Daming Haiku

Chapter 84 Complex Environment

Although this trip to Dalian Island did not fully achieve his goal and got everything they wanted, Xiaotian was still quite satisfied with the result of the trip. He also knew that there was nothing so cheap in the world and everything he wanted, but the performance of Li Yi, the shopkeeper of the Li family, made him treat this Li It is advisable to have a preliminary understanding and confidence.

Li Yi is not as simple as he seems. This is what Yu Xiaotian feels after a banquet. Although he doesn't know how big Li Yi's business is, he doesn't all believe what Li Yi said.

The two things, saltpeter and sulfur, are not easily available to ordinary people. Although Li Yi shirked, he still promised to get them some saltpeter sulfur. It can be seen that this person's way is actually very wide, but now that the two sides are just beginning to deal with each other, Li Yi secretly left a hand.

As for the bird gun he wanted, the musket and the original musket in the hands of the Portuguese, Spaniards or the Dutch, as well as the iron cannons, in fact, he has no hope at present, and the Li family can get it for him immediately.

He still understands that the rice should be eaten one bite at a time. In fact, it is normal for both sides to keep one hand. After all, he has also reserved a hand for Li Yi at present.

The last time they robbed the Zhao family's boat in Fuzhou at sea, in fact, they got a few stones of sulfur and saltpeter on the ship. In addition, from the carpenter who brought back, he also learned that the Zhao family's boat was actually a business on the Japanese line. They traded with the Japanese from the Ryukyu area and traded porcelain, silk and paper. Zhang, tea and other things were sold to Japanese merchants, and then received raw silk, copper, sulfur and other things from Japanese merchants, and returned to Fujian to buy and sell. At the same time, they could also get a lot of silver.

So Yu Xiaotian and others robbed the Zhao family's ship last time. The biggest harvest was not silver, but the sulfur and part of the saltpeter on the ship. In addition, there were some copper blocks, which was very important for them. They did not sell it to the Li family at all, but collected them on Treasure Island.

He now has sulfur and saltpeter on hand, but he still adds these two things to the list. In fact, it is to test the Li family. Although Li Yi shirked it at the beginning, he later agreed to raise some sulfur saltpetre for them, which shows that the Li family actually has a long way to go secretly. Otherwise, they would not have promised to supply them in ten days.

Therefore, Xiaotian and Li Yi are both generous on the surface, but in fact, they secretly left their own hands.

However, through this trip to Dalian Island, Yu Xiaotian's communication with Li and Li Yi also heard a lot of useful news, especially for the situation of their peers in Funingzhou and the coastal areas of Fuzhou, Li Yi and Li did not hide it. They both said a lot about them about Xiaotian and let Yu Xiao God has more or less a foundation for the various forces on the sea in this area.

Because the Li family is also engaged in maritime business, they have to deal with the three-class people, so they are more familiar with the situation at sea than Liu Laoliu.

Through what they said, Yu Xiaotian knew that at present, there are only 20 or 30 groups of pirate forces operating along the coast of Fuzhou and Funing Prefecture. There are few forces like them, about 30 or 40 people, and the ships also range from one to two, slightly larger gangs, and the personnel are There are about 100 people, and the number of ships is about three to five. One of the largest group of forces is Chen Jiu, the mixed river dragon they knew before in Funing Prefecture, with more than 300 people and the number of ships reaching seven or eight. The other group is Zhang Hu, who has a nickname shark, who is active along the coast of Fuzhou, with nearly 400 people. There are more than ten ships.

And the two groups of mixed Jianglong Chen Jiu and Shark Zhang Hu are incompatible. The two groups of forces take Huangqi Bay as the boundary, each controlling a sea area and become their exclusive ten-mile area. In the past two years, there have been many conflicts between the two groups.

Now the Treasure Island where Yu Xiaotian and they are located is actually within Zhang Hu's sphere of influence. Many times they will be restricted by Zhang Hu. When they meet Zhang Hu and his ships, Li Yi specially told them to avoid one or two and not to conflict with them, otherwise with their current strength. , it is difficult to get along in this area.

In this way, Yu Xiaotian and others basically figured out their current situation and couldn't help but make Yu Xiaotian a little upset. It turned out that he thought that being a pirate in the sea should be an empty business, but he didn't expect that the power on the sea was so complicated, not as free as he originally thought.

This makes them have to be more careful in the future, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to get along in this area.

But Yu Xiaotian is not the kind of person who retreats. At present, he must have no way back with this ticket. Although they have not shocked the whole Fujian, they are on a big case. It is definitely not possible to find a good people honestly, so now he can only harden his head. Pi, take these men down this road and expand their strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, small shrimps like them may be swallowed by big fish if they are not careful.

