Take the emperor to elope

057: It's not fun to frame this kind of game

Su Yushi returned to Fengning Palace and was invited by Eunuch Li to Yujing Palace.

Go to Yujing Palace? Su Yushi understood something in his heart and guessed who the red wood wrapped in the silk handkerchief was. There is not much hatred between her and Lin Yi, so what is Lin Yi doing this for? Did she think of it herself, or did someone teach her?

Questions rushed into her head one by one, as if many things could not be figured out. She has watched too much of this kind of framed game. Unexpectedly, she has let her experience it herself now.

No matter what Lin Yi wants to do, she will not let Lin Yi succeed. Today, she will definitely hurt one person. This applies the common language of Jianghu: "Either you die or I die."

She prayed silently in her heart that you must stand on my side. All her plans can only be realized by relying on the original pod.

On the way to the Yujing Palace, Eunuch Li couldn't help but turn back and persuade Su Yushi several times: "Beauty, I don't know what happened this time. The emperor asked you to go there just to prove your innocence to everyone. Don't be angry with the emperor."

Which slave would talk like this? Who dares to be angry with the emperor? Eunuch Li said so, and he was also very clear about the relationship between Yijin and Su Lushi.

Su Yushi also gave face. He nodded to Grandpa Li and repeatedly promised that he would never be angry and would not make trouble. Then Grandpa Li stopped talking and led the way seriously.

Of course, she will not be angry with Yijin, but Lin Yina must treat her well today. She promised her mother that she would stand firm in the palace. Her life motto is: I won't offend her if people don't offend me.

This time, Lin Yi found her own way to die, and she had nothing to say.

A white dress floated into the Yujing Palace. The atmosphere was simply heavy, especially when she walked into the Yujing Palace, dozens of pairs of eyes hit her body.

"The humble concubine knocked on the emperor." Su Yushi bowed to the original Yijin Yingying, who was sitting in the main seat.

"Jier, you should understand the matter. What do you have to explain?" Yuan Yijin got up and walked to Su Yushi, holding her slightly cold hand, and her warm jade-like smile was bewitching.

Being hugged into the arms of the original Yijin, Su Wei smiled, raised his eyes to look like a deep as Wangtan, and said softly, "Your Majesty, there is no need to explain anything to the humble concubine. The clear person is self-clear."

"Is the beauty guilty?" The bead curtain on the right was raised, and a pale face was exposed. Lin Yi came out of the inner hall, and there was a maid beside her.

As soon as Lin Yi came out, the atmosphere of the whole hall became heavier, and her face that could go to shoot ghost films appeared in front of everyone. Yuan Yijin gave her a seat, and she was helped by the maid to sit slowly. Looking at Su Wei in Yuan Yijin's arms, her eyes were full of hatred.

With these hateful eyes on this horrible face, she has not dared to sleep in recent days.

Lin Yi's weak and lifeless voice penetrated into everyone's ears again: "Beauty, now that I have become like this, what else do you want?"

"Yi Jieyu, a philosopher once said that explanation is cover-up, and cover-up is the truth. Why do I waste my saliva to explain it? Her eyes looked directly at Lin Yi's hostile eyes, and she said that she was very windy and light.

Lin Yi was there in one breath and couldn't say any other rebuttal.

The waist tightened, and the warm breath spit on her neck, a little itchy. Originally, Yijin put his head on her neck: "Wuer, which philosopher said such a reasonable thing?"

"Of course it's me." Su Wei raised her eyebrows astringently, and her star-like eyes blinked.

Seeing that the two were flirting and flirting in the Yujing Palace regardless of the occasion, they also behaved intimately. This blocked Lin Yiqi's chest and suddenly spit out a ball of red blood.

"Oh, I vomited blood." Su Yushi glanced at Lin Yi, and the plain tone almost made Lin Yi spit out another ball of blood.

As soon as Lin Yi vomited blood, the eunuch was busy again. Pinger took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the blood stains from the corners of her mouth, and felt a burning gaze from the direction of the main position.

She looked up at the direction of her eyes and saw a beautiful woman looking at her with a smile. Her hands couldn't help shaking and looking away.

"Your Majesty, you... promised that I would thoroughly investigate this matter, and I hope you will not go against your promise." Lin Yi grabbed the blood-stained silk handkerchief, got up from her seat and knelt down.

Su Yu astringently interrupted Yuan Yijin who was about to speak and took Lin Yi's words by himself: "As soon as the emperor opened his golden mouth, he would not break his promise. It's just... I hope Yi Jieyu will hold on after the truth comes out.

Lin Yi took a look at Ping'er, and Ping'er knelt behind her and said slowly, "Your Majesty, maidservant..."

"Shanger." Originally, Yijin interrupted Ping'er's words and pulled Su Yushi to sit on the soft chair. "I heard that you were just in the royal garden?"

Su Yushi pretended to be shy and lowered her head and said angrly, "Your Majesty, after you fell asleep, the humble concubine was not sleepy and was afraid of disturbing the emperor's rest, so the humble concubine went to the imperial garden."

