Daming Haiku

Chapter 55 We are called Sea Wolf

After Yu Xiaotian pulled his thoughts back, he glanced at the people present again, coughed and cleared his throat, and said, "Brothers!" When saying these words, Yu Xiaotian was really not used to it, but since he became the helmsman, he had to start a shelf in the future, so he stabilized his mood as much as possible and then began to say:

"Since he is in love with the big guy and is at the helm, then Yu is not talented and has to find a way to take the big guy to seek a good way out. He can't let the big guy live a hard life as before!

After we commit this case, I think the government will definitely not give up, and will definitely find a way to pursue me and wait! So we should be careful during this period!

In addition, the news will definitely spread quickly. According to Uncle Ma, there are also several forces in the surrounding sea. When these people learn the news, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be jealous. They may find a way to eat black and swallow us up!

So today I'm inviting everyone to come here to remind everyone that we don't deliberately have peace of mind when we get here. On the contrary, we need to be more careful! If we have money to make money, we must spend our lives first! If we are not careful, we may not even know how to fail, which is a great injustice!"

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaotian paused for a moment and saw that everyone below gradually cheered up and began to listen to him carefully. Ma Face and others nodded repeatedly after listening, obviously agreeing with Yu Xiaotian's opinion.

So Yu Xiaotian turned around and then said, "Since we have done this business, in business, for the purpose of stealing, we are no longer like before, idle, and do whatever we want!

Although I went to Jiang's house this time, I was credited by someone in the middle of the house, but I also contributed to the concerted efforts of big guys! Otherwise, we won't be able to do anything, and we can't return here safely, eating, drinking, talking and laughing!

But! To be fair, Yu said something rudely, the reason why we succeeded in attacking the Jiang family this time is more luck! The big guy heard it clearly. I'm talking about luck!" Speaking of this, Yu Xiaotian began to aggravate his tone. When everyone heard this, they immediately cheered up and focused their eyes on Yu Xiaotian. Some people also showed a little puzzled.

Yu Xiaotian stood up at this time, paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and then turned to look at the crowd. The expression on his face also became cold, and he slowly glanced at everyone's faces.

After Yu Xiaotian pulled down his face, everyone couldn't help but be a little nervous. When Yu Xiaotian's eyes fell on them, they couldn't help but feel awe.

"Do you think I'm alarmist when I say this? Then you are wrong! And it's a big mistake!

The reason why we were able to attack the Jiang family this time is that in addition to the Jiang family, which has been rarely attacked by pirates in the past two years and has been too lax, in fact, we are lucky!

You can recall that when we sneaked into the yard, if the front yard keepers were shocked a little earlier, can we alone take down the front yard and capture the Jiang family and domestic slaves in one fell swoop?

I want to say, no! Because at that time, many people and others also saw that the other party just rushed out, forcing several of you to get close, and even hurt a brother by him! If we move a little slower and have two more family dins to escape, can we still do it with your ability?

That doesn't count! Yesterday, Uncle Ma asked me why I was unhappy! Now I can tell you that it is because of you that I am very worried!

Because in my eyes, we are just a mob!" When Yu Xiaotian said this, his tone had become very harsh and his face became more serious.

After hearing this, everyone felt a little uncomfortable. In their opinion yesterday, they could take down the Jiang family compound in one fell swoop, rob the Jiang family compound, and kill Jiang Fatty. It should be said that they have become famous in one fell swoop! Even if you look at the pirates around you, those people may not be able to do it better than them.

However, he didn't expect that he was now called a mob by Yu Xiaotian, so several descendants immediately became a little unconvinced and seemed to want to argue.

Yu Xiaotian sneered, looked at several unconvinced descendants, walked to them, stared at them and asked, "What? Unconvinced? Do you think what I said doesn't sound good? Humph!"

The black head happened to be one of them, and his neck said, "Brother Yu said so, I'm really a little unconvinced!" Even if we are lucky, we can beat Jiang Fatty's home in one fell swoop. No matter how bad it is, we can't say that we are a mob! If it were other people, even if they were given twice as many people, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to say that they are more beautiful than us!"

Yu Xiaotian turned around and walked to the blackhead, lowered his head and stared at the blackhead's eyes and said, "Oh? Do you really think so? You don't think we are a mob, that's good! I might as well talk about it today!

