Daming Haiku

Chapter 51 Get out of danger

Just as the sky turned white again, Yu Xiaotian and his party finally returned to the place where they landed. At this time, voices had begun to come from behind them, and faintly, a crowd could be heard of people chasing them.

When he saw Yu Xiaotian and his party appear on the shore, Liu Laoliu almost collapsed to the ground, because Yu Xiaotian and others were exactly an hour later than the original plan to return to the shore. At this time, it was already bright. If they hadn't come back at dawn, according to Yu Xiaotian in advance It is planned that Liu Laoliu and the people left on the ship will set sail to leave here.

So this hour was undoubtedly a torment for Liu Laoliu and the people left on the ship. Liu Laoliu wanted to get off the boat several times and pick up Yu Xiaotian and others on the way, but they were persuaded by Zhao Mazi. Seeing that it was about to dawn, Yu Xiaotian and the others finally appeared at the seaside, no matter Liu Laoliu was still Zhao Mazi and other people who stayed on the ship, and now they were so excited that they almost burst into tears.

Liu Laoliu almost slipped on the ground, but he still met Yu Xiaotian and others with the help of a later generation.

When he saw that Erya, who was carried on his back by Yu Xiaotian, was still alive, Liu Laoliu couldn't help bursting into tears again, but this was not the time to speak. Seeing that the sky was about to dawn, there was already be heard from the chase in the distance, so the left-behind people immediately helped, and these people still had Several animals brought out pulled up the boat.

Several women also heard the voice behind them. After arriving at the shore, they wanted to delay and refused to get on the boat. As a result, they were dragged to the ship by the later students. Even before they could take back the springboard, the people on the boat untied the cables, raised the sails, and slowly supported the ship off the shore with poles. Edge.

The springboard snapped into the sea on the shore. At this time, the sky had begun to light up. A group of people dressed in officers and soldiers in the distant mountain pass also appeared on the shore path and rushed to the shore.

The ship slowly left the shore. With the sails and the efforts of the people holding poles, Zhao Mazi, who was responsible for operating the boat, pulled the rudder and the ship began to leave the shore.

An officer-like man rushed to the shore with 20 or 30 officers and soldiers, pointing to Yu Xiaotian's ship and roaring, threatening them to stop the ship quickly and be bound to avoid their death.

But how could the people on the ship obey his orders now? They stepped up their sails and turned the ship towards the sea. Seeing that the ship was about to leave the seaside, the Ming army officer began to shoot arrows under his command in a hurry.

More than a dozen archers among the officers and soldiers he brought immediately rushed to the shore, bent their bows and arrows and aimed at the sea boat, and began to shoot arrows at the ship.

However, these officers and soldiers are obviously not elite soldiers. Although they opened their bows and fired arrows, the range of the arrows they shot was limited, and the accuracy was not very good. Most of the arrows did not even shoot the ship. They either shot high or shot away. They all fell into the sea. Only a few arrows landed on the ship, but they failed to give What kind of casualties did the people on board cause?

So Yu Xiaotian and his party gradually drove away from the seaside under the eyes of this group of pursuers and walked towards the depths of the sea.

And those officers and soldiers who chased can only stand on the shore and sigh. They can't do anything but jump and curse. At this time, they don't have a boat on hand, and it is no longer possible to catch up with Yu Xiaotian and others here.

It was not until this time that all the people who followed him to Jiang's compound breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the board of the boat.

If they slow down, it is estimated that they will not be able to retreat so safely in a few days. They are only one step faster to get rid of the pursuers behind them.

It was not until this time that the resentment of these people for filial piety completely dissipated, and the rest was only admiration and gratitude.

When Yu Xiaotian ordered these people to leave worthless things and rush back to the shore halfway, some people still have a belly full of slander about Xiaotian. They think that it is impossible for officers and soldiers to chase them in the middle of the night. It is really a little unwilling to throw away such a good thing in vain. Unwilling, even two beautiful little-footed women were lost, which made several later students shout that it was a pity.

So although some later students got Yu Xiaotian's order, they are still reluctant to lose some things and continue to carry big and small bags on their bodies.

However, after Yu Xiaotian carried Erya on the road again, he began to practice what he had said before, took a big step, and accelerated his pace to the shore regardless.