It seems that the four words of the rivers and lakes are really not covered. Now he knows that no matter what he does, big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp, and their current standard is a small shrimp on the sea!

After returning to Treasure Island, a bag of grain was unloaded to the island. Coupled with the grain that Li Yi sent to Zhao Mazi before, their ration problem was finally solved. In a short time, even if they were allowed to open their bellies and eat casually, it was enough for them to eat for two or three months.

Although the risk of doing this industry is not small, these people still feel very satisfied when they hold a large bowl full of white rice. They finally don't have to eat brown rice mixed with shredded potatoes and a little bit of pickles every day, but they can open their bellies to eat white rice. This alone makes many people I think it's worth it even if they take some risks.

For these poor and afraid people, their desires are very easy to satisfy. Although Yu Xiaotian did not give them much money, they don't have much opinion about it, because even now Yu Xiaotian gives them some money, and they have no place to spend it on this small gold and silver island. What's more, Yu Xiaotian did not hide it from them, made public the amount of property they had acquired recently, and also informed the public about the environment they were in.

Yu Xiaotian told these people that he is not stingy in splitting the silver. The most important thing now is to develop their strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, no matter how much money everyone has, they can't keep the money. Sooner or later, they will still be cheap to others. After Yu Xiaotian's words, everyone had nothing to say.

But after returning to Treasure Island, Yu Xiaotian still sent a red envelope to everyone, which contained a varying amount of broken silver, which was regarded as the salary for these people.

Yu Xiaotian has made up his mind from the beginning to implement the salary system and carry out corporate management under his hands in the future, which can lay the foundation for his expansion of his power in advance.

In his view, pirates and starting a company are almost the same nature. They all need a perfect organizational structure and formulate a corresponding system to ensure that the organization can operate in accordance with the system without too much trouble. At this point, their importance is even more important than weapons. They have to do it first. Good at this point can be accelerated step by step in the future, otherwise, it may lead to internal chaos in the future.

For the salary system proposed by Yu Xiaotian, Liu Laoliu, Ma Face and others feel very fresh. In their opinion, they are just a group of pirates. They have food for everyone to eat, drink, money for everyone to spend, and women to play with. For many years, those who have done this in their industry have been doing so, and Yu Xiao It's really new that God proposed to feed everyone.

So everyone, including Liu Laoliu, didn't think so at the beginning. They thought it was too troublesome to do so. It's better not to be more sharp. However, Yu Xiaotian still insisted on his opinion and took time to tell the benefits of doing so to Maface and others in detail. They didn't listen to it. I know what the organizational structure is, but I can understand that Yu Xiaotian did this for their future, and it makes sense to think about it.

Yu Xiaotian told them that they can't always have 20 or 30 people in the future. Now it's easy to do. Rich people spend it, but what if there will be more people in the future? You can't do this, so it's better to pay people without dividing the money, and Yu Xiaotian said that this salary is only the most basic. In terms of the basic salary, it will also give additional rewards and rewards according to their division of labor and contribution and merit. It is far more than the basic salary, which can ensure that everyone can get a reasonable income.

After listening to this, everyone felt that Yu Xiaotian said this well. It is impossible for them to rush to the front in this industry. Some people want to stay at home, some people want to steer on the boat, and some people want to copy the guy to play with their lives. If the big guys take the same money, the soldiers who are responsible for fighting will definitely be unhappy, so Yu Xiaotian's method of adding rewards to the basic salary was good, so they all agreed.

After getting the red envelope, these people became happy. At least they did this and finally got the money. Although they didn't get much money, it was the first time they got the money, so everyone was still quite happy and carefully collected them one by one.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not put away all the remaining money, but took out 300 taels of silver and gave it to Liu Laoliu, because after Yu Xiaotian promised to sell the goods on the Liu family's ship, he would take out part of it to the families of the dead boatmen on the Liu family. Although the situation has changed now, Yu Xiaotian did not forget this matter, but still followed the original promise and allocated the money separately as a consolation for those people.

Everyone has nothing to say about this, but feels that Yu Xiaotian's words are trustworthy.

Liu Laoliu thanked Yu Xiaotian. After thinking about it, he collected the money. At present, it is no longer convenient for them to go to the land to send money to these people. They can only think of other ways. In short, they have to give the money to the families of the boatmen.

(Special thanks to the taste of reading friends for giving a rich and noble red envelope in the Year of the Snake! Thank you for the cold wind!)