First! Before I go, I have waited for you again and again. As long as you do it, you can't tolerate it, but what about you? Without preparation, the other party rushed into the room, but still did not kill all the family, and let a few family and slaves rush out of the room! Who dares not do it?

Second! After the man who used the gun rushed to the hospital, who can take it down? Why did several people surround him and not put him down, but also hurt us alone?

Third! You know that I have said that you should leave as soon as possible! But how many people packed up and were ready to leave according to my instructions?

Fourth, you know that there may be pursuers, but you are still reluctant to give up what you carry. Many people would rather die than let go of their things! The big guy was almost caught up by the officers and soldiers!

Isn't that enough? If you don't have courage, if you don't have time, if you don't listen to orders, you are greedy for money! And you have blackheads! Although you did a good job this time, you didn't care about it before you left. You went back and set a fire without permission. Do you know that it was probably the officers and soldiers who guarded thousands of households nearby with your torch? It hurt almost everyone!

Isn't it possible that we are not a mob?" Yu Xiaotian stared into the black-headed eyes and asked him loudly.

The black-headed neck was stalked, and even his face turned red. He opened his mouth a few times, but he couldn't find a reason to refute what Yu Xiaotian said.

Yu Xiaotian ignored the black head and turned to everyone and said, "Don't think I'm scaring you. You have to understand that since we decided to go to Jiang's house that day, we are no longer the same as before! Before, you could live on fishing and farming, but in the future, you have to rely on the blade in your hand to make a living!

I know what you're thinking. Some of you must think that we will all be pirates in the future. Since we are thieves, it doesn't matter whether they are rotten or not. What about the mob? Why don't you still fool around for a day?

In that case, I advise you to stop doing it now and wash your hands directly to see if you can find a suitable camp to live!

But as long as you stay and do it, I can't let you hang around like this! This life is our own. If we even look down on ourselves, we will never let others look down on us!

If we don't do it, we won't do it, but as long as we do it, even if we are thieves, we will be the best pirates!" Yu Xiaotian's voice became louder and louder. Finally, he even began to wave his arm to emphasize the weight of his words. He is not an orator, but occasionally he has read a few speeches and eloquences. Of course, he knows that there are many politicians in the world who have succeeded by successful speeches, and he has also participated in the study. The competition of Shengkai cadres has accumulated a little experience in speeches. Today, he has completely used all these things to strengthen the effect of speeches with gestures and body language.

Everyone listened to Yu Xiaotian's passionate words and couldn't help but get excited. After Yu Xiaotian said this, Liu Wang echoed loudly: "Brother Yu is right! We just want to do it, just do the best pirates! ......”

At this time, the later generations also began to feel that Yu Xiaotian, the leader, had not chosen the wrong one, and a few words made them feel a little confused. In addition, they also felt that being a pirate was not necessarily a shady thing, so they also agreed.

Yu Xiaotian looked at these descendants with satisfaction and was a little proud. As long as he could speak to their hearts, the next many things would be much easier to do.

So he raised his hand to stop the buzz of the crowd, reached out and took a chopstick, gathered to the crowd and said, "Do you see? This is a chopstick!" After saying that, he handed it to a thin descendant and said to him, "Zhao Tian, see if you can break him!"

Zhao Tian felt a little funny. Although he was small and strong, it was very easy to break the chopsticks, so he immediately broke it with both hands, easily broke the chopsticks into two sections, and threw it on the ground, watching Yu Xiaotian waiting for Yu Xiaotian to speak.

Yu Xiaotian nodded, and then he picked up a pair of chopsticks, turned around and handed them over to the blackhead. He said to the blackhead, "You break this chopsticks!"

The black head felt a little funny. He grabbed the chopsticks with both hands and broke them hard, but the chopsticks did not move at all. He then broke them a few times. Finally, he even used his knees, making his face red and his neck thick, but he couldn't break the chopsticks, so he could only shake his head and said, "No! There are too many chopsticks, and I can't break them!" And staring at Yu Xiaotian, he felt that Yu Xiaotian was a little full to let him do this.

Yu Xiaotian nodded and continued, "You have also seen that even Zhao Tian can easily break it, but this chopstick, even if it is given to a black head, there is no way to break it. Why do you think? Just because I use these chopsticks to compare with people, chopsticks are like a person. One person's strength is limited, but if a group of people twist it into a rope, the power will be amazing!

