
Chapter 6 The fifth

Li Yang's whole body disappeared in vain.

No, it's not that he disappeared, but that Li Yang seemed to have become a black hole at this moment. He swallowed all the light, so that no one could see Li Yang's figure at this moment, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

If someone is in the empty space, you can find that the whole space around Li Yang is completely dark, like an ancient beast devouring everything, which makes people feel really trembling.

Light, energy, and even consciousness! All, as long as it can be swallowed up, everything can be swallowed up and domineering.

The whole empty space has been completely turned into countless fragments, completely swallowed up by Li Yang, desperately swallowed, and has no resistance at all... Li Yang is carefully feeling the pleasure at this moment.

According to what I have understood, Qiyaoxing is extremely core, showing the fifth scene that Li Yang saw in combination and the new skills created by Kunpeng. It is domineering, rude, and takes heaven and earth as his own.

The black lightning mark in the center of Li Yang's eyebrows appeared again, and even emitted an eye-catching ray.

Li Yang's eyes opened in vain, and Li Yang's eyes were like two beams of light, shooting through everything. Gradually, the corners of Li Yang's mouth had a dead smile.

"I didn't expect that it would be difficult to create this fifth!" Li Yang said to himself.

In just half a month, Li Yang created the fifth best. This is the fifth best that belongs to Li Yang himself. The power is not comparable to "Haina Baichuan" at all. Only what suits him is the best.

"Since this is a unique move combined with the Kunpeng Demon Emperor, the fifth unique is called... 'Northern Underworld Dragon Swallow'."

Li Yang immediately gave his name.

Of course, Beiming represents the sea of Beiming. As for the 'dragon', this is still above the earth, which makes Li Yang have special feelings for the 'dragon'.

The fifth decision of "Six Demon Gods" created by Li Yang - Northern Pluto Dragon Swallow! As for the power.

can only be fully reflected on the battlefield. In this nihilistic space, you can only see through the power, but Li Yang is not sure how powerful it is.

"The time I spent in this holy place of the demon world should not be short, but since Chiyou didn't come.

It shows that it's still less than a month. Observe this sixth scene first. Maybe I will create the sixth scene in one go.

Li Yang made a decision immediately.

If he can create the sixth in one go, feel the supreme perfection of Taiji and become the great master.

It's much easier to be with the snow.

Li Yang's mind moved, and the void space evolved again... The void space changed into a chaotic space.

A vast and ancient momentum came to his face. A giant man stood in the chaotic space. The giant's whole body was knotted, and the cyan electric light kept flashing between his muscles.

"Pangu!" Li Yang felt the powerful breath emitted by Pangu, and his mind was completely concentrated in an instant.

Pangu just stood there with his eyes closed, which makes people feel that he is terrible. Pangu's strength needs to be looked up at at all, which is incomparable.

Above those big hands.

A dark tomahawk is emitting sharp momentum, and the chaos around it is torn apart by this momentum. It is the undisputed first artifact - the open god axe.

"Buzz..." Pangu's eyes opened in vain, and two substantial lights actually penetrated the chaotic space. Li Yang even felt the shock of the energy of the chaotic space and made a "buzzing" sound. His eyes alone were so terrible, which was too terrible.

"Drink!" Pangu shouted in a low voice and raised the magic axe, and the energy of the whole chaotic space rotated, and the center of the vortex is Pangu's magic axe blade, which has been dazzling.

The speed of the vortex sweeping the energy is extremely horrible, which completely reminds Li Yang of the terrible speed of the Jiuyou abyss to absorb the water of Tianhe.

In just a moment, the blade of the god axe was so bright that it was dazzling.

This moment.

Li Yang's mind also completely gathered on the axe blade. In a trance, Li Yang felt that the dazzling axe blade disappeared in an instant. Yes, the dazzling light turned into darkness in an instant, absolutely darkness.

