Great Extinction

Chapter 89 Unswerve

Chapter 89 Unswerth

When everything wanted to find Lin Feng, an uninvited guest came over the central area!

He is Tianyu!

At the moment when Tianyu arrived early, there was a trace of disorder** below, but it was only **, and there was no movement after that.

Because Bai Mu has been strictly forbidden, there is no need to fall in love when he meets an opponent he can't beat, because in doing so, he knows that it is not a moth to fight the fire and destroy himself.

It seems that such a strange rule has verified countless truths.

The arrival of Tianyu made Bai Mu immediately walk up. He looked at Tianyu in front of him and smiled.

"What I want should be ready!"

Tianyu's face was a little solemn, and his words made Bai Mu shake his head slightly.

"It seems that he can't fulfill his promise now, because he is still in the process of cultivation. Can we talk about this matter later?"

Baimu's words made Tianyu snor coldly, but he was not talking, just turned slightly and left!

"How's the chat with Huanyu?"

Suddenly, a blank word made Tianyu stand there in a stunned way!

"Don't worry, I just guessed about this matter, but now your reaction is almost true."

Baimu's words made Tianyu look at him a little solemnly, showing a trace of vigilance!

"I also speculated from what Wanshitong told me before. In fact, I have always thought that you and Huanyu just met by chance, but in the previous war, you two did not help each other, which made me see a hint."

The white-eye words made Tianyu's eyebrows frown slightly, and he couldn't see where he was flawed.

White eyes looked at Tianyu's expression and smiled again.

"As early as when everything was walking in the flood and famine, the flood and famine at that time was a plate of scattered sand. Except for the relatively peaceful accidents of the witches and demons, the human race was completely burning, killing and plundering, an unbearable scene."

"So at that time, Renhuang Huanyu went to ask Wanshitong several questions, and you also went at that time. Although the time was different, the final departure time was the same."

"I think at that time, you reached an agreement with Huanyu, maybe you became friends!"

Bai Mu's words made Tianyu's expression uncertain for a while, because Bai Mu's words were exactly * inseparable!

At that time, he had not been able to become a golden fairy, and Huanyu had not yet become a real emperor. At the beginning, the two had many similar ideas and drank and chatted happily, so they became friends, but when Huanyu did another thing, they parted ways.

In the years after

, they occasionally came and went, but they were all in some beautiful places, and the relationship gradually became estranged.

But even so, Tianyu still regards Huanyu as a very good thing, not in terms of position, but in any way.

The current transformation of Huanyu may make Tianyu very uncomfortable, but he won't say anything, just helps Huanyu do everything he can to help.

And now he is exposed by white eyes, and he has nothing to say.

"Since you know it, I may become another type of person in your eyes!"

"No, no, no, no, I never look at a person like this. If you helped me, then I owe you a favor. I have always done things like this. Your worries are superfluous. I won't do anything to you, but I think we are both clear. You betrayed my information and helped me once and evenly."

After the white-eye words made Tianyu hum coldly, then quickly turned around and left without staying here for a while!

Because he really didn't get any benefits this time!

Tianyu's departure made the people below look at the doubts for a while. After chatting with Bai Mu for a few words, he left, but Tianyu's face seemed to be a little ugly after leaving.

When he came down, everything asked in a low voice.

"Well, what did you say to that guy!"

"Some of the facts that I once thought seemed to be true. I later told him about Liu Chong, and then he left."

White eyes whispered that his words made everything not ask, but were eager to find Lin Feng.

"Don't you look at this boy?"

Xie Ying looked at the all-it-doing and said with a little doubt.

"He is fine. I helped him suppress the black coal in his body with his last strength. That thing is really very restless and wants to eradicate it completely. Now there are two ways. One is to let Lin Feng disconnect from the black coal, and the other is to rely on Liu Chong to refine him!"

The two methods of telling everything seem to be a little difficult to do. At least Liu Chong is out of danger, which is worth saying.

After that, the leader left with all things, and Bai Mu and Xie Ying did not stay, because the following time belongs to these juniors.

When the two left, a group of people immediately rushed into the room. It was not a big room, and it was overcrowded in an instant!


A month later.

Liu Chong bathed in the sun again and felt particularly comfortable. He felt that his whole body was about to rust. He moved his muscles and bones and stretched out.

In front of him, a group of people were talking and laughing there. At this moment, Liu Chong seemed to return to everything again.

But everything in front of us is real.

Everything hasn't returned to Wangyue Pavilion for a month, saying that he wants to talk to that Lin Feng. After talking for so long, it seems that he has not gained anything.

