da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 167 The Beast Shows its Power

The acquaintance between people will always be related to something. The first encounter between Yin Yifan and Sang in the snow can be traced back to that time when he bought beast crystals. It was she who made a generous move and robbed him of his favor. And because of her "grabbing people's favor", Yin Yifan got a treasure by chance.

Of course, this is naturally due to the fierce vision of the old man. It is because he said the usefulness of the small stone bought at a low price in the city that Yin Yifan has worked hard for the past six months.

That's right, it's it, the ice attribute beast!

Beast Yuan, it is not something that every fierce beast can have, and its owner must be a fierce beast with very high blood. And this fierce beast with a very high bloodline is often very high after growing up, so its strength is also extremely strong. Therefore, the degree of cherishing this beast is very high.

Because of this kind of limitation, it has also become a major feature and mystery of the beast. I'm afraid that if a strong man whose strength has not reached the seven-yuan realm is not instructed by a master, even if a beast is placed in front of him, he will not recognize the reason.

Coincidentally, there is such a master around Yin Yifan - an old man!

I saw Yin Yifan slowly take out a thing wrapped in coarse cloth from his self-storage treasure. At the time, a piercing chill scattered from it. Even Yin Yifan couldn't help but feel excited all over. He sighed and said, "You guy, although it hasn't been the so-called few years. But now I'm at a critical juncture, so I have to help.

Let's not talk about how Yin Yifan is doing now. Under Gan Lin's killing, Sang Zaixue has recovered from the shock at this moment. Although this [Nine Dome Silence] is unparalleled, it is better to fight to the death than to capture it.

Her eyebrows were solemn, and a few wisps of hero appeared on that beautiful face. With Sang Zaixue's hands closed, and then meditated on the mental method, a pair of white palms gently crossed to the chest.

"You Feng!"

A brilliant golden sword is obviously a portable weapon in the snow. Under her call, the long sword emitted a dazzling golden light. With the background of Yuanli, it suddenly shuttled up in mid-air and danced gorgeous arcs. Suddenly, the air suffered this week also suddenly changed direction and converged towards Sang Zaixue's body.

Seeing the golden phoenix sword suddenly shuttled up and dancing in mid-air, the situation changed dramatically. Gan Lin couldn't help but be stunned, shook his eyebrows, and then seemed to remember something. Even if the corners of his mouth moved, he squinted at Sang Zaixue and said, "You Fengjian! It turns out that you are still a member of Xingchen Sect. No wonder you sit in the position of the lord of Shengxing City at such a young age.

"Stardust Youfeng!"

Sang Zaixue seemed to pay no attention to Gan Lin's words, but saw her mouth constantly changing. With the passage of time, suddenly, there was a sharp song comparable to that of the nine sky birds, and I don't know where it resounded.

A ring of sound waves spread away, and ripples scattered in the air. With a touch of bright golden light, the power bursting out from the snow body suddenly condensed into a golden phoenix with a hundred-foot body through the phoenix sword in mid-air!


Although it is a virtual shadow, when the golden phoenix spread its wings in mid-air, there is still a strong wind sweeping up, and there are still waves of real noise falling, which makes people's scalp faintly numb. When the strong wind fell to the ground, in an all of an hour, those sand and stones that took off because of Gan Lin's move suddenly dispersed.


This scene is like the end of the world, and the cold wind sweeps under the dark world. Then stones of different sizes suddenly smashed down. Every bombardment will send out violent shocks, and the earth's holes have been interpreted the most!

"What about Xingchenzong? I'm Dr. Xuanji Pavilion. I'll kill you. What does Xingchenzong dare to say?"

Gan Lin suddenly burst into a burst of laughter and was full of magnificent momentum. With the murderous spirit he had experienced over the years, he suddenly covered the whole dark world with a touch of murder. He only heard a sudden shout: "Dead!"

When the words fell, the darkness of the sky above the head suddenly twisted, and wisps of winding faint light faintly sprinkled on the ground, adding to the originally depressing atmosphere.


A sad and sharp voice, like a ghost crying and a divine horn, suddenly covered the surrounding hundreds of feet of ground. The scene seemed flashy, but where the sound passed, whether it was gravel, boulders, or collapsed trees, it was strangely smashed.