At the same moment, the axe blade burst into a more horrible light again! Boom!" There is no omen at all. The open god axe splits in vain, and the extreme attack power of terror instantly makes the chaotic space completely fragmented, not only the most basic space fragmentation, but also the whole chaotic space, the infinite chaotic space, the overall collapse.

not only the collapse of this chaotic space, but also... "Huh!" Pangu's eyes were even more frightening, the corners of his eyes were even cracked, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with traces of blood. The whole open god axe seemed to make a trace of wailing, as if the power entered by Pangu had exceeded the limit that the open god axe could withstand.


The whole chaotic space is quiet.

It is not only the rupture of the chaotic space, but also the most basic chaotic energy of the chaotic space. Under the full blow of Pangu, he actually decomposed all the chaotic energy. Chaos begins to open, and the five elements are born! Author: Hand Hit Professional Household 2007-4-3009:53 Reply to this speech ---------------3 Reply: Inch Mang Episode 12 Chapter 6 Fifth Jue [No Key Crazy T Door Hand Hit] Chaotic Five Lines! At this moment, the scene is over.

Li Yang always remembers the terrible power of reaching the limit at the end of opening the divine axe, and even the darkness of the moment after reaching the limit with the light, and the more dazzling light after the darkness. At that moment, it seemed that there was only this light in the whole chaotic space.

Li Yang closed his eyes.

The only and most dazzling light of the chaotic space still flashes in my mind.

In the dark, Li Yang seemed to have a little inspiration in his heart. At this moment, Li Yang seemed to return to the feeling of absorbing the four original moments. The comfortable feeling was like returning to his mother's arms. Li Yang unconsciously smiled.

The inspiration in Li Yang's heart began to take root and grow... Li Yang himself did not know that he was still intoxicated with that wonderful feeling.

And the yuan god inside his original sword spirit is now black lightning flashing, extremely fierce.

The black lightning mark in the middle of Li Yang's eyebrows also constantly emits dazzling light. At the same time, the black lightning mark emits extremely terrible pressure. The whole nihilistic space, even the Holy Land of the Demon World, seems to be trembling under such pressure.

The pressure continues to improve... and even surpasses the great dignity.

Continue to improve! The spiritual light in Li Yang's heart gradually turned into a black lightning, and the black lightning turned into a flying knife in a blink of an eye, an indestructible flying knife, and the flying knife emitted a dazzling glory, just like the luminance of opening the divine axe.

The black lightning mark on Li Yang's eyebrows even trembled.

This moment.

Li Yang woke up and woke up from that wonderful state. He had a feeling of soaring. It was not the body soaring, but the soaring of the spirit.

soared at the level, and even at this moment, Li Yang could find that he was so close to the 'Tiandao'.

At the same time.

A sense of arrogance and arrogance rises in the bottom of his heart. Li Yang even believes that once he goes on like this, he will create the sixth place and become the great master, but he will become arrogant and indifferent, even indifferent to his lover.

At this moment, Li Yang remembered Jiang Xue in his mind.

Jiang Xue, whom he can't give up, is willing to be with her.

A lover who is old and old.

"Peng!" The black lightning mark lurked in an instant, and Li Yang's yuan god also stabilized. The flying knife in Li Yang's heart degenerated again and degenerated into the spiritual light. The spiritual light was integrated into the bottom of Li Yang's heart and fell silent.

Li Yang had a faint smile on his face.

He understood that he had given up a very rare opportunity, which was unattainable.

But Li Yang doesn't regret it. If there is no snow, what's the use of becoming a great master? Are you lonely all your life?

Li Yang shuddered when he thought about it.

The feelings that life needs.

Is it enough to be born as a great honor and be respected by others? Li Yang doesn't care about these. What he cares about is the sweet and warm feeling of himself and his lover. He enjoys that feeling.

He knows...that's love.

He can't give up, and he doesn't want to give up.

Without feelings, even as a great honor, what can it represent? Presumably seven days have passed, and the war of immortals and demons has begun. In this time, I have also created the fifth place in the holy land of the demon world. Although the sixth one has not been created, my mind has also improved a lot.

That's enough."

Li Yang smiled and disappeared into the void space.

Because of his concern for snow, Li Yang can't break through the last barrier, and he is unwilling to break through the last barrier.

