Great Extinction

Chapter 7 King

Chapter 7 King

Liu Chong's figure kept expanding in the pupil of the ghost pawn. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't.

The flesh and blood of the feet are blurred, and there is no way to move at all!

And the cracks are spreading along the top!

"Their power is the existence you can't touch. You are not the person they are looking for. Even if you get it, it's futile. You can't really apply it to where it is!"

Liu Chong's cold voice sounded in the ghost's ear, which shocked the ghost's face.

Because Liu Chong came to him at a moment when he was distracted!

"Give me time, give me time, I will definitely absorb it!"

The ghost pawn's face roared at Liu Chong with deep unwillingness and anger, but it was Liu Chong's right hand that answered him.

A cyan light blinded his eyes, and the next moment, there were two corpses.

Liu Chong glanced at the rolling head without any emotional fluctuation, and walked directly towards a distant direction.

There, Lang Qiuyan fainted on the ground with scars all over her body.

Liu Chong came to him with a calm face. The next moment, he raised the Qingping sword in his hand.


In the northwest, on a desolate path.

It is surrounded by a piece of loose trees, and the muddy land under its feet makes people feel trapped in it with one foot.

There are also bursts of blood mixed with it, and the whole scene looks so gloomy and horrible.

Puff, poo...

A figure walked slowly on the muddy land, holding a long black cloth in one hand and putting something into his mouth in the other hand.

This is the third day since Liu Chong left the city.

He saved Lang Qiuyan, and the moment the other party woke up, he left.

He can't keep running around with Lang Qiuyan. He has his own business. Lang Qiuyan follows him. There is only one end, that is, a dead end.

All the places he went to were not very dangerous. He could not worry about her existence. Before he left, he slightly changed Lang Qiuyan's own constitution, which was the only thing he could do.

And the power of that blood also gave Liu Chong a new rebirth.

He thought he was dead, but the ghost pawn left him with the last breath, and he threw Liu Chong not far from the light, a place where he could move two steps and reach.

At the moment of absorption, he saw a person.

An old man with fairy style and Taoism.

And he has a name that resounded and shocked Liu Chong.

The ancestor of the earth fairy!

Zhen Yuanzi!

Liu Chong's power is not as horrible as imagined, and anyone with blood will not be as perverted as imagined.

What he opened is to give you the threshold of practice. If you want to get the direct peak power, you need to get another thing.


Inheritance is different from bloodline. One is direct success, while the other is slow cultivation.

In Liu Chong's memory, there are only two or three people who have been passed down.

The opening of the bloodline, even if it is a little practice, there is a trace of power in the bloodline, which will teach you how to practice, what level to practice, and the existence of some of his unique learning.

The bloodline of Zhen Yuanzi obtained by Liu Chong was very weak. He was worn out part of it by the ghost and entered the other party's body, causing the other party to mutate and change, thus becoming stronger.

Qingping Sword itself is a good magic weapon. Although I don't know what grade it is, it is driven by Liu Chong's own true spirit. The momentum is quite large. It is not an existence that the ghost pawn can resist at all, and it can easily cut through the ghost pawn's body.

In those years, Liu Feixuan had a medium-quality fairy weapon. When she raised her hand, she had great momentum, and Liu Chong was also severely damaged because of it!

Liu Chong still remembers the power of the fairy weapon, and he will never forget it!

And he won't forget Pang Wei!

Liu Chong stepped on the muddy land and looked ahead.

The sky is hazy, and there is no longer the previous red color. It has returned to its former appearance, but the land underfoot has become something else.


In front of it, a strong man with fluffy hair and muddy madman squatted there and kept making strange sounds.

The arrival of Liu Chong made him suddenly turn around. His messy hair covered his eyes, but the blood flowing from the corners of his mouth and the half-open blood-red teeth proved his identity.

Without extra waiting, the strong man suddenly rushed to Liu Chong, and Liu Chong looked at the other party's rush, and a trace of cold light flashed in his eyes. The next moment, he looked at the strong man who rushed over, threw the long cloth in his hand and raised it with his right hand.

The strong man has rushed in front of Liu Chong and rushed directly. His smelly mouth opened, while Liu Chong's right hand was suddenly placed on the other party's neck and suddenly exerted his strength!

