Great Extinction

Chapter 4 Rasha

Chapter 4 Rasha

The girl's upper white T-shirt is bloody and muddy, and her face is also dirty, but her eyes are very bright. Her hands holding the fire axe tremble slightly, but it is easy to adapt.

It seems that this is not the first time she has done this.

Liu Chong's feet were full of black blood, but he stood there carelessly, looked at the girl in front of him with solemn eyes, clenched the Qingping sword in his hand, and stood there nervously.

Because even if the other party's face is dirty, Liu Chong's memory will not deceive him.

There are not many people who are so similar in the world, and he is also a person who is so afraid.

Rasha girl's autumn smoke!

In Liu Chong's impression, there are only three horror women!

In Liu Chong's impression, if there are ten witches, Liu Feixuan can only rank fifth!

And Lang Qiuyan can rank third!

A powerful and extremely horrible strange woman.

Her bloodline and legend have always been a mystery, and her own existence is also a mystery.

Liu Chong and she have had a three-face relationship, but there is no doubt about the shock brought by him one after another!

Liu Chong took a deep breath and his hand holding Qingping's sword was slightly loosened, because Lang Qiuyan now has no lethal ability.

"Hello... My name is Lang Qiuyan..."

Lang Qiuyan's words made Liu Chong laugh deeply in his heart, and his last trace of luck was shattered in the self-introduction of the other party's mouth.

No one thought that the frightening woman was so weak in front of Liu Chong.

"Liu Chong."

Liu Chong replied concisely, and the indifference in his words opened a distance between the two.

After all, the estrangement caused by the horror in his memory makes it difficult for Liu Chong to get close to Lang Qiuyan. Keeping a distance is the best way to deal with both sides now.

Everyone will be vigilant about strangers, which Liu Chong knows very well. He is not close to Lang Qiuyan to have a friendly conversation with the other party, because no one here will have a sense of security.

The sense of security is for yourself.

The two were silent and did not have a further conversation, but at this time, Liu Chong suddenly seemed to think of something important!

Lang Qiuyan has nowhere to go!

The reason why he dares to come here is because he has a green sword, but Lang Qiuyan doesn't, so where does the power of her Rasha girl come from?!

If these are almost the same as those in memory, Lang Qiuyan must have obtained the blood or the power of inheritance here!

is full of ruined cities full of demonized people, and it is impossible for a weak woman to climb mountains and wade into the next city or anywhere without the help of external forces.

Then in this ruins, there must be blood and the power of inheritance hidden!

Liu Chong thought of this, and there was a trace of fanaticism in his eyes.

Even in front of Lang Qiuyan, he made a lot of suppressing emotions, but in the face of such a huge treasure that seems to suddenly appear, it is difficult to hide all the desire and desire in the bottom of his heart!

Lang Qiuyan saw the change of Liu Chong and couldn't help clenching the fire axe in her hand. Now she regrets suddenly coming out to kill this demonized person.

The reason why she came out was that this was an opportunity. Liu Chong's appearance was beyond her expectation, and the attention of the old man was transferred to a very important opportunity for her.

And she is not a fool. When the other party encounters an attack, there is no trace of panic. Unless she is absolutely sure, she is ridiculous.

After a brief communication, a layer of estrangement was formed. Liu Chong's indifference and strangeness in her eyes after thinking made her feel that something was wrong.

Especially what is held in the other party's hand.

That thing seems to be a weapon. Although it is wrapped in a long cloth and can't see what it is, she will not believe that the other party came here with bare hands. It must be something to defend herself.

Just as she was on alert and thinking, Liu moved again.

Liu Chong calmed down, which was just his guess. However, he soon knew whether there were those things here or not, because such movement and the damage caused could not be hidden. As long as it existed, it must be found.

Maybe there are other survivors here. Liu Chong has been surprised for a long time, but even if he robs it, he will grab it back from the other party's hands!

Kill the other party before they really master this power!

Liu Chong thought of this and immediately glanced at the stairs around the corner, where there was still a lot of blood and dust, with a shabby and crumbling look.

Liu Chong strode over immediately without thinking about it.

Lang Qiuyan looked at Liu Chong's movements and immediately wanted to say something, but Liu Chong's figure had already walked to the stairs around the corner.

A dark shadow suddenly hit his face with a strange cry. Liu Chong's face changed slightly at that moment. He did not expect that this building itself was a ruin and empty floor, and there would be a demonized human existence on it. The previous old man made him think that he was alone. I didn't expect that things were not as easy as I thought.

At the moment she saw the shadow, Lang Qiuyan also exclaimed, but her voice immediately covered her mouth halfway through. Liu Chong did not think about this, but suddenly pulled the long cloth in her hand. The next moment, a blue object came into view.



Looking at the demonized young man who fell slightly on the ground in front of him, Liu Chong directly stepped on his body and walked over it, and the long cloth wrapped the Qingping sword again, as if nothing had happened.

And Lang Qiuyan's running body also stood there in a while, because of the scene just now, she just saw Liu Chong taking out a purple object in his hand, which was very bright and beautiful, but she didn't expect that in a moment, she had spent a lot of effort to barely kill the demonized person. Class, it is solved cleanly and neatly by the other party!

At this moment, her heart was very touched.

