Great Extinction

Chapter 99 Three Keys

Chapter 99 Three Keys

The huge flame storm enveloped all five people in Ji Tianhe, and the raging rosefinch real fire swept the five people crazily at that moment!

At this moment, Ji Tianhe and others really realized how horrible the power of the true spirit is!

In fact, the rosefinch transformed by Liu Chong has mutated!

The fusion of tens of thousands of thunder and fire has produced a new mutant flame, which has surpassed the real fire of the rosefinch itself!

This type of magic power and attack, the five people covering them felt the boundless flame pressure!

At this moment, they feel that they are in the boundless sea of purgatory fire!

"World Star Disk, open!"

A huge sound came from the sea of fire, and a huge astrolabe rushed out of the shackles of the sea of fire!

Under the astrolabe, a series of complex and difficult words slowly floated out at that moment, shining a dazzling light on the astrolabe and rushed into the sea of fire!

The figure of Huanyu was bathed in light, and the sea of fire beside him was immediately swept away!

Pantu also sacrificed his magic weapon, a huge orange gourd. After the gourd was sacrificed, the flame in front of him was also put away!

The mountain and river map of Ji Tianqi is even more domineering, absorbing all the flames into the mountain and river map!

In an instant, the flame of the scene suddenly reduced the pressure on several people, and the rosefinch in the center of the flame also opened its eyes again at that moment!

If the rosefinch has this ability, then he doesn't deserve to be called a real spirit!

The magical rosefinch transformed by Liu Chong suddenly flew up the next moment. His figure stood high in the sky, and the pupils of the ruby looked coldly at the five people below!

A phoenix roared through the world, and the next moment, a dazzling red light burst out on the rosefinch's body!

At the moment when the red light appeared, a horrible breath emanated from his body, which made the five people in front of him change their faces!

A strong flame spewed out of the mouth of the rosefinch and enveloped the five people below again!

The rosefinch is really hot!

It's really hot!

The high temperature of the flame this time enveloped the whole world city in a fierce heat, as if there was another sun in the sky, and it was so close!

The whole earth was dyed red, and Huanyu and others did not hesitate to take action at the next moment!

It's better to take the initiative than passive defense!

Five forces burst out the next moment, and the flames and five different lights bombarded together in an instant, and at that moment, a tiny black hole burst out tore the space!

Space crack!

The collision of this attack actually tore the space!

The faces of the five people in Huanyu changed slightly, and they knew what it meant to tear the space, but they didn't expect that Liu Chong's power had reached this point!

The five of them have never done this before. Just a confrontation with Liu Chong has torn the space!

If they continue to fight, it is hard to guarantee that they will not expand this crack and will have incalculable consequences!

But Liu Chong has no intention of stop!

The strong flame met the bombardment of five people. After a bang, all the power bursting was sucked into this sudden black hole and disappeared in an instant!

And at the moment when Liu Chong's figure saw the crack, the huge rosefinch's body also turned around and changed back to its original state!

The appearance of space cracks also makes him extremely afraid. No one knows what is hidden in it. Just a space storm is something that makes them feel threatened!

Rumor has it that when the previous extinction began, a group of people forcibly opened a channel and reached the sky!

This is an extremely risky way, but it is also a helpless way!

I don't know where this space crack will lead to, but at present, there should be no such thing for the time being!

They didn't do anything, and Liu Chong looked at the six people who had left early and breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he knows that he has got what he wants!

He took a step back slightly. When he used the real body of the rosefinch just now, he spent a lot of Xianyuan and needed to adjust it. It looked very powerful in a pair of five, but the consumption was extremely huge.

Looking that the five people in Huanyu did not take action, Liu Chong knew that this was his own opportunity.

They were also afraid of space cracks and gave him a chance to retreat completely!

"Kill or not?"

"Torn the power of space, Liu Chong has really transformed!"

"If he doesn't kill him, he must be in big trouble in the future. He already has the power to compete with us. When he goes back, we will definitely defeat them!"

"This Liu Chong is already so powerful. Coupled with them, our chances of winning are basically zero!"

"If you rush to get involved in the space storm, it's not a fun thing."

The five people immediately communicated with each other at the next moment. None of them wanted to let Liu Chong go, but the space crack became a huge problem.

This thing is full of many unknown dangers, and the current crack is still small. If the crack is expanded, there will be no possibility of repairing it!

At that time, all kinds of strange and dangerous things will emerge from it!

If it is blocked now, there is still time!