Big guys also know that it is not easy to make a living at sea. Big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp! What is the standard law of the jungle? Now we are just about 20 people, one small and two broken boats. At best, in the eyes of others, we are just shrimp! If you are not careful, you will be swallowed!

So I use this as an example today. The first thing I want to tell you is that we are a family from now on. We must trust each other, have less suspicion, less disputes, and work hard to do something! In short, there are two words, unity!

Only when the big guys are twisted into a rope and united together can we protect ourselves and continue to grow so that we won't be swallowed! Even if we are a shrimp, we should be a shrimp covered with thorns and poison! Let others not dare to talk to us!" Yu Xiaotian's voice became louder and louder, and finally he almost roared, and his voice echoed throughout the beach.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be excited and shouted loudly. It seemed that they were full of strength for a moment and couldn't wait to go out to do something immediately. Even the old guys such as Liu Laoliu and Mafai couldn't help but be a little excited after listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, as if Back to their youth, their faces turned red.

"Good! Well said! This is reasonable! I didn't expect that our steering wheel could know so many things! OK!" Meng madman stared at Yu Xiaotian. His nose was congested and looked red. He vigorously patted Li Gouzi's back beside him and said as he patted him. He only flashed Li Gouzi to one side and quickly pulled the excited Meng madman.

Even the horse face smiled at this time and said to Liu Laoliu, "You said Lao Liu, we are all old enough to live. We all know this, but why can't we say such a thing? Our steering wheel is looking for the right person! What will you worry about in the future with him?

Liu Laoliu twisted the goatee on his chin with a proud face. Looking at Yu Xiaotian's smiling face, the wrinkles were deeper. His father-in-law looked at his son-in-law. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He knew that Yu Xiaotian was actually eloquence, but he didn't expect Yu Xiaotian to be so eloquable. He thought in his heart that Yu Xiaotian With this ability, who will not obedly listen to his orders in the future? This is a joy in my heart.

Yu Xiaotian slowly paced under a pine tree outside the circle, turned around and stopped the buzz of the crowd again, and then continued to say, "In short, I want my brothers to know today. Let's not flatten ourselves. What can we do as a thief? If you look down on yourself, you will never want others to look down on us!

This life is your own. This dangerous guy on the sea knows that if you want to live long, you have to have a solid hand. Otherwise, you can't do anything!

If there are no rules, it won't be square. Today, I will set a few rules. The first one is that if there is nothing special in the future, you still don't sleep in this lazy! If you want to have some solid work at hand, you can't sleep. Big guys will practice together from tomorrow morning! You can choose knives, guns and sticks, but you have to practice your skills to save your life!

You can no longer meet that family member the day before yesterday. As soon as they shake their hands, you can only escape!

The second rule is that if you want to ban everything you do in the future, it's not that I want to make it big, but that you don't have this rule. Big guys are just a mess of sand. Whoever wants to do anything, then you can't do anything! If anyone violates this rule again, don't blame me for not being a brother enough. If you still commit it, don't blame me for being ruthless!

The third rule, in fact, Uncle Ma and Uncle Six have also said yesterday. In the future, when we go out to work, it is the minimum to listen to orders together. If anyone shrinks back because he is afraid of death, it is no different from betraying his brothers. For this kind of person, we can't tolerate it here! I know him, but I don't know him!"

Before Yu Xiaotian's words fell, he drew out his waist knife like lightning. With a flash of the knife, a thick-armed pine tree next to him immediately clicked and was cut off by his waist. The crown fell to the ground with a crash, raising a piece of dust. Everyone suddenly felt awe-in heart and quickly agreed loudly.

Liu Laoliu looked at the majestic Yu Xiaotian and was secretly proud of himself. He thought that he could meet Yu Xiaotian in his life, which was also regarded as the accumulation of virtue in his previous life. After thinking about it, he said to Xiaotian, "Big boss, everyone remember what you said! But since we are going to do this business on this sea in the future, we must always have a reputation! But I don't know if the big master has figured out what name we will have in the future?

Yu Xiaotian took a look at Liu Laoliu and replied loudly without thinking, "This is easy to say! From now on, we will call it Sea Wolf..."

(It's almost the Spring Festival, and I have something to do every day. I really can't sit down! Let's update it today! Sorry! Brothers, don't scold the cold wind for being too lazy! Ha ha! Red ticket!)