
Chapter 17 The Army of Demon Cultivators

"Dark Parliament, how does this Dark Council get together with the Lin family?" Li Yang frowned slightly. In his opinion, the Lin family is now in the west. What's more, even if it is as powerful as in the past, how can it look like an ordinary consortium in the eyes of the dark parliament? Lily also shook her head.

"I don't know that three years ago, the Lin family was completely in chaos. At that time, I thought the Lin family was going to perish, but suddenly a huge amount of money was put into the Saint-Lin Group, and suddenly many industries of the Saint-Lin Group that were going to close were revived. At this time, Steven also called me At the order of the Speaker of the Dark Council, it is not allowed to deal with the Shenglin Group.

Lili said helplessly, "Brother, as you know, Europe is the territory of the Italian mafia. We don't have many dark forces there. Without the help of the dark forces, it's really difficult to deal with the Shenglin Group commercially."

Li Shuo also nodded and said, "I am also very clear about this matter. Later, we sent killers, but we found that there were a large number of blood clans, wolves and dark mages around the Lin family, which made it difficult for our killers to succeed, and at most made the Lin family unstable."

"Hmm, the Dark Council? They actually fought with us for a small Shenglin group. Don't they know our strength and the strength of the three major gangs? Li Yang is really a little unbelievable. The tens of thousands of masters of the security company of Xuelan Group alone are not comparable to ordinary consortia.

Nowadays, the Li family has built such a luxury house in New York, and even on the periphery of the luxury house area, there is a special government police station. You can imagine the strength of the Li family at this time.

The Li family is so powerful. Although the Dark Council is not afraid of the Li family, it should not offend the Li family for the sake of a small Lin family! Is it Lin Tianyu?" Li Yang's heart moved and immediately asked Lily, "Consides, have you found any trace of Lin Tianyu?" By the way, brother, we haven't found any trace of Lin Tianyu for so many years. I don't know why, the spies we planted in the Lin family didn't know, and even we used the magic secret method to hypnotize Lin Yu, the current ruler of the Lin family. Even so, we still haven't found out the where

Lily is also surprised.

"Is he dead? Did it evaporate in the world? Lily is a little unbelievable.

Li Yang sneered.

"Well, that guy must have felt the crisis, and the funds had already fled.

He is a six-level master, and he can change his face. I believe he must change his face now and hide somewhere else.

It's even in the dark parliament!" However, even if he changes his face and avoids, his breath can't be changed.

It's useless for him to do this. Now my spiritual consciousness range is much larger than in the past. Even if I query the whole earth, it will take up to three days. Humph, if I really can't find it, I will personally search around the world with spiritual consciousness. Even if he is a needle in the sea, I can find a needle !" Li Yang's eyes burst into cold killing.

Li Yang has made up his mind at this moment.

As long as Lin Tianyu is still on the earth, he will not be free.

"At the way, all the demon practitioners called with the red spirit order need more than the Yuanying period, and they are not needed below the Yuanying period!" Li Yang's request is still very good. His request is to destroy the dead, and even the dark parliament can't stop it for a moment.

"Dark Parliament? I don't know why you defend the Lin family so much.

However, I'm sure you will regret it!" Li Yang suddenly looked at Li Shuo.

"Ashuo, you can issue a summoning order. Well, as for the gathering place, let's find a place in the UK! For example, if you arrive within two days, you will start to attack on the third day!" Li Yang took the phone in the secret room.

"Buzz--buzz--" Li Yang dialed Steven's internal phone number, which only a few people know, and this number will never be changed.

... At this moment, Steven, who has just become the patriarch of the family, is enjoying the virgin's blood. Enjoying the virgin's blood every day is Steven's happiest time. During this time, the most familiar person will not call and disturb him.

But--"Buzz--"Steven's mobile phone rang, and the internal number of this matter, even the boss of the general group could not know.

Although he was not happy to be disturbed while enjoying the virgin's blood, he still answered the phone. After all, it must not be a trivial matter to dare to call at this time.

"Hey, I'm Steven."

