da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 38 Self-blame

Fan Yanshi stood aside, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Yin Yifan sitting on the table from time to time. He felt the fluctuation of the yuan force gradually rising on the latter's body. He couldn't help saying to himself, "This guy, how can a breakthrough of one yuan and one yuan and two corners have enhanced his breath so much?"

Until the afternoon, Yin Yifan finally took a slight breath and put away Xuan Zhang's power. In the middle of the eyebrows, in chaos, the original turns, and the triangle is bright.

"Very good, the realm of the one-yuan triangle."

Yin Yifan muttered in his heart and stood up, but did not say anything. Looking at Fan Yan, who was still beside him, he couldn't help showing gratitude.

"Hmm." Fan Yan snorted, turned his head, and took a few steps. The long white skirt dragged on the grass, which was a little dusty.

Yin Yifan smiled and found that he really couldn't see through this cold young woman.

More than half a month passed in a flash. With the help of the second wife Fan Yan's great backer, although Yin Yifan inevitably suffered a little, fortunately, he still saved his body and did not become the legendary "eunuch".

Even became the companion of the second young master of the Fan family, serving the second young master's pen and ink, which naturally reduced the gap between others. This two young master, a 13-year-old boy, who has lacked partners since childhood, still prefers Yin Yifan, who is two years old.

Although the eldest lady Fan Wu was full of hatred, she always wanted to think about how to kill Yin Yifan. However, the latter hid and nestled in the plum garden, and the former did not dare to take people.

As for Fan Li, who has the most terrible status, Yin Yifan has seen it once or twice. Although the former also wanted to kill him, it seemed that he was afraid of something and didn't do it for a long time. This is also thanks to Fan Yan's "disease" bias, and only Yin Yifan can see the pulse.

On this day, the sun was shining. Yin Yifan came to Meilin and counted the marks on one of the trunks. His faint face couldn't help sighing, revealing a little melancholy, and muttered, "It's been 16 days. It's time to go out. Otherwise, if you stay for a long time, you will feel uneasy."

turned around, took a few steps, and said to himself, "I don't know if Fan Jian has found the doorway."

"Hey, Fan Fan!" A sound seemed a little immature, and it resounded not far behind Yin Yifan.

Yin Yifan was demoted to the Fan family, and naturally even the surname had to be changed. Therefore, the voice called the word "Fan Fan".

Hearing this sound, Yin Yifan couldn't help frowning. This was obviously Fan Zi, the second young master of the Fan family. Although Fan Zi treats Yin Yifan well, it is not easy to be with a drankster all day long.

That's true, but under the shelter of others, Yin Yifan turned around and smiled, "Second Young Master."

"Well, there is a big guest at home today. My mother has gone, but I also want to go. You take me there." Fan Zi was dressed in gorgeous brocade clothes. She was very handsome at a young age, but she passed on the advantages of her mother's beauty, but I don't know if Fan Li's lively heart was passed on.

"Big guest?" Yin Yifan raised his eyebrows and was also interested.

"Well, let's go." After all, Fan Zi was young and acted only by interest. As she said, she grabbed Yin Yifan with one hand and wanted to leave.

Yin Yifan shook his head with a wry smile, followed helplessly, and casually said, "I don't know the way."

"I know, don't you know?" Fan Zi raised a smile at the corners of her mouth and turned around to show an expression that we are brothers.

Yin Yifan was stunned and thought about it secretly. To be honest, although he is young and ignorant, Fan Zi is more than 100 times better than Fan Qing, and he will not be too difficult for his subordinates, especially for his partner.

If you put aside the secular world and resentment, Yin Yifan can really maintain a long friendship with him and can only fool people in the world.

Yin Yifan sighed in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face.

Out of Meiyuan, Yin Yifan and Fan Zi walked on the corridor. The scenery on both sides is excellent, and it would have been better if it weren't for the late winter season.

Looking at the sky, the sky is boundless.

"It seems that the New Year is coming." Yin Yifan muttered abruptly, and two old figures appeared in his heart. He secretly decided to escape from the Fan family before the Spring Festival.

"Fan Fan, what are you thinking?" Fan Zi just looked up and saw the melancholy appearance of the former.

Yin Yifan shook his head and said no.

"Yin Yifan..."

