Daming Haiku

Chapter 42 Investigation

The boat quietly leaned against the shore, and there was a crescent moon in the sky, so that even at night, it could see the scenery quite far away.

The waves beat against the reef by the sea, making a constant noise, which just blocked the sound of the ship landing, so that when Yu Xiaotian's ship came ashore, it may hardly attract much attention.

According to Yu Xiaotian's instructions, the ship did not light a lamp. Thanks to the horse face and others' familiarity with the sea area, they drove the ship here and docked the ship in this secluded place with the help of the moonlight.

They set out in the evening. After a voyage, it gradually darkened. Under the cover of night, the ship quietly approached the land and sailed to this place.

Ma Qian and others are very familiar with the coastal terrain in this area, and Liu Laoliu knows the situation along the coast of Funing, so it is not difficult for them to find a secluded place to dock.

After the ship landed, Yu Xiaotian immediately jumped off the ship with Blackhead and others to secure the ship on the shore, but they did not anchor. Once the situation happened, they could quickly cut off the cable and sail the ship away from the shore.

Yu Xiaotian checked his things and tied the straw shoes on his feet, as well as water bags, dry food and other things. Then he turned his head and said to Liu Laoliu, who sent him, "You can leave here in a moment, find a place to wait at sea, and come here to pick us up at this time tomorrow!"

Liu Laoliu's lips trembled and took Yu Xiaotian's hand, and said for a long time, "You should be careful! We will pick you up on time at this time tomorrow!"

Yu Xiaotian smiled, revealed his row of beautiful white teeth, and nodded and said, "It doesn't matter. This time, Uncle Ma and I just went to find out the situation of the Jiang family compound first and find out if Erya is closed in the Jiang family compound! As long as you are careful, nothing will happen! Uncle Six is relieved!"

After saying that, Yu Xiaotian did not talk nonsense. He said hello to the horse face, blackhead and Zhao Mazi, and then strode ashore and walked towards the landing.

Although this is the first time he has set foot on the mainland in the world, Yu Xiaotian does not feel happy at all. On the contrary, it is a bit like that before he is about to go to the ring, adrenaline begins to secrete more, and his spirit becomes refreshed and nervous.

This time, he did not come for sightseeing on land, but wanted to explore the situation of the Jiang family compound with Ma Face and others, and then returned to the ship to determine the next action plan.

Although he has never been a soldier, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know how pigs leave if he hasn't eaten pork. Later generations are full of screens and novels with various military themes, which make him learn a lot about military operations, so even if he paints a tiger according to cats, at least he is more thoughtful than horses and buns. A lot of secrets!

His plan to land this time is to take only a few people who are familiar with the land situation in this area, such as a horse face. First, he will go to Dongshan Village to inquire about the news about Erya. In addition, he will find a place to carefully observe the situation of the Jiang family compound, make full intelligence preparations for the next action, and then try to enter in one fell swoop. The Jiang family rescued Erya and found a safe road, withdrew to the seaside to board the boat as soon as possible, and retreated to the sea.

This plan is simple to say, but it is not easy to do. After all, he is different from ordinary people and is not suitable to appear in the eyes of ordinary people on land. Otherwise, it is easy to disturb Jiang Baihu, who controls this area. If he can't do it well, not even him. They may be caught in this area.

So he has to be more careful, but Yu Xiaotian has to come. After all, he will host this matter this time, which is very important for him in the future. If he does well, he will be amazing and completely become the backbone of this group, but if he fails, he will take full responsibility and think about it in the future. It is not easy to gain the trust of these people again, and the plan is proposed by him. If he does not go ashore, then one is that he is uncertain, and the other is afraid that these people will not accept it. He must not pretend to be others to complete this matter, so he must take this risk.

This area is a relatively remote place along the coast, and it is basically surrounded by mountains and hills. Coupled with the sea ban policy of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the influence of the Japanese disaster in the early years, this area is relatively sparsely populated. Although it is nominally an important place for Japan, it is actually protected from lax. For the horse faces who have lived here for a long time, they want to find Access to each channel is not a problem at all.

There is no mountain village nearby, let alone the Ming army garrison. It is a very suitable place to sneak in. Under the leadership of the horse face, everyone quickly found a sheep intestine path in the mountains, and then quickly headed inland with the moonlight lighting overhead.

Yu Xiaotian walked silently among several people, constantly looking around with the help of the moonlight, observing the terrain of this area, and remembering it in his heart as much as possible in case of emergency.