What he wants to be is not a lonely and indifferent master, but a master with feelings, family affection and love! Otherwise, it won't work.

Above the nine heavens of the demon world.

Li Yang appeared by the door of the original holy land passage of the demon world. He had left the holy land of the demon world. Li Yang himself could clearly recall the scene of the sixth act, but he could not teach it to others. Li Yang knew it.

Like the other three lords of the demon world, only when you understand it can you pass it on to others, and the fifth "North Underworld Dragon Swallow", Li Yang can pass it on to others.

Look up to heaven and earth.

Li Yang felt very wonderful. He created the fifth and even the sixth. Li Yang's perception of the heavenly way has improved a lot. At this moment, Li Yang clearly felt the fluctuation of the energy of heaven and earth.

and even... "Try it."

Li Yang smiled and disappeared in vain. Yes, he disappeared out of thin air.

At the same moment, millions of miles away, Li Yang appeared.

"This teleportation is really not something that ordinary people can play around, and the energy consumption is really amazing."

Li Yang seemed very excited. As soon as he left the void space, Li Yang found that his resonance with the energy of heaven and earth was very harmonious, and even he had a feeling that he could teleport.

Teleportation, this is a very high level of perception of heaven and earth, and then instantly integrated into heaven and earth, appearing in another place of heaven and earth, but Li Yang's current perception of the way of heaven can only teleport millions of miles.

But this is already terrible.

Before entering the holy land of the demon world, Li Yang's perception of heaven and earth was not as good as that of the Yedu Emperor, nor as that of the Kunpeng Demon Emperor. The Yedu Emperor would not teleport, and the Kunpeng Demon Emperor was only a million miles. Li Yang now created the fifth one, felt the sixth one, and his

"Wow!" Li Yang was like a flash of lightning, and disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, Li Yang's speed of "through the clouds and fog" alone is already comparable to that of the dollar-winged roc bird. In an instant, it is hundreds of thousands of miles, soaring in the sky and shuttled between the clouds and fog. In a moment, he has come to the Tianhe River.

Li Yang fell to the edge of the Tianhe River and looked at the dry Tianhe River.

"The battle of immortals and demons has begun."

Li Yang knew in his heart that the dry Tianhe River was deeply scary. At a glance, he couldn't even see the bottom. Li Yang couldn't care about anything else. His consciousness immediately covered it. He suddenly found the battlefield of the battle of immortals and demons, and naturally found everything in the battlefield at this moment.

Li Yang's face changed: "It's not good."

Li Yang instantly turned into an electric light, crossed the sky, and rushed directly to the fairy and demon battlefield.

Vientiane Luo Tianzhen.

Combined with the innate Taiji yin and yang array and Luo Tian's disillusionment array, the power is so powerful that it is simply appalling. Li Er, the head of the three kingdoms in the fairy world, the only personal disciple, Master Xuandu, holds the artifact 'Xuandu Earth Flame Flag' and personally presides

I personally hid the breath of tens of thousands of immortals, and the army of the demon world was finally trapped in the array.

In the first three days, only 70% of the power of the array, the master of the demon king level has been affected by the fantasy world and attacked and fought with each other. As for the master of the demon king level, he was desperate and attacked crazily. Some of them completely fell into the fantasy world, and even confused with their minds, and completely went crazy

However, under 70% of the power, the demon emperor-level masters can also easily resist, and can also help rescue some demon kings and try to make the demon army lose less.

And now, Master Xuandu has exerted ten times his power.

With the power of the formation, the master's mental cultivation in the early stage of the Demon Emperor will be affected. Although it will not fall into a fantasy, it also needs to be completely resisted, leaving only the masters in the middle of the Demon Emperor and the later stage of the Demon Emperor working hard to rescue.

Under the power of ten, in just seven days, nearly half of the master of the demon king has died, and one-third of the master of the demon king has died. This is still the result of the demon emperor's efforts to protect the demon king, but in the long run, it only takes half a month, and it is estimated that the strength of the

Master Xuandu smiled indifferently, held the 'Xuandu off the ground flame flag' in his hand, waved it gently, and played the whole demon army in the palm of his hand nk"