da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 339

"Come on, I respect you. It's fate to meet each other. It's really not easy for us to meet in this vast northern country. I hope we can take more care of each other in the future." |

A group of ten people, together with this furry man, gathered around and just sat at a table. Ding Xingjian raised the cup and bowl in his hand with a smile and motioned around to everyone present, even if he drank it first.

"Haha, okay, I just like refreshing people. Brother Ding is so polite that I can't lose my courtesy."

Liu Dong is an authentic northerner. His temperament was originally very bold, and he raised his glass and drank it as soon as he heard the words. Then he hiss and turned his head to look at Yin Yifan diagonally opposite, but saw that the latter was busy picking up vegetables for Qi Run next to him at this moment. He could not disturb him for a moment. He could only smile and say to Qiu Guang beside him, "Come on, Qiuguang brothers also drink..."

"Naturally drink!"

Qiu Guang also likes to be lively. When they get together, he is also very comfortable. He immediately looks like a scholar Liu Dong and drinks a bowl of wine.

"Ha ha, since everyone is our own people, there is no need to be courteous when sitting together. So let me start, and we will discuss the countermeasures against the Luoyun Empire together.

Zhou Yan was originally a person with a heavy sense of responsibility. Now that the enemy is about to invade, how can he sit still? When he saw that the people present were unwilling to make this head, he had to say so first.

"Haha, yes, yes, Brother Zhou knows the importance of things. In this case, we all talk about our thoughts."

Ding Xingjian nodded repeatedly and couldn't help but remember the importance of this matter.

At this time, everyone here had already chatted. Qi Run couldn't help stretching his head close to Yin Yifan's ear and said sweetly, "Brother Yifan, you seem to be very powerful now."


Yin Yifan smiled and put a piece of meat that had just been picked up into the bowl in front of Qi Run. He was silent and also close to Qi Run's ear and said, "You should open your mouth to call Brother Yin Yi now, you know?"


Qi Run suddenly realized that she blushed slightly, nodded and said, "Then you can tell me now. Why are you so powerful now? And there is such a powerful beast around you to protect you?"


Yin Yifan smiled, reached out and patted the hairy man beside him and said, "It's very powerful, but now you shouldn't be afraid of it."

Although Yin Yifan doesn't know how strong Qi Run is now, through his own conjecture and what he saw and heard when he met Gong Chengming last time, he has vaguely known that Qi Run is mostly the controller, and how can this controller be afraid of a fierce beast that has not yet grown up?

Qi Run seemed to know what Yin Yifan meant, and she didn't intend to hide it. Now she just nodded with a smile and glanced at it. Yin Yifan said, "Although it should not be worse, I don't know if I can win you."

Yin Yifan smiled and said nothing, and was not in a hurry to defend anything. He just shook his head and said, "The secrets cannot be leaked."


Zhou Zhi noticed the flirting between Yin Yifan and Qi Run early in the morning. Not only him, but also almost all of them noticed it except the one who knew how to eat. At present, Zhou Jian coughed gently, smiled and scolded at Yin Yifan, and said, "Brother Yin, I just heard Liu Dong and others say that you are quite insightful about the Luoyun Empire in the north. Why, now you only know how to flirt?"


As soon as Zhou Qian said this, everyone couldn't help laughing. They all knew the meaning of Zhou Qian, which was mostly a joke and didn't mean anything. However, one person didn't think so. That was Mingtang. From the beginning, this Mingtang saw that Yin Yifan was very unpleasant. He couldn't help but suffer a big loss in his hands, and he vaguely felt in his heart that the person in front of him seemed to be a little familiar. This familiarity is by no means the old man's meaning, but the enemy who has been resentful for a long time.

Thinking like this in his heart, this Mingtang's mind couldn't help but become more and more dull. Now when he heard Zhou Qian's ridiculing, he immediately snorted coldly and said, "Well, at the face of the national disaster, he still has the intention to talk about his children's private affairs there. How can such a person do with him?"


When Mingtang said this, everyone suddenly suffocated. The faces of Ding Xingjian and Sang Zaixue were suddenly ugly, not to mention the cold look of Liu Dong's group.

"Your mouth is really unclean!"

Liu Dong was originally straightforward. Although the atmosphere was harmonious at this table, and he was also happy to associate with him, but he was very wrong with this Mingtang. Now when he heard the former's rude words, he immediately stared at each other and said, "Our brother Yin Yi and his little daughter-in-law met again for a long time. What's bothering you?"

"Brother Liu..."