Li Yang said lightly, "I'm Mu Yi!" Steven was stunned, not only opened his eyes wide, Muyi! It was Mu Yi, who was designated as the elder of Keqing in the family. Since the violent explosion at the bottom of the Hudson River, the Fister family has decided to invite Li Yang to be the elder, and then the family elders needed to test Li Yang again, so it was delayed for a period of time, but when their test was accurate, Li Yang had entered Underground.

Six years later, Li Yang returned only a few days ago and entered Kunlun Wonderland again.

It's been eight years.

"Muyi, ah, my dear brother, you're finally back.

I've been waiting for you for a long time. This is really good news. It's really wonderful!" Steven said excitedly.

Li Yang asked, "Why did the Italian mafia stop oppressing the Lin family and protect them instead?" Steven was stunned. He was stunned.

Immediately smiled bitterly. How did he know what medicine the Speaker of the Dark Council had taken? He ordered in the name of the Dark Holy Weacon. All members of the Dark Council must protect the Lin family, and the violators were wanted by the whole Dark Parliament.

With such an order, what can the Italian mafia do? Mu Yi, my brother, you can't blame me. It's the order of the dark speaker!" Speaking of the chairman of the dark parliament, Steven was also very angry. "That stinky dark mage, who has been the chairman of the dark parliament for hundreds of years, is still not in the lower position and always dictates to us.

This time, he also ordered us not to deal with the Shenglin Group, not to deal with the Lin family, but also to protect the Lin family... However, no matter what, he is the president of the dark parliament, and we must obey his orders!" Muyi, my good brother, you have to understand my difficulties!" What Steven said was pitiful.

Li Yang suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, I recognize you as my brother.

Then I'll give you some advice."

"What advice?" Steven's eyes suddenly lit up. He still trusted Li Yang, and what Li Yang wanted to do had never failed. How could Steven not care about Li Yang's advice? Within three days, members of your Fister family should not stay in the UK or protect the Lin family, otherwise you can't blame me for the killing of your family members. As for the other families, you don't have to worry about it.

Li Yang's words were understated, but there was a stream of blood in them. Hearing this, Steven not only trembled.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to..." Steven knew that Li Yang and the Lin family had a grudge, otherwise he would not have been tortured for so long.

Now that Li Yang says so, it is obvious that there is something big to do.

Li Yang sneered.

"Anyone who blocks me will be killed without mercy. If the dark parliament blocks it, I will flatten him!" Li Yang's voice was extremely cold, and he didn't care to tell Steven that he alone could take away all the people of the dark parliament with a small universe bag.

The biggest function of the small universe bag is group attack. Anyone who is not as good as the master's ability of the small universe bag will be included in it.

In the middle of the disaster, Li Yang is an eight-level master. The whole dark parliament is no better than him. No matter how many people there are in the dark parliament, Li Yang's little Qiankun bag can be included in it.

Unless there are too many people who can pack a small universe bag of a mountain.

I can't let people go.

What's more, behind Li Yang, there are more horrible scattered demons who have spent five scattered demon disasters, and there are a large number of demon practitioners in the Yuanying period in front of him.

This is absolutely devastating! Even if the Dark Parliament and the Holy See go together, they will be trampled down by Li Yang's army.

"Stepping on the dark parliament!" Steven's heart trembled, but in the same way, he also felt Li Yang's powerful murder and absolute confidence! Dare to say such a thing, Li Yang must have enough strength. Steven chose to believe Li Yang! Isn't it just three days away from the UK? As for other families, hum, how could Steven tell him that he still wants other families to be weaker! Don't worry, don't worry, I know!" Steven said immediately.

Li Yang nodded: "Well, let me remind you, okay.


Li Yang didn't say anything more, so he hung up the phone.

But Steven, who was on the other end of the phone, was in a mess: "Stepping on the dark parliament, ah, Muyi actually has such strength. Oh, my God, does he really have something to do with the legendary practitioners in the East? Well, this matter must be carefully considered."

"Hey, it's me. Send me the order to hold a family meeting immediately, and all the elders must come to the table."

Steven ordered his housekeeper.

"Wow!" Steven breathed a sigh of relief.

"The underground dark world seems to be changing!" ...The red spirit order issued a summoning order, and the crystal palace immediately got the news.

In the Crystal Palace Hall.

"Master, the disciples above the infant period in the secular world have begun to rush to London, England."