In terms of remembering the road, Yu Xiaotian thinks that he is still good. Many times, as long as he walks the road once, even if he walks again after several years, he can find the original road he has taken, but today it is a little difficult for him. It is surrounded by mountains, the terrain is very similar, and it is still night, and the sight can't be far away. In addition, there are basically no signs on the path for him to remember, so after turning for a while, he turned a little. Fortunately, there was still a moon in the sky, which made him return to the problem of turning, but it was obviously a little difficult for him to write down this path.

Finally, after walking for about an hour, Yu Xiaotian finally gave up the idea of remembering the road and led the way with a horse's face. At this time, a cloud in the sky covered the moonlight again, and the world became dark. Yu Xiaotian and his party had to start to smear and move forward with a deep and shallow foot.

"This is. Going further ahead is Dongshan Village. Jiang Baihu's house is in front of you. Do you see it? It's Dongshan. After going up, you can see the Jiang family compound. Let's break up here. Zhao Mazi and I will find someone to inquire about the news. Blackhead will take you up the mountain. We will come to you tomorrow when it's dark. We are still here. Let's meet and go back to the boat! Be careful not to let anyone see it!" After walking for a while, after everyone walked around a forest, the horse's face suddenly stopped and pointed to the front and whispered to Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian immediately stopped and looked forward with the faint moonlight in the sky. A small hill appeared in front of him. A courtyard at the foot of the mountain was like a monster at the foot of the mountain, and he could faintly see that there seemed to be a faint light in the courtyard.

This compound should be the Jiang family compound. Not far from it, there seems to be a small mountain village hidden in the dark hills, but there is no light.

In the evening of this era, there is almost no entertainment project for ordinary people. I'm afraid that ** sports with a wife is the only entertainment project. Those who don't have a wife can only lie down and eat themselves. Many poor families can't even turn on the lights. As soon as it gets dark, ordinary people turn off the lights and go to bed early. Second Get up early in the morning and start farming for the day.

Only large families will light lanterns in the yard at night, so it is easy to distinguish who is rich at night. Jiang Baihu is a large family within a radius of dozens of miles. Therefore, his family is not only large, but also has a large yard. Although it is already midnight, it is still in the yard. It is lit with a lantern, so that people can confirm his home from afar.

Yu Xiaotian despised this guy surnamed Jiang. If it hadn't been for the reduction of Japanese disease in recent years, the Jiang family would have shown the way to the Japanese pirates.

Xiaotian nodded immediately and replied, "Okay! You should also be careful and try not to scare the snake. If you should spend a little money, just spend a little, and try to find out where Erya is locked up now! Don't worry, we will hide on the mountain during the day and won't be found! Tomorrow night at nine o'clock... Oh! No, it's the second update in the evening. We're still meeting here! Take care!"

After saying that, Yu Xiaotian immediately walked to the hill behind Dongshan Village with the black head, and Maface and Zhao Mazi immediately turned around and went into the darkness.

The sea breeze made the leaves rustle, and the black head climbed to the hill behind Dongshan Village with a shallow foot of Yu Xiaotian. When they climbed the hill and looked down, the mountain was dark. Only a trace of light appeared in the front yard of the Jiang's courtyard. Other than that, too many things could be seen clearly.

Yu Xiaotian took the black head to find a most suitable place to observe the Jiang family compound and Dongshan Village on the mountain. He sat down. At this time at night, the temperature began to become cold. Both of them were covered with dew and tidally stuck to their bodies. It was very uncomfortable, and there were many mosquitoes on the mountain at night, non-stop. Mosquitoes buzzed around them, which made people bored. They were bitten all over the bag, but Yu Xiaotian also put up with it.

Because of the distance and the moon being blocked by clouds in the second half of the night, the sky and the earth seemed to be put on a big pot, which was dark. Except for the faint light in the Jiang family courtyard in the distance, although Yu Xiaotian did his best, he could not see the situation of the whole Jiang family courtyard.

After the blackhead arrived in the middle of the night, he was already drowsy leaning against the tree. Yu Xiaotian did not care about him, but climbed up a big tree and carefully observed below, but the light was too dark, which made his efforts in vain.

Suddenly, Yu Xiaotian's heart moved, slipped down the tree and woke up the blackhead. The blackhead may be dreaming. After being woken up, he was suddenly shocked and jumped up. He opened his mouth to shout. As a result, Yu Xiaotian covered his mouth and pressed it on the ground.

"Don't sleep! You stare here, I'll go down and have a look! It is very important for us to have dogs in Jiang's courtyard. I'll touch the outside of his yard first and listen to it. Wait for me here!" Yu Xiaotian let go of his hand and whispered to the blackhead.

Blackhead has woken up now and quickly said, "I'll go down with you. It's too dark. I can't see anything here. It's too dark now. I'm afraid you can't find me! It's better to go together!"

