
Chapter 8 Alchemy

Although Xiaoyao Sanren heard what the iron pot man said, he did not tell Li Yang.

It's better to hide this matter for the time being.

Li Yang is still as confident in the future as in the past, and he is still practicing so hard.

I don't know why, seeing Li Yang like this, Xiaoyao Sanren always feels a little sad, and he even wants to give most of the elixirs refined in the future to Li Yang.

++++++++ In the courtyard of the scattered people's residence.

"Happy, it's almost time for us to start alchemy!" The iron pot Zhenren walked from the side to the free and scattered people and asked.

Xiaoyao Sanren nodded: "My ninth scattered immortal disaster is also coming soon. It's time to start refining the elixirs. At the way, are you sure of refining? As far as I know, refining elixir has a probability of failure.

The real person of the iron pot nodded and said, "It is true that the refining elixir is Liao Ruochenxing has the possibility of failure, but it is because of the problem of material distribution, especially when the alchemy, if there is a problem with the proportion of distribution, there will be an explosion and the So this elixir?" Xiaoyao Sanren is a little worried.

The real person of the iron pot laughed and said, "Don't worry, other elixirs may be strange, all kinds, and each proportion can't be less than a little bit.

But this elixir is different. The material he needs is the seven-color flower, and all other materials are not needed.

Three braided Holy Spirit leaves and seven braided seven-color braids are used for refining. The proportion is perfect, and there will be no problem. Of course, the control of martial arts and civil fire can't be solved.

"Wu Huo Wen Huo? Will you have a problem?" Xiaoyao Sanren immediately asked.

The real person in the iron pot smiled confidently: "Hmm, in the past ten thousand years, I don't know how many delicious food I have cooked in the wonderful melting pot. For the control of martial arts and Wenhuo, I have definitely reached the level of perfection!" The real person's confidence in the iron pot can be felt even by the free and scattered people.

The mixed pot is originally a boiler for refining elixir, but the real person in the iron pot is used to cook everything to eat. You should know that if the fire is a little bigger, the food may turn into flying ash, the fire is too much, and the taste is not good.

To cook food in a mixed pot, the requirements for martial arts fire are much higher than that of alchemy.

"For ten thousand years, I have cooked countless delicacies, and there will never be any problems with martial arts!" The real person in the iron pot patted his chest to ensure.

Xiaoyao Sanren was a little relieved, but he was still a little nervous. After all, he could not feel at ease because of the possibility of failure.

++++ Refining the elixirs, Li Yang and Huanguang Zhenren were also told, but the rest of the Star Pole Sect did not know.

In the Alchemy Room of Xingjizong.

"Within half a year, one person is forbidden to step into the alchemy room for half a step!" Huanguang Zhenren gave orders to the whole disciples of Xingzong, and then Huanguang Zhenren, Li Yang, Tieguo Zhenren, and Xiaoyao Sanren entered the alchemy room together, and Xiaoyao Sanren personally took action and arranged a large array outside the alchemy room.

"How can I always feel that your godfather is very accomplished in formation? This position is so profound that even the overlord can see through it.

I don't know if Hou Jinglai can see through it.

Xiang Yu exclaimed in Li Yang's mind.

Li Yang also sighed that when he first found the seven-colored flower of the dragonfly, the place where the seven-color flower of the dragonfly was located was covered by a giant magic array, obviously.

My godfather is very proficient in formation.

Li Yang looked at the free and scattered people beside him and asked, "Godfather, I don't know which sect your godfather was in the past!" Xiaoyao Sanren laughed and said, "That's a small sect, much smaller than the Star Pole Sect, but the years are very long, even longer than the Shangqing Palace and Shushan Sword School, but outsiders hardly know it!" Oh?" Li Yang was curious.

It is a sect with a long history than the Shangqing Palace and Shushan Sword Sect, and it is a small sect.

A sect can last so long that it must have its mystery.


"My sect, disciple discipline is very loose. In those years, I fell in love with the formation and music, abandoned cultivation, and it took thousands of years to cross the disaster. Alas, if I could work hard in those years, I would cross the disaster hundreds of years in advance and live with Siji.

I believe that those bastards will not have a chance to hurt Siji!" There is a trace of evil spirit on the face of Xiaoyao Sanren.

Li Yang knew it in his heart.

