone.

"Hey, Mr. Steven, I'm Lily."

Lily said with a smile.

Steven is in his villa in New York. At this time, he is **, of course, with a beautiful mistress he just got.

Steven has been living a comfortable life during this period. He has been eating, drinking, gambling and gambling! The most important thing is that he is in a good mood, and he is also slippery.

Since his wife was pregnant, he has been like a meritorious official of the family. Even Ogil, who was serious to him in the past, smiled at him.

"Oh, it's Miss Lily. It's really rare. Miss Lily actually called me. Is Miss Lily going to invite me to dinner?" Steven touched the body of the beautiful woman next to him and laughed wantonly.

When Lily heard this, she immediately smiled deliberately and said, "Yes, I'll invite you to dinner at Taibai Restaurant tonight. Will you come?" Steven just said it well. When it was Lily's turn to really invite him, he withered. If he went, I guess Tian Gang would deal with him.

"Miss Lily is really good at joking. Well, what's the important thing about Miss Lily's phone call this time?" Steven immediately put aside what he had just said and changed the topic.

Lili said, "It's my brother Muyi who wants to find you. Try your best to come!" OK, I'll be there after a young one!" As soon as he heard Mu Yi's call, Steven immediately began to get up.

"Baby, I will definitely come back at night. I have something to do when I go out now. Take your time to sleep!" Steven kissed his mistress on the forehead, then turned around and left the room.

Book portal hand-made novels/ Liao Ruochenxing 10 dozen for only half an hour.

Steven took the car to the courtyard of Li Yang's villa.


Muyi, my brother.

What's so urgent for me?" Steven walked into the living room with a smile. Li Yang was sitting on the sofa in the living room at this time, and Steven sat opposite Li Yang.

Li Yang took a look at Steven.

At this time, Steven's face was full of spring breeze.

Even walking seems to float up. Obviously, the sun is not so comfortable.

"Steven, I guess there's something for you to help!" Li Yang seemed to be a little embarrassed.

Steven waved his hand and said, "Muyi, don't do this. We are brothers.

Your business is my business. Say, if anything happens, I Steven will definitely help you!" I hope that within half a year, the polar leg Taoist hall will spread all over Europe!" Li Yang looked at Steven and said firmly.

Steven was stunned and immediately doubted, "Mu Yi, didn't you have me ever talked about the polar leg Taoist hall? You said to consolidate the United States first.

Then develop.

Why are you in such a hurry now? Oh, by the way, Muyi, let me help you find some big men to train. I have already started training. Throughout Europe, I found a thousand big men from some smugglers or gangsters.

They are all very good, and their quality is not lower than your original 400 men.

"A thousand men? So much?" Li Yang was surprised.

He is ready to train as a one-star coach.

How does he understand?

Blood clan and human beings can't be regarded as the same kind. Steven doesn't feel anything about catching some people! Moreover, the blood-controlled Italian mafia is more ruthless. The whole of Europe is indeed large. Even if a city catches one person, it can find thousands of people.

... "Well, let me ask you, why are you in such a hurry? At the beginning, it was agreed that it would be for a year or two.

Steven continued to ask.

Li Yang smiled and said, "This... This is a little guy secretly playing with me in the shade, trying to make me suffer losses, but I'm going to take this opportunity to make a big one. Maybe the development speed of my extreme leg Taoist hall will be several times higher."

"What dares to play with my brother? Before Mu Yi's liberation, I will send someone to kill him immediately!" Steven stood up angrily and waved his hands, as if to kill the "little guy" who was playing with yin.

Li Yang immediately waved his hand and motioned to Steven not to be excited: "Sit down, sit down, it's just a nobody, it's not worth your anger.

Didn't I say that I still have to thank him? Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought of this plan."

Steven asked doubtfully, "What's the plan?" Li Yang organized a little in his mind, and then said in an orderly manner, "I'm going to hold a martial arts competition. Its name is Danglan Martial Arts Competition!" Martial arts competition?" Steven looked puzzled.

