da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 83 See the name of the palace again

In the dark moonlight, the stars and moon were unconsciously shrouded in dark clouds, and there was no light in the night sky. The dark thick clouds piled up above his head. At this moment, Yin Yifan seemed to think that the day was going to collapse.


With a thick lightning passing through the clouds, it looks like a golden dragon, tearing the sky alive. A violent thunder sound, after brewing for a long time, finally exploded in the air. This shock was not small, and the whole Shengxing City trembled invisibly. With the awey wind, it seemed that millions of wolves were howling in mid-air.

Yin Yifan and Sang still stood separately in the snow. Compared with the lane, they suddenly heard this loud noise and unconsciously changed color.

Yin Yifan raised his eyebrows, was slightly stunned, and said to himself, "On this day, the sky is still full of stars and moon, and the cool breeze is blowing. No matter how it changes, the thunder is loud, which makes the earthquake tremble.

However, Sang was not in the snow, and his graceful body seemed to tremble at the sound of thunder. The originally slightly sad face suddenly rose a solemn color, and his eyes were full of fear.


Yin Yifan found that Sang Zaixue's expression was different, and he couldn't help but look at the woman for a while. Following her eyes, she turned her eyes and looked at the southern sky.

Above the southern sky, the clouds moved particularly violently, rolling layer by layer, as if they had been boiled by something. Suddenly, only a sharp sound was heard, which touched the memory in Yin Yifan's heart.


The big bird was hundreds of feet wide, and the two giant wings banged down like a sky. A golden bird beak, dozens of feet long, with the power of breaking mountains and mountains, attacked a white spot in the distance. The sound of breaking the air is about to tear up the space.

"Holy Beast! Birds in the nine sky!"

Yin Yifan was shocked and shouted, and the shock on his face was unspeakable.

"The nine-sky bird is attacking people. Who is the white dot opposite? Flying in the air and standing in the air, he is obviously a strong man in the six-yuan realm!"

In Yin Yifan's eyes was a vast river-like golden thunder and lightning, which was torn down by the man in white. He was not afraid of the power of the nine sky bird, like an Optimus Prime, with a pressure that could smash the earth and bombarded the nine sky bird.


Under the power of the sky, even the hundreds of feet-sized body of the nine sky bird was also shaken back hundreds of feet.

"Hmm! Nine Sky Cang Bird Ganlin, do you dare to touch my people in the Qingzong?

This sound seemed to be a thunderstorm, which spread hundreds of miles. Not only Yin Yifan heard it, but also shocked his eardrums. And the whole Shengxing City heard it, and the noise sounded for a moment. Yin Yifan's body was shocked and quickly rubbed his ears. His face changed again and he lost his voice, "It's Gong Chengming!"

"Do you recognize the name of the palace?"

Sang Zaixue heard Yin Yifan's exclamation, was slightly stunned, and turned his head to ask him.

Yin Yifan just nodded, but thought of Qi Run's matter. Unconsciously, he has been separated for almost half a year, and he doesn't know what to do. Now that Gong Chengming is close to him, he is definitely going to ask.

Thinking of this, there was no hesitation. When he rose up, he shuttled away, and he was not afraid of the level of the fight in the distance.

Looking at Yin Yifan's suddenly anxious look, his figure sped away and disappeared into the depths of darkness. Sang inexplicably raised a trace of doubt in Xue's heart. Lianbu unconsciously moved out and chased him to the place where he disappeared.


Suddenly, the huge nine-sky bird suddenly roared a few times, which made the whole Shengxing City uneasy. The huge wings, more horrible than the sky curtain, flapped violently, and the more terrible pressure emanated, like a natural disaster, spreading away. The air of the whole world is chaotic. I don't know how many people are now with weak legs and difficulty breathing.

However, Gong Chengming did not change at all. He sneered, opened his big hand, and two golden thunder and lightning were pulled out in the rolling thunder clouds. The roar is a hundred times more powerful than the two dragons going to sea.

