Take the emperor to elope

178: The war started because of you

A group of people form a magnificent landscape in this royal garden. They are all flower-like women. Walking through the flowers, this picture is as beautiful as it is.

Zhang Ling and Su Xiaoshi walked in the front, holding hands and didn't know what they were saying. They laughed from time to time. Su Chengcheng behind them was depressed and didn't know what to say. A group of women looked at each other, and finally silently continued to follow Su Xiaoshi and listen to their laughter.

If the women want to follow her, just think that they don't exist. Anyway, she hasn't visited this palace for a long time. She took Zhang Ling to walk west to see the scenery and ignored the women behind her. Of course, she is the queen. You can't let her take the initiative to talk to them. If you feel bored, if you want to play some tricks, take the initiative to do it yourself.

In the end, the person who couldn't help it was still Su Chengcheng, so her third sister has never been smart. At the beginning, she deliberately pretended to get along with her and pretended to be white in front of her. How could such a stupid person come up with such a smart way?

At this time, keeping silent is the best way. Even if you have to keep silent about her queen, this group of passers-by ABCD women know it, but her dear third sister doesn't seem to be idle. Maybe she can't see Su Xiao smile behind her. The group of women blinked, and the group of women nodded at the same time when they saw that Concubine Cheng was about to act.

In a large pavilion in the middle of the royal garden, a group of women rushed forward, surrounded Su Yushi in the middle, and said with smiles one after another, "Mother, I'm tired after walking for so long. Let's have a rest here."

Looking at the stone table full of fruit in the pavilion, Su Wei frowned. They had already prepared all this and just waited for her to be caught? Since she is so affectionate, won't she fail their beauty if she doesn't accompany them?

However, Su Yushi really misunderstood them this time. They didn't expect to meet Su Yushi here. Originally, they planned to chat casually with a group of people here. Since they met Su Yushi, if they wandered around here without any chance to talk to her, they invited her here together.

A group of women gathered around this pavilion. Su Chengcheng smiled and said, "What did Lord Zuo Cheng of Qi Leguo come here early this morning?"

Su Yu frowned, gently put down the teacup in his hand, and picked up a lull smile: "It seems that this has nothing to do with Concubine Cheng."

"Don't say that. My concubine is also worried about national affairs. I heard that Lord Zuo Cheng came to welcome His Royal Highness back to China, but I didn't expect that His Royal Highness had disappeared at this jux. If I can't find His Royal Highness, then..." Su Chengcheng said with a sad face and his tone seemed to be really eager. It's the same as caring about national affairs.

"That will cause war."

"Yes, there will definitely be a war. The emperor lost his future monarch, maybe..."

"Bah, don't talk nonsense. How can it have anything to do with the emperor?"


Su Chengcheng turned around with a smile and stopped looking at the group of women talking more and more outrageously. He smiled gently and said, "I heard that His Royal Highness eloped with his wife. Everyone knows that His Royal Highness admires his wife."

"What a coincidence, Concubine Cheng, my concubine also heard that it was because of the Empress, the prince fell in love with the Empress, but was brought back to the palace by the emperor, and the Prince pursued her and was ready to elope this time. Could it be that the disappearance of His Royal Highness this time was actually premeditated to escape from here during the war between the two countries? When a woman heard Su Chengcheng's words, she quickly transmitted her gossip information.

"No, it's the prince of Qi Leguo anyway. How can the future emperor abandon the country for the sake of his mother? It's impossible."

"What's impossible? Everyone knows that the disappearance of the prince is definitely related to the Empress. Now the people of Qi Leguo come to ask for someone. Where can you find a prince and give it to them?"

"Well, no matter how much he is, the worst thing is to fight a war and swallow up Qi Leguo by the way. In this way, Qi Le is still not a subsidiary country of our Moyin."

Once this group of women talked about gossip, they forgot that their gossip and hungry heroine was sitting next to them and listening to their gossip. Su Chengcheng was very satisfied with what the women said, but his face became darker, flattened his mouth, looked at the group of women, and looked at Su Xiaoshi, and apologized.

Su Yushi has not expressed any opinion yet. Zhang Ling on one side is angry for some reason. She threw the teacup to the ground and sneered, "Qi Leguo has always had a good relationship with Mo Yin. If there is a war, it may not be Qi Le's defeat. At that time, you women will be pulled out to work as military prostitutes. Don't talk so vigorously now. No one knows the final outcome.

When the women heard Zhang Ling's voice, they remembered Su Yushi. Thinking back on what they had just said, they quickly knelt on the ground and said: "The Empress, please forgive me. What I have just said is a bunch of nonsense. I hope the Empress has a lot of it. Don't argue with me."

Su Yushi didn't say a word and let them kneel on the ground and keep kowtoing. Su Chengcheng was also pretending to plead, hoping that Su Yushi could forgive them.

After touching Su Ling's eyes, Zhang Ling grabbed her hand: "Mother, I just told them the worst ending. If they want to fight between the two countries, Mo Yin will always win, which will make them unprepared and everything is possible."

Su Yuxi clenched Zhang Ling's hand and stood up: "I will go back to Fengning Palace first. Have fun by yourselves."

Su Lishi did not say forgiveness or punishment, so that the group of women were even more panicked. They kept kowtowed and shouted "Mother's spare my life" in their mouths. Some even came forward and held Su Yushi's legs in their arms, hoping to be forgiven by her. Anyway, she is also a queen, and it is easy to be punished.

"In the harem, there are words that should be said or should not be said. Do you know an idiom? Disaster comes from the mouth. Think it out by yourself." Su Yu pulled out his feet and walked out of the court. She had no intention of criminal punishment. She was also very clear about what this group of women said, because it was certain. She herself knew that many people would say so. Her relationship with Yin Yu was indeed very ambiguous.

Sometimes, this sentence is very useless.

Su Chengcheng stood up, moved to Su Yushi's front, and whispered in her ear, "Do you want to know where the Prince is? You can come to me at any time." Before Su Yu's reaction, she saluted and left.

What does she mean? Does it mean that... she knows where Yin Yu is?

Su Chengcheng is not a smart woman. What does she like to say directly? If she pretends to be mysterious, there must be someone behind her. Does that person want to lure her to be hooked?

Although she knew it might be a trap, she had to say that she successfully pushed her into this trap.

-----After the two update, I will keep my promise. Work hard. It's almost over. Dear friends, continue to support, collect, don't miss the red tickets, and work hard---