da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 41 Fighting

Life is lonely

Love is in my heart

and continuous

Although I die, I don't regret

Yin Yifan did not hesitate. He took a few steps to hold the beautiful woman in his arms, felt the warmth in his arms, and couldn't help tightening his hands.

Yan Xiaoxin's face suddenly turned red and felt the very cold embrace. In front of him, he can only breathe low. The belated alcohol and sunshine reflect her face, her eyes, her happiness and sadness.

"Yin Yifan!"

Yan Xiaoxin called for the second time with a weak voice.

"I miss you." Yin Yifan also muttered and couldn't help pulsing the beautiful woman's scattered green silk.

Yan Xiaoxin raised his hand slightly, pressed it to his chest, felt the obvious heartbeat, and a satisfied smile overflowed from the corners of his mouth and nodded.

The two hugged each other like this, without much words, and I don't know how long it has passed.

Who touched whose heart?


With a deep shout, it suddenly resounded from not far away, with a faint majesty and thick anger. It is Yan Cheng.

Yan Xiaoxin panicked when she heard the words and hurriedly opened her arms. Her crimson face suddenly turned red, and her eyes were blurred and she didn't know where to look.

Yin Yifan was also shocked, but his expression did not show much. Reach out and grab Yan Xiaoxin's frightened little hand.

Yan Xiaoxin seemed to be electrocuted, and his body shook and looked at Yin Yifan who wanted to break free. However, Yin Yifan seemed to be capricious and grasped very tightly.

"Yin Yifan, are you looking for death?" Yan Cheng opened his eyes angrily and was worried that his daughter would do something "shameless", so he came out and took a look. With an angry shout, he waved his sleeve robe, and a dark blue power was lifted out, like a giant blue snake, which attacked Yin Yifan's chest with a bang.


Yin Yifan pulled Yan Xiaoxin sideways and dodged. This cyan power was bombarded on the pillar of the corridor. With violent tremors, the thick pillar of the man was broken. Fortunately, the corridor did not collapse because of this.

Yan Cheng saw that he didn't win a blow, and his sleeve robe was ready to take action.


Yan Xiaoxin took advantage of the panic, broke away from Yin Yifan's hand, stood up, stood in front of him, and said sharply to Yan Cheng.

"Core, you disappoint me so much." Yan Cheng shouted coldly and his face trembled.

Yin Yifan was not injured, but his heart was still trembling violently. With his current strength, although it was okay to deal with the masters of the dual world, he still had to peel off his skin. Facing the master of Sanyuanjing, he didn't even have a chance to escape.

The original force attack is a hurdle for the Yuan to practice. The gap between two yuan and three yuan is not as simple as one yuan and two yuan.

However, if the three yuan practice to four yuan, it can prolong life and increase longevity. Naturally, it is the dream of more Yuan people. And Yan Cheng, who is the master of the peak of Siyuan, casually waved the violent power. For Yin Yifan, this is undoubtedly a mountain-like pressure in front of him.

However, in the face of Yan Cheng, why is Yin Yifan still bravely looking for death? Will it be so stupid?

But think about it, if you kowtow to beg for mercy or escape directly, how much is this a blow to Yan Xiaoxin? For so many days, Yan Xiaoxin has been paying silently. This time, Yin Yifan felt that he should do something for her.

He looked calm, but gently pushed away Yan Xiaoxin, looked at Yan Cheng, and smiled faintly: "Lord, is it really murderous without blinking?"

"Hmm!" Yan Cheng's face trembled and snorted coldly, "But a bitch, are you also worthy of my Yan family?"

"I never wanted to enter your Yan family, but I want Xiaoxin to enter my Yin family." Yin Yifan is neither slow, neither humble nor arrogant, as if he is talking about a very common thing.

Yan Xiaoxin's body was slightly stiff, and she couldn't help looking at Yin Yifan, with a satisfied smile on the corners of her mouth. In Yan Cheng's eyes, he was even more angry, and he immediately shook his hand and wanted to attack.

"Lord of the city." Fan Li, who appeared early in the morning, called for a timely call, and he came to the figure.

"Fan Li, I will compensate you for the losses here. Don't stop me." Yan Cheng turned around and said lightly.

Fan Li smiled and looked cunning. Somehow, after a conversation with Yan Cheng, he was in a particularly good mood.

laughed and said, "The lord of the city is joking. How can I account for such things? It's just that if you take action against this bitch, I'm afraid it will spread a bad reputation. Well, don't worry, I will teach him a good lesson another day and send it to your house to apologize.

Yan Cheng seemed to think of something when he heard the words. He exhaled and nodded silently and said, "Well, Fan Li, anyway, this boy will be killed by you. I can't do anything."

Fan Li said with a smile on his face, "Hahaha, city lord, laugh."

"Today, I will go home first and remember what I told you is a top secret." Yan Cheng's face returned to calm and told Fan Li. Hearing Yin Yifan's ears, he couldn't help wondering what the secret was.

"Congratulations to the lord of the city." Fan Li called out.