Yin Yifan ran all the way and kept passing through the lanes, but his thoughts opened up and asked himself secretly, "Isn't it said that Xuanji Pavilion has nothing to do with the four sects? Why did the Chuzong of the Qing Dynasty fight with Dr. Xuanji Pavilion, as if there is a deep hatred."

He ran very fast. In about a quarter of an hour, he left the city and shuttled on the ancient road. In the night, he was like a rampaging beast, straight down the fighting sky in the south.

"You can't appear rashly now. The aftershock of the six-yuan strength struggle alone is not what I can bear. You have to be careful and act according to the opportunity." Yin Yifan ran and thought about it.

Not far away, Sang Zaixue also followed without slowness. Xiumei couldn't help but cluster up and speculated in her heart, "What is he doing rushing away so desperately? Don't you want to die?"

The sky above a hundred feet is still fighting. When Yin Yifan walked here, he only felt that the figure of the bird in the nine sky was particularly huge, like a big mountain, pressing overhead. The afterglow of the struggle, from time to time, shot awe-spitable wind and thunder and lightning, hitting the earth, all setting off bursts of dust and explosions. Although Yin Yifan was careful to walk, he was not affected. The long shirt and blue hair were also blown, and there was a faint sense of paralysis.


Yin Yifan fell down and avoided a place. The gasp in his heart couldn't help but hurry up and said secretly, "This time I was a little impulsive. I underestimated the strength of the peerless strong man in the six-yuan realm and fell into this aftershock. It shouldn't be."

"Hey, what are you doing?"

When Sang saw Yin Yifan fall into the aftermath, he unconsciously helped him. The golden power attached to his whole body, and the strength of the five yuan realm was revealed, which was not bad!

Yin Yifan's clothes tightened his back and only felt that he had been pulled away by a force. Before his footsteps stabilized, he saw that his original place was hit by a flash of lightning and burst into a big pit. His eyes widened, and he couldn't help but be afraid for a while.


Yin Yifan took a breath and turned to look at the person behind him. It was clear that it was Sang Zaixue. He couldn't help but be stunned, hugged his fist and thanked him.

"Are you a fool?"

Sang's inexplicable anger surged up in Xue's heart and shouted at Yin Yifan. On his delicate face, his soft eyes were angry and beautiful.


Yin Yifan choked for a moment, and when he saw such a touching scene, he couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

In the sky, as Yin Yifan stood close, the conversation was also heard clearly. A voice came from the top of the head of the bird in the nine sky. Obviously, Gan Lin sat on it and said, "The name of the palace is indeed known as the pride of heaven. At this age, it has reached the golden thunder realm in the realm of six yuan."

The palace stood in the sky with its name, arrogant, holding two golden thunder and lightning in both hands, and the sound of lazing reflected in Yin Yifan's ears, which was deafening.

I saw that his long shirt was fluttering, not affected by thunder and lightning at all, and his white clothes were still fluttering. He gently exhaled a few breaths, and it was obvious that there was a fierce fight, which consumed a lot. He sneered and said, "Yasheng orcist, your strength is good. It's just that there is only the strength of Jin Leijing, so I will capture you and see if you are still arrogant!"

"Hmm! Don't be too big. With a shout of Gan Lin's anger, the figure of the nine sky bird trembled again. The long golden beak and a brilliant golden light quietly rise and are ready to go. For a moment, a circle of dark clouds around him seemed to see natural enemies, spreading away.

Under this strange move, under this world, it seems to be shrouded in an instant, and the invisible shackles hold anything.

Yin Yifan felt that his feet were filled with lead, and it was difficult to move an inch. I couldn't help turning my head and seeing that even Sang Zaixue, who was in the five-yuan realm, was shackled. The situation was not much better than Yin Yifan. The golden power was also suppressed at this moment and could not be exerted. Her beautiful face was full of solemnity and some panic.

How can there be a gap between the five-yuan realm and the six-yuan realm?


Second update, collection, recommendation~~~~