da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 309 Dramat

"Since you have escaped, why do you want to go in?"

Above the clouds, He Ge stepped on the dark clouds with his hands and feet, and his face was full of sneering. Looking at a group of criminals in the town palace square, some people started to flee back to the tower. Even if they didn't know how many criminals there were, they rushed to the tower of greed or the tower of jealousy that had been opened at this time.

"Well, I'd like to see who dares to desphem the sacred law!"

He Ge's old eyebrows trembled. He killed a criminal angrily before, but found that no one among them looked like an outsider. And this incident is strange. It is impossible to convince him that the criminals of these two towers have escaped in empty air. As soon as he saw that the form on the square was slightly controlled, he released the power of his soul and collected it.

Every person who guards the evil palace has a very good breath of foreign visitors**. And this He Ge old man is stronger than the previous guards. As soon as his soul power was released, the scene and movement of the whole town's evil palace fell into his sea of knowledge.

After a moment, I saw him slowly open his eyes. On his face, there was also a layer of frost, and his eyes were like thunder and lightning, shooting towards the entrance of the first floor of the Tower of Greedance. He said coldly, "It turned out to be you, the little guy of Siyuanjing!"


However, before his words completely fell, his face suddenly changed greatly. Originally, Yin Yifan's existence was discovered, and this He Gelao was directly going to give a fierce blow. But think about it, how can the power of one person liberate two towers of criminals at the same time? Thinking so much, the soul power of the former glanced at the tower of jealousy.

This sweep is a great surprise!

In the perception, there was a strong man in the five-yuan realm who stepped into the seventh floor of the tower of jealousy. If the situation continues, the result can be imagined. Thinking of this, the old He Ge's front foot was about to rush towards Yin Yifan, and his back foot retreated at the first time.


He Ge's body immediately seemed to be a thunder, shining black and chilling color, shooting towards the seventh floor of the Tower of Jealty. At this moment, his breath also soared to the extreme, and obviously, he was really angry. Someone invaded the seventh floor, and the former is naturally quite clear about the idea.

The clearer it is, the more we know the seriousness of the consequences. In the tower of jealousy, the two peerless strongmen imprisoned in the six-yuan realm are liberated, and I'm afraid that the seriousness of this situation will immediately escalate.

"Especial that guy!"

He Ge's old eyebrows were deeply locked, and he actually said a certain name silently.

"Well, you're too late!"

At the same time, Miao Feng, who was in the seventh floor of the Tower of Jealty, seemed to have noticed the arrival of Mr. He Ge, but he was not panic at all. He only sneered, and immediately swept up and bombarded the jade platform in the center of the narrow space on the seventh floor.

"This is the eye, wait for me to break you!"

The golden power light suddenly soared, and Miao Feng's figure seemed to have spent a century at this moment.


At this moment, He Ge, who was still outside the tower of jealousy, seemed to have seen this scene with his own eyes. A pair of old eyes suddenly opened extremely, and the blue veins on his forehead also soared. However, after all, he did not reach the strength of the seven-yuan realm. No matter how fast he is, there is still a process.


This short process is enough for Miao Feng to explode the eyes in the seventh floor. A heavy fist with golden light fell on the jade platform. The first thing that came into sight was a fine crack, and then it seemed to be a virus, which spread and expanded in an instant.


There was light, accompanied by a sharp whisper, which came out quickly from the cracks. Suddenly, in the originally dark seventh layer of space, it was completely shrouded in endless green light.


When she was illuminated by this green light, Miao Feng seemed to be stabbed by countless sharp swords in an instant. Suddenly, I saw him roaring sadly, and even with his face, he seemed to see a fierce ghost-like change, and the breath of five yuan all over his body suddenly declined.


With the complete expansion of the green light, the channels seemed to be green beams of light from Jiuyou, which suddenly pierced out. Although this tower of jealousy is very strong, but under the sprint of this pillar of light, it is like paper, and the whole seventh floor exploded in an instant.

"Tower of Jealousy!"

In an instant, the tower of jealousy seemed to be a giant, and in an instant, the huge head was blown into ashes. Seeing this scene, the figure of He Ge's flying quickly also couldn't help but retreat a little. With his heart, he finally sank to the bottom of the valley, and even his face was sharply gloomy. His words fell like ice and said fiercely, "This five-yuan boy, I must tear you to pieces!"


However, before a wave has calmed down, a wave has invaded again. He Ge's words had just fallen, and the tower of jealousy that looked like a giant without a head suddenly exploded with the whole sixth floor. Countless gravel mixed with ice and crashed out. In an instant, two lights that seemed to have been suppressed for a long time also suddenly soared.

One red and purple, one purple and black!

"He Desheng, long time no see!"

The frozen old man, whose eyes were sewn with wire, looked like a streamer, appeared in front of He Ge in just a blink of an eye. Calm face, with a little smile, and I don't know whether it's an enemy or a friend. Although it is only six yuan and seven cents of purple and black thunder, which is slightly inferior to the previous black thunder realm, but standing in front of the former, there is no fear at all.

He Desheng's face was uncertain, and he stared straight at the old man in front of him. After a long time, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly, "Old Yu Feng, if I can catch you once, there will naturally be a second time!"


Hearing this, the old man who was called Yu Feng's old man by He Desheng laughed on his back. Although his clothes are dilapidated and stand on the clouds, they are faintly arrogant. His eyelids trembled slightly, and his voice also cooled down, saying, "If you fall twice in the same place, don't you want to laugh for future generations?"


At this time, the other middle-aged man whose eyes were sewn by wire also suddenly flew to Yu Feng's side and saw the solemn meaning of his face. Although he could not see who the person in front of him was, the perception of such soul power was clearer than seeing it with his own eyes, saying, "Let's take him down together!"

"No need!"

Yu Feng waved his hand slightly, and immediately raised a cold arc at the corners of his mouth. He said in a low voice, "Take the boy just now to go first. The strong man in Xuanji Pavilion is like a cloud, and it won't be good to stay!"