But Liu Chong solved the big problem of the black pagoda in his body.

After all, it is not his thing. Strong plunder is still very risky. Next time, you must consider it carefully before you can do it.

When Liu Chong looked at all this with a smile, and then looked at Fu Yiling, he seemed to remember something important.

He stood up and slowly walked to Fu Yiling, who looked at him with some doubts.

Liu Chong slowly squatted down and looked at his weak legs, showing a trace of pity in his eyes.

"I want to give it a try."

Liu Chong suddenly said that his words made the people present slightly stunned.

They don't understand the magic power of muscle coagulation and white bone rebirth, but even if they do, this is also the magic power against the sky!

Under Huangquan Jiuyou, I don't know how many people's roar can be heard.

The magnificent ancestors have never mastered this magical power, and even the legendary saints no longer exist. It may have really become a thing of the past.

If the saint is still there, the current flood may not be the same as it is now.

The moment Liu Chong said that he wanted to try, Fu Yiling's body trembled slightly, but she shook her head.

"I'm fine now..."

Fu Yiling said softly, but her eyes did not appear to dodge at the moment she saw Liu Chong's eyes.

Fu Yiling has been sitting in a wheelchair since she was a child, and she has never felt the feeling of being down-to-earth.

She once fantasized that she could fly, but she couldn't do it at all, because all the meridians of her lower body were blocked, so that she could not become a real practitioners.

There is no realm at all. The reason why she has lived for so long is that she can do it by the natural resources and treasures of those years.

When Lang Qiuyan looked at Liu Chong and Fu Yiling, she couldn't help sighing. She didn't say anything, but just watched silently.

"Try it."

Liu Chong whispered that he raised Fu Yiling's legs slightly, and at that moment, his hands emitted a soft white light!

In the white light, the people around him did not notice the slightest fluctuation of immortality!

Even the aura came out. They didn't know what kind of power it was at that time!

"Eternity of Senro."

Liu slowly spit out four words, and the next moment he pressed his eyes on Fu Yiling, and Fu Yiling's body trembled slightly at that moment!

Her face turned red at that moment, and the sweat of beans flowed out of her forehead!

Liu Chong suddenly stop, and his face is full of deep solemnity. He looked at Fu Yiling with a trace of apology. Obviously, he failed!

Eternal power can't do all this!

Then you can only look for natural resources and treasures!

His eyes suddenly turned to Guo Zhen!

"I did it with the body of the lotus root, but the lotus root is only the size of a palm and has been used up by me. There is nothing left. Even if I don't use it, that thing is not enough to heal these legs."

Guo Zhen shook his head with a sigh and said, and his words made Liu Chong clenched his fist!

He doesn't believe that there is no way to do it in the world, and he may not know if there is any way, but if there is, maybe he has used it long ago.

But Liu Chong didn't care so much, and his figure immediately rose to the sky and flew in the direction of Senluo Hall!

Because he knows that Lin Feng is imprisoned here!

When he arrived, the dragon head had been waiting there quietly!

"Turn left in the interrogation room."

The leader only said such a sentence and walked away. Liu Chong nodded slightly and strode in directly.

He hasn't really observed the Senluo Hall once, but since it was destroyed last time, the rest has been renovated and turned into a magnificent palace.

There are several tortuous channels, but they are not complicated.

After Liu Chong turned left, he heard the sound of everything.

"Whung or not, whether you say it or not, I and you have wasted a month, and you can die or something useful!"

The sound of all-it-one scolding made Liu Chong frown slightly, but then he strode in.

When he entered, Baimu and Xieying were also there, and in a small room, Lin Feng looked at the angry all-it-can-one with a sneer, as if it was fun.

When Liu Chong came in, Lin Feng's face changed!

"It's you!!!"

He gritted his teeth and looked at Liu Chong. At the moment when Liu Chong erased his mark from the pagoda that day, he hated it to the bone. From then on, in addition to his anger and irritability, he had to stare at everything in addition to his anger and irritability!

It doesn't matter to him what he does. The important thing is that he doesn't say anything about what happened before the flood and famine.

Don't reveal anything!

"Here you are."

said softly, Xie Ying just nodded to Liu, while everything sat angrily on the chair without saying a word.

"How can we get Fu Yiling to stand up again!"

After Liu Chong came in, he looked at everything, and the first sentence was like this.

"Don't think about it, the useful methods have been used up in a hundred years. Unless you find the legendary lotus root body and recast the lower body to make her stand up again, but the lotus root body was used by Nezha. He didn't know whether he died or not. If he died, the lotus root body might have been torn apart long ago!"

