Take the emperor to elope

121: I lived in a broken temple to see the conspiracy

Before dawn the next day, Su Yushi easily picked up a lot of silver tickets and broken silver and flashed into Yinyu's room.

Yin Yu, who was still lying in **, jumped up from ** and pointed his sword at Su Yushi after feeling that someone stepped into his room. After seeing the strange face, his murderous intention suddenly began.

It seems that her transfigurement technique is so good that even her partner Yinyu, who has been with two years, can't recognize her. Su Wei was secretly happy and raised his hand and waved, "It's me."

After Yin Yuyi was tolerant, Su Yushi pulled him down from the window and quickly hid himself in the darkness.

The leather masks of the two of them are very exquisite and life-catching. This was brought by Biyao when she passed the book to her. At this time, both of them were ordinary-looking, and there was a pile of grabs on the street.

When Su Yushi came out riding a black horse from beginning to end, Yin Yu was stunned.

Xuebra arched the hair on his body with his mouth with an unhappy face. When he looked at Su Yushi, his eyes were full of grievances, as if he was accusing Su Yushi that he would have the heart to do such a cruel thing to its white hair.

The four people already know the appearance of the snow brake. At this time, even if she changes her appearance, she will be recognized by riding the snow brake, so... She threatened the snow brake. If she doesn't want to leave, she will jump into the ink pool to take a shower.

Su Yushi used true energy to dry the hair of the snow brake and added spices to cover the strong ink fragrance. At this time, except for the sky-blue eyes, the rest of the snow brakes were black.

She smiled and patted the snow brake: "Your black hair is actually more handsome and cooler now."

Xuesha whispered and said in his heart: I don't believe your nonsense. Obviously, it's my white hair, which reflects my elegance.

Unfortunately, Su Yushi couldn't hear the sound in the heart of the snow brake, so he directly stepped on the snow brake and walked side by side with Yin Yu's horseback.

"Why did you pull me on the road in the middle of the night without saying hello to them?" After a long silence, Yin Yu suddenly came up with a sentence. According to Yin Yu in the past, he has never cared about other people's affairs. Now he actually says "say hello to them", which is enough to prove that he has regarded that group of partners as friends.

But that's right. Those people have changed their hearts, and it's no wonder that Yin Yu cares about them. Yin Yu, you can finally open your heart and accept friends other than me. Don't you feel lonely? Su Wei smiled happily: "Many eyes watched us walk into that house, and the next morning we changed our faces and went out. It's strange that it didn't attract attention! I'm afraid their group has left a long time ago.

The cold moonlight shone on her silver thick cloth dress, and occasionally a warm wind blew Su Yu's long hair like a waterfall. Her bright smile looked more touching in the sun, and her ordinary face also revealed suffocating beauty.

Such a smile gradually melted in Yin Yu's heart. He thought that no matter how her appearance changed, the temperament in her bones could also make her beautiful.

The horse galloped. In order to compensate for the time wasted in recent days, the two of them rushed on their way. On the way, they passed a small town and bought some coarse food and water, hung it on the back of the gloomy horse. When they were hungry, they sat on the horse and ate it. They were really tired.

Yinyu's brown horse was really hard to death. It carried a lot of things, carried such a large person, ran such a long way, and was bullied by the snow brake. After three days, the little brown went on strike directly. No one who did it, it stood there directly. Not moving. There is nothing I can do. Snow Brake is a BMW. I don't want to carry anything other than Su Luan, and I don't want to carry people other than Su Lu. Running such a long way is nothing to its foot. Bullying Little Brown is its only pleasure, so... nothing can be blame it.

There was nothing he could do. Little Brown had a little temper, and Su Yushi had to decide to rest in place, remove all the dry food from Little Brown's body, sit on the ground and eat it with Yin Yu.

The two of them are now dressed as ordinary men and women. They went to the martial arts conference to join in the fun. In order to avoid being too ostentatious, neither Su Yushi nor Yin Yu has been to the inn. They ate big cakes except steamed buns.

Looking at the sky, it was almost dark. Little Brown still closed his eyes and refused to move. Su Yu sighed and had to sleep outside for one night.

Yinyu has explored the movement around, floated from one side, and whispered, "There seems to be traces left around. There is a broken temple not far ahead, which smells of carbon fire."

Su Yu looked at the little brown, and then looked at the snow brake. He got up and patted the soft black hair of the snow brake and said, "You and the little brown go around, find tender grass to drink water, play casually, and wait for me here early tomorrow morning. Remember, don't let anyone find out."

The snow brake sounded to show that it knew. It rubbed the little brown's body. The little brown actually opened its eyes and had to leave before and after the snow brake.

Su Yushi looked at the back of the two horses and snickered in his heart: I don't know who is male and who is female, between them... there is definitely JQ!

