Daming Haiku

Chapter 46 Kill the Killer

Several descendants standing in the door and listened to the sound of patting the door outside the inner door. They all looked nervous and panicked. They clenched the guys in their hands and looked at each other in consterspect. They also saw the scene of Yu Xiaotian's ruthless killing without mercy just now, and saw the light of the lantern in the yard. They were fierceness of Xiaotian in their hearts. The spicy method is full of shock.

They only heard that Yu Xiaotian had killed people before, which is one thing. Now it is another thing to see Yu Xiaotian killing with their own eyes. At this moment, Yu Xiaotian's decisive means once again left a very deep impression on them.

After killing the man in the room, Yu Xiaotian took a bloody face and didn't wipe it. He turned around and walked to the door of the second courtyard. His face was still full of fierceness. He glanced at the door coldly and waved his hand.

Several descendants immediately understood what he meant, so they quickly pulled off the doorknob. Yu Xiaotian waved his hand again, and the rest of the people also hid by the wall, and he himself dodged behind the door and clenched the single knife in his hand again.

Yu Xiaotian has no time to think about it now. When he killed people just now, his heart was actually quite shocked, especially when the bloody blood splashed on his face, he still had a disgusting feeling, but if he didn't do so, as long as he let the man exclaim, he would be sure It will immediately alarm the family in the outer court. In that case, he can't predict how far things will develop.

This time, his plan is to catch the Jiang family off guard, because in addition to the horse face, the madman, Liu Tong and Han Xian, the other descendants on the island are standard rookies. Although they usually shout on the island, they have to face the Jiang family's raised. If some familymen say it's, these people will definitely be for nothing, and they will definitely suffer heavy casualties as soon as they take action.

So he should kill as many people as possible before the other party realizes that something is wrong, so as to ensure that they can retreat. Otherwise, even if they finally win, the loss will be very large. In this environment, it is impossible to bring a large number of wounded and dead back to the seaside and treat them. If it is too heavy, it is still a failure. In the future, these people will definitely doubt his ability.

When thinking about this, Yu Xiaotian even felt that his scheming was a little terrible, but on second thought, he can't be blamed, because it's all facts. If he is a little careless and unconsidered, he will die, and many people will die, which is about whether he can continue to live in this world in the future. The problem went down, so he didn't dare to be careless.

Just when the door was opened and the courtyard door was slowly opened, a man dressed as a housekeeper tentatively put his head in. The housekeeper was obviously not too alert, but just a little curious. Out of instinct, he came to ask, but he didn't expect that the door of the courtyard suddenly opened.

The name of this family is Liu Tong. In fact, he knew that another family Li San sneaked into the yard tonight and secretly met the maid Xiuer in the yard, so he was both curious and jealous.

The woman who stopped abruptly in the yard just now exclaimed. In his heart, he actually thought that when Li San wanted to slip back to the front yard after doing a good thing, a maid or a woman found Li San. It must have been Li San who quickly blocked the woman's mouth. Now it may be that Li San opened the door and wanted to come out.

So Liu Tong still showed a treacherous smile and stretched out his head to laugh at Li San, but he didn't expect that his head had just reached into the hospital door, and a knife fell from the air.

Liu Tong only felt a pain in his neck. Only then did he see a group of dark men hiding in the courtyard door. Then he found that the ground was getting closer and closer to his eyes. With a bang, his head hit the ground and immediately turned around. It was not until this time that he found that his head had been from his neck. The son was chopped off with a knife and opened his mouth to scream or exclaim. Unfortunately, it was impossible for the head without the body to make a sound again.

Liu Tong's headless body slowly fell forward. Yu Xiaotian stretched out his foot to pick up the headless body and did not let his body fall directly to the ground and make a sound, but the blood arrows in the cavity of the headless body immediately sprayed far away and sprinkled all over the ground.

A descendant standing by the door was so scared that he almost exclaimed. He quickly covered his mouth, turned around and vomited.

At this time, when I entered the yard, there was a room in which began to sound like a fire sickle, and the light began to light up.

Yu Xiaotian didn't have much time at this moment. He opened the door of the courtyard and shouted in a low voice, "Don't be stunned. Kill the families in the front yard first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed to the front yard with Erya on his back.

At this time, the rest of the descendants also realized that the situation was dangerous. When they saw Yu Xiaotian carrying Erya and killed the two without changing their faces, their courage was suddenly strong. What's more, they saw that Yu Xiaotian had rushed to the front yard with a knife, so they pulled out their legs together and followed Yu Xiaotian to the front yard.

There was not much movement in the front yard at this time. The scream of the woman who entered the hospital just now did not attract enough attention from the people in the front yard. Some people were even still asleep and did not hear any abnormal noise at all.

According to the news from Ma Nian and others, the Jiang family raised a total of eight families and guarded the Jiang family's compound on shifts. They usually followed Jiang Baihu to work for tigers in this area and did a lot of bad things. In addition, the Jiang family also has six domestic slaves, who usually live in the front yard.