The all-it-one words immediately made Liu Chong think of something. Previously, Guo Zhen's lotus root body was the size of a slap!

In this way, there must be other remaining parts of the lotus root!

"If Nezha dies, how to find this lotus root!"

"If you want Nezha lotus root, you won't think about it in your life!"

Suddenly, Lin Feng shouted such a sentence coldly, and his eyes looked at Liu Chongman with deep ridicule!

And at the next moment, Liu Chong suddenly rushed to him, grabbed his neck, and pressed hard on the wall behind him!

The hard wall was severely cracked by Liu Chong's blow, and his behavior slightly shocked all three people.

"What did you say!"

Liu Chong's eyes are full of murderous intent, and Lin Feng's breathing is deeply uncomfortable!

"Liu Chong, put him down, he can't die!"

"Then he will control his mouth!"

Liu Chong put Lin Feng back on the bench in an instant. Looking at Lin Feng's resentful eyes at him, Liu Chong said coldly.

"If you want the lotus root, I can give you a way to get it, but you have to return my magic weapon and let me go!"

"No problem!"

Liu Chong said decisively, and his words made everything on the forehead!

"Even if I let you out, I can catch you back. As long as you are in the wilderness, you have nowhere to hide!"

Liu Chong's next words made Lin Feng's eyebrows frown deeply!

Because what Liu Chong said is not unreasonable, he can't escape the flood at all!

"In this case, I will take it away and spend time with you here!"

Lin Feng's words suddenly turned around, but after his words fell, a black pagoda appeared in Liu Chong's hand!

Under the gaze of four people, the black pagoda turned into a whip the next moment!

"You have combined the magic whip with another magic weapon, so it has become like this. The black pagoda is actually another magic weapon. Although I don't know what it is, I think you should know the effect of the magic whip!"


The black whip made a crisp sound at that moment, which really changed Lin Feng's face!

Fighty whip!

The name and effect of the magic whip are frightening. Lin Feng naturally knew his strength after so many years. The next moment, he gritted his teeth and then sighed.

He still doesn't want to be whipped.

"Before the beginning of the world, I once saw a large gathering of people from the heavenly court in the direction of Buzhou Mountain. With the status of Nezha in the heavenly court, I must have definitely been there. You should be able to find it in the direction of Buzhou Mountain!"

Lin Feng's words made Liu Chong put away his whip coldly and paced out the next moment.

Everything immediately shouted out before leaving and made Liu Chong stop.

Then he hurried out, and when he came back, he held a black whip in his hand.

"Hey hey, if I had known there was such a useful thing, I wouldn't have wasted my tongue. If you want to be whipped, tell me the truth!"

Looking at Lin Feng's discolored face, everything said proudly. His words made Bai Mu and Xie Ying laugh, and Lin Feng's bitterness became unspeakable.

Then the whole room was full of laughter.


Bzhou shan, located in the northwest of the flood.

Originally, it was the backbone of heaven and the pillar supporting the whole heaven and earth.

Later, it was destroyed by Zu Wu Gonggong and hit the mountain angrily, causing a huge hole in the world, and natural disasters and rain poured down from that moment.

The sage of the demon clan, the sage, can't bear to see the world's lives, refining Nuwa stones and mending the sky.

Later, he was made a saint for his great merit.

Everything is a causal cycle.

After Mount Nonzhou, it was rumored to be a part of Pangu's body. Because it belonged to the mountain, it turned this mountain into a mountain, but no one can know why this unweekly meaning is.

The destroyed mountain can still be found.

The northwest of the flood is the place where the mountain fell.

And here, several figures came here across the sky.

They are Liu Chong, Liu Chuang, Zikai and Guo Zhen.

Wang Zhen and Pepsi and Lang Qiuyan Feng Yuankui did not follow, because Liu Chong wanted them to take care of them. Wang Zhen wanted to come, but then he seemed to think of other things.

Bai Mu asked him to go early and come back early, because it was a few days away from the seal.

Liu nodded and set off with Guozhen and Liu Chuang Zikai.

At this moment, there is an endless Polish sea under their feet, and they rarely enjoy such scenery in the flood.

And Guo Zhen said that the fragments of his lotus root were obtained at an auction in a city far away from here and exchanged for a giant egg of an ancient wild beast!

And the address mentioned by Lin Feng is here, so Liu Chong wants to start from here to see if there is anything worth paying attention to!

The endless waves have become a problem for them!