Seeing Liu Dong coming up for himself, Yin Yifan was secretly moved, but at this time, he did not want to have any friction with the Mingtang. After all, the two sides have just merged into one, causing some contradictions, which is not conducive to the overall situation. Moreover, he also knows that the current boundary, even Qi Run is sandwiched between the two sides. He does not want to make it difficult for others to do it. At present, he just stopped the angry Liu Dong, slowly stood up and smiled lightly at the Mingtang, cold He said, "Hasn't Maotou taught you a comfortable lesson yet? In that case, I would be happy to help you."

Yin Yifan was polite during the conversation, but everyone present knew that under such a plain appearance, what was definitely hidden was the outbreak of near destruction. Mingtang also deeply knew the horror of the man in front of him. Yin Yifan's cold breath made him particularly uncomfortable, and he couldn't help thinking of the boy who had not yet opened the yuan.

"Hmm!" |

As the saying goes, a good man doesn't suffer losses in front of him. Mingtang just snorted hatefully, turned his head, and never looked at Yin Yifan again. In fact, he thought so in his heart: "Measure who you are and offend me today, but you should be careful in the future. As the young master of my Mingmen, you will never have peace. If so, I can even invite my father to vent my anger on myself. I believe that with my father's love for me, I will definitely treat this boy who has repeatedly abused his son well.

"Ha ha, everyone is young, and it's inevitable that they are young. That's all, Brother Yin, come on, let's have a drink."

Ding Xingjian saw the very harmonious atmosphere just now, and became nervous in a blink of an eye. He couldn't help adjusting his voice and raising his glass to Yin Yifan.

"I respect you!"

Although Yin Yifan is also not interested in the Cangshan Pavilion after fitness, he respected himself and was polite to himself today. He could not refute other people's face on the spot. He nodded in his heart and raised the cup and bowl.

"In that case, let's continue to talk about the topic."

Zhou Yu saw that Yin Yifan, the party, had no more superfluous words. He couldn't help admiring the latter's unusual heart. At the same time, he didn't forget to make a circle and said, "We just talked about what Luoyun Empire might do next. I don't know which brother has any thoughts?"


Yin Yifan knew that Zhou Yu's sentence was excuse for himself, so he immediately nodded with a smile, took over the words, and said, "This northern Luoyun Empire has always had such a million fierce beasts in our Xuanji Empire. Therefore, every time they invade the south, they are bound to deal with the dangers encountered along the way. The mountain of millions of fierce beasts is not a peaceful place. If the Luoyun Empire does not want to invade the south and be cut off, it is bound to clear the obstacles in this mountain of millions of fierce beasts. The section of the million fierce beast mountain at the junction of our Xuanji Empire and his Luoyun Empire mostly belongs to the [outer], and a small part of it is close to the extremely dangerous [inner] of the million fierce beast mountain, not to mention the [core place] of the nine deaths. Therefore, it is not difficult for the Luoyun Empire to lay its own foundation in this section of the mountain. Originally, their people were good at exorcising beasts. Therefore, if they handled this matter well, it would be of great help. In my opinion, they must have many strongholds, even bases, deep in this mountain of millions of fierce beasts. It is unknown. Previously, I heard from the people in the Lord's Mansion of Laocheng City that day that in recent months, people on our side have been poisoned every time they enter the mountain of millions of fierce beasts. I think this is probably the reason. Therefore, I conclude that there must be some unspeakable secret in the depths of the mountains of these millions of fierce beasts.

Yin Yifan talked, and the people present couldn't help but be shocked by his opinion. They were stunned, as if they had heard some shocking secrets. Anyway, for Ding Xingjian and others, Yin Yifan's inference was almost the same even compared with the shocking secrets.


Ding Xingjian and Zhou Jian couldn't help clapping their palms and said with one voice, "Brother Yin, it's really a high opinion. Such words suddenly made our cottage open up."

Although Qi Run was not like a nymphomaniac at this time, she was also inseparable. Her face was slightly red, and her eyes stared at Yin Yifan tightly, with an indescribable feeling in her heart. It's pride, it's amazing, and there are all kinds of tastes for a moment.


And Yin Yifan had no intention of making contributions. He just smiled at Qi Run and couldn't help pressing the latter's head and said, "So, instead of sitting here talking about heaven and earth, it's better to go deep into the tiger's den and go to the mountain of millions of fierce beasts!"


Ding Xingjian stood up when he heard the words, his face was full of surprise, and he clenched his fist and said, "In this case, let's break through the mountain of millions of fierce beasts."


Zhou Yu also felt very reasonable, and couldn't help but stand up and shouted, "And this matter should be arranged as soon as possible. Don't miss the opportunity, I won't wait!"