This is a pain for the guys behind them, especially those who are unwilling to reduce the burden. They can't keep up with Xiaotian's pace. They are tired like donkeys, panting and staggering behind Xiaotian and others.

Seeing Yu Xiaotian go further and further with blackheads, horse faces, Liu Tong, Liu Wang and others, and did not intend to stop and wait for their posture at all. Only then did the later descendants panic. They knew what would be the consequences would be for them if they left the team, so they hurriedly begged Yu Xiaotian. And horse faces and wait for them.

However, Yu Xiaotian's heart was like a stone, and he refused their request without mercy, and did not allow the old guys such as horse face and Meng madman to stop and continue to move forward without stopping.

Yu Xiaotian only left a sentence: "If you want to keep up, you will lose useless things!" Otherwise, you can stay and find a way to go back!"

Looking at the backs of Yu Xiaotian, Ma Face and others going further and further, the descendants were really afraid. In order to speed up their pace, they had to start to lighten their burdens and lose them all the way. Some people waited until the end, and even lost everything on their bodies, so they reluctantly chased them. Yu Xiaotian and the others followed back to the shore.

At the beginning, several people complained about Xiaotian's unhuman behavior, but when they were about to reach the shore, they began to hear the voices from the distance and the torches on the mountain road behind them. Only then did they realize how wise Yu Xiaotian's decision was.

Although it's a pity to lose those hard-earned goods, compared with losing their lives, these guys can still judge who is more important.

Now looking at the farther and farther coast and the smaller officers and soldiers, these guys are completely convinced by Yu Xiaotian.

Although it temporarily shakes off the pursuers, it is not safe for them now, because Jiang Baihu is very powerful in this area. The brother-in-law of Jiang Baihu, who guards thousands of households in Funing, is in charge of the coastal preparation of Japan. He has soldiers and boats on hand. At this time, the pursuers have arrived at the seaside, and I don't know if there are any officers and soldiers. The ships went to sea, so they are not out of danger at present. They must leave this area as soon as possible. They can't say that they have rest assured before returning to the Great Yellow Island.

So Liu Laoliu and Zhao Mazi don't have time to ask Yu Xiaotian about their visit to Jiang's house this time, and all their energy has been devoted to sailing.

After getting on the boat, Yu Xiaotian also felt a little tired and exhausted. After all, he has been carrying a drowsy Erya on the way. Although Erya is not heavy, she is at least 70 or 80 catties, and the road is difficult. Yu Xiaotian's arm is still injured. Along the way, he has to pay more than others. The strength.

At this moment, Yu Xiaotian breathed a long sigh of relief, carefully untied Erya from his back with the help of Liu Tong and Liu Wang, and quickly sent Erya to the cabin.

Erya's injury is not light, her body is covered with whip marks, her skin is covered with blue and purple, and many wounds are still bleeding. In addition, she has not eaten well for a few days, and her body is also very weak. The situation is not optimistic at present.

After placing Erya, Yu Xiaotian first fed Erya some water and asked him to quickly cook a bowl of fish porridge for Erya. After hesitating for a while, he called Liu Laoliu.

Looking at the weak Erya, Liu Laoliu couldn't help crying again. He squatted next to the small bed, stretched out his rough hand, gently stroked Erya's forehead, and said with trembling lips: "Dest daughter! Dad is not good! It made you suffer!"

Erya has regained her senses by now. After seeing Liu Laoliu, she couldn't help bursting into tears. She lay on the couch and shook her head slightly and said, "Dad! I'm fine! Don't be sad! Instead, Brother Yu, you have worked hard and risked such a big risk to save me! Brother Yu is also injured. You'd better take a look at Brother Yu's injury! Today, Brother Yu carried me all the way back. If it hadn't been for Brother Yu, I would never have seen my father again..."

Speaking of this, Erya couldn't help living in the cabin and looking for Yu Xiaotian with her eyes. When she saw Yu Xiaotian standing at the hatch, Erya actually struggled to sit up and thank Xiaotian for her kindness.

But Yu Xiaotian came over quickly and persuaded Erya, "Girl! What do you say about this? Who made you my sister? Big brother should do this! Your injury is not light, so you'd better lie down and rest in peace!"

Liu Laoliu turned around and kowtowed regardless. He knelt down on his knees towards Yu Xiaotian. He held the boat board with both hands and was about to kowtow. He said in his mouth, "Xiaotian! You have no retalion for the great kindness of our Liu family, even if they are smashed to pieces! Today, I will worship you for Erya!"

