Great Extinction

Chapter 45 Mystery City

Chapter 45 Mysterious City

The square city among 100,000 mountains was born as early as the extinction of the flood and famine. No one can know its origin, and the mystery is very strong. And every once in a while, the square city will hold a grand auction to sell all kinds of rare treasures for everyone to buy.

On this day, the witch, demon and human races will have a large number of people coming here, which can be said to be very lively.

And when Jinghongzhai opened in Fangshi, it was also shrouded in a complex state of festive and trembling.

Because the location of Jinghong Mountain is not a necessary road from Fang City, but it is also one of the few roads.

Among the 100,000 mountains, there are only three roads leading to Fangshi, which surround Fangshi in the middle in a triangular direction, while the other two roads are really steep and steep compared with the roads below Jinghong Mountain.

More importantly, there is an unwritten rule in Fang City, which is that anyone who reaches the land around Fang City cannot step down in the air and prohibits any person from appearing in the sky!

Once there was a group of people who disdained such regulations and forcibly flew to Fang City, but they were blocked outside and were not allowed to enter and lost the qualification to enter Fang City.

The group of people were not convinced. As soon as they were about to argue, they were seriously injured on the spot, died, escaped, and thunderous methods shocked many people.

Later, there were also powerful people who wanted to break this example, but they were all seriously injured and fled, so no one took this huge risk to do such a thing that was not worth the loss.

And at the auction site in Fang City, there are no incidents of murder, arson and looting, which is the second provision of Fang City.

Any successful transaction can be safely taken out of the market. Within thousands of miles of the market, it is absolutely safe and appropriate!

Although this rule has aroused many people's discussion, no one dares to break this rule due to the mystery and authority of the city.

Because many people have died in it, no one wants to be the leader.

A radius is thousands of miles, but after thousands of miles, it is no longer within the jurisdiction of Fang City. At that time, what should be done and what will still be done.


Fu Longshan sat in the hall with a sad face, while beside him, Fu Hushan held the mace in his hand with a eager look.

"The fat sheep will come in a few days. This time, I have to make up for the oil and water that had been vacant a while ago!"

Fu Hushan looked at the mace in his hand with a smile, as if he had fantasized about beautiful things, and kept giggling.

Fu Longshan frowned and shook his head unspeakably.

"Second brother, what do you want me to say about you? This time, some ideas are untouchable and tricky! Although there is a business trip to participate in the city and want to take the opportunity to sell something, but there are more people we can't afford to provoke. The last time the market opened, you almost provoked a large family. Fortunately, you gave up in time and let this person pass calmly. The end is really unimaginable!"

Fu Longshan said bitterly to Fu Hushan, as if he was afraid of what kind of big basket this second brother would make for him. In this case, it was really out of control!

"How did I know that the guy last time had a big back mountain, looking poor, single, and didn't bring a follower. In fact, I was too lazy to do it at that time. I just walked around in front of him!"

"You still have the face to say that if he hadn't had a good temper, fortunately, I felt something was wrong at that time and asked you to come back quickly, and you still wanted to rob him!"

Fu Longshan pointed to Fu Hushan's nose and shouted loudly, making Fu Hushan immediately nod with a smile and look at his eldest brother.

Fu Hushan has 10,000 respects for his eldest brother. His eldest brother will say whatever he says. Everything is up to his eldest brother. If it hadn't been for this, Jinghongzhai would not have survived to this day.

He knows that he is not as good as his eldest brother.

But Fu Hushan turned his eyes and looked at Fu Longshan, who was a little angry, and immediately came over.

"Brother, how is Liu Chong's preparation?"

Fu Hushan wisely changed the topic, and Fu Longshan's face softened a little after hearing about Liu Chong.

"I have arranged to add a new number of guards in front of Liu Chong's door and replace the old one. When the stone boy comes, I will let them discuss the matter of the city in a low voice. If you don't believe Stone, don't tell Liu Chong!"

Fu Longshan said in a confident tone, as if it had been arranged seamlessly!

"What if the wooden fish's head really doesn't tell Liu Chong? You know, he disdains these rumors!"

Fu Hushan touched his head and looked at Fu Longshan with a trace of worry.

"Don't worry, Stone's character has been in Jinghongzhai for so many years, and I am still very clear. For general rumors, he enters the left ear and the right ear comes out, but about the witch clan, even in a small discussion, he can hear it clearly!"

Fu Longshan patted his chest and looked ahead with a prepared look.