The red-eyed elder disciple, Moshan, who had spent three scattered demon disasters, said respectfully.

The owner of the red-eyed palace listened to the disciple's report and nodded slightly.

"From the sea of Huangquan, you can also gather disciples of more than 1,000 yuan for me to bring over, and there will be Moshan who will lead the team in person. You can tell Elder Li Yang that it is my naked-eyed intention."

Although Mosan did not understand why, as the master of the Crystal Palace, he gathered some people from the sea of Huangquan to help Elder Li Yang, he still obeyed the order.

"Master, don't worry, the disciple will definitely take people there in two days."

It's just a thousand people. Compared with the sea of Huangquan with millions of demon practitioners, this is just a small number and can be gathered soon.

The owner of the red-eyed palace nodded with satisfaction.

He has always been uneasy. Although he is the owner of the Crystal Palace and the first person in the Yellow Spring Sea, he has always felt uneasy, because he has always thought that in the secret room somewhere in the Crystal Palace, the overlord Xiang Yu is in it.

With the existence of the overlord, how at ease he is, like a thorn in his back. The red-eyed palace owner dares not relax at all, and the behavior of pleasing Li Yang at this moment can be understood.

... Kuroki Shangren also knew this situation from the news from his disciples in the secular world.

"Cold rain, immediately take one hundred disciples of Shuramen to London, England!" The black woodman is not as rich as the owner of the red-eyed palace. The owner of the red-eyed palace can order other sects in the Yellow Spring Sea, and he can send a thousand people at once.

He Kuroki can only transfer some people from his own sect.

"Yes, disciple, obey!" Since Han Yu knew that Li Yangguo was really a disciple of the overlord, he no longer dared to think about revenge. Overlord, that's the master in the hearts of all demon practitioners.

... Qingfeng Zhenren had a smile on his face, and the folding fan in his hand brushed slightly.

"Well, those two idiots must have sent some Yuanying disciples there. What an idiot. If you want to go, of course, it's about quality, not quantity."

Qingfeng Zhenren seemed to be arrogant. Just now, he had sent three scattered demons from the sect to listen to Li Yang's dispatch.

...London, England.

In a huge residential area here, the Li family, as a super family, of course, has residential areas all over the world.

Above the residential area square.

Li Yang, Lily, Tian Gang, Li Shuo and others stood on the high platform and looked at the people and horses gathered below.

"So much?" Li Yang stared.

There are at least 2,000 people below! As far as he knows, there are only tens of thousands of demon practitioners in the secular world, and there are at most about 1,000 people above the Yuanying period. However, at this moment, there are 2,000 people in the Yuanying period, more than 100 people during the robbery period, and even four scattered demons have rushed over.

One scattered demon is a cold rain, and the other three are evil.

"In the order of the master of Qingfengmen, the three of us are ordered to wait for the dispatch of Elder Li Yang."

The three scattered demons saluted Li Yang respectfully.

Han Yu also took a hundred people to salute Li Yang respectfully: "In the order of the black wooden door, a hundred disciples of Shuramen are waiting for the dispatch of senior Li Yang."

The most arrogant thing is Moshan.

Moshan took a thousand people behind him and buzzed, "At the order of the Red Eye Palace, thousands of disciples in the Sea of Huangquan are waiting for the dispatch of Elder Li Yang."

As for the nearly 1,000 disciples in the secular world, they are loyal to Li Yang one after another.

More than 2,000 people's voices are not small. Fortunately, the Li family is so powerful that no one dares to come and ask.

"Brother, isn't it too bullying?" Li Shuo looked at more than 2,000 eight-level masters, more than one hundred and nine-level masters, and four scattered demons, plus Li Yang and the four elders of Mo Ce. Oh, my God, it's really bullying to deal with the Lin family with such strength.

Li Yang also had this feeling in his heart.

"Everyone is going to rest now, and concentrate on me in the evening!" Li Yang said coldly with a cold face, and suddenly more than 2,000 people immediately responded to their orders.

Li Yang turned to his residence, and Li Shuo and others walked side by side.

"Bullying people? Humph, I just bullied his Lin family. What's wrong?" A cold light flashed in Li Yang's eyes, and the army of demons were about to begin to enjoy their bloody dinner under the leadership of Li Yang...nk"