"Xin'er, come back with me!" Yan Cheng waved his hand and waved a power, but it was softer. The delicate body around Yan Xiaoxin was pulled back.

"Xingxin!" After all, Yin Yifan slowed down and grabbed a blank space. He had already thought that there would be no result, so he took a breath, gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, "Yan Cheng!"

Yan Cheng stretched out his hand and held Yan Xiaoxin in his arms and said angrily, "You know that there will be no good things if you beg to come here. Stay at home for me in the future."

Yan Xiaoxin struggled for a moment, bit his teeth tightly and said, "Dad."

"Humph, Yin Yifan, you are a parable who will die one day!" Yan Cheng ignored Yan Xiaoxin's struggle and split his hand and pointed to Yin Yifan and shouted angrily.

"You are a low-eyed dog, and sooner or later you will be trampled on by me!" Yin Yifan's whole body trembled angrily and roared against each other.

Fan Li, who was beside him, was slightly stunned and sighed in his heart. In this Shunfeng City, only Yin Yifan dared to speak to the city lord Yan Cheng like this. It's really terrible. If it weren't for his son, I wouldn't have been optimistic about him. Thinking of his son, Fan Li couldn't help but be angry. Looking at Yin Yifan's eyes, he couldn't help sparks.

shouted angrily: "Yin Yifan, how dare you disrespect the lord of the city? Be careful that I tear you up!"

Fan Li, whose face suddenly became ferocious, will naturally not miss this opportunity to show loyalty. Then he changed his face and smiled at Yan Chengdui and said, "The city lord is angry. Let's go back for me for the time being and treat this beast."

"Hmm!" Yan Cheng took a deep breath, looked calm, and answered. He didn't want to see this bad teenager again, even if he broke his sleeves and left.

Yan Xiaoxin turned his head with difficulty, looked at Yin Yifan, and found that he was also looking at himself. He couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. His originally sad face couldn't help straightening up and forced a smile.

Yin Yifan's silver teeth clenched, and his face couldn't help shaking and again. The fists in the sleeve robe were tightly clenched, and his nails were embedded in the meat, which was not punctured. Although it was extremely painful, Yin Yifan insisted on allowing the pain to spread.

In the corridor, only Fan Li and Yin Yifan were left, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Fan Li also had an indescribable hatred for the teenager in front of him. At this time, his anger ignited, and naturally he wanted to teach Yin Yifan a good lesson.


However, he found that Fan Yan's voice came from behind him, and Fan Li couldn't help loosening his fist.

Fan Yan took Fan Zi's hand, walked slowly, glanced at the ugly Yin Yifan, and said un joyously, "Fan Fan, take Zi'er to write."

Yin Yifan naturally knew Fan Yan's kindness. If it hadn't been for her relief, she would have suffered a little today. His face calmed down, and he forcibly put away his unwilling anger, reached out to hold Fan Zi's hand and bowed away.

Walking on the way to the cloister, Yin Yifan secretly vowed in his heart that he must improve his strength quickly. What a shit world, how to talk about justice in the world? Strength is the most important thing.

"Fan Fan, do you like the daughter of the lord?" Fan Zi looked up and asked.

Yin Yifan didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

"Brother Fan, I don't want you to accompany me anymore." Fan Zi looked ahead and said inexplicably.

"Hmm?" Yin Yifan expressed his doubts.

Fan Zi took away from Yin Yifan's hand and accelerated her pace. She walked in front of Yin Yifan and said, "If you are in the Fan family, there will be no good fruit to eat. I want you to leave the Fan family."

Yin Yifan was stunned when he heard the words and did not leave again.

Fan Zi seemed to find that Yin Yifan had not come, and stopped and turned around to show a naughty smile.

Looking at this flawless smiling face, Yin Yifan couldn't help but feel a little moved. Yin Yifan has a book in his heart, remembering the people related to him. If there is anyone in the Fan family who is good to him, Fan Yan is one, but the best is Fan Yan's son.

Moving his footsteps, Yin Yifan didn't say anything and reached out and patted Fan Zi's head.

In the plum garden, under a strong plum tree, Fan Zi sat on the swing, swinging happily, humming an unknown tone, looking leisurely.

Yin Yifan sat on the grass, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, practicing his vitality, and his body was filled with a strong and weak vitality, which made Fan Zi envious.

Suddenly, Yin Yifan opened his eyes and called, "Second Young Master."

"Hmm?" Fan Zi answered and jumped off the swing.

"Do you have any secrets about Xiuyuan?" Yin Yifan asked, as if he was thinking something.

Fan Zi thought for a while and looked up and said, "Yes, my father often forces me to cultivate Yuan, but unfortunately my progress is not fast. There are still some secrets about Xiuyuan. How much are you?

"One yuan." Yin Yifan replied.

"What?" Fan Zi's eyes widened and said unimaginably, "You only have one yuan? Then how did you blow up that Wu Can?"

"Hey." Yin Yifan smiled shyly.

"Fuddenly." Fan Zi exhaled a few times and said, "Then I'll show you the secrets about the way of earth. Wait."


Two update, ask for support~~