Daming Haiku

Chapter 39 Forced to Liangshan

After hearing Liu Laoliu's words, everyone immediately focused their eyes on Li Gouzi, especially Yu Xiaotian. After making up his mind, there was a fierce light in his eyes, looking at Li Gouzi coldly, with a faint threat.

Li Gouzi looked at Liu Laoliu's bad eyes, and when he saw everyone's eyes, he seemed to be a little dissatisfied with him. He still knew that it was difficult to get angry, so he quickly waved his hand and said:

"Sixth brother, don't be annoyed, I... I didn't mean that, I... I just mean that we finally washed our hands and quit! Nowadays, although Jiang is unkind, we can't afford to provoke him! How can we be his opponents?

If it really doesn't work, I'm thinking about how to spend some money and find someone to dredge Jiang Baihu. At worst, take out more money and redeem Erya back. It's better not to be strong or strong! If it is strong, there is no guarantee that everyone will be folded in! So..."

"Bullshit! Li Gouzi, our brothers count you as being timid. When is it? Where can we get money to dredge Jiang? Even if we give the goods to the ship and send them all to Jiang, can he release Erya? And Li Yuzi's guy has bitten and killed Brother Six and Brother Yu, who are pirates at Jiang's place. Once Jiang's name is reported to the official, how can he let Brother Six be released?

Besides, even if Jiang can let us go, Li Yuzi told the news to the Liu family after he went back, and the Liu family can't let us go. He will definitely insist that we are all pirates. The government can send someone to arrest us and send us to the officials for investigation at any time. At that time, we will say something bad, I'm afraid everyone will be defeated. A place without a burial!

In my opinion, Brother Yu and the Blackhead are right. Our mother has suffered from Jiang here for so many years. Now Jiang still wants to force us to die. Since Jiang doesn't let us live, then let's simply fight this fish. It's all dead. At worst, we will fight with him to break the net. I grabbed it back, killed the man surnamed Jiang, and stayed on another island. I don't believe that the sea is so big. Can I be hanged in this little yellow island?

Now we have a lot of people. We can't stay on Little Yellow Island. At worst, we can go to the Great Yellow Island. We have a boat now. If we really can't do it, we can go back to our old business and be free as pirates!

Ma Face, do you think what I said is unreasonable? Besides, we have been living here all these years. If Brother VI hadn't been taking care of us, how can we make this boat go to sea to fish for a living? Now Erya has been arrested by Jiang, and she will definitely not be good! Can we sit idly by like this? No matter what you are, I can't ignore my surname Meng, and the matter of saving Erya is also included in me!"

Before Li Gouzi finished speaking, Meng madman interrupted Li Gouzi's words and pointed to him and cursed him. Originally, he was a fearless temper. Over the years, he had been fed up with the bullying of Jiang. Now Jiang Baihu actually took advantage of their absence and captured Erya here. What else is there? Huangdao's tenant rent suddenly exploded like a gunfire. Now he has made a clear gesture in front of everyone. This time, he can't sit idly by. At worst, he will fight with Jiang and go back to their old job in the future.

At this time, everyone focused their attention on the horse face. After all, Xiaohuangdao is still nominally led by the horse face, and the opinion of the horse face played a great role.

The horse's face is no longer as happy as when he first came back. His face is also iron-blue, his eyebrows are locked, and his face is changeable. He really didn't expect that he finally picked up his life this time, but he encountered such a thing again. For them, since they have stopped washing their hands, now he just want to It's okay to find a place to live an honest life since then, but Ma Face didn't expect that this wish would be so difficult to realize.

Liu Laoliu stood up, walked to the horse's face, patted the horse's face on the shoulder and said, "I said, Lao Ma, our brother, and I also know that you are in trouble. This time, I, Liu Laoliu, beg you to help me save Erya! If you really don't want to care, that's fine! I, Liu Laoliu, won't force you. At worst, I won't drag you down! In the future, you can take your Yangguan Road and then stay here on the Little Yellow Island. I will cross my single-plank bridge. Even if I fight for this old life, I will exchange Erya back!"

With that, Liu Laoliu turned around and limped away the two descendants who stopped him and walked towards the boat by the sea. His face saw that Liu Laoliu was really anxious, which was equivalent to making it clear that if he did not agree to help save Erya, he would break up with him. Although he was very worried, he could not hesitate any longer at this moment, so His face changed, grabbed Liu Laoliu and shouted, "Lao Liu, wait! What are you talking about? Our brother, is my horse face the kind of person who is not righteous?

I think Lao Liu has been running outside over the years and tried his best to make some little money, but he has helped us. To put it bluntly, more than half of our boat is made up by you. If it's not you, we don't know what our old guys have become over the years! You and my brother, how can I sit idly by and ignore this incident?

