Take the emperor to elope

140: The emperor suddenly entered the palace

His whole body was pressed on Yin Yu's body. Su Xiaoshi couldn't open his hand, so he let him go. He twisted the front collar of Yin Yu's clothes and frowned and said, "How do you know I'm in Mo Yin?" She thought that he and Bai Ye would stay in that town to make a big gambling house.

Yin Yu said with a little embarrassment and angrily, "After Mr. Bai brought the bag of silver back that day, he didn't see you back after waiting. The three of us went to the gambling house to ask for someone, but the master said that you had already left. We made a scene in the gambling house in anger. We wanted to say that if you were still in the small town, you would come. But I didn't see you when the field was smashed. That night, Mr. Bai and I visited the gambling house at night and didn't expect that a tall man lived in a small wooden house. I was poisoned and injured, so Mr. Bai took me to evacuate. He touched Su Yu's soft back, and a haze flashed in his eyes, but it was just fleeting. He continued, "The old man is really powerful. I can't win alone with Mr. Bai. We went back to the inn to discuss it. We have been sure that you are not in the town. I think the martial arts conference is about to be held, so we rushed to Modian on foot. City, so that I didn't know you were here until I heard your piano sound today.

Poisoning? The old man he met should be Bai Zitang. Su Wei flattened his mouth, hooked his hand and put on his pulse, and explored it. He didn't find anything wrong, so he said, "Is it poisoned? What poison in it? How did you solve it?

Yin Yu pulled back his hand, stroked the hair on Su Wei's astringent forehead, and touched her nose. Her eyes were doting. Tonight's Yin Yu seemed to be very different from the past and much gentler. He laughed in a low voice: "It's just a poison to suppress internal power. It's all right. The three of us sold our horses and let Xuesha and Little Brown go to Modian City by themselves. We didn't think that Xuesha chased a man desperately in Modian..."

is really funny. I didn't expect that Xuesha not only liked to tease the same kind of people, but also teased human beings. If he had seen the scene with his own eyes at that time, it would have been very funny. Su Yuxi raised his lips and suppressed his laughter and said, "Who is that person? Didn't you scare others?"

Yinyu pinched her face and said helplessly, "What kind of person raises what kind of horse? Look, Xuesha looks like you. That man..." He paused and deliberately provoked Su Wei's interest before continuing, "He is Xiaoxian. He and Su Wei have already arrived in Modian City together. My poison is solved by Xiaoxian."

Haha, she knew that Xuesha would not chase people she didn't know. Since it was Shi Xiaoxian's waste wood to solve the poison, she didn't have to worry about it. Raising his hand and grabbing Yin Yu's hair, Su Xiaoshi struggled from his arms and said, "Let me get up. I'll give you something." However, Yinyu hugged tighter and refused to let go. He whispered, "I've been worried about you for so long. It's hard to confirm that you're okay. Give me a good hug."

Su Xiaoshi heard what he said, so she let him go. She knew that Yinyu rarely showed such emotions. She was also very happy to see that she was fine tonight. After all, she was also very happy to have such a friend who cares about her.

"You continue to participate in the martial arts conference. I will leave evidence to steal Song Fengfu's collusion with outsiders. I have drawn the distribution map of Song Mansion. You can go back and study the terrain. If you have the confidence to steal tokens, I will assist you."

"You won't go back with me?" Yinyu let go of her and frowned, as if she was unhappy.

"No, I just won the trust of Song Fengfu. Only my inner and external cooperation is the best." Su Yushi didn't want to leave. "I can go anywhere in Song Mansion. Don't worry about me. You still take the martial arts conference seriously, and I will go to cheer for you.

stuffed the map to Yin Yu, and Su Yan hooked his neck and smiled. The smile in the night made Yin Yu suddenly feel for a moment.

Somehow, Yinyu took the map and took her hand, which seemed to be confused and moved. Such a complicated feeling appeared in Yinyu's eyes, which looked very dreamy. He shook his lips and said, "Astringent, do you believe me so much? Don't you worry about me lying to you?"

Su Yu smiled disapprovingly. She raised her head, smiled more delicately than the flower, pointed to the part of her heart and said, "Although I am not a good person, because my conscience only exists in those who are really good to me. I only care about the people who care about me, and I only believe in my people. Yinyu, I can see your kindness to me, but if you really betray me, I will never be soft. As I said, I'm not a good person.

Like taking an oath, the firm vow and warm smile of the dazzling woman in front of him were deeply imprinted in his heart and reached out to hold her tightly in his arms. He smiled and made his promise: "I will never betray you. I only care about you and believe in you."

Su Yu nodded and smiled, took his hand with the map and stuffed it into his arms, pushed him out of bed, waved to him and said, "Go quickly, I'm going to rest." When she covered the quilt and closed her eyes to play chess with Zhou Gong, her lips were covered with warmth, only the contact between lips and lips. The familiar smell quickly disappeared. With a burst of airflow, Yin Yu had drilled out of the window and integrated into the darkness.

