Take the emperor to elope

155: Good heart as a donkey liver and lung

She has been quietly in Fengning Palace for several days, and no one is seen every day. She only sits in the backyard with fallen leaves, allowing those yellow leaves to fall all over her body.

The swing under the tree has never been taken off. Su Xiaoshi sat under the tree and watched the leaves fall, dancing like butterflies. She reached out and moved her hand, and the fallen leaves on her body fell to the ground. Her fingers stroked the leaves, put them on her lips and kissed them gently, and then opened their hands to make the autumn wind have fallen leaves.

She stood up, slowly approached the trunk, raised her hand to hold the trunk and looked up. The branches are lush, dark yellow and light red, becoming a beautiful scenery. Su Yushi suddenly remembered a sentence on the Internet: "The departure of the leaves is not because of the call of the wind, but because the tree does not retain it."

Jumping, she jumped on the branch and sat down, looked at the direction of the imperial study, and sighed slightly sadly. Originally, Yijin, my departure was not because of how attractive the outside of the palace was to me, but because you had never retained it at all. You forced me to leave the palace, and you picked me up when I returned to the palace. Even if the injustice my father suffered was not arranged by you, you did have that heart.

If you could show a little reluctance to me at the beginning, maybe I wouldn't leave. I thought, if I died, what would you look like?

patted her head, and she quickly jumped down, startling the maids who were worried below. Seeing Su Xiao's landing safely, the maids of honor were relieved and went to the front end to deliver tea and snacks.

"Have I sat all morning?" Su Yushi touched her stomach, which had begun to protest, took over the dessert handed over by the maid of honor and nibbled it.

Since she came out of the Buddhist hall, her heart has not calmed down. She always keeps thinking about everything in the past. Unconsciously, she stayed all day, and sometimes even began to eat her first meal until evening.

The maids dare not disturb her. No matter when anyone comes, they can't disturb her meditation. Even if she eats meals, if she doesn't ask, she doesn't have to prepare her meals.

Maybe she looks like a fool and has developed a self-abuse constitution. No one cares about her these days, and no one cares about her, as if she doesn't exist at all. She is silent and peaceful.

What on earth did she return to this palace for? She can feel that this palace does not like her, just as she does not like the palace, even disgusted. The atmosphere in the palace is not suitable for her.

Returning to the bedroom, Su Qixi changed her clothes, pulled a simple hair, and looked at herself in the bronze mirror. She sighed helplessly. Now she has no original smiling face, but a gloomy and resentful woman's face.

Is it grudge? Resent Yuan Yijin brought her back to the palace, but disdained her? Complaining that this palace has no place for her? Why did you fall in love with the emperor you shouldn't love alone?

Ha, she smiled and thought for so long that she should have figured it out. Originally, she was right. Since she loved him, she had to believe him. She believed that he was just guilty about Ye Liangyu. I believe it, but she doesn't believe blindly, so she is going to go to Yuan Yijin now and make everything clear.

Su Yushi also understood Yijin's attitude towards her. She was so cold that her heart was hurt. She knew that someone would tell the emperor about her stupid behavior these days, but she did not see Yuan Yijin come to comfort her once. Maybe when he heard the news, he just said lightly, "Oh, it's up to her." Or say impatiently, "If you don't eat, don't eat. Don't bother me about this little thing." Maybe...

It has been almost a month since I entered the palace, and I only met twice, once on the day I entered the palace and once to find Zhang Ling. As those father-in-law said, Yijin was protecting her, so that everyone thought that the queen was no longer favored, causing her to live a peaceful life.

However, such a day was not what she wanted. After being silent for so long, Yijin did not say anything, so she personally said that if she didn't love, she would decisively let go and continue the unfinished plan two years ago, fell into the lake and disappeared. As a female star in the new century, she must take the initiative to deal with men. She wants to ask herself what Yijin thought!

Love me, I will stay.

If you don't love me, I will leave.

Su Yuxi clenched his fists and cheered himself up: "Come on, come on! Whether he loves it or not, only by asking clearly can he solve his doubts.

Pushing them away, Su Yushi staggered to the hall, picked two maids to follow, and then continued to shake out of the door of the hall.

To completely walk out of Fengning Palace, you have to pass through a small garden. Because Su Xiaoshi likes the natural taste, it is full of dense trees and fresh and tender strange plants all year round. Stepping on the fallen leaves all over the ground, Su Yushi shook over in a white costume.

Suddenly, many women came to face, one led by four women, followed sparsely, followed by dozens of maids.

I haven't seen them harass me for so long. Why did they come today? Could it be that they have mind reading skills and know that he is going to the emperor now? Su Yu was depressed. When she met this group of women to harass her, her plan was going to be postponed. It's okay. I'll ask Yuan Yijin later for an explanation.