It doesn't matter! Brother Yu can let go of everything. He is so righteous and willing to try his best to save Erya. If I can't say it, as a godfather, can I still be regarded as a human horse? How can I sit idly by this time! Isn't it just a broken island? Don't do it! At worst, our brothers will take these descendants to do their old job in the future! It's also free and happy!

I'll put this down today, and it's settled! Jiang doesn't want us to live happily, and he doesn't want to live happily. At worst, just fight with him!"

After the horse face, most of the descendants on the island were suddenly excited. The newborn calves were not afraid of tigers. They were pressed by horse faces and others before and dared not speak, but now the horse face has said that they want to fight with Jiang Baihu and save Erya back. Naturally, many of them are more impulsive. In addition, in these descendants, many people secretly like Erya. How can Jiang rob Erya in vain? So as soon as the horse's face fell, a group of descendants shouted one after another, quarreled to copy the guy, and went to fight with Jiang Baihu.

Of course, this is not everyone's opinion. After all, some people are timid, a little worried about Ma's decision, and they are not willing to take this risk. These people secretly think that they are all fishermen, and it's enough to provoke ordinary people. How can they provoke such a "big" as Jiang Baihu? What about the characters? Although they live in poverty on Xiaohuangdao now, they are still relatively stable. If they make such a scene, they will never think about such a stable life in the future, so some people are reluctant to give up life here and risk following others to fight with Jiang Baihu.

Looking at the excitement of the crowd on the island, Yu Xiaotian was also secretly happy. He knew that today's matter, with him and Liu Laoliu, they could not be saved anyway. If the two of them, he estimated that as soon as they landed, they might have just landed. When he appeared on the shore, he was arrested. At that time, the biggest possibility was that he just took his life for nothing to save Erya, which was nonsense!

What's more, Li Yuzi's betrayal has turned the two of them into pirates, not to mention that Jiang can't forgive them. I'm afraid that the Liu family will not give up with them after learning this news. They will definitely go to the county government or state government and ask the government to send people todai bo them. In short, they want to I'm afraid it's impossible to live in Xiaohuangdao.

So Ma Yan has now made up his mind to take the people on the island to help Liu Laoliu save Erya, which must be very critical for him. At least he and Liu Laoliu have some more helpers, and then there is a little possibility of success in saving Erya.

"You descendants have listened to me. This time, my surname is Ma. In this case, if we fight today, it is equivalent to tearing our face with Jiang!

If we can't do it well, we will still use knives with Jiang this time. Whether we can save Erya or Erya, we don't want to hang out here in the Little Yellow Island in the future!

Speaking of which, you descendants are either nephews of our old guys or our nephews. They are here to live, and I don't want to pull you into the water!

After doing this, I also thought that if Erya can be rescued, Jiang will definitely not forgive us, and the government will certainly not let us go, so my surnamed Ma will have to do my old business!

If any of you are afraid at present and don't want to do this with us, just say it now. If you don't want to do it, I won't force you. People have their own aspirations, and I don't blame you! I will send you back to the land, and you will find a way to live in the future! It's not a shame!" After making up his mind, the horse face turned to face the descendants on the island and said loudly. Generally speaking, the horse face is also a clear person. He knows that someone must have other thoughts at this time. Instead of letting such people stay, it is better to explain in advance and send them away, so he brought it up to the public.

The descendants on the island looked at each other one by one, and no one stood up for a long time and said they would not do it. Now they are all in the same group. If they leave here, they really don't know how to live in the future. The reason why they came here to throw themselves to the horse face is either because they have no relatives, or They are homeless. Now when they return to the land, they don't even have a place to settle down. Once they fall into the grass and work with pirates in the future, they will rely on their identity of being related to the horse face, and I don't think it will be better in the future.

You can't go back to the land. In the future, you will beg along the street. At most, you will find a rich man to sell yourself as a slave, or give people a short-term job. Once you encounter a disaster, you will starve to death.

People are social animals and always hope to be included in a group. Now they are used to living together and suddenly let them give up. No one can make up their minds.

So after waiting for a while, I saw that none of these descendants on the island came out to say that they would quit, so the horse's face nodded and said, "In that's it, it's settled. You go and find out all the guys you can use, grind them, and install the handle. Just put on the handle and wait for us here. We will come back to Zhao Mazi and the others! Follow your sixth uncle to wine and come back!"

As soon as the descendants on the island heard this, they immediately agreed and dispersed one after another. They began to return to their residence and rummage through the boxes and cabinets to find guys who could be used to kill people, just waiting to follow them to the shore to save Erya.

When Liu Laoliu heard this, he bowed deeply to the horse's face and others with tearful hands in his eyes, and his lips trembled and said, "Thank you, brother! Thank you very much! ......”

(Second update! Brothers, check it! Please, if you haven't cast a red vote yet, please help me drop your precious red vote! Thank you for the cold wind, then code the word, and update another chapter in the afternoon!)