The volume of the negative sound seems a little strange and very sharp, as if he wants to tear Yin Yifan alive.

"Hmm?" Yin Yifan was slightly stunned when he heard the sound and looked sideways.

"It's the eldest brother." Fan Zi frowned, obviously very unno good for Fan Qing.

A few feet away, the two stood in the corridor, as if they met on a narrow road. Standing at the front is Fan Qing, the inhumane teenager who was beaten by Yin Yifan at the beginning. He was a sad person.

The appearance of the two was reflected in Yin Yifan's indifferent eyes. In the past, Fan Qing was handsome and handsome, with a little evil between his eyebrows. Now, although his clothes remain unchanged, he looks like a dander, and his handsome evil spirit has long been replaced by yin qi.

At first glance, the pair of particularly bright red lips thought they were a young girl. The hands stretched out to Yin Yifan were actually pinching the orchid. It seemed that unconsciously, when he found other people's strange eyes, he quickly withdrew his hand and hummed delicately.

After a man endures such a disaster, his psychological setbacks are far greater than his physical ones, so his spirit will gradually become sick, and some negative habits unconsciously follow him.

Yin Yifan was silent. Although he had never seen Fan Qing for so many days, he often remembered him. Hearing that Fan Qing was hurt inhumanely, he felt a lot in his heart at first. After all, he had been deeply bullied earlier.

And now, when I look at it with my own eyes, I can't help but feel sorry. After all, it's really too much to make others not ghosts and ghosts. After all, Fan Qing is just stubborn, and the crime is not so.

Thinking of this, Yin Yifan's eyebrows were frozen and his heart was full of self-blame.

"Brother, get out of the way. We have something to do." Fan Zi frowned and said tirelessly as much as Yin Yifan thought.

"Huh, uncle, that's him. Help me teach him a good lesson." Fan Qing directly ignored Fan Zi's words and turned around, looking angry and shouting.

This middle-aged man is a little similar to the eldest lady Fan Wu, and his handsome face is covered with a layer of frost. Although it is also very uncomfortable with Fan Qing's "small family jasper". But there was more regret in my heart, and this full of regret could stimulate anger, and his fists trembled slightly and clenched them tightly.

Without saying anything, Wugang took a big step and approached Yin Yifan in a few steps. He lay in front of him and said in a low voice, "Are you Yin Yifan?"

Yin Yifan nodded without saying anything.

Treating Yin Yifan's silence as cowardice, Wu Gan waved his sleeve robe and said arrogantly, "Kneel in front of Xiaoqing, kowt and admit your mistake. I'll spare you not to die."

"Hmm?" Yin Yifan slowly raised his eyebrows, and the middle-aged Wu Gangsheng was fierce, just a head higher than Yin Yifan.

"Bow and admit your mistake!" Wugang was obviously very protective of the child. Seeing Yin Yifan's immortal appearance, he suddenly shouted angrily, "Or I'll beat you half to death and go!"

"No." Although Yin Yifan blamed himself, he did not have to kowtow and admit his mistake. After all, he was trampled under the feet of Fan Qing and a group of people in the past and humiliated on the street.

As soon as the voice fell, Yin Yifan turned his head, turned sideways and retreated. He could avoid a punch from Wu Gang's extreme anger.

"Oh? Boy, can you still do something?" Wu Gan's eyebrows were stunned and sneered. Just now, he punched fiercely, but he smashed the air. Suddenly, the anger in his cavity became even worse.

"It's just a two-yuan seven-horned realm. What's arrogant about?" Yin Yifan straightened his long shirt and didn't even look at Wu Gang. After all, his glorious battle history begins with Wuyuan's victory over one yuan and nine corners. In particular, there is a top-quality horn in his hand.

Wu Di was slightly stunned, and his face immediately became ferocious. I only lamented that I underestimated the strength of this boy today and came with him, but he didn't bring his own weapons, otherwise he had to be killed alive.


A sudden sounded, but Yin Yifan put on his body and made a posture to fight with his hands. In my heart, I meditated on the Linzi heart method, and suddenly the cold current flowing steadily in the bloodline surged up, and a gust of bone-piercing chill rose up.

"I'm not afraid of fighting!"


is still typing, trying to break 10,000 today's four update.

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