da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 32 Order

The west wind is in the evening,

The golden whip is full of wounds.

Cerma to sow dust and smoke,

Come and ride from thousands of miles!

The sky is unknown, and in the dark, I can't see who is on the horse. In the Dayuan world, the main means of ordinary transportation are horses and wooden carts. It is naturally the most enjoyable for a horse to drive alone.

The man came in a hurry, regardless of whether there was anyone on the road ahead or not. With a golden whip, with a hiss of hiss of the mane horse, his speed became faster and faster. It can be seen that he is arrogant and domineering.

"Who is it?"

Qi Shen and Fan Li unfortunately thought of a place in their hearts at this time, with a slightly calm face and a little unhappy. Today is obviously not a good day for the two of them. The weapons that have accompanied them for many years are either the realm of the blue wolf knife being scattered, or the grade of the twilight axe being knocked down.

Therefore, there is a nameless fire in their hearts. This time, it is a coincidence that a ignorant young man, dressed in equestrianism, can simply be called "timely"!

Immediately, Qi Shenfan and Fanli, the palms in the sleeve robe were pinched into fists. Under the faint moonlight, it could be seen that a faint green power fluctuated, and their faces were not very good-looking.

As the sound of horses' hoofs in his ears gradually became dense and deep, the atmosphere became tense for a while. Yin Yifan knocked out a clue, which gently moved his body and blocked Yin and his wife behind him, so as not to hurt them later fluctuations.

Feeling that their son's hands were powerfully in front of him, Yin and his wife had their own thoughts, satisfaction, pride, sadness, and more comfort.

"Xuan Jiling! The owner of Shunfeng City came quickly to receive the order!"

The man galloping on the horse suddenly raised his hand and held a blue scroll. Under the moonlight, the face was reflected. The young man, a servant of the wind and frost, suddenly passed through like thunder and silent moonlight.

"What? Xuan Jiling? It turned out to be Xuanji!" Qi Shenfan and Fanli were shocked, their faces changed suddenly, and they were amazed.

With this, the palm that was originally pinched into a fist and the original power that was supposed to dissipate without leaving a trace.


" hiss... hiss..."

The man lifted the rein, and the mane horse hissed a few times. He raised his forefoot and arched himself. The tall and magnificent body, invisible, brought a huge sense of oppression to the several people in front of him.

Immediately, the man slightly straightened his black gown, and the hidden action of Qi Fan and the two people still fell into his eyes. He looked at them faintly, raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and said, "Do you want to attack Xuanji?"

"Don't dare, dare..."

When Qi Shenfan and Fanli heard the man who claimed to be Xuanji sneered and asked, they couldn't help but be shocked, shouting and arching their hands.

Xuan Jiling?

Xuan Ji?

For SF City, these two nouns undoubtedly have a great sense of oppression, even the city owner.

The Xuanji Empire spans thousands of miles, and the mountains and rivers are as majestic as tigers. The 300 cities are all under the jurisdiction of the Xuanji royal family, but Shunfeng City is only in a lower position in the middle reaches of these 300 cities.

Xuanji Pavilion is an institution used by the Xuanji royal family to directly jurisdiction over 300 cities of the empire.

Special Xuanji Order, commanding the world. From high down, it can be divided into four colors: red, orange, yellow and blue, representing the importance of instructions.

Special Xuanji envoy was set up to pass on the will of Xuanji Pavilion. And this Xuanji is just a general name, among which it is divided into three levels: Xuanji doctor, Xuanji imperial envoy and Xuanji, which is similar to the division of generals, generals and soldiers in the general army, but the status of this ordinary general is not much higher than the lowest Xuanji.

Therefore, every Xuanji, even if it is just Xuanji, has a quite high status, even above some middle-level city owners. What's more, the lowest threshold for becoming a Xuan machine thorn is the four-yuan realm.

It almost holds the life and death power of the whole Xuanji Empire. How can ordinary people not panic when they see it? Does the meat not jump?

Yin Yifan stood quietly aside and looked through the memories in his mind, and there was only so much recorded in the book. Seeing that the person who came came with Xuan Ji's order, Yin Yifan's original calm mind couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

He knew that this Xuanji Pavilion is different from the four sects of the Xuanji Empire. Xuanji Pavilion only serves the royal family of the Xuanji Empire. Although it is very powerful, it rarely intervenes in the four sects.

The four sects of the Xuanji Empire are independent and arrogant. Although they do not pay attention to Xuanji Pavilion, they will not interfere with the latter.

These two can be described as well water that does not violate the river water.

Finally, the door of the city owner's mansion was completely opened, and a team of people hurried out, led by Yan Cheng. He was still high when he judged Yin Yifan and his party. In a blink of an eye, he rushed out like a mouse bumping into a cat and hurriedly came out with a humble smile on his face. This look is more respectful than meeting your own uncle.

"Shung City Lord Yan Cheng, I have seen Xuan Ji!" Yan Cheng arched his hand and looked humble. As the owner of Shunfeng City, he has not received Xuanji's order for many years. This means that he is a neglected city owner. Now Xuan Ji in front of him, obviously, is still under his own level of strength, but he still greets humbly.