"Liu Chong has been with Stone recently. I have been observing for a long time. They have been competing with each other and competing for brute force. Liu Chong just wants to enhance his physical strength. He knows that he can't break through my realm for a while, so strengthening the body is the best way to become stronger in a short time!"

Fu Longshan couldn't help showing a trace of appreciation at the end of his words.

"What can the body be strong? Seeing that we fight and kill outside all day long, the body has been exercised for a long time. I'm talking about it, the body of the witch group is completely a monster, okay? How can people reach such a perverted level? They are the group of Pangu descendants, incomparable, incomparable!"

After hearing this, Fu Hushan shook his head, thinking that this matter was completely meaningless.

"The body of the stone is indeed very strong, but Liu Chong's body is not much worse. At that time, when I first asked him to pretend to be his brother-in-law, I noticed the difference in his body. It was stronger than you and me. It should have used some unique cultivation method... Forget it, let's not talk about this. The question is open again!"

Fu Longshan fell into thinking, but then shook his head and waved his hand.

"The wind I revealed is that there will be some strange skills in Fangshi this time, which are very similar to some skills of the witch clan. Stone will definitely not believe this, but he can't believe it all. Half-believe is the most distressed thing for the witch people. He will definitely tell Liu Chong that his trip to Fangshi will be sure! "

"Moreover, three days before the opening of the city, I will go there in person. At that time, I don't believe that Liu Chong will not be hooked!"

Fu Longshan touched his chin with a smile. Everything was already under his control. Liu Chong had become the prey he aimed at and could not escape the palm of his hand!

Although his sister has never made a statement, according to the customs of their family, if his parents are not there, then the eldest brother can replace his parents to hold all the marriages for his brother and sister. He is fulfilling his obligations.

After saying that, his sister is not disgusted with Liu Chong. What a God-given fate!

Every time I think about this, Fu Longshan can't help laughing. After many years of worries, it will soon come to an end!


In the west of the wilderness, the demon realm.

Lang Qiuyan sat in a boudoir in a long purple skirt, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, and was quietly distracted.

"Sister Qiuyan, Sister Qiuyan..."

A woman's voice from afar pulled Lang Qiuyan back from her mind, turned around and watched a shadow run quickly towards here.

"Xiao Meng, what's wrong?"

Lang Qiuyan smiled and looked at the lively woman with a white satin dress in front of her and said softly.

"I will go to Fangshi to open it after a while. I'm going to go with Brother Zhufeng. Sister Qiuyan, will you come?"

"Dong Lei asked me?"

After hearing Xiaomeng's words, Lang Qiuyan asked directly, and her words made Xiaomeng hesitate for a moment.

"Sister Qiu Yan, Brother Donglei is also a goodwill. In the demon realm, Brother Donglei is one of the few young talents. He has stepped on the golden immortals. Jin Xian, I don't know how many teenagers can reach that realm!"

Xiaomeng said and hummed dissatisfiedly at the end, as if she was very dissatisfied with that realm.

"Xiao Meng, you are a peacock..."

"Well, it's another cliché of those bad old men. Sister Qiu Yan and Brother Dong Lei have borrowed the seven rainbow carriage borrowed from Brother Xu Xian for a long time, which can just take us there. Although the city is forbidden, the speed of the seven rainbow horses on land is also very fast and very comfortable!"

Xiaomeng looked at Lang Qiuyan pitifully, with a pleading tone, while Lang Qiuyan looked at Xiaomeng with some surprise.

"Xu Xian has not always regarded the seven rainbow horses as his treasure, and I only did it twice. The first time was when he came..."

"Brother Xu Xian promised Brother Donglei, but the premise is that he must follow us, because he doesn't want anyone to control his baby. I'm really curious that an old man can be like this..."

When Lang Qiuyan's words were halfway through, she stopped, while Xiaomeng continued and walked back and forth in front of Lang Qiuyan, constantly criticizing Xu Xian's strange fetish.

And Lang Qiuyan showed a strong thought and looked into the distance.

The first time she sat on Xu Xian's seven rainbow horse, it was when she first stepped on the flood. At that time, she was worried about a figure in her heart.

Liu Chong.

If it hadn't been for the sudden thought, her memory would have been sealed!

"Liu Chong, where are you?"

A deep sigh occurred in Lang Qiuyan's heart, and her heart suddenly became complicated.

"Sister Qiuyan, Sister Qiuyan, what are you thinking..."