But the next moment, Liu Chong's figure flew quickly into the distance. His unhesitation to turn around and escape really surprised the five people, but they clenched their fists and did not catch up, but took action against the space cracks in front of them one after another!

Driven by the five forces, the gap in the space crack disappeared into the sight of the crowd at a speed visible to the naked eye!

And after repair, the five figures also disappeared into the sky the next moment!


When Liu Chong returned to the central area, he took the lead in visiting Fu Yiling in the Wangyue Pavilion.

Fu Yiling's body is very weak and still sleeping. If she hadn't used a lot of precious treasures over the years, she would not have been able to support it!

and Liu Chong wants to make a bold decision!

If he can't really find a solution this time, he will freeze Fu Yiling's body and put it into the eternal realm!

This is the last last resort!

Although this can make Fu Yiling survive longer, everyone knows that in this way, Fu Yiling will really become a living dead person!

Once the lockdown is lifted and no cure can be found, Fu Yiling will definitely die!

And what Liu Chong wants is hope that she can survive!

The resurrection of Yueying has not really been done. No one knows what the result will be. He can't lose Fu Yiling!

After visiting Fu Yiling, Liu Chong turned directly to the Senluo Hall!

This has become a place for heavy prisoners to be imprisoned!

When he came to Dongfeng, the other party had already become a blood man!

Everything looked at Dongfeng angrily. I don't know how many times the whip in his hand waved, and the other party still looked like laughing!

His ferocious face looked at the group of people in front of him like entertainment. If he hadn't been rational, he would have thought he had gone crazy!

"Why don't you say it?"

Liu Chong said indifferently, and his eyes looked at the disdainful winter wind in front of him. Under his poof, everything clenched the magic whip and was ready to hit it again.

"No, I'll do it."

Liu Chong grabbed the waved whip and walked to the other party under the gaze of the rest of the people.

"When I was in the human world, I met a man who said that his name was Gu Lao or something. I forgot that he was going to kill my brother and was killed by me. He taught me something before he died."

Liu Chong said indifferently, and his words suddenly changed the face of Zikai standing aside!

Because he seems to remember something!

"At that time, our power was called the power of blood. It is said that it can forcibly take away the blood power in the human body. I have never really tried it. Now I want to try it. The process will be very painful and the success rate is not great, but according to your current state and body, It should be successful."

Liu Chong's soft words were like a demon smiling at him in Dongfeng's ear. As long as he saw Liu Chong, there was a trace of imperceptible fear in his eyes!

Liu Chong's fierce methods always made him remember clearly. The calmer the man in front of him, the more terrible his inner anger was!

He is crazy, and he is chilling in calmness!

Liu Chong gently put his hand on the eyebrows of the winter wind, and a force kept penetrating into his body!

"If you kill me, you will want to know the real hiding of the lotus root all your life, and you will never be able to..."

The winter wind roared loudly, but after half of his words, his face twisted, and a burst of crazy pain made him unable to speak at all!

His body was sealed by the endless huge chain, and he couldn't move. He was tortured by Liu Chong and kept twitching all over!

The blue veins on his forehead have burst out, and his whole face has changed from red to no blood color at all!

There was no sound in his throat, and his eyes were full of deep fear and looked at the man in front of him!

Liu Chong!

" a ghost...and won't... let go..."

Dongfeng seemed to shout those words with his last strength, and then his body shrank at that moment!

In the middle of his eyebrows, a blooming light point slowly condensed out!


His body turned into powder the next moment, and at Liu Chong's fingertips, a golden blood slowly condensed out!

The blood power of the winter wind!

Because everyone felt the breath of Daluo contained in this bloodline!

"Take it."

Liu Chong suddenly seemed to have a trace of fatigue. He handed this blood to the six people standing aside. People in Daluo's realm did not need this blood, and the people in Taiyi's realm had him and had the possibility of promotion to Daluo!

Liu Chong's method can be said to make Bai Mu and Xie Ying really open their eyes, but Liu Chong's behavior undoubtedly cut off the last clue!

But if Liu Chong doesn't do this, it is impossible for Dongfeng to say it, because in that kind of pain, Dongfeng would rather die than say anything. It's really a bottle of shut!

"What are the clues in his universe ring?"

"They are all some rare treasures, but there is also a brochure, which looks like a picture!"

Bai Mu said slowly that he was very careful in searching for the items of the universe, because he knew that some people always like to put vital things in a pile of irrelevant things.

