
Chapter 23 Green

"'Yin Claw' Hua Tian and 'Tai Chi' Feng Qing should have reached the peak of level five. Jerry Jesse, which of these two people can win? Don't be in a hurry to answer. Take a closer look. Maybe some of them will be your opponents in the challenge!" On the rostrum, Li Yang said to Jerry Jesse, who was sitting beside him.

Jerry Jesse nodded and looked carefully at the two people on the field.

In the challenge, the two of them will face challenges, and they dare not be careless now. Only when they know each other can they be invincible.

Hua Tian, indifferent and arrogant, wearing blue sportswear, doesn't care about the applause of Zhou Zhou's audience at all. His goal here is to be a master and pursue a higher level, which is his goal in life.

Qing, always dressed as a cowboy, they came up with a smile and kept waving to the audience.

Li Yang looked at the two people on the stage and secretly commented in his heart: "These two people are the peak of five-level skills in the world, but I feel that this wind is clear... I will definitely win!" Li Yang always has an indescribable confidence in Fengqing, as if he thinks that the old man can definitely win.

Xiang Yu's voice rose: "This old man's understanding of Tiandao is very good, very good. It is estimated that some masters of cultivation are not as good as him. It is estimated that it is equivalent to the general master's understanding of Tiandao in the Yuanying period, or he only cultivates Taiji's energy, no matter what,

Book Portal Forum Hand-made Novels/ Ruochenxing 10 "Yes, it's the way of heaven!" Li Yang finally realized that before Feng Qing took action, Li Yang could feel a sense of peace, a peace from Feng Qing. Feng Qing and the surrounding environment seemed to merge into one, and every move was so natural.

"Two players, are you ready?" The referee said to Hua Tian and Feng Qing.

The two nodded.

Suddenly, a cold breath gushed out of Hua Tian's body, and a cold air blew up for no reason, sweeping the whole thousands of square meters of martial arts arena.

Feng Qing's face has also changed, and he no longer cares as much as he did just now.

His body shook slightly, suddenly like an ancient pine, his hands were slightly bent, and suddenly an invisible aura of Taiji formed.

"Dong!" The crisp bell rings.

The battle begins! Old man.

I've wanted to compare with you for a long time!" There was a smile on Hua Tian's face.

The cold momentum on Hua Tian's body suddenly seemed to be a soaring tide, directly roaring towards the old man Feng. The powerful momentum completely surrounded the old man Feng in an instant, and the old man Feng was like a lonely leaf in the storm.

"Huatian little doll, you should know that peace of mind is the way to take care of yourself!" Feng Qing smiled slightly.

Surrounded by the strength of the invisible Taiji, no matter how energetic Ren Huatian's body is, he can't oppress Feng Qing.

Li Yang smiled slightly and sighed in his heart: "This Fengqing's understanding of heaven and earth is still very shallow. If it were me, let his momentum be suppressed, I will integrate myself into heaven and earth without his power."

Xiang Yu immediately scolded, "Li Yang, you son, this old man is the feeling of slowly walking on the opposite path. What about you? You are imitating the trajectory of heaven.

So I slowly realized it.

You are on the fast lane. How can this old man compare with you? If it weren't for the Six Demons, you wouldn't be as good as him!" Without the oppression of Huatian just now, Feng Qing could integrate his own breath into nature, but once he was oppressed by the other party, he could not integrate into nature, and could only resist it with Taiji's energy.


Let's meet the real emperor!" Hua Tian snorted coldly, and his figure was as steep as a flying eagle spreading its wings. He rushed through dozens of meters in an instant. His claws were strong in his fingertips, condensing but not hair.

In a trance, Hua Tian has rushed to Feng Qingdi.

"Drink!" Hua Tian shouted in a low voice, his eyebrows were locked, and his claws swept directly towards Feng Qing's chest.

The claws cut through the air and made a harsh scream. In Fengqing's view, Huatian's claws are swayed because of air fluctuations, and it is difficult to judge the direction of attack.

Feng Qing did not panic at all. He smiled, brushed his right hand gently, and felt a round feeling spontaneously.

"Peng!" Taijiquan - handcraft waving pipa! Four or two thousand catties! Hua Tian's figure swayed involuntarily.