However, there are only two guards, one is responsible for watching the outside of the yard on the corner building and the other is responsible for guarding the door at the gate. However, Liu Tong, who is the doorkeeper, has been chopped by Yu Xiaotian because he is too curious, leaving only one man in the corner tower in the southeast corner and dozes.

According to the news from the horse's face and the situation he observed on the mountain yesterday, Yu Xiaotian has basically figured out the general location of the family.

When he rushed into the front yard, he kicked away a room in the east wing, and Liu Wang and Blackhead followed him and rushed into the room together. At this time, they no longer care about the sound. The most important thing is to relieve the resistance of these families as soon as possible.

There were a total of three bamboo beds in the room. When Xiaotian kicked the door, they were still snoring. The sudden sound of kicking the door woke them up. The two sat up in a daze, looked up and were shocked and quickly wanted to turn over. However, at this time, Yu Xiaotian took Liu Wang and Blackhead He has entered the room and rushed to the bed.

There was a scream in the room. The two families didn't have time to resist, so they were chopped under the bed by Yu Xiaotian and others.

At this time, the rest of the descendants also kicked open the doors of the front yard, waved the knives and guns in their hands and rushed into the room. Suddenly, the front yard was like boiling, and there were a sound of screams and scolding.

The movement in the front yard immediately shocked the keeper who was dozed off on the corner building. The keeper hurriedly looked at the yard. With the light of lanterns on the corner and in the gate building, he saw a group of people rush into the front yard. Although he couldn't figure out how these people mixed into the Jiang family compound for a moment, but At the first time, he immediately struck a gong on the corner tower.

The sound of the gong looked so abrupt in the silent night sky, and the sound suddenly spread far away. At this time, the family also opened his broken gong-like voice and shouted: "The thief is coming! The thief is coming! Come on! ......”

At this time, the front yard was already in a mess. The door of the room was kicked open by the descendants of Xiaohuangdao and rushed into the room. There were sounds of fighting and screams, as well as angry curses and begging for mercy.

The unexpectedly Jiang family's keepers and domestic slaves were really caught off guard. Most of the family and domestic slaves were killed to the ground by these fierce people who rushed into the room.

Only two families reacted relatively quickly, and the people who rushed into their room moved slowly, or because they were nervous and dared not be ruthless. As a result, the two families took time to rush out of the room.

Yu Xiaotian did nothing at this time. After killing two family members with black-headed Liu Wang, he rushed back to the yard again and happened to meet those two families.

A family man had been injured and was dripping blood on his arm. He exclaimed and fled to the backyard. Yu Xiaotian chased after him with Erya's meteor. At this time, Yu Xiaotian was already a little red-eyed. Anyway, things had reached this point. It's not a matter to kill one more, so he stared at his red eyes and walked vigorously. After catching up with the family, he hit the back with a knife in his hand. The familyman let out a pig-killing scream and staggered to the ground.

It was when Xiaotian wanted to kill him. Han Xian rushed over from nowhere. Without saying a word, he grabbed Yu Xiaotian and cut it on the man's stomach with a knife. Under the splash of blood, he cut the man's stomach, and his intestines and stomach flowed out. The pain made a sad tragedy. Shout.

Yu Xiaotian didn't have time to say much, so he turned around and began to look for the next target. At this time, two people who didn't know whether they were domestic slaves, screamed and rushed out of the room. A man ploped and knelt on the ground, kowtowed repeatedly and shouted, "Good man, spare your life! Good man, spare his life! I'm just a domestic servant. Don't kill me, good man!"

Yu Xiaotian did not attack this person, but began to shout to greet the remaining two guys.

The remaining familyman caught a long gun from nowhere, shouted in the yard, danced the long gun and waved up and down.

Not to mention that the family is a family member. These people usually have nothing to do when they are full, but practice their craftsmanship to take care of the home. Their hands are really solid. After he took a long gun, his hands trembled. It's really not bad. They forced a few descendants of Huangdao. Lian exclaimed and retreated, and there was nothing he could do for a moment. One of them was accidentally blown up on his thighs, screaming and rolling to the ground. If someone hadn't pulled him back quickly, he would have been nailed to the ground by the next shot of this guy.

The man danced his long gun and cursed: "You damn thieves, come up! I saw one to kill one today! Come on! Come on!"

Looking at this fierce family, the group of rabblers in Little Yellow Island were really scared. At the time of the raid just now, they still looked majestic, but as soon as they met the material that pricked their hands, they immediately peed a little and did not dare to go forward one after another. Only the black head was still a little brave and waved the knife. Forced over, but two times, he was forced to be in a hurry by the man, and he was almost plunged into a transparent hole, which scared the blackhead exclaimed repeatedly and jumped down.

(New friends, please collect it first!)