A urging call pulled back Lang Qiuyan's thoughts. Lang Qiuyan looked at the curious Xiaomeng in front of him, smiled and nodded.

"I'll go with you. When will we leave?"

Lang Qiuyan's words made Xiaomeng jump up happily and suddenly fell into Lang Qiuyan's arms.

"It's almost four months to prepare, because the market will open nine months later. There are a lot of things to prepare, and there are more things to buy. It's been a long time for the real opening of the market. Of course, it's a big purchase!"

After hearing Xiao Meng's words, Lang Qiuyan was stunned at first, but then she was really relieved.

There are no years of practice. In the flood and famine, a hundred years of time are just a flick of a finger. A few months can only be regarded as very short.

And she may not really get used to it.

Xiaomeng and Lang Qiuyan talked about some other topics affectionately. For a moment, the soft laughter of the two women echoed in the boudoir, and the lingering sound was endless.


100,000 deep mountains.

In the depths of 100,000 mountains, there are many unknown dangers, and some unextinctable wild beasts are really hidden here!

And in the depths of a dense jungle, where there is a huge village full of fierce beasts roaring!

This is the place where the witches live!

Zi Kai and Liu Chuang** stood on their upper bodies, revealing their strong skin and half squatting.

There is a huge rock on their heads, which is completely hundreds of times larger than themselves!

They stood there quietly, with a deep seriousness on their faces, motionless.

"It's time!"

A loud voice sounded. At the moment when the sound sounded, Zi Kai and Liu Chong carefully put down the stone on their heads!

Bong, bang!

Two different sounds sounded, and at the moment of the bang, Liu Chuang's face became a little white in an instant.

And Zikai laughed at Liu Chuang!

"Why are you laughing? If you don't respect your own people, the clan rules will serve you. You will be punished for five hours together!"

The loud voice made Zikai's face suddenly scream, and Liu Chuang looked at Zikai with gloating eyes!

"Okay, that's all for today. I also have other tasks to give to these two little guys!"

At this time, an old voice came into their ears like a heavenly sound, and then a white-haired old man strode to them.

"Goodbye, Seven Elders!"

"Goodbye, Seven Elders!"

Liu Chuang and Zikai said in one voice with deep respect on their faces.

"You two little guys have been here for a long time. It's time to go out to practice, but due to the particularity of your bloodline, we have discussed about entering the world for a long time!"

The seven elders touched the white beard under him and looked at the two with solemn eyes.

And when Liu Chuang and Zikai heard the word "entering the world", their eyes couldn't help shining!

"Because you have been shouting to find your eldest brother before, your eldest brother should now be within the sphere of influence of the human race, so for the sake of safety, we can't let you take risks, so the matter of entering the world can only be carried out until you reach a level that satisfies us!"

The words received by the seven elders made Liu Chuang and Zi Kai suddenly anxious, but the two looked at the tall man who stared at them in the distance and immediately listened to the words of the seven elders honestly.

"The original requirement of the realm is to wait until you arrive at Tianwu, but in order to seek stability, there is still no clear discussion, but you can go to the nearest square city here after a while. There are our people there, just let you go out for a walk and relax!"

The words of the seven elders made Liu Chuang and Zikai cheer loudly. Although the progress was a little disappointed, being able to go out has become their longing, because they have lived a very miserable life here.

Surrounded by a group of strong men and fierce beasts all day long, either all kinds of abuse or all kinds of so-called challenges. At the beginning, there was a great sense of freshness, but now it has become the beginning of a nightmare.

The witches are so perverted!

The news of Fangshi has been circulating in the village for a long time. Liu Chuang and Zikai have long wanted to see it, but they can't go out without permission, so they finally have the opportunity to go out to have a look this time, and they are not happy to go crazy.

The seven elders looked at the two happy faces, shook their heads with a smile, and immediately turned around and walked back to the previous road.

And when Liu Chuang and Zikai were happy, the nightmare came down again!

"Strengthen training and raise your hands for seven hours. If you find that you are lazy halfway, go play with your big mouth tomorrow!"

The loud voice resounded in an instant, and then Liu Chuang and Zikai immediately raised the stone and continued to stand there honestly with a sigh.

Because the big mouth is their nightmare, they don't want to go there any time!


And in the far north, there are huge and glorious urban homes here.

This is the place where the human race lives!

The northern part occupied by the human race is vast, and its large number is the foundation of the people's foothold in the flood and famine.

The advantage of the crowd has forged the birth of genius, and the birth of genius has also made the human race today!