Thinking of this, he ran up quickly without hesitation.

When she walked to the stairs, she inadvertently glanced at the distance outside. The next moment, her eyes did not have a trace of blood in an instant!

Because there, the demonized crowd that keeps hearing the sound here is pouring this way like crazy!

The situation became critical in an instant!


Liu Chong didn't want to waste time here. When he just wanted to rush to solve the four people, a figure rushed up.

Liu Chong didn't even look at it. He knew it was Lang Qiuyan, but when the woman followed, he knew what the other party was thinking.

But it is naturally impossible for Liu Chong to agree to this.

"There are more zombies... coming, here..."

Lang Qiuyan didn't seem to know the name of the demonized crowd. She used zombies to describe it as indeed very close, and Liu Chong's face changed slightly after hearing it.

The movement just now was indeed a little bigger, but I didn't expect that it would attract so many people!

Liu Chong did not talk nonsense and rushed to a person in an instant. Since they dared not rush up, he had to rush up!

Liu Chong rushed to make them think that they had been provoked and rushed up strangely. Liu Chong saw it in his eyes, and the Qingping sword in his hand suddenly moved up. A sword directly penetrated a person's head, quickly pulled it out, without any obstruction, and stabbed another person!

The four people turned to a clean and neat solution, which made Lang Qiuyan behind him realize the strength of Liu Chong again, and the strange sword in his hand had never been seen before.



A crisp sound sounded. The next moment, Liu Chong saw Lang Qiuyan holding on the wall with a panting face. The sound just now was made by her.

Looking at her appearance, Liu Chong was not in the mood to think about this, and he immediately rushed up the broken ladder.

When he just took a step, the whole ladder shook for a while, and there was nothing to support around. Liu Chong gritted his teeth, suddenly accelerated his steps, and steadily reached the upper floor.

There is no danger.

Liu Chong had just stood there, and there was a cold sweat in the palm of his hand, and when he was shocked, an exclamation immediately came out!

He turned his head and looked immediately. He saw Lang Qiuyan standing there with a panicked face and did not dare to move. She stood on the stairs with a frightened face.

Tears slowly swirled in her eyes. Under it, there was a horrible scene of a group of crazy demonized people. For a moment, Lang Qiuyan stood there, and the stairs kept shaking slightly.

The slight gravel kept falling down, making her even more afraid to move!

I'm afraid that if I move, the whole person will fall down with the stairs!

Liu Chong looked in his eyes and clenched his right hand. He didn't want to care at first, but after seeing that look, a shadow immediately appeared in his mind.


Liu Chong whispered in his heart, immediately gritted his teeth and put down the Qingping sword in his hand and stretched out his hands.

"Catch me! Hurry up!"

Liu Chong immediately shouted in a low voice, and his words made Lang Qiuyan immediately stretch out his hands in a hurry.

Liu Chong did not dare to get too close to the stairs, because looking at this, he could not bear the weight of the two people at all. He approached the edge and reluctantly grabbed Lang Qiuyan's hands. The next moment, with a sudden force, Lang Qiuyan's legs quickly ran up!


The ladder under Lang Qiuyan's feet suddenly collapsed. At that moment, Liu Chong felt that the strength in his hand suddenly increased. He instantly pulled Lang Qiuyan's body up at the moment of collapse.

If he had been a little slower at that time, I guess saving people would not hurt himself!

The roar below became closer and closer, and the collapse of the stairs made the crowd below more crazy. They rushed up desperately, and the shadow below became more and more clearly displayed in front of Liu Chong and Lang Qiuyan.

A disgusting smell has come to my nose.

Liu Chong didn't think much about it. He immediately stood up, picked up the Qingping sword and hurriedly walked towards the damaged floor.

There is no road on it. At this moment, there is already a damaged floor in the area where Liu Chong is located, and Liu Chong's eyes also look around.

The scenery below is in his eyes, and Liu Chong's eyes are constantly sweeping. He needs to find a huge crater or something, because only these can prove that his speculation is correct!

Lang Qiuyan's blood must be here, * inseparable. Her current physique and ability to act are inseparable from here, which is beyond doubt!

Liu Chong thought decisively in his heart, but at a glance, except for a large number of ruins and smoke, there was no huge crater, which made him nervous.

"What are you looking for?"

Lang Qiuyan's voice sounded beside him, with a trace of anxiety and anxiety in his voice.

Because the demonized crowd below is getting closer and closer, and Liu Chong is constantly looking at the ruins outside. She is not a fool. Naturally, she can see what the other party is looking for, and Liu Chong has always been unwilling to pay attention to her appearance, so she has no choice but to say it.

"What's behind that building?"

Liu Chong did not answer her question directly, but pointed to the existence of a tall building. Behind that building was a place he could not observe. He had to turn around and ask Lang Qiuyan.

"That's a sports ground..."

Lang Qiuyan said without thinking, because she often walked there and remembered it deeply.

Liu Chong frowned and was not very satisfied with Lang Qiuyan's answer, because this was not the answer he wanted!

"Bear by the way, before, I seemed to see a red thing falling in that direction, and it shook a lot..."

Lang Qiuyan seemed to remember something and said in a low voice. As soon as her words fell, Liu Chong suddenly turned around and looked at her!