The man with a mane horse turned around and jumped off the horse. He greeted Yan Cheng, but there was only a faint sound, with a little indifference. He knew that SF City, such a city, was really nothing in the Xuanji Empire. Xuanji, who has always regarded himself highly, naturally doesn't bother to give him a good face.

Yan Cheng felt the cold attitude of the other party, and his heart couldn't help but be angry. His hands arched in front of his head couldn't help tightening, and his face twitched. Fortunately, he lowered his head, but he was not noticed by the man.

Raising his eyebrows, the momentary anger had already been hidden. A smile appeared on the corners of his mouth and said politely to Xuanji, "Xuanji has come from afar. Please come in and sit inside for a moment."

"Okay, I'm tired too!"

The man was not polite at all. He answered and looked straight at the door.

Looking at this vigorous and windy Xuanji, everyone's color was slightly suffocating.

When he came to his senses, Yan Cheng's face finally became cold. He took a breath and followed him in.

After acting like this, everyone outside the city owner's mansion was also confused.

Immediately, he didn't stop any more and led his own people back one after another. Yin and his wife were full of pain, but they had no choice but to watch their son being taken away by others. And this so-called lead is not to go to any Kangzhuang Avenue, but to be particularly close to the Huangquan Trail.

Yin Yifan sighed in his heart and followed Fan Li all the way without trying to escape. He knew that with his own strength, even if the other party was not in the best condition, there was no possibility of escape, so he did not have any illusions.

On the contrary, in the mind, it is calculating how to survive in the Fan family. He knows very well that if he is rebellious, he is afraid that he will not even have bones left when he dies.

Fan Li couldn't help but be a little puzzled when he saw that Yin Yifan, who followed him, had no escape at all. But then he saw that the latter's eyes kept turning around and guessed that the boy was calculating. Thinking of this, he couldn't help sneering in his heart, "Hmm, the boy who doesn't know how to live or death is still thinking about how to escape?"


City Master's Mansion

above the high hall

Half an hour ago, there was still a group of people judging, with a majestic look. Half an hour later, there is a guest seat and a busy look.

Many maids went in and out, constantly holding all kinds of wine and dishes on the table.

"I don't know what Xuanji's name is?"

Yan Cheng had already had another smiling face, holding the glass, toasting, asking, and then drank a glass of wine, hissing and frowning vigorously. I don't know if he deliberately frowned to vent his anger through wine.

The man in black picked up the wine glass, smiled faintly, nodded, first drank a glass of wine, and then slowly said, "The original envoy is Zhao Xinghai, Xuanji thorn."

"Well, when I see you like this, you know that it's just the lowest Xuan machine stabbing in Xuanji's envoy. Why do you look high?"

When Yan Cheng thought like this, he naturally couldn't say anything. His face remained unchanged. Then he smiled and said, "It turned out to be Zhao Zhishi. Dare to ask what his will he brought to Shunfeng City this time?"

When Zhao Xinghai heard this, he first took a bite of food, and then slowly took out a blue scroll and said, "Well, the will is it!"

"Xuan Ji Ling?"

When Yan Cheng saw the blue scroll, his heart couldn't help but beat. Xuanji Order is actually equivalent to the imperial edict of Xuanji Pavilion. Any city owner must properly follow the instructions above.

"Well, although it's just a blue Xuan machine order, it can't be lost." Zhao Xinghai stood up and slowly got out of his seat. At that moment, when he looked at the scroll in his hand, his face suddenly became formal.

He raised the scroll with both hands and stood in front of Yan Cheng's body and said loudly, "Xuanji Order is a top secret order of Xuanji Pavilion. Now it is handed over to Yancheng, the owner of Shunfeng City. Be sure to strictly abide by top secrets, complete things, and then reply to Xuanji Pavilion!"

Seeing this, Yan Cheng quickly got up and got out of his seat, bowed down, and took the blue scroll with both hands. Although Xuanji was very wrong and angry, when he took the scroll, Yan Cheng's face couldn't help showing a real smile. It was an extremely honor for any city owner of Xuanji Empire to receive Xuanji's order.

Because the Xuan Jiling in the scroll is top secret, Zhao Xinghai did not read it. However, when Yan Cheng took over the scroll, he still took a meaningful look at the latter, which means that you understand the rules of Xuanjiling, but they are top secret. If it is leaked out, it will be a death penalty.

Yan Cheng nodded and reached out to make an invitation gesture to let Zhao Xinghai enter his seat again to drink.

The two poured the cup for almost two hours, and the arrogant and domineering Xuanji sting made him leave.


The deeper

Yan Cheng sat alone in the study, put the scroll flat on the desk, untied the rope, and slowly spread the scroll. With the appearance of a line of handwriting, a picture suddenly appeared. It was a person.


When Yan Cheng saw this painting, his body shook, his eyes and pupils shrank, his face changed suddenly, and he lost his voice and shouted.