The next moment, a rain of blood poured out. Liu Chong threw something, grabbed the falling cloth with his left hand, and walked over with an expressionless face.

And at his feet, the body of the strong man has been separated.


Two days later, in the ruins of a city.

This is a suburb on the edge of the city, an abandoned place.

In a charred house, there is a simple bed and some items.

The existence of these things is incompatible with the burning scene of the whole periphery.


A crisp sound sounded, and a bluestone brick next to its bed moved up, and then a figure showed its head from it.

Liu Chong took a deep breath. After he threw the Qingping sword up first, he also jumped out.

This is a place where he found a place to practice at ease. It is very close to several cities on the edge, and he is not very worried about food.

Under his building, he used the Qingping sword to open a spacious practice place. In order not to be disturbed, there are still many wandering demonized people around him. He can't waste a lot of time killing them, so he can only do this.

Practice is a boring process. Liu Chong himself has not reached the point where he does not need to eat, and now it is still a very unstable period.

The surrounding aura is too thin, and this situation will only change dramatically after a month.

At that time, heaven and earth will change again,

And those who can survive all have the existence of inheritance and blood. Without it, it will be difficult to survive!

Even if Liu Chong's own strength has mastered the bloodline, he still needs to slowly practice. Only when he reaches a certain point can he be sure to survive. A month later, there are still many things that happen and there are many things to do. Now he has no absolute strength and can't do anything!

After resting and sweeping around his surroundings, Liu Chong returned to the practice place he opened after confirming that there was no demonized crowd wandering around him.

A space is not very large, but it is very neat.

Liu Chong sat there cross-legged, and Qingping's sword was quietly placed in front of him. He closed his eyes and was silent in practice.

The surrounding aura is very thin and rare, but Liu Chong does not absorb much every time, and a little cycle is brought in.

In the lower abdomen of his body, there is a small golden light mass rotating quietly.

After entering the aura in the body and gathering there, it once again turned into a trace of golden light and flowed to the whole body, enhancing Liu Chong's power.

In the center of the light mass, you can vaguely see that it is a drop of golden blood!

The reason why Liu Chong does is to absorb the aura around him, enter the blood, and absorb all the power of the blood into his body little by little!

This is what he must do this month.

If he succeeds, then he will be able to enter the realm of practicing gods and returning to the virtual world!

Intracting qi into the body, refining the spirit, practicing the god and returning to the virtual are the three realms in the early stage.

The surrounding aura kept entering Liu Chong's body, and he sat there quietly cross-legged to absorb it, again and again and again.

The moment Liu Chong climbed out from under the ground again, he noticed something wrong.

A slight sound of footsteps came into his ear in the distance.

He jumped out without hesitation, wrapped in a long cloth and Qingping sword, and immediately walked out slightly.


Ji Tianhe looked around with a heavy face and carefully swept ahead with a sharp saber in his hand.

not far behind him are two young men who were injured and covered in blood. These two men are his brothers, and they are the only three people who escaped from the city.

Ji Tianhe's mood is very complicated and heavy. He has not had a real rest for many days in a row, and his physical load has long been exceeded. The reason why he still insists on being here is because of the two people behind him.

He can't rest or fall down, otherwise, the only hope of the two people behind him will be dashed!

The highly tense and tense nerves make him special about everything**. Ji Tianhe has been a soldier for a period of time and has certain experience in reconnaissance. After confirming that there is no danger, he let the two people behind him follow up.

At present, they have come to such a suburb.

The surroundings are full of signs of charred and destruction. Complete houses and buildings no longer exist, and Ji Tianhe knows that they must take a rest.

He saw a damaged house in front of him. Although it was said to be damaged, it was a good place compared with the rest of the houses in this place!

His spirit was also refreshed and he slowly groped for it.

He must confirm the safety of that place!

"Brother! Be careful..."

Behind him, a low-voiced reminder came out, and Ji Tianhe nodded slightly, signaling the other party to rest assured!

The moment Ji Tianhe turned around, his face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help taking a step back!

Because I don't know when a person suddenly stood up in front of him!

The moment the other party saw his appearance, he was also slightly stunned, but there was a trace of murder in his eyes. The murderous intention did not stay for too long and soon dissipated.