"Little doll, I'm not only good at defending!" Feng Qing's hands suddenly shook, and the air roared. Feng Qing's hands were like sharp knives, directly inserted into Hua Tian's ears.

Taijiquan - double peaks through the ears! Hua Tian suddenly broke his heart, his feet were wrong, and his body was like a flying eagle hovering. He actually bypassed the attack in an instant. His hands carried the strength of his claws, and in turn attacked Fengqing.

Feng Qing smiled and brushed his hand, and easily resisted it.

In terms of defense, Huatian is far worse than Fengqing.

Jerry suddenly said, "This Fengqing should win!" Jerry has made a judgment. He is not looking at this advantage, but by his sense of momentum. Although Hua Tian's attack is fierce, Feng Qing takes the initiative in momentum.

Jesse also nodded in agreement.

Li Yang said, "If this Fengqing does not have a special attack method, it is estimated that it is really difficult to defeat Huatian!" Indeed, as Li Yang said.

Fengqing's defense is strong, but the attack power is far less than that of Huatian.

"Peng!" Peng!" " Peng!" " Peng!" ... Huatian's claws were avoided, and his energy actually scratched the granite ground, which made the audience on the viewing platform scream one by one.

Both of them are like electricity, but they have played dozens of rounds in a row without any wins or losses.

"If I go on like this, the internal force consumption is too much, but the old man consumes very slowly.

Hmm, it's hard!" The innocence in Hua Tian's body burst out of his body, and Hua Tian looked up and sounded with a sharp eagle roar.

"Eagle, eagle..." The audience below was stunned.

In broad daylight, an eagle-shaped spirit completely surrounded him in Huatian's body.

"Eagle for nine days!" Hua Tian's figure accelerated again, and nine shadows appeared on the field in an instant, crossing from different directions to Fengqing.

"Thirteen consecutive attacks of Yin Claws!" With a scream, the nine remnants attacked the wind crazily, and the gloomy claws actually gave birth to a terrible yin wind.

"Drink!" Taiji Miquan - Taiji's true meaning! Feng Qing raised his hands gently and rotated slightly. A clear and visible Taiji spirit surged out with Fengqing as the center.

resisted Hua Tian's attack.

Suddenly, the momentum of Feng Qing changed.

In the past, the peaceful atmosphere became fierce in an instant, and the wind clear body flashed, and the speed was amazing.

Unexpectedly, he found Hua Tianzhen from the nine figures in an instant.

Two fingers together as a sword.

"Puff!" A crisp voice sounded, and the nine remnants of Huatiandi disappeared in an instant, and Huatian's real body appeared.

"How is it possible?" Hua Tian was full of disbelief that he was easily defeated by the other party when he used his unique skills.

"I'm defeated!" Hua Tian sighed, and then turned around and got off the martial arts field.

Although he was not seriously injured, he understood that Feng Qing was just merciful just now. If Feng Qing had poisoned him just now, he would have died under that finger.

"In the semi-finals, Feng Qingsheng!" The referee rushed up and said loudly.

"The wind is clear!" The wind is clear!" The wind is clear!" The wind is clear!" The wind is clear!" The wind is clear!" ... More than tens of thousands of spectators cheered. During this period, this lovely old man has had a large number of supporters, and the audience below shouted one by one. It was so cool just now.

On the rostrum.

"The air is condensed in shape.

It seems that form martial arts are not useless.

Li Yang praised, and then Li Yang's eyes turned to Feng Qing, "This old guy is so hidden. The last sword finger attack power is really strong. This old man has both attack and defense. I guess he is the second in this martial arts competition!" In Li Yang's heart.

Although Fengqing is powerful.

However, the sixth-level master and the fifth-level master have qualitative changes, and even the energy itself changes, so he believes that the Jirop will definitely win.

...a day later.

"Gentlemen and ladies, today is the super heavyweight 'Green', who is as tall as a bear and strong as a cow, is full of murderous Muay Thai legend 'Jipu'!" The referee was obviously also excited.

Although the battle was fierce enough yesterday, in the hearts of ordinary people like them, they still like that kind of power-type, murderous players.

"Boom!" Green kicked the ground and landed heavily on the stage, and the huge shock resounded throughout the competition.

Two heights and two pounds, weighing 400 catties! The arms were thicker than the usual thighs. Seeing such a fierce man, BANA, who was in Green, immediately shouted their love for Green.

