Daming Haiku

Chapter 89 Dongping Village, Aojiangkou

The next day, the goods provided by the Li family for Yu Xiaotian were all loaded on the ship. Yu Xiaotian also returned to the ship with the goods. Before the light of the sky, they set sailed again and left Dalian Island.

Looking at the white fish belly gradually emerging in the sky, and the sea breeze blowing the black scarf on Yu Xiaotian's head, Zhao Mazi walked to Yu Xiaotian's back and coughed softly and said, "The head of the family, Lao Liu asked me to come and ask whether we are going back to Treasure Island or somewhere else now!"

Yu Xiaotian took advantage of the time before dawn and stood in the bow enjoying the fresh sea breeze. He was standing in the bow of the boat thinking about things secretly. When he heard Zhao Mazi's words, he turned around and walked to the stern and said to Liu Laoliu, who was teaching Liu Wang to steer: "Let's go north and go to the mouth of the Aojiang River!"

Zhao Mazi and Liu Laoliu were shocked and quickly asked, "Go to Aojiangkou?"

"Yes! Just go to the mouth of the Aojiang River!" Yu Xiaotian nodded and replied affirmatively.

"Big head, didn't you drink too much last night? How can we go to the mouth of the Aojiang River? If you want to know where there are officers and soldiers, and there are water villages, aren't we going to ask for trouble? Zhao Mazi was anxious when he heard it and said quickly.

Liu Laoliu also frowned. Although he did not say anything against it, he also showed an incomprehensible look.

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "Do you think I've drunk too much?" Not bad! There are indeed officers and soldiers stationed in the mouth of the Aojiang River, but we still have to go somewhere!"

Zhao Mazi didn't understand. He frowned and asked in a low voice, "Why did the big boss suddenly think of going to the mouth of the Aojiang River?" It's not something to do!"

Yu Xiaotian sat in the stern with two people and whispered to them, "Last night, you two went down to rest early, and stewor Li and I chatted in the hall for a while!

stewer Li told me that there was a Dongping village in the north of the mouth of the Aojiang River. Recently, the Yamen of Lianjiang County arrested a group of people who looted grain in the county and sent them to Dongping Village to build roads! In addition, there are several blacksmith shops in Dongping Village, which are quite famous in the Lianjiang area. At present, I have thought about it carefully. We are too short of manpower. We can't do many big things by relying on our manpower alone! So I'm going to Dongping Village to recruit some people back!

This matter can't be delayed any longer! So take advantage of this opportunity to come to practice on the island and simply do this matter by the way!"

Hearing Yu Xiaotian say that the two of them had rested early last night, Zhao Mazi and Liu Laoliu's old faces blushed. After the two old guys were full of wine and food last night, they saw Yu Xiaotian talking happily with Li's steward, so they ran to bed on the pretext of invincible drinking power, saying that they were actually going to bed, but in fact they were running for there. The two stew manager Li arranged to accompany their women. If it hadn't been for Yu Xiaotian's call in the morning, they would have been reluctant to get up at all. Up to now, both of them have yawned for a long time. It was clear that they didn't sleep well last night, so the two old guys were a little ashamed of this.

"But I heard that there is a Fuzhou officer and army village in the mouth of the Aojiang River, and there are still officers and soldiers stationed in Dinghai City. Where can we go? What if I encounter a patrol ship in the government? Liu Laoliu finally couldn't help asking at this time.

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "You don't have to worry about this. Let's go to the mouth of the Aojiang River this time, go there after dark, and leave before dawn! Manager Li said that the government's patrol boat will not come out at night, and there are only two or three boats in the Aojiangkou Village. Although Dinghai City is a thousand households responsible for guarding the mouth of the Aojiang River, there are less than 200 officers and soldiers at present. They can protect themselves, but these people have no courage to go out of the city to chase us overnight!

So don't worry. The Li family has often carried goods at the mouth of the Aojiang River in recent years and is very familiar with the situation. Although the Li family said that they would not help us, they did not hide anything from me in this regard!

I think Manager Li told me these things. They just want to see if we have the courage to go. If we dare not go, they will be despised! So it's worth taking a risk this time! You can't let the Li family look down on us!"

After listening to this, Liu Laoliu thought for a moment and nodded: "That's true. If we go dark and leave before dawn, the government can't help us! Where have I been? I'm still clear about the situation on the surface of the water, but it's okay to be careful!"

As soon as Zhao Mazi heard it, although he was still a little worried, he couldn't say anything more, so he woke up the Meng madman who was still snoring and told Yu Xiaotian's decision to Meng madman.

Meng madman became energetic as soon as he heard it. This old man was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. He was bold and reckless. As soon as he heard that he was going to the mouth of the Aojiang River, he became happy. He smiled and agreed repeatedly, as if he was afraid that Xiaotian would change his mind again.

After dawn, the ship turned north and took advantage of the wind. Even if they met some merchant ships or fishing boats along the way, they did not rob, let alone raise their sea wolf flag, but disguised as a merchant ship and drove towards the mouth of the Aojiang River in a big way.