However, Ji Tianhe looked at the sudden appearance of the person in front of him. He looked at the other party's appearance and did not have the unique characteristics of the crazy people he had met before, but he slowly distanced himself.

Liu Chong looked at the other man coldly. He will not forget this man.

King Ji Tianhe!

At the moment I saw Ji Tianhe, an uncontrollable murderous intention immediately surged out. Behind the murderous intention, a shadow also emerged!

If it weren't for him, Yue Ying wouldn't have died!

Senran's murderous intention surged into his heart, but then Liu Chong calmed down, his rebirth, everything started again, and Yue Ying would definitely be alive.

Even so, he has no good impression on Ji Tianhe.

And the other party will be a leader.

A month later, Ji Tianhe will form a free alliance, which is a place where all survivors will join. All people envel in Ji Tianhe as the king, because at that time, Ji Tianhe's own strength was very strong!

Liu Chong also joined there for a place that he can think is a good shelter, but he forgot that no place here, anywhere is safe!

Liu Chong looked at Ji Tianhe coldly. Ji Tianhe also felt Liu Chong's slight unkindness, and Ji Tianhe was worthy of being a man with the style of a general and quickly adjusted his mentality.

"This friend, can you lend a helping hand to help my friend? We have all escaped from the city and haven't rested for a long time. I don't know if the residence in front of you is your place to rest, can you..."

The meaning of Ji Tianhe's words was very obvious, with a trace of request on his face, and Liu Chong listened to his words and looked at the two people behind him.

At the moment he saw the two figures, Liu Chong's face showed a trace of hesitation and bitter smile.

Ji Tianqi, Feng Yuankui.

Liu Chong knew these two people, and one of them once laughed and fought side by side with him. That was a happy day for him.

If he doesn't help this favor, he has to help.


Liu Chong said coldly, and then listed a road for him to pass. Ji Tianhe's face was immediately happy. He nodded hurriedly, quickly let him run over, and helped the two walk in quickly.

The moment they saw Liu Chong, they were stunned, but then looked at Liu Chong gratefully and walked in quickly.

Liu Chong looked in his eyes, then glanced around and immediately strode towards the distance.


Liu Chong sat in the house and looked at Ji Tianhe, who looked at the Apocalypse and Yuankui, who had fallen asleep.

"Thank you for your rescue today!"

Ji Tianhe said gratefully to Liu Chong that there was no falsehood on his face.

And Liu Chong just nodded slightly and looked outside.

"Why don't you rest?"

Liu Chong looked at him and said in a low voice.

"I'm used to it. My nerves have been tense for so long that I can't relax for a while. Finally, there is a place to rest my feet temporarily... We will leave soon and won't stay longer..."

"I didn't drive you away. You can stay at any time. If you want to leave, I won't stop you!"

Ji Tianhe's self-deprecating words, but after half of his words, he felt a little inappropriate and immediately changed his words.

And Liu Chong just looked at the night scene outside and whispered.

His words silenced Ji Tianhe for a moment. He felt a trace of apology for Liu Chong's words and did not know how to repay the other party for a moment.

"Thank you!"

After a long silence, he spit out two words deeply from his mouth!

After hearing his words, Liu Chong turned his head slightly.

"It's not easy to hear these two words from your mouth."

At the moment when Liu Chong's words were spoken, Ji Tianhe looked at him with a trace of doubt.

"Friend, did we know each other before..."

"Nothing, I just see a shadow of a person in you. There are some places where you are very similar!"

Liu Chong interrupted Ji Tianhe's words and shook his head.

And Ji Tianhe looked at Liu Chong with a sudden look and a trace of apology.

"Bear by the way, my name is Ji Tianhe. I came here in a hurry today and didn't introduce them in time. These two are both my younger brothers, one is Ji Tianqi and the other is Feng Yuankui."

"Liu Chong."

Liu Chong replied faintly that his words were not as cold as before, but did not want to talk more.

Ji Tianhe didn't say much, but walked out by himself. It seemed that he was going out to stand guard.

Liu Chong did not stop him. Even if he said that there would be no demonized crowd around him, the other party would still stand, because he knew Ji Tianhe's nature. As long as he decided something, no one could change his decision!

King Ji Tianhe is not a simple person.