Li Yang nodded: 'Yes, in a worldwide martial arts competition, I'm going to spend 300 million US dollars on advertising. I want the advertisement to spread all over the network, and I want to let the whole world know about this.

Of course, our Xuelan Group has the right to name. In the Xuelan Martial Arts Competition, the first prize is 50 million US dollars, the second prize is 20 million US dollars, the third prize is 10 million US dollars, and the last five of the top eight are 5 million US dollars a day!" Steven is still a little confused. What is this? The bonus seems to be very high, but compared with advertising funds, it is nothing at all.

Why did Li Yang spend so much money on a martial arts competition? What are the benefits of this martial arts competition for Li Yang? Perhaps it is a little helpful to the reputation of Xuelan Group, but it is not worth Li Yang's investment.

Still, Steven's heart moved, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Li Yang and said, "I know, you must let the master of the polar leg road participate in the competition, and then the top three of the horses are all polar leg road people. Doesn't that mean that the polar leg road is very powerful? The polar leg road must be famous, and then you can take the opportunity to enter Europe, and even enter Asia at any time!" Li Yang smiled and said, "What you said is very reasonable, and the method is also good, but my plan is not like this!" Li Yang suddenly stood up and said, "I don't participate in the Xuelan Martial Arts Competition, not only do I participate in it myself, but also all the people with extreme legs! I will let all the masters in the world, or some hidden masters, come out to fight! Let them fight, let them fight!" What's the benefit of the polar leg? Steven immediately asked. "

Steven still thinks his idea is better.

Li Yang continued, "Don't worry, I haven't finished my plan yet.

The Xuelan Martial Arts Competition is only the first part, and I still have a second part!" The second part?" Steven didn't know what Li Yang wanted to do at all. Li Yang nodded and said, "Yes.

The total bonus of the top three is only more than 100 million US dollars, and I'm embarrassed to compete with those people.

And this second part..." Speaking of this, Li Yang stopped mysteriously.

"What the hell is it?

You say so!" Steven was attracted. But he was attracted.

Li Yang nodded and said, "The second part... challenge, the second part is the continuation of the challenge horse racing, the Shelan Challenge, and the Shelan Martial Arts Competition.

The top three in the martial arts competition can challenge the four top masters of the Extreme Leg Road.

These four are the founders of Jerry, Jesse, Tian Gang and me!" Feng won Tian Gang, the chief instructor of the polar leg Taoist hall, and got a bonus of 100 million US dollars.

Anyone who wins either of Jerry Jesse, the two chief disciples of Muyi, the founder of Ji Leg Road, can get a bonus of 150 million US dollars!" Speaking of which, Li Yang paused.

Steven was suddenly anxious: What about winning you? Li Yang suddenly sent out a fierce momentum: "Anyone who can win Mu Yi, the founder of Extreme Leg Road, can get 2 billion US dollars!" Two billion US dollars! This can definitely make the world limit countless masters crazy. When the Italian Mafia five offered a reward of 500 million US dollars for the head of any direct member of the family, the underground world went crazy.

Now it is two billion US dollars, which has quadrupled.

And this is an open and open challenge!" Steven..

You say, how many people will be crazy about these two billion dollars when I release this news? Li Yang said with a faint smile.

Steven nodded and said, "Well, but are you really willing to pay two billion dollars?" Li Yang immediately scolded, "Don't be a fool, do you think someone can defeat me?" Since it can't be defeated, the two billion dollars will not return to Li Yang in the end.


Smart! This is absolutely killing two birds with one stone!" Steven calmed down, thought about Li Yang's plan, and immediately praised it.

"Oh, two? What's wrong with you?" Li Yang asked Steven in turn.

Steven said, "This is still a two-win in general way. To be precise, I don't know how many benefits there are! The first 'gain', people participate in the martial arts competition and win the top three must be recognized masters, but if they challenge you and are completely defeated by you, the polar leg road will reach a position that is completely above other sports Taoist halls.

The second 'get', in fact, this is a psychological problem. Didn't you stipulate that only the top three of martial arts are qualified to challenge the four masters of the polar leg road? Li Yang nodded.