There are 17 universe rings carried by the winter wind. There are too many sundries at a glance, and it is easy to ignore some of them!


Suddenly, Liu Chong's face changed. He seemed to feel something and walked towards the muddy body!


The heavy chain was immediately pinched into powder by Liu Chong, and under the powder, in a pile of flesh and blood mud, Liu Chong took out an inconspicuous small ring from it!

"This guy actually hid the universe in his body!"

"No wonder he can't find anything vital. His own breath covers the universe, and no one can detect it!"

There was a trace of light in Bai Mu's eyes, and the next moment, Liu Chong took out what was inside.

There are actually three keys in it!

Three keys of gold, silver and copper!

The appearance of these three keys immediately reminded everyone and others of something.

"Go to the Winter Wind Pavilion!"

Wanshitong said in an instant that his figure took Liu Chong first to go out, and after him, several figures also flew out in an instant!

This time, Liu Chong didn't want Zikai to follow him and wanted them to stay in Wangyue Pavilion to take care of Fu Yiling, but Lang Qiuyan had to keep up.

Although I don't know what the situation is, this is the only way.

With all-in-a-all, Liu Chong and Lang Qiuyan immediately rushed in the direction of the Winter Wind Pavilion!


Winter Wind Pavilion City!

Since the last winter wind left, the huge city has suffered serious setbacks. Although outsiders can't see anything in it, the internal contradictions are increasingly staged.

Because they all wanted to sit in the leading position, the forces inside began to kill each other.

This happened 30 years after the winter wind left, because they dared to do it after ensuring that the winter wind would not come back.

At this moment, no one is fighting for it.

Because they found that the winter wind took away the most important things in the whole city before leaving.

The keys of three boxes.

Hidden under the four organs under the throne, there are three heavy treasures in the city, but the heavy treasure needs a specific key to be opened, otherwise it will only destroy the things inside!

Without these three things, the Winter Wind Pavilion is nothing more than a false reputation!

Dong Lei is the 11th generation descendant of Dongfeng Pavilion. It seems that he is now one of the people in power, but everyone knows that he is nothing more than a dispensable person.

Because the real power is not in his hands, in the hands of several other rulers, he is a guy nominally shown to outsiders.

Today, he came to the room of the owner of the Winter Wind Pavilion and looked at the empty room. He couldn't help sighing, because he didn't expect that the Winter Wind Pavilion would become what it is today.

Although he is not very interested in managing the market, he doesn't want to see this piece of painstaking efforts be wasted like this.

When he gently sat on the position of the owner, he was really relieved and closed his eyes for a moment of comfort.

When he opened his eyes, three figures did appear suddenly at present!

Liu Chong, Wanshi and Lang Qiuyan!

The appearance of the three figures shocked Dong Lei the next moment. Just as he wanted to call someone, he saw Liu Chong's eyes.

"If you don't want to die, don't scream!"

The well-wrave words said viciously, making Donglei immediately close his mouth, while Liu Chong looked at him and walked slowly!

"Where is the box of these three keys!"

The next moment, Liu Chongliang made something that made Dong Lei's pupil shrink!

The treasure of the Winter Wind Pavilion!

Open the keys of three boxes!

It will be in the hands of this strange man!

There is only one possibility, that is, the winter wind is dead!

At the moment when Dong Lei flashed this idea, his figure had been lifted up!

"Forgive my life, forgive my life!"

Dong Lei immediately shouted loudly. He wanted to call people outside in, but it seemed that no one could hear his call at all!

His heart suddenly fell into a burst of despair!

"Find the box, I won't kill you!"

Liu Chong's cold words fell to Dong Lei's ear and made him look for it in a hurry.

This box is no longer a secret in the city. People at their level clearly know where the box is!

Just above the dragon chair that was often made before the winter wind, behind him, where he just sat!

Dong Lei pointed to the chair behind him. After Liu Chong put it down, Dong Lei quickly opened the mechanism.

At the moment he opened the mechanism, there was a trace of sadness in his heart.

It seems that the city will be really finished from today!

He knows this very well!

When the dragon chair was separated in half, revealing the iron plate of a gear below, the winter wind stirred up the mechanism below.

Soon all the organs were opened, and three boxes of different colors were also presented in front of Liu Chong at that moment!

Boxes of gold, silver and copper!

The moment Liu Chong saw the box, he suddenly raised his hand. The three boxes immediately floated out and fell in front of Liu Chong. Liu Chong looked at the three keys in his hand and hesitated for a moment.

Because he feels that things have become too simple!