For a while, Sang Zaixue couldn't help shaking his face slightly and his eyes turned warily. She took a gentle breath and closed her eyes hard. Although a drop of sweat slipped unnaturally from her forehead, at this moment, the hundred-foot-wide golden phoenix in the sky also suddenly shook its body.


Another particularly sharp sound, as if it was about to pierce the sky, suddenly resounded under this dark world. The golden phoenix suddenly shook its broad wings, and when wisps of golden brilliance naturally fell in the wind, the huge figure suddenly rushed towards the rain on the ground.


Seeing Jin Feng rushing towards him, Gan Lin couldn't help sneering, raised a curved arc at the corners of his mouth, and said disdainfully, "A flashy move!"


It was late. At that time, the sharp beak of the golden phoenix slid through the sky, emitting a wisp of gorgeous golden light. At this time, Gan Lin also clenched his hands into fists, and the dark sky that was originally covered above the sky also suddenly swept up, as if it were a huge blanket that had been pulled up, moving towards the same huge golden phoenix cover.


The next time, Jin Feng's shining body was suddenly covered by a dark sky. The former gave a miserable cry, accompanied by a sudden violent turmoil in mid-air, and the hundred-foot-long body also suddenly exploded.


The huge body exploded in an instant, and the unparalleled power was self-evident. In an hour, I only felt that the strong wind in the sky suddenly rose. There were waves of strong momentum, as if rolling like crazy.

The canopy controlled by Gan Lin also dimmed a little and shrank a little at the moment of the explosion. With a bang, Gan Lin swallowed a stream of blood in his throat, and his footsteps regressed a long distance unsteadily.

Then, his face trembled slightly, and a ferocious look suddenly appeared. He threw his eyes on the snow in the distance opposite. In his eyes, he could only see that the latter's figure could not be controlled for a moment, as if it were fallen leaves from the rain, and he could not fly out in the direction of his palm at all.


The beautiful cheek, which always showed a soft smile to Yin Yifan, turned white for a moment. A stream of blood spewed out unbearablely, and the lips covered with blood did not know if they had turned gray. The brilliance in those beautiful eyes slowly became godless. At this moment, she remembered a lot, but most of them was the fear of death.

"In the snow!"

Seeing this, Yin Yifan roared violently. Because of excessive impulse, a pair of ferocious blue veins appeared on his forehead. Those eyes stared at the falling figure in the distance. Such a long distance can't be seen, but Yin Yifan still rushed away without hesitation.

"How can it be so easy to die? Why are you yelling?"

Just as Yin Yifan took a few steps, Gan Lin's figure had already flashed in front of Yin Yifan. She put her hands behind her back and turned her back to Yin Yifan. She waved her eyebrows casually and said lightly, "If you disobey Xuanji Pavilion, the result will not be much better."


Yin Yifan stopped, because his fists were tightly clenched, and his body trembled uncontrollably. With the clenching of his teeth, his face also twisted uneasily.

The beast element of the fierce beast contains extremely magnificent violent energy. And a certain powerful ability of the fierce beast before death will also be hidden in it. If it is cultivated by the original, it will be able to obtain this powerful ability over time. Moreover, this strong ability will also be strengthened with the progress of the meta-level of the Yuan Dynasty, which can be called a treasure.

I saw Yin Yifan's silver teeth clenching and holding the beast with a light milky light in his right hand. Immediately, he slowly lowered his head and seemed to howl in his heart. "For the past six months, life and death have never forgotten to nourish you with the power of extreme cold and learn the ability you have. That is, one day in the future, it may come to the end. As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days is used for a while. Today, whether it is the end road or the willow dark flowers are bright, it is up to you!"


Gan Lin grinned and grinned. After a long time, he slowly turned around and said indifferently to Yin Yifan, "You can die!"


Yin Yifan suddenly widened his eyes, waved his head slightly, and had a fierce momentum. He followed his words and asked Gan Lin loudly. I only felt that within the range of hundreds of feet, the temperature suddenly dropped to an extremely low degree. Immediately, he no longer hesitated, and a pale breath came out of his mouth in an instant with his hands.

Dragon moves, the glacier bursts!


A dragon roar shocked the world. With a pale light suddenly rising from Yin Yifan's hands, it completely covered nearly a hundred feet around for a moment.