He spent some time with Xiaoyao Sanren and felt that Xiaoyao Sanren was not a low person in heaven, but why did Xiaoyao Sanren spend thousands of years to cross the disaster and failed to cross the disaster? It turned out that most of the distracting people in those years were based on music and formation.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, Phantom, Li Yang, you sit down on the side. We can't disturb the iron pot here."

Xiaoyao Sanren told Li Yang and Huanguang Zhenren that Li Yang and the dazzling Zhenren sat down on the bedding on the edge of the alchemy room, and Xiaoyao Sanren also sat beside Li Yang.

The three people are symmetrical, corresponding to the real person of the iron pot in the center.

"Wow!" A seven-color light flew out of the hands of the free and scattered people, and the real person of the iron pot picked it up. It was the seven-color flower of the spirit.

"Iron pot, now everything is up to you, and the three of us are watching here.

After 130 days, we will wait for your good news!" Xiaoyao Sanren said with a smile.

The real person in the iron pot smiled confidently: "Don't worry!" Li Yang, the real person of Phantom Light, sat on the bedding and looked at the iron pot real person's alchemy.

"Ring!" The real person in the iron pot shouted in a low voice, and suddenly the mongyuan melted the pot in a breath, and kept getting bigger. Originally, it was only the size of a rice cooker in the valley, but now it is as tall as two people, which is very big.

"Qi!" The fat body of the iron pot sat up and suspended, and several fingerprints in his hand were played. Suddenly, the top cover of the melting pot was opened, and a hot air flow suddenly flowed all over the alchemy room. The temperature was so high that if it was an ordinary person, I'm afraid he couldn't stand it for a moment.

Even those who are sincere will probably feel pain. Fortunately, the four people here, except Li Yang, are all masters after crossing the disaster, while Li Yang is a master of demons.

The physical resistance is so high that there is nothing to say.

The seven-color flowers floated out of the harmony of the real person in the iron pot and floated in front of the real person in the iron pot, emitting a seven-color light, dazzling and attractive.

"Three braids Holy Spirit leaves!" The real man of the iron pot looked solemn, and there was no play in the past. A demon power shot out, and suddenly the three braided Holy Spirit leaf (the three braided green leaves of the seven-color flower) left the body of the seven-colored flower of the dragonfly.

Chao Hongyuan flew in with a wonderful melting pot lid.

"Fire!" The real iron pot emits the real fire in his body, flying into the lower layer of the mixed-one gas melting pot. The mixed-one gas is divided into two layers, the lower layer is the flame, the upper layer is used to refine the elixir, and the real fire sent by the real person in the iron pot is in the next hundred layers.

The Holy Spirit of three braids suddenly floated in it. The ordinary fire can't burn it at all. Even the real fire of samadhi or Li Yang's star fire is ineffective. Only by relying on the top alchemy furnace, such as the effect of this mixed spirit melting pot, plus the real fire in the body, can

The three braided Holy Spirit leaves slowly turned into green crystal **, and the green crystal ** kept floating in the furnace.

The real person in the iron pot saw the right time and immediately shot out a demon power, separating the seven braids and seven-colored braids of the seven-colored flowers. The seven braids flew into the cover in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and blue, and constantly fused into the green crystal **.

"Wow!" Suddenly, the lower layer of the mixed rice pot seemed to be suddenly windy, and the real fire flame suddenly blazing. In an instant, the mixed rice pot began to slowly turn red, and the temperature of the whole alchemy room also increased again.

Li Yang, who was watching aside, didn't blink.

"Li Yang, this is the practice of martial arts.

The flame is very hot, and it has to change at any time. It is very tedious. If you make a wrong step, this furnace of elixir will be destroyed. Looking at the fat man's expression of the iron pot, it seems to be familiar with it, very relaxed.

Xiang Yu is also well-informed in the demon world, and he still knows the basic knowledge of alchemy. Unlike Li Yang, he knows nothing about alchemy.

"I heard from my godfather that this martial arts and fire training will take seventy-seven forty-nine days.

The mind should be controlled at any time. What a big mind it consumes!" Forty-nine days of mind is completely in a highly concentrated state, and Li Yang can imagine consuming in such a state.

Xiang Yu said, "Well, the consumption should be very large, but looking at the confident appearance of this iron pot, you should be sure!" Xiang Yu is not sure, although they know something about alchemy.

