da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 205 Luoyun Empire

The voice of the red-blooded cow still echoed behind the three people's heads, and the voice was about to kill them. However, at this moment, Yin Yifan and Zhang He suddenly petrified, and their panic about the former also fell to zero at that moment.

That moment seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed to be just in the blink of an eye. Yin Yifan took a deep breath, and then exhaled this breath heavily. Seeing that his face came back and forth, he couldn't help but change dramatically.

Yin Yifan didn't know where the Luoyun Empire was. However, with the old monster Zhong Danqiu, Yin Yifan naturally heard a lot of rumors about the mainland. Among them, the Luoyun Empire is among them.

It is rumored that millions of fierce beasts span thousands of miles, directly dividing the north and south of the Asian continent. Since ten thousand years, there has been little connection between the north and the south. Because of ordinary business travel, I don't have the ability to cross this mysterious mountain of millions of fierce beasts. Not only that, he is a peerless master with a strength of six yuan, and he can't guarantee that he will definitely retreat like this.

So as time goes on, the North and the South forget each other. Only some books still have records, and what is most familiar to the people of the Xuanji Empire is the legendary empire that is across the fierce beasts of the Xuanji Empire - the Luoyun Empire. These two empires can be said to have a deep relationship. Since ancient times, the south has been a place with a superior climate and geography, while the north has been inevitably poor mountains and rivers. Therefore, for thousands of years, this Luoyun Empire has been thinking of invading its closest southern neighbors.

In fact, the Luoyun Empire has indeed had a history of many southern invasions. Although its scale is not huge, because the people in this empire have been with beasts since childhood, in addition to many orcists, there are thousands of beast warriors accompanying them. Once the attack, the Xuanji Empire is not prepared, and there will inevitably be a huge loss. Once the most serious time, it was invaded by the army led by the emperor of the Luoyun Empire. The army went all the way south and went straight to Xuanji City, the imperial capital of the Xuanji Empire. At that time, the human and beast army of the Luoyun Empire was stationed 300 miles north of Xuanji City, and the Xuanji Empire would be subverted.


This catastrophe did not lead to, and finally the patriarch of Shangqingzong came forward and directly killed his emperor on the spot, causing the country's army to collapse in a moment. After that war, it also established the position of the first sect of Shangqingzong in the Xuanji Empire. Thousands of years, it has not wavered. However, this war led to the ultimate hatred between the two countries, resulting in a war between the two countries every few decades.

Thinking of today, the red-blooded cow destroyed a whole Mu Yuncheng with a population of millions. How can Yin Yifan and Zhang He calm down? In the empire, no matter how deep your hatred is, to put it bluntly, it is also the resentment of your own people. Once another country invades, it must be a common hatred in the hearts of every imperial people.

Therefore, thousands of years have passed down an unwritten truth: national shame cannot be forgotten, and national blood is paid for!


When Yin Yifan secretly recalled the story told by Zhong Danqiu to him, he saw a series of extremely gloomy laughter suddenly spread between this piece of heaven and earth. It seems to come from Jiuyou, and it seems to come from ancient times. Yin Yifan can guarantee that this voice is the most gloomy voice he has ever heard. Even if the old demon Luo is here, he is bound to fall behind.

"Who is it?"

Thinking that the person who came may be a country with a thousand years of resentment with the empire he lives in, Zhang He's blood can't help but ignite again after decades. He shouted loudly and exploded in this world. In a faint time, he felt quite powerful to pull up the mountain and feel unrivaled.

"Hmm, hey hey..."

Hearing such a roar as Zhang He, the comer didn't seem to be angry at all. Instead, he smiled softly (more like a gloomy smile). With a figure lightly falling on the head of the red-blooded cow's head, the middle-aged man in white slowly looked down and said, "Han has always been very polite to the dying person. Since you have sincerely asked questions, Han will tell you compassionately. I am the Luoyun Empire, one of the ten sharp knives in the south - Han Xuesheng!"

"Han Xuesheng?"

Zhang He seemed to have never heard of such a reputation, so he couldn't help but hesitate and was about to think about it.

At this moment, Yin Yifan stood up slowly with a smile and saw that he was full of awe-inspiring gas. He was not afraid of the threat brought to him by the former's powerful strength. He slowly said, "Han Xuesheng? Although I have never heard of it, I'm afraid that if I dare to claim to be one of the top ten sharp knives in the south of the Luoyun Empire, I'm sure his ability is not weak.

"Well, you still have some insight. But since you know Han's secret, you don't have to live any longer. A frightened madman, a waste who is over 50 years old but has never even stepped into five yuan. There is also a boy who has not dried up and does not know how to die. Look, what a perfect combination it is. Go to hell!"

With Han Xuesheng's sudden voice, he saw the peerless beast that seemed to be high, but was willing to be trampled on the soles of his feet, and the red-blooded cow also roared suddenly. Immediately, he saw it jumping towards the place where Yin Yifan and the three of them were. The momentum emitted by oil clearly wanted to trample these three people into meat mud before they could stop.

"slow down!"

At such a critical moment, Yin Yifan's heart was in a mess and there was no countermeasure, but he still raised a hand without hesitation and pretended to be mysteriously stopped. Whether the next moment will die or not, it is the absolute truth to keep this moment alive for the time being.


Han Xuesheng was originally interested in this seemingly mysterious teenager, but at this time, the former could still be so calm when he was dying. In his opinion, this courage alone is enough to compare with thousands of so-called geniuses among other people. Thinking of this, the former couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth, nodded and said, "Perhaps, it may not be impossible for you to live longer."