Yin Yu slapped her on the head, interrupted her YY, wrapped Su Wei's waist with one hand, and flew straight forward with light skills. The appearance of this ruined temple is really not good, just like an ordinary small hut, but the roof is stacked with tiles. Such a ruined temple stands on this huge pile of grass. The door is half open, and the wind shakes left and right, making a harsh sound.

In such a gloomy house, Su Lu** is willing to sleep on the street and doesn't want to go in, but a voice in her heart tells her to go in, go in quickly...

Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there is Yin Yu by her side. If anything happens, he will go first, and everything will be done! After struggling for a long time, Su Yushi huddled in Yinyu's arms and walked forward carefully step by step.

Entering the gate of the broken temple, it is a spacious and "clean" courtyard. Why is it clean? Because in this courtyard, there is nothing but thick dust, and you can't even see a tree.

Entering the inner room of the broken temple, I saw a Buddha statue in the center of the inner room, which seemed to be old and very shabby.

There is a pile of thatch on the ground, and there are several bones next to the thatch, next to which is a cooled carbon fire.

Su Xiaoshi squatted down, picked up a few hairs sandwiched on the thatched hut, and whispered, "Someone rested here last night, and there was more than one person."

Yin Yu nodded expressionlessly.

Su Yu turned his head speechlessly and decided not to talk to Yin Yu. Anyway, what he said was just that expression. He kicked the thatched grass aside, then blew the ground clean with the palm wind, and ran to Yin Yu's side and took off his coat without saying anything.

Yin Yu has long been used to Su Wei's bold behavior, allowing her to take his clothes, watching his clothes being used by her to sleep on the ground, and shaking her head helplessly and sighing helplessly.

At this time, Yin Yu wore a white underwear straight on his body, revealing his chest loosely, and his chest showed a seductive chest line, which made Su Wei unconsciously close his eyes.

Anyway, Yin Yu is also her brother. She even broke in when he was taking a shower and was not so shy when she looked at him. Now she just looks at his chest and begins to ripple. Beautiful men are really attractive.

Just as Su Wei was thinking nonsense, Yin Yu, who was sitting there practicing, suddenly rolled her up with her clothes and put her into his arms. Su Wei's astringent lips directly touched the skin on Yin Yu's chest.

"You..." Before Su Yushi could say anything, he was taken off by Yin Yu and squatted behind the Buddha statue.

"Someone is coming."

If someone comes, someone will come. At worst, they will squeeze in a shabby temple. Why do you want to hide? The two of them didn't do anything shady. Su Wei thought secretly in his heart.

A few people walked outside and touched about seven people. They were all men in their forties. Looking at their appearance, they knew that they were definitely not ordinary people.

How could this group of people shrink in such a small ruined temple? It seems that the meeting should be held in this place. What is the conspiracy?

Yinyu's bracelet tightened, hooked his lips, and whispered with internal strength: "The one with a serious face is Chen Shaomin, the doorkeeper of the inorganic door. The thin and tall one on his left is Zhuo Qin, the doorman of Luo Mingmen, and the smiling spring breeze side by side with Zhuo Qin is Qianqiu, the cabinet owner of Jiuqin Pavilion. They are followed by Hua Anqing, the head of Penglai Hall, Xu Kai, the husband of the doorkeeper of Xuanning Gate, An Dejian, the head of the Confucian Hall, and the young ghost of the lord of the Nu Pavilion. His voice paused, "They are one of the ten referees of this martial arts conference. I don't know why they are gathered here."

The referee of the martial arts conference gathered here in private... She suddenly looked up and said, "How do you know so much?"

Yin Yu has always been by her side and has rarely been separated. Why does he know so much? Yin Yu just mysteriously hooked his lips and stopped talking.

I don't know when Yin Yu actually liked the action of hooking his lips and often saw him hooking his lips to her, but it is undeniable that he became more and more handsome.

Once again, they moved their eyes to the door of the broken temple. The seven of them were already seated, but none of them spoke and looked out of the door frequently, as if waiting for anyone.

At this time, the open door suddenly shook for a moment, and a fat body stepped in, followed by a beautiful man and a middle-aged man in dark clothes.

Su Xiao's body suddenly shook, and his hand unconsciously twisted into a fist, trying to restrain his anger and the impulse to rush up.

She will never forget that fat man! It was him who made their Su family disappear from Modian! It was him who made her father's hard-earned business disappear! It was him who separated her from Yuan Yijin! It was him who made her hate Yuan Yijin!

Even if this man turns into ashes, she also knows him!

Song Fengfu, Sima old man Sima Tu, two court people, actually met people in martial arts privately. What's the situation?

La la la la at the request of a few dear readers ~ add a chapter at 6 p.m. ~ give me some encouragement ~ come on~~