There was a small episode on the way. They accidentally ran into a small pirate ship. The pirates used a single-favored fishing boat, with only a dozen people in total. After seeing Yu Xiaotian's boat, they immediately posted it, as if they wanted to be unfavorable to Xiaotian's boat.

But when they saw the people on Yu Xiaotian's boat, they immediately turned the bow of the boat and fled. If it hadn't been for their boat a little faster, Yu Xiaotian would have almost ordered them to kill them.

As a result, everyone on the boat looked at the awkward boat and couldn't help laughing. The aggrieved feeling of being bullied by Zhang Hu's men before suddenly dissipated.

This can't help sighing that this is the law of survival on the sea. In a world where the strong are kings and big fish eat small fish, there is no need to talk about anything without strength. Only people with boats and guys in their hands can walk sideways! This strengthened his determination to go to Dongping Village this time.

Because it was a downwind, and they almost walked in a straight line and went straight to the mouth of the Aojiang River without making any stops along the way, so they walked very fast. After noon, they drove across the mouth of the Minjiang River. Before dark, they basically reached the sea at the mouth of the Aojiang River. A small number of fishing boats can be seen far away. Sails were rising and collecting the net on the sea, and Yu Xiaotian ordered half of the sail to be lowered, slowing down the speed of the ship.

Their appearance did not attract the excessive attention of several fishing boats on the sea. After seeing that they had no malice, these fishing boats continued to be busy with them. After collecting the nets, before dark, a few fishing boats on the sea began to sail towards the shore.

"Where is Dongping Village, Uncle Six, do you know?" Yu Xiaotian looked at the gradually falling sun and asked Liu Laoliu.

After carefully looking at the north shore, Liu Laoliu shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but didn't you say that today? Is Dongping Village about five miles west of Dinghai City? Of course, I know Dinghai City. As long as you look at the lights on the wall of Dinghai City at night and walk west along the coast, you can find Dongping Village!"

Yu Xiaotian was relieved. Today, he is going to come to Dongping Village. What he is most worried about is not that he will not be able to do anything, but that he will not find a place after night. In addition, after all, Dongping Village is too close to Dinghai to guard Qianhu's city. It is impossible to say that he is not worried at all.

Although he often learned to see the celestial phenomena with Liu Laoliu during this period, he can't learn this industry in a while. At most, he can roughly distinguish the southeast and northwest at night. As for finding the channel at night to ensure that the ship will not yawn, he has not learned this ability, or said, at the moment The most indispensable thing for him is Liu Laoliu, an old sea wolf. Such a treasure is the foundation of his activities at sea.

After the sky gradually darkened, Yu Xiaotian ordered the rise of the sail again and ordered the lanterns not to be raised on the ship, so that they would not be found at afar. Then they relied on Liu Laoliu to watch the sky at night to grasp the direction of the voyage.

Liu Laoliu squinted on the boat for a while during the day. At this time, he was much better and energetic. He directed the people on the ship to adjust the sails and slowly sail towards the north bank of the Aojiang River.

Gradually, in the night, everyone saw a point on the coast from afar, and there was a silky light. After getting closer, they could see a row of lanterns formed into a line, and it was determined that it was Dinghai City.

Dinghai City was actually not called Dinghai City before, but was called the Thousand Households of Tingjiao Guard. It was one of the five-two thousand households set up in Fujian during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. It was an important place officially located outside the mouth of the Aojiang River to defend Fuzhou. In the early years, it was the main place to defend against Japanese infestation. Officers and soldiers are stationed every year, and it is said that there are more than 2,000 officers and soldiers stationed here at most.

But by this time, the Japanese disease is gradually no longer a threat to the Ming Dynasty, and the number of officers and soldiers stationed here is getting smaller and smaller, so that there are only more than 200 people left now.

If this is not the case, even if Yu Xiaotian is boldly wrapped up, he would not dare to bring more than 20 people here to look for trouble.

The reason why he dares to come is that he is eager to expand his strength, and the other is that the Li family told him the details of this area. Although there are officers and soldiers stationed in Dinghai City, the southern army has been depleted over the years. Qi's army, the most capable army in the early years, has been transferred to Liaodong. Other officers and soldiers, especially officers and soldiers from military households, have been completely If it rotted at home, otherwise, the famous 53 Japanese pirates in history would not have stormed more than a thousand miles in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, looted more than 20 prefectures and counties, and went straight to Nanjing.

Now he asks himself that his more than 20 people must not be as powerful as the more than 50 Japanese pirates at that time, but he also believes that the officers and soldiers in Fujian are not much better at this time, otherwise he would not dare to easily take risks and bring people here to work.

After Dinghai City as their beacon, it was much easier to find Dongping Village. Liu Laoliu sailed all the way west along the coast. After half an hour of careful sailing, he left Dinghai City behind and gradually approached the coast.

(From today, two updates will be resumed, basically ensuring an update of 6,000 to 7,000 words! There is a lot of pressure! Ha ha! I hope the brothers can stand up with red tickets and don't make me too ugly! Thank you, brothers! In addition, I would like to thank the reward of the iron-handed love brother. The reward is not good recently. It seems that I have to work hard!)