Steven continued: "Your rule is actually implying to others: 'I am a strong master. Other players are not even qualified to challenge at all, and only the top three are qualified to challenge!' Although you didn't say it clearly, ordinary people will subconsciously think so.

That is to say, the polar-legged players did not take action at all, but were regarded as the top three masters of the martial arts competition.

Li Yang gave a thumbs-up to Steven: "Awesome, awesome, I set this one, but I'm just worried that too many people will challenge me. I just think it's troublesome. I didn't expect such a big benefit."

Steven suddenly smiled bitterly, as if he was too shrewd.

"In fact, there are many other benefits in your challenge, such as improving your position as Muyi again. There is a rule that 'as long as you defeat your Muyi, you can get 2 billion dollars'.

Two billion dollars! In other people's hearts, you are like a super boss in the game. If you defeat it, you will have a big reward.

Of course, others think of you as a super... super master! Especially when the challenger fails, his past glory will be completely inherited by you, and even your glory will be more dazzling!" As soon as Steven analyzed, he found that this Xuelan Martial Arts Competition and Xuelan Challenge were absolutely beneficial and harmless to the extreme leg road! If this is as successful as planned, the polar leg will be like the midday sun.

Shine on the whole world.

At that time, the expansion of the polar leg Taoist hall will become easy! Li Yang and Steven talked about their dedication, while Lily beside them wrote on the paper as she listened.

Steven seemed to speak a little fiercely, and his throat was a little dry, so he picked up the tea and took a sip of tea. At this time, Steven found that Lily was writing something.

"Lily, what are you writing?" Lily put the notebook in front of Steven.

"This is the record I just made. Regarding the record said by my brother, I will order the people below to make a perfect plan. I believe that this plan will definitely make the Xuelan Group famous. In the name of the Xuelan champion, the Xuelan Martial Arts Competition, the Xuelan Challenge, and I think that after the end of this competition, We can continue to hold it next time.

Make it a famous event in the martial arts world.

Lily's idea surpassed Li Yang.

Li Yang only saw the benefits of the extreme leg Taoist temple in front of him, but forgot that if such a large martial arts competition is held for one session, the name of Xuelan Group will resound all over the world, and this martial arts competition also has advertising benefits, etc., that is to say... The Xuelan martial arts competition itself can even make money

"It's really a genius. It's really the right person for Mu Yi to hand over the Xuelan Group to you. Alas, why is such a beautiful girl so powerful in economic mind?" Steven sighed.

Li Yang also smiled. With Lily helping him manage Xuelan, he was really much more relaxed.

"Xelan Martial Arts Competition, Xuelan Challenge must start to prepare and start publicity. If 300 million US dollars is not enough, I can add it!" Li Yang said to Lily that the specific matters still need to be presided over by Lily.

Lili smiled and said, "Enough, absolutely enough. Last time, 100 million dollars made your reputation spread all over the world. Now there are countless girls giving you gifts every day!" Lily laughed. He said.

Indeed, there are not many girls who are infatuated with Li Yang now. There are so many gifts given by his fans all over the world that they can even be placed in the whole room! Li Yang not only smiled, but also felt like fans. To be honest... It's really not bad.

...Thunder roars! Yes, as soon as the news of the Xuelan Martial Arts Competition and the Xuelan Challenge came out, it suddenly resounded all over the world like the thunder of the nine gods.

The news of the two major events is like a violent storm, sweeping the whole network world like clouds, and the network is everywhere! Two billion US dollars! The reward of a single challenge reaches 2 billion US dollars! Even if Li Yang did not spend money on publicity, it is estimated that the news will be automatically spread. What's more, Li Yang also spent a lot of money to let the three super gangs secretly help, and advertisements were everywhere. The news that the two major events had reached 2 billion US dollars suddenly spread all over the world.

And the registration list for the competition is also like a snowflake, flying all over the world to the nine-story building of the headquarters of the Polar Leg Taoist Hall...————————————————nk"