"Black bear!" Black bear!" Black bear!" Black bear!" Black bear!" Black bear!" ...Green howted down excitedly, proudly showing his strong body.

Suddenly, a pure breath of death spread out, gradually pervading the whole martial arts arena. The source of the breath of death is the player's seat in Jiroup.

Jiluo slowly came up step by step.

The referee's forehead began to sweat coldly. In such a momentum, he could not bear it. Fortunately, the target of the cappump was Green, otherwise the referee would probably be scared to death.

Green is nervous, naturally domineering, and doesn't care about the breath of Jiroup's death at all.

But the breath of Jiup's death still made the atmosphere of the game solemn.

Li Yang watched the game carefully.

"Damn it, if you have the ability to play a few rounds with me, don't be like a ghost! What a son of a child, I beat you into a son of a son of a face!" Green cursed loudly.

The cold Ji Luopu was stunned, Li Yang on the rostrum was stunned, and the whole audience was stunned.

"This living treasure, er, you can't let this living treasure be damaged by Jiluopu!" Li Yang knew that Jilupu was vicious. With just one sentence from Green, he decided that he could not let this big guy be disabled.

"Two players, are you ready?" The referee secretly wiped the cold sweat and then asked.

Jipu nodded coldly.

Green nodded stinkyly.

"Dong--"A bell rings through the whole competition, and the competition begins!" Huhu~~~~" As usual, Green used his unfavorable 'wind wheel'.

The two legs formed a huge wind wheel, the strong force cut through the air, and the powerful power was fused. The audience believed that if this leg went down, it was estimated that the stone would be kicked to pieces.

Under this 'wind wheel', Green's opponents were forced out by Green. With Green's strength, others can't stop this at all.

Jiup looked at Green's move indifferently.

"Wow!" Ji Luopu's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Peng!" Green was like a huge sandbag, which was smashed out and landed heavily on the ground.

The boxing ring was stunned, and only Jirupu's posture did not change.

One punch! Green was smashed away with just one punch, and Green's absolutely had no effect.

Green got up and didn't seem to be hurt at all. He stared at Jilupu and howted in disbelief, "You smashed me away? How dare you smash you and me? Damn, it's against you!" Green howling seemed to be very angry.

Jipu was stunned again, Li Yang was stunned again, and the audience was stunned again.

Li Yang sighed secretly: "What a strong muscle energy, overlord, this guy's physical energy should have 90,000 crystals, right?" Xiang Yu said, "Don't underestimate this Green. His physical energy on the surface is only 90,000 crystals, but according to this overlord, his complete explosion is estimated to be able to burst out more than 100,000 crystals of energy?" Li Yang was stunned.

It's too late to ask, because Green is already angry.

"Peng!" Peng!" " Peng!" " Peng!" " Peng!" " Peng!" ... Green rushed to Gilup like a tank, and each step stepped a deep footprint on the granite ground. The footprints became deeper and deeper. The closer he got to Gilop, the deeper his footprints were.

"Damn it, go to hell!" Green's thighs, which were thicker than Jirupu's waist, were hit by Jirupu fiercely, which made people worry that Jirupu would turn into a meat pie if he was hit by this leg.

"Peng!" The clear sound was like a wooden stick hitting the surface of a drum, low and echoing.

Like last time, Green's body was kicked away, flew dozens of meters, and then fell.

"Peng!" The martial arts platform was shaken, and Green got up, as if he was not seriously injured.

Ji Luopu frowned slightly, as if he was really angry with the undefeated guy in front of him.

"Damn it, you kicked me away just now, you ***!" Green howls, and Jipton is ready for Green's second attack.

Suddenly, Green jumped down from Wutai and said, "I admit defeat. I won't play with you, you bastard. Whoo, you are really powerful. I'm a little in pain, hum!" Green slipped down like this.

This stunned the boxing ring.

Jiup was also stunned, and this big man actually gave up.

"In the semi-finals, Jiluo wins!" The referee woke up from astonishment and shouted immediately.

Jipu sneered and won. Jipu turned around and looked at Li Yang on the rostrum, and a wisp of murderous spirit came out.

"Muyi, wait for me!" Li Yang on the rostrum looked at Jipu below, felt the murderous spirit of Jirupu, and smiled in his heart: "If you challenge me, it will be your misfortune!" Nk"