It makes sense for Yu Xiaotian to listen. At this time, the mountain is too dark, and it is said that there are wolves on the mountain. Fujian is originally known as eight mountains and one water. There are many mountains and many wild animals. The degree of development is far less than the Central Plains. It is indeed a little dangerous to be alone on the mountain.

So he agreed to the blackhead's request. The two cleaned up and immediately began to touch the foot of the mountain. After a while, they touched the outside of the Jiang family compound.

Yu Xiaotian listened carefully to the movement in the yard. The night was very quiet. As long as there was movement in the yard, it could come out far away, so this was the best time for them to explore the Jiang family compound.

But the courtyard was very quiet and there was no sound. It seemed that everyone had fallen asleep. Yu Xiaotian quickly rushed to the courtyard wall and looked up. The courtyard wall was indeed very high, about four meters long, and the courtyard wall was very strong, and the surface was very smooth. If you don't rely on tools, there would be nothing at all. The method is to climb, so don't want to easily climb over the wall and enter the courtyard. It can be seen that the financial resources of the Jiang family are quite strong. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to build such a courtyard wall alone.

Carefully following the sky*, Yu Xiaotian observed the Jiang family's compound. From his position, we can know that they are now outside the backyard of the Jiang family's compound. There is an arrow tower in the corner of the yard. At this time, there is no family left behind. The arrow tower is dark and there is no light. No sound can be heard.

At this time, the blackhead also came over carefully. Probably because the mountain road was not easy to walk and consumed too much physical strength, the blackhead was a little out of breath. He leaned against the courtyard wall and gasped and stuck to Yu Xiaotian's side. In the dark, he could only see his eyes clearly. Yu Xiaotian saw his nervousness from the blackhead's eyes. So he nodded to him as encouragement.

Yu Xiaotian is also a little nervous at this time. After all, this time it is about their lives. Even if he is bold, he can't say that he is not nervous at all, but he still stabilized his mood. After listening carefully for a while, he reached out and touched a stone on the ground, shook his arm and threw the stone into the courtyard.

In the silent night, the sound of stones falling in the yard could be clearly heard, but no sound was heard later.

Yu Xiaotian was relieved a lot. He said that Jiang Baihu was really arrogant. With such a big family business, there was no dog in the yard, which really helped him a lot.

Yu Xiaotian is not very worried about attacking the Jiang family's compound. In his opinion, as long as they can sneak into the compound and catch the Jiang family off guard, they are very likely to do it. The most difficult thing is to enter the compound before shocking the Jiang family. If the Jiang family has a dog, then they want to be light. It will be very difficult for pine to sneak into his yard.

Although he has many ways to deal with dogs, it is difficult to clean up the dog without any movement.

Now, after confirming that the Jiang family did not have a dog, Yu Xiaotian was more confident, so he immediately took a black head around the Jiang family compound carefully. After carefully observing the Jiang family compound, he quietly retreated back to the mountain again.

Although he was very worried about Erya at this moment and couldn't wait to climb over the wall and save Erya immediately, because he was still not sure that Erya was in this yard now. In order not to scare the snake, Yu Xiaotian still resisted this impulse and gave up the idea.

When doing everything, the blackhead held his breath and did not dare to breathe. He carefully followed Yu Xiaotian around the Jiang family courtyard. Looking at Yu Xiaotian's bold and careful, the blackhead had to admire him at this time. In the blackhead's view, although when he first saw Yu Xiaotian, he was very unconvinced. However, after so many days of familiarity, he found that there were too many places for him to be inferior to Xiaotian. Although he was a little discouraged by this, he still had to admit it.

Seeing that it was about to dawn, Yu Xiaotian and Blackhead climbed up a big tree, tied themselves to the big tree with cloth strips, and covered their bodies with branches and leaves, and then squinted for a while.

When the sun shines on Xiaotian's eyelids through the gap between the leaves, Yu Xiaotian woke up from his sleep. At this time, the sky was already bright and voices began to appear at the foot of the mountain.

Yu Xiaotian untied the cloth tied to his body, drank a mouthful of water, took out a piece of dry food and ate a little. He turned his head and saw that the black head was still drooling at this time. He lay on a big tree branch and couldn't help shaking his head with a smile. He said that this guy's nerves are really big enough. He can sleep under any circumstances. Yes, people like blackheads, don't look at how they usually shout, in fact, they are not the kind of people with a city.

Picked away the thick branches and leaves, Yu Xiaotian began to look down the mountain...

(Two more today. This chapter is basically almost 5,000 words. I've been busy these two days and have a little cold. Sitting in front of the computer for a day, I feel dizzy! What about the red ticket? Support it!)