Covering her lips, Su Yushi quickly got up and looked at the open window, thinking. She and Yin Yu have done all kinds of intimate actions, and kiss is also OK, but tonight's kiss seems to be mixed with something else. Is it possible... Was he moved by what she said?

Gradually fell asleep in a daze, and soon this question was left behind by her and completely forgotten. When he got to the third pole on the second day, there were layers of laughter, shouting, noise, and sound in his ears. Su Yu was half-opening his eyes, and he didn't sleep or sleep.

The mattress was covered with her head, and Su Yushu closed her eyes and continued to sleep. The sound outside made her have a kind of hole that she especially wanted to point her deaf. In the drowsy situation, she actually fell asleep again in this noise.

It seems that she slept for a long time, and it seems that she was awakened when she woke up, because at this time, the noisy sound had already disturbed her door, and she faintly heard the indifferent voice of Bingyi: "I'm sorry, ladies, she is still sleeping. Please don't wake her up."

A sharp mulberry sound is like a woman and a man. It feels like an eunuch's voice and said, "Our family can't see Song Qianjin today, but she can't go back to work. Get out of the way quickly. My father-in-law wants to go in and have a look. Why hasn't he woken up yet?"

It's really a prisoner. Su Yu's confused mind instantly became clear. What? Eunuch? How could a eunuch look for her? Could it be that the general told her to the emperor yesterday? Yuan Yijin was interested in the daughter of the Song family, so... Oh, my God, she didn't want to see Yuan Yijin. Even if she died, she would not admit that she was Su Yuzhen, and he probably wouldn't believe it. Forget it, it's better to pretend to sleep. It's a disaster to escape, so she breathed smoothly, put it in the quilt, and continued to sleep.

"Eunuch Li, this is the little girl's boudoir. You can't go in." Song Fengfu also stopped him outside. If Su Wei was allowed to enter the palace at this time, his plan would be completely disrupted. He didn't want to fail.

Eunuch Li is also very embarrassed. It's been three days. The daughter of the Song family is still sleeping. How can this convey his will? The emperor personally threatened to let him take a closer look at Song's daughter's appearance, but now... can't see it at all. Bingyi tilted her eyes and said to Cuier, "Go in and call the young lady, ask her to get up quickly and dress up for her to accept the order."

Cui'er got the order and ran into Su Yu's boudoir in a panic. When she saw Su Yushi, who was still lying in ** like a lazy pig, she sighed. This order was not to be taken away. What should I do?

There was a soft call in her ear, and Su Yushi lifted the corner of the quilt, and her round eyes turned around. She ran over quickly, but she didn't know how to speak.

Su Yushi asked her to take some expensive powder and whiten her cheeks. If she didn't touch it, she could not see the paleness caused by the powder. She whispered to Cui'er's ear and grinned.

Song Fengfu was also hesitating outside the door. Cui'er has been in for so long, how can she not come out? How can she refuse this face-to-face saint? When Grandpa Li was anxious and Song Feng hesitated and darkly, the door suddenly opened, and Cui'er's forehead fell out of the door with blood, and several cold pillows were smashed out.

Su Yu's very weak and angry voice came into everyone's ears: "Don't disturb Miss Ben's sleep. If you disturb me, I'll smash you to death!"

Cui'er knelt down and cried to Song Fengfu, "Sir, as usual, Miss is in a bad mood as soon as she is sick, and she gets up. It's better to wait for the young lady to take good care of herself."

Song Fengfu was a smart person. He quickly understood Cui'er's words and apologized to Eunuch Li: "Fair, I'm really sorry today. The little girl has been spoiled by me since she was a child. She likes to sleep as soon as she is sick. If she disturbs her, she will be angry. Please tell the emperor. When the little girl recovers, I will definitely take the little daughter. Bring it into the palace." Eunt Li looked at the blood stains on Cui'er's head and a few cold pillows on the ground, and said to himself: How can this be like the daughter's atmosphere mentioned by the general? However, the owners in the palace were much more angry than at this time.

Song Fengfu said so, and Grandpa Li did not dare to go in to make trouble with Song Qianjin at this time. He vaguely saw a sick pale face in the curtain and was closed by Bingyi before he looked closely.

"Why don't you invite a doctor!" Song Feng shouted angrily.

Cui'er hurriedly ran out of the house to invite the "diff", and when Eunuch Li saw this situation, he put down the imperial edict and said to Song Feng, "Lord Song, this edict is not a joke. This time, the emperor promised that if Song Qianjin did not want to come, she would not come. Next time, even if there is a corpse, she would carry the body away!" After saying that, Eung-in-law Li said goodbye and went back to the palace to restore the order.

Looking at Eunuch Li's back, Song Fengfu breathed a sigh of relief and walked in. He saw Su Wei's pale face and thought he was really sick. He was in a hurry to call the doctor, but Su Weishi jumped up from ** and said with a mischievous smile, "Dad, I'm smart, hey hey hey!"

※ Our family is very slow to solve the problem of feelings. She regards Yin Yu as a brother and naturally summarizes Yin Yu's thoughts with her. She doesn't know that Yin Yu likes her, haha, poor Yin Yu! That... the emperor is coming out soon. ※