But there is not much research.

The real person in the iron pot is more than easy.

The manipulation of the martial arts fire, he simply does not consume his mind. He knows when the real fire should be hot, and when the real fire changes the burning part. Everything is very easy. This alchemy, for a long time, the change of the martial arts fire is not fast.

But cooking is different. For example, the simplest spiritual beast in Kunlun fairyland is generally cooked for half a day. If the time is short, the frequency of martial fire changes is high. To cook until the best taste, the martial fire changes faster than alchemy.

Cook delicious food with an alchemy oven. It is estimated that no alchemist has this strength.

Time passed day by day... Li Yang also slowly closed his eyes and began to study the skills in "The Six Demon Gods".

Huanguang Zhenren and Xiaoyao Sanren also began to repair their eyes. Only the iron pot Zhenren has been paying attention to martial arts and fire alchemy, and dare not slack off at all. However, for a master of his level, it is not necessary to close his eyes and rest at all.

Seventy-seven forty-nine days.

On this day, Li Yang, Huanguang Zhenren, and Xiaoyao Sanren all opened their eyes one by one, looking at the huge mixed yuan in the center. Today, the day of the end of the martial arts and fire, is also the most important day of alchemy.

"Puff!" The real person of the iron pot also knew that this alchemy was very important. In order to ensure success, he immediately bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood mist.

A silver corner slowly appeared in the middle of the eyebrows of the iron pot.

"Blood and fire!" A silver light shot out of the silver of the iron pot's eyebrows and directly into the blood fog. The silver light flowed in the random blood fog, and the blood fog instantly floated into the lower layer of the mixed pot.

"Wow!" The real flame tripled in an instant, and the silver light kept flashing in it.

The real person of the iron pot used all the local energy of the silver horn, the real name of the Gu family, which is his unique skill of alchemy. Just a piece of energy, it will take at least three years of hard work in his iron pot to recover.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a roar of the melting pot.

Li Yang, Xiaoyao Sanren and Huanguang Zhenren were all shocked: "Is it blown up?" Li Yang was anxious, but when he saw the confident smile of the iron pot, he still calmed down.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" Puff!" A low burst of blasting sound sounded in the lower layer of the mixed rice pot, and the whole mixed rice pot emitted a hot red light. In the ground floor of the mixed pot, seven groups of ** crazy bodies chased each other.

The temperature is getting higher and higher, and a fierce blasting sound keeps ringing. Hunyuan's reputation seems to be like a hot fireball, which makes people unable to approach.

"Wow!" The real person of the iron pot suddenly brushed his sleeves, and the real fire that was connected with his heart suddenly shrunk by nearly ten times and became a little spark.

The temperature of the wonderful melting pot suddenly began to drop, and the fierce blasting sound just now was also lost.

"The following is the refinement of the fire! You don't have to worry. As long as you pay a little attention, there will be no problem. Let's rest in peace. After ninety-eight days, wait for Dancheng.

The real person of the iron pot looked very happy and said with a smile.

At this time, he is also relaxed. The refining office of Wenhuo needs to be guarded a little. Many alchemists carry out the refining of martial arts and fire by themselves. As for the refining of Wenhuo, they let their children take care of it.

However, the refining time of Wenhuo is generally longer than that of Wuhuo.

"The refining of martial arts fire is perfect, especially in the end, the martial arts fire turned into literary fire, which actually made the martial arts fire reach the extreme, and then instantly fell to the lowest. This iron pot real person is indeed alchemist, ordinary alchemists dare not use such a local method.

Although this method can make the elixir work best.

But it's also easy to fry the oven.

But this iron pot real-life control of martial arts fire is absolutely pure!" Xiang Yu praised.

Li Yang also agreed with a smile. Just now, the wonderful melting pot of Hunyuan unexpectedly emitted a flame. Li Yang was even worried that the furnace would be blown up soon, but the flame fell to the minimum in an instant.

Li Yang slowly put his eyes on it.

Retivation ninety-nine eighty-one days, after eighty-one days, it is the day of Dancheng.

As the bright light passed, in the alchemy room, four people sat quietly, but did not move.

"Today is the day of Dancheng, ready to open the oven!" The voice of the real person of the iron pot sounded, and Li Yang also opened his eyes.