How can Yu Xiaotian receive the worship of Liu Laoliu! He quickly stretched out a hand and grabbed Liu Laoliu with a wry smile, "Uncle Six! What are you doing? Xiaotian is your younger generation. How can he stand your worship? Hurry up, we are all family members. If you do this again, you won't treat me as your own family! Get up!" With that, he pulled Liu Laoliu up abruptly.

Liu Laoliu saw that Yu Xiaotian did not regard himself as a benefactor, so he could only stand up, called Liu Wang over, and pressed Liu Wang and said, "Come on! Wangzai, kneel down! From now on, you will remember that your eldest brother will be your own brother! You have to treat your eldest brother as your own brother. If you have something to be sorry for your eldest brother, even if I die one day, I can't get around you!"

Liu Wang quickly knelt on the board of the boat. Without saying a word, he went down to worship Xiaotian and said, "Brother Yu is worshipped by me!" Dad, don't worry! From now on, Brother Yu will be my own brother! If anyone can't get along with Brother Yu, I, Liu Wang, can't spare him even if I try my best!"

Yu Xiaotian was made to laugh and cry by this father and son, but there was nothing he could do. The ancients had such etiquette and temperament. If you didn't let him worship him, he could only accept Liu Wang's worship. Then he pulled Liu Wang and said, "Liu Wang, don't say anything else. You will also be my brother in the future!"

Yu Xiaotian first examined his wound. With the help of Liu Wang and Han Xian, he cleaned the wound again. After receiving some wound medicine, he tied up the wound with a clean and steamed cloth. At that time, Yu Xiaotian's muscles were tight all over his body, and Jia Ding was very flustered at that time. Maybe The bow was not full or a light bow was used, so the arrow was not too deep into the arm. After careful cleaning the wound, Yu Xiaotian felt much better.

Then Yu Xiaotian carefully treated the wound on his leg for another descendant on the ship, and carefully bandaged him to rest in the cabin.

This sneak attack on the Jiang family's compound, one is because the Jiang family's defense is lax, and the other is because Yu Xiaotian's careful planning, so things went quite smoothly. After a sneak attack came down, the Jiang family was almost completely destroyed, and only a few people on their side were slightly injured, only the descendant who was shot in the leg. The injury is slightly more serious, but it is estimated that he will not die. After a good rest, he can still be alive.

Although there were some unsatisfactory chaos, on the whole, the rescue of Erya was quite successful, and at the same time, a lot of property was stolen from the Jiang family.

After getting on the boat, Ma Qiangian took the initiative to find Yu Xiaotian to discuss with him about how to allocate these goods looted from the Jiang family. After this incident, Yu Xiaotian had vaguely become the leader of everyone at this time. Ma Qian also put away his former boss and began to take the initiative to act as Yu Xiao. Heaven's subordinates.

Yu Xiaotian is very satisfied with this attitude of horse face. What he wants is this effect. In the future, he wants to have an absolute voice in this team. Horse face is undoubtedly an obstacle. Now if the horse face does not bow to him, he will have great obstacles in doing many things in the future. Now he and the horse face are not rushing. Suddenness does not mean that there will be no conflict in the future.

But Ma Xiaotian is also a smart person. He knows that they will rely on Yu Xiaotian's boat to make a living in the future, so he takes the initiative to bow to Yu Xiaotian, which makes Yu Xiaotian much easier.

After listening to Ma Wei asked, Yu Xiaotian sat in the stern of the boat, thought about it, and then said to Ma Wei, "Uncle Ma! This is a small matter. Don't be in a hurry! Goods! It's all taken by big guys desperately. Naturally, it will be used on big guys in the future! Now we'd better go back to Dahuangdao first. As for other things, it's not too late to talk about it after we go back to Dahuangdao!"

After listening to this, the horse's face nodded repeatedly and said yes, and greeted everyone to quickly raise the sail and speed up the sail to leave this place of right and wrong.

(It's Monday again. This may be the last two days of this book on the classified new book list. I hope you can help me flush it again. Red ticket, I want red ticket! Let the red ticket come more fiercely! Thank you, brothers! In addition, I especially thank Qingyu's wing friends for their rewards!)