da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 296 Thick Skin

ps: Sorry, there is a big deal today. It's late. There will be another update later.



Shi Jianhong didn't seem to care at all. He smiled faintly and immediately muttered, "Another one..."

With his words quietly falling, the huge stone-shaped fierce beast under him also waved his huge body slightly, as if he was looking forward to it.

"Little Stone, it seems that you are busy tonight!"

Shi Jianhong slowly squatted down, but his eyes shifted from Ding Xingjian to Mingtang. Immediately, he reached out and gently patted the scalp of the boulder beast.

Ding Xingjian turned his head and looked at the approaching Mingtang and said coldly, "You?"

After a group battle with the vulgar spirit beasts, the latter easily got rid of those animals. Of course, the fighting spirit is high at this moment. Mingtang stared at the huge stone beast in front of him and said lightly, "Didn't the other three have been beaten by you three? The rest of the head is naturally mine. The top-grade spirit beast? It's good. I haven't met an opponent of this kind of strength for a long time. It's really bloody.

Seeing this, Ding Xingjian sneered and shook his head without arguing. He only raised his eyebrows and snorted at the black wind lion in front of him, saying, "In this case, I will deal with the life of this animal."

As he suddenly shook the silver gun in his hand, his whole body suddenly rose to the extreme. Although it was only the four-yuan realm, everyone believed it. With such a murderous spirit, the top-grade spirit beast with the strength of the five-yuan realm, the black wind lion, obviously the result would not be very good under such serious injuries.

Looking at Ding Xingjian shaking the blood on his body, he was about to jump on it again. The mulberry girl of the stardust also slowly approached, pointed to a top-grade spirit beast with the weakest four heads, smiled at Qi Run and said, "Sister Qi, you go to deal with that end. It's important to save people. Solve it as soon as possible."


Hearing this, Qi Run was slightly stunned. Only she knew that her strength was the strongest among the four, but unexpectedly, the opponent now would be the weakest. But naturally she would not take the initiative to say how powerful she was. She just nodded faintly, raised her eyebrows and nodded to Miss Sang and said, "Sister Sang, be careful!"

"Well, take care of yourself!"

Miss Sang smiled, and immediately sounded with the sound of a sword. She saw a green soft sword, like a poisonous snake out of the cave, spitting letters to the spirit beast closest to her. In the night sky, the cyan afterglow caused by the former's deshi slowly flowed down, and the momentum seemed to be no less than the previous Ding Xingjian.

Qi Run stopped talking and looked at the village and town at this time. The fierce beast roared and the fire was soaring, and the villagers' wailing came one after another. Her eyebrows couldn't help but frown, and the cold eyes also burst out of her beautiful eyes, followed by endless murderous intent.

"There are only two of us left!"

Seeing that the three people on their side have rushed to their bodies and fight with their respective opponents at this moment, although Mingtang still wanted to put on airs, he couldn't help but take action against Shi Jianhong. With the fall of a faint word, I only heard the sound of a broken wind. The figure with blue light and golden light was like angry thunder, like lightning, and instantly shot away at Shi Jianhong.


I saw that my subordinate spirit beast and other fierce beasts suffered heavy losses under the blow of Mingtang just now. Although Shi Jianhong was disdainful on the surface, he was also a little careful. The breath of the sword-holding teenager in front of him was actually stronger than that of the other three people. After all, his face still showed a sense of solemnity.

"Little stone, stop him!"

Although this is the case, Shi Jianhong is not an ordinary person. To the extent that the whole Luoyun Empire is famous for it, it can be seen that this genius is by no means a general genius.

"Ho, ho!"

In order, the huge stone beast known as the small stone roared several times, and the surrounding air trembled for it. On the ground, it also suddenly vibrated violently, accompanied by a strong wind sweeping towards the Mingtang, and this scene suddenly fell into the most tense.

I don't know what's wrong with Shi Jianhong. Unexpectedly, he is facing such a huge stone, which is called "small stone". If Mingtang hears it at this time, I really don't know how he will feel. But seeing his dragon and sword turn, although he looked so small to the mountain bag-like fierce beast in front of him, his momentum and confidence did not weaken much from beginning to end.

"The dog of Luoyun Empire, give me your cheap life!"

With the sudden fall of the voice, the dragon's sword in his hand seemed to be suddenly ignited with anger. Suddenly, the golden light soared, and faintly, it seemed that a golden dragon roared out, accompanied by a loud dragon roar. In an instant, it was even the "small stone" I couldn't help taking a step back.


However, God gave the little stone such a body and body, but it also indirectly deprived him of his speed. Although it was found early that Mingtang was fierce and could not be easily resisted, the speed still exposed it to the anger of the Mingtang's dragon's sword.

I could only see the figure of the golden dragon rising from the dragon's sword, as if it had eaten **, suddenly twisted its huge body, and then swooped down from the sky like substance.


The violent impact made the whole valley tremble. Countless fierce beasts such as low-grade spirit beasts are even more embarrassed at this moment, either fall down or fall on their back. Although they look different, they can't help shaking all over.

What is the existence of the dragon?

Ordinary bloodlined low-level fierce beasts, not to mention seeing such a substantial golden dragon figure, even if they smell the sound of the dragon just now, I'm afraid they can't help running away. If someone hadn't stopped them from the soul at this moment, it would have been unexpected that such an embarrassing result would have happened.

Not to mention the embarrassing situation of those low-level fierce beasts, let's take a look at the "small stones" that suffered such a bombardment from Mingtang at this time. It is worthy of Shi Jianhong's conceit. Although the small stone suddenly encountered such a change, he did not panic at all. First, on the surface of the body, a huge stone barrier grew quickly, thickly wrapping the overhead stone Jianhong. Then the huge body suddenly shrank, and with the size shrinking at an incredible speed, the golden dragon swooping down in the sky was also heavily bombarded.

After the violent vibration, the first thing that came into sight was a lingering smoke. Then a piece of dust slowly drifted away. With a quack sound, but after a moment, the little stone unexpectedly reappeared in Mingtang's eyes unscathed, and the huge body also returned to its original state. Not only that, Shi Jianhong, who had just hidden under the boulder barrier, also slowly reappeared. The blood suit did not even have any wrinkles.

From Mingtang's trembling eyes, you can understand how the defense of this small stone is against the sky!


Mingtang's incredible tone slowly fell down and listened to Shi Jianhong's ears, but he couldn't help opening his eyebrows and laughing.

"You did it, and then it's my turn!"

In the dark night, the atmosphere was not much relieved by the appearance of the four Qirun. Shi Jianhong's voice became more and more arrogant, as if the sudden four people were just adding fun in the killing.