Su Yushi's expression made Lin Yi spewed out another mouthful of blood as soon as he heard this. She is showing off, naked.

"Oh, I vomited blood again." As soon as I heard this voice, I knew that it was Su Yushi's voice. Her tone was still plain, which made people feel that she was not worried, but gloated. "Your Majesty, why don't you let Yi Jieyu go back to rest."

"If my concubine doesn't go back, I will see with my own eyes that the murderer of my concubine is dead!" Lin Yi's expression was ferocious, and she gritted her teeth and spit out this sentence.

There was lightning and thunder between the eyes of the two beautiful women, and when the shaking Yujing Palace was about to collapse, Yijin coughed gently: "Yi Jieyu, Yuer, I will thoroughly investigate this matter."

"But it's up to the emperor." Lin Yi stared at her fiercely and then turned her eyes away. Originally, Jin coughed several times. Su Yushi stretched out his little hand and rubbed his chest virtuously, and raised his beautiful eyes gently: "Your Majesty, if you have any questions, please ask as soon as possible. It will be dark. The humble concubine has ordered Yuyi to prepare dinner."

"Jiaoer, I heard that you met the little maid in the imperial garden?" He pointed to Ping'er.

"Yes, I met it."

It hit her and hit a frame item for her.

"I heard that after you met the little maid, did you have the porridge in her hand?"

"Ouch? What porridge? Your Majesty, you just heard about it. The humble concubine was hit by her at the gazebo in the imperial garden. Su Yushi pretended to open his eyes wide in shock and grabbed Yijin's clothes and shook his head desperately.

Maybe he felt the difference now. Originally, Yijin's eyes turned around her body. Sure enough, he fell in her ear and said unhappily, "Yuer, what do you want to do?"

She didn't want to do anything, just to repay the person who framed her. She wanted to tell those people that she was not a good bully.

She half narrowed her eyes, revealing a sense of danger. She pulled out her hand from Yijin's hand, pulled it away from her waist, and walked to Pinger and Lin Yi.

Looking at the two people kneeling in front of her, Su Wei's mouth hooked gently, and her slender fingers raised Ping'er's chin, showing a charming smile: "Little maid of honor, I didn't blame you when you hit me in the royal garden. How can you wrong me?"

This Ping'er is the little maid of honor who bumped into her in the royal garden.

Pinger trembled and stepped back a few steps, and the blood on her forehead dripped down the sweat: "Beauty, what I said is true. I don't dare to lie and say beauty."

Su Yu smiled astringently, and his half-squinted eyes were murderous: "Of course, you don't have that much courage. If your master teaches you to say so, then it's another matter."

Ping'er was just a young maid of honor. She was shocked by Su Xiao's astringent momentum. Her tears came out, and she didn't even know how to say what she wanted to say.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Lin Yi didn't dare to speak. Su Yushi had to dig a hole in person to let them jump down: "Little maid, there is no evidence. You have to show evidence."

Sure enough, they took the bait. Lin Yi blinked her eyes at Ping'er and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, I boldly ask the emperor to search the beauty."

"That's a good idea. If I poisoned it, the poison must be on me, and I was called here before I could go back to Fengning Palace." Su Yushi nodded with approval and touched his index finger on his chin. "If you can't show the evidence, how can you compensate me?"

"I am willing to apologize with death." Ping'er spoke loudly. It seems that she is confident.


Su Xiaoshi glanced at her gently, put it on Lin Yi, and said in a cold voice, "How much is your life worth, little maid?"

This obvious means to let Lin Yi speak. Lin Yi looked at Yuan Yijin again and stared at Su Yushi. She didn't say a word, and she didn't know what she was thinking. I had to nod my head and signal: "If the beauty is wronged, I should apologize."

Su Yu snorted coldly and returned to the original Yijin's side and sat down, staring at him like this.

"Ronger..." Before he could speak, he saw a pink figure rushing in from the outside, like an arrow, emerging into the arms of the original Yijin.

The figure was in Yijin's arms, holding his clothes in one hand and Su Yu's hand in the other. He smiled happily, and his pink cheeks were dyed red due to the fierce running, so cute.

Before everyone knew what had happened, they saw the girl running to Ping'er.

"Brother, beautiful sister, I've been looking for you for a long time." Who is this girl? She is reaching out in her arms and taking out a thing wrapped in a silk handkerchief and handing it to Ping'er. She smiled very innocently, "Hey, is this your stuff?"

Ping'er's face turned pale when she saw that thing. She shook her lips, shook her head like a wave drum, and shook her hands together.

Originally, the pod turned his head, and the harmless and pure smile enlarged: "Don't lie to me, or I'll let the royal brother cut off your head."

Ping'er still shook her head desperately, indicating that this thing was really not hers.

"This is obviously when I saw you put this thing into the sleeve of the beautiful sister. The sleeve of the beautiful sister was too big and then fell to the ground." Her smile looked pure, but it made people chill. "Here, I'll give it back to you. It smells terrible."