As soon as those women came up, they saw Su Yushi from afar and bowed to her: "My concubine (servant) saw the empress."

leaned down to salute, standing in front of no one else, but the always arrogant dream noble concubine. She is very low-key today. Against the shining women behind her, she is very simple.

"Why did you have leisure to sit in Fengning Palace today? I'm going to find Meng Guifei. Su Wei said very blind words. Anyway, they were blind, and they didn't dare to expose them.

Meng Guifei narrowed her eyes and nodded to her. Then, without Su Wei's instructions, she led a group of people to the hall of Fengning Palace and answered in a measured way: "The empress is a concubine. I just want to see my concubine call the maid of honor."

He was turned around in a stead by Su Wei, who was right behind a PIA person, looked at their backs, and the fallen leaves fell and rotated...

Today is another day that can't be calm.

He wandered back to Fengning Palace again. Seeing that the women had chosen a good position to sit down by themselves, it was not pleasant for them to chat with one or two. They were all Ling Zhaorong who took the eldest prince to go with the emperor, what happened to the second princess, and the third prince was naughty. It seems that I told her on purpose to tell her that the emperor has no longer spoiled you, and an unfaithful woman like you has not given birth to a child for the emperor. The position of queen has not been sitting for a long time.

Su Xiaoshi directly ignored it, sat on the upper seat to get a manicure, and kept asking them to continue to say. She thought she was listening to the dog bark. Anyway, she had plenty of time, didn't get to the point, and she didn't say anything.

The nails were being trimming, and I saw a pink shadow floating outside at a fast speed and rushed directly into Su Yu's arms: "Sister-in-law, I miss you so much."

Obviously, they are all 18 girls, but they are still like children. Su Xiaoshi was also infected by her smile and raised her lips to help her up: "Why haven't you come to see me for so long? This is also called thinking about me."

"What's more, the rules set by the royal sister-in-law herself are ignored. I just wanted to climb the wall and climb into the backyard to find you, and I saw those annoying women coming!" With that, he didn't forget to stare at the women who stopped talking about the topic.

When the princess said this, their faces turned red. They couldn't be angry and couldn't reply, and they had to smile and agree with what the princess said was right. The women all got up and said, "See the princess."

"Come on, you are the most annoying. What's the matter with my sister-in-law? If you have nothing to do, get out of here and don't disturb me and my sister-in-law. Originally, the pod is still as rude and unreasonable as before.

Those women were all blue-faced and dared not speak when they were originally said in pods. They had no purpose, but they just happened to be bored. Princess Meng said that they would go to see the queen. They also wanted to see the queen who came back from the dead, but they didn't expect that the original pod would follow at this time.

"Kazi, the visitor is a guest. Since they have come, of course, I will accompany them." Su Yu smiled faintly.

Those women are clearly aware of the difference between themselves and the original pod. One is "I" and the other is "this palace", and they are guests. Originally, the pod was the owner of Fengning Palace.

Dream Noble Concubine didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't say a word from beginning to end, but just kept an unfathomable smile. Looking at Su Weishi, she was not angry and didn't pay much attention to the original pod.

"That's your appearance, which is the most annoying!" Originally, he stamped his feet and stared at the dream noble concubine, as if he was going to stare at her to blossom.

At this time, a guest suddenly walked in. Looking at the woman's figure, Su Yuxi suddenly felt a great headache. Why did all the people come to Fengning Palace collectively on this day? Is a disfavored queen worthy of their attention?

Ye Liangyu walked towards Su Yushi with a gold carved box in her hands. The gorgeous canary seemed to fly up. She walked to Su Yushi and was not cold: "My concubine followed the instructions of the empress dowager to return the phoenix seal to the queen and ask the queen to take over the phoenix seal and take charge of the harem."

Looking at the gorgeous box in her hand, it was made of pure gold, and it was absolutely heavy. Su Yushi swept slightly: "I am lazy and not doing a decent job. Concubine Yu took good care of the harem, so please bother Concubine Yu to manage it for me." She has already made up her mind not to take this phoenix seal. Since the night rain seems to like this position very much, she is also very happy and leisurely.

But she bent down to be humble, but someone didn't understand her that way. Ye Liangyu gritted his teeth and raised the gold box higher: "The imperial concubine dared not disobey the order given by the Empress Dowager. Please accept the phoenix seal."

If it hadn't been because of Su Xiaoshi that day, she wouldn't have been like this! The Empress Dowager will not take back her phoenix seal. Obviously, isn't Su Yushi want this phoenix seal? Is she still pretending here to humiliate her?

Poor Su Yushi, obviously had a good heart. He wanted to give the phoenix seal to Ye Liangyu, but he didn't expect that the good heart was regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs, and he didn't appreciate it.

※Ye Liangyu MM has decided to write her own side story. If you have a favorite role, write a side story for TA and send it to the book review. I will comment one by one. My period is